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Opinions on the new Project animation?


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I cant be troubled with people that cant be troubled with reasons, facts, and dev posts...


GOOD JOB!!! Its better now than before...Ill take no delay junk over delayed junk...but the junk needs to go.




Even with the new animation, there's still a delay. It's shorter but its there. The solution they came up with was apparently 'fixing' Shock by breaking Project.

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Putting my opinion in here.


The new animation is awful. I remember when I first played a consular and used project for the first time. It felt Mighty! You use the force and shove a huge chunk of debris or rock at your opponent. It felt awesome, it looked awesome and it sounded awesome. Despite the disadvantage of having a flight time, unlike shock, project is the reason I prefer Jedi Consulars over Sith Inquisitors.


This new animation, however, is worse than shock, which is an incredibly lame animation in comparison to the old project. I can't believe what a new player must think when they use it. They'll hear something but I doubt they'll see it. I bet a lot of new players won't even know that there is an animation other than what's displayed during the impact, that's how fast the objects now fly.


I want the old animation of project back. It was the most satisfying ability in the game (especailly coupled with the Upheaval proc). To me, it was the very icon of the jedi consular class, and no doubt bioware thought so as well since project became consular's legacy ability. This new animation is a disgrace.


There, I've said my piece!

Edited by Majspuffen
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Putting my opinion in here.


The new animation is awful. I remember when I first played a consular and used project for the first time. It felt Mighty! You use the force and shove a huge chunk of debris or rock at your opponent. It felt awesome, it looked awesome and it sounded awesome. Despite the disadvantage of having a flight time, unlike shock, project is the reason I prefer Jedi Consulars over Sith Inquisitors.


This new animation, however, is worse than shock, which is an incredibly lame animation in comparison to the old project. I can't believe what a new player must think when they use it. They'll hear something but I doubt they'll see it. I bet a lot of new players won't even know that there is an animation other than what's displayed during the impact, that's how fast the objects now fly.


I want the old animation of project back. It was the most satisfying ability in the game (especailly coupled with the Upheaval proc). To me, it was the very icon of the jedi consular class, and no doubt bioware thought so as well since project became consular's legacy ability. This new animation is a disgrace.


There, I've said my piece!

I completely agree. Project used to be the one offensive ability for the Consular that looked by far better than the equivalent Sorcerer ability - in fact it looked amazing, you could really feel the power (plus it was fun to guess what item you'd pull out of the ground at any given time). The new animation is absolutely terrible.

Honestly it makes me want to chuck the skill off my quickbar :mad:

Bring back the old animation and let the PvP-whiners eat their hearts out if they can't deal with it.

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I don't mind about lore. The movie are set 4K years in the future, and anakin is not really a jedi, since he only met yoda (for training) and never set foot in any jedi enclave (mostly because they were destroyed). While vader/anakin was a jedi for a long time, and I suppose he still use some jedi skills, even as a sith. Also, luke is trained to use telekinesis on stuff (his ship, rock, yoda....). From telekinesis to project, it's a little step to do.

While Revan in KOTOR, was Revan. He wasn't jedi, and he wasn't sith. Doesn't mean anything.

Since I've never been into the extended universe, maybe I miss something important, but that's my opinion.

Also, it's 4000years in the future. Time change.


Anyway, I always though project was fine, but pebblestorm is stupid. You can't really expect to kill someone with pebbles, or it's a long and painful agony. Something completely non-jedi.

Honestly, if they remove completely project for another force storm (there is already plenty of them), we'll loose something IMO.


I keep thinking they should have kept project the way it was, and makes dmg instant. Desync, yes, but I don't see any problem.


If you dont see a problem, you simply arent looking. From telekinesis to choke, it is also a very small step. We saw Luke choke in RotJ, but we never saw him throw a rock (with the force). Telekinesis covers everything from saber throw, to choke, to rend, to junk tossing. Also, you cant have the game show the player something that is so divorced from what is actually happening. If the DAMAGE TICKED BEFORE THE JUNK HIT, as I see a few people asking for, then you would fall over dead, then have a rock hit your corpse a second later. Or you would pop a defensive CD before the rock hit and it would be meaningless. Or the npc mob you were fighting would drop dead magically before the rock even headed his way. Dont you see how REMARKABLY stupid that is??? The whole animation is stupid, though, so in a way it would fit.


The more important question is WHY dont you mind the lore? Also, the 3 or 4K argument is worthless, since we have TWO games, kotor 1 and 2, set a few hundred years further back than this mmo. They had a ton of jedi/sith skills in them. Please be so kind as to point out the rocks, junk, or pebble skills for jedi in either one of them.


Funny thing, just like IN THE MOVIES, JEDI DONT THROW A SINGLE ROCK, PEBBLE, OR PIECE OF JUNK in them OR the movies. See how well they sync up? Its this game that is crap. Why? BECAUSE they made the sith first and THEN reskinned them for jedi. Jedi and sith in this game do the EXACT same thing, and they didnt put in the proper time to work on the animations to AT LEAST give the jedi class a jedi feel instead of sith feel. Sith chunk junk more than they shoot lightning, and yet junk chunking defines jedi cons in this game. IT IS UNACCEPTABLE.


Putting my opinion in here.


The new animation is awful. I remember when I first played a consular and used project for the first time. It felt Mighty! You use the force and shove a huge chunk of debris or rock at your opponent. It felt awesome, it looked awesome and it sounded awesome. Despite the disadvantage of having a flight time, unlike shock, project is the reason I prefer Jedi Consulars over Sith Inquisitors.


This new animation, however, is worse than shock, which is an incredibly lame animation in comparison to the old project. I can't believe what a new player must think when they use it. They'll hear something but I doubt they'll see it. I bet a lot of new players won't even know that there is an animation other than what's displayed during the impact, that's how fast the objects now fly.


I want the old animation of project back. It was the most satisfying ability in the game (especailly coupled with the Upheaval proc). To me, it was the very icon of the jedi consular class, and no doubt bioware thought so as well since project became consular's legacy ability. This new animation is a disgrace.


There, I've said my piece!


Yes, as the icon of the jedi class in this game it flies in the face of 6 movies, a ton of official games, and common sense. That is the problem.


For consulars and shadows, there isnt much of a change because of their 10m range limitation. For sages, with 30m, there is more of a difference, but there is also a bigger time lag reduction. Also, if you are looking for jedi feel, junk chunking isnt it. No jedi threw a rock at someone in 6 movies. Luke used choke about as much as ANY jedi initiated throwing ANYTHING at ANYONE in 6 movies. That is IF you count Anakin as a jedi. So junk chunking is about as much jedi as choking is. Whereas SITH used it all the time, more than any other ranged attack. And btw, shock is awesome, and always has been. It makes PERFECT sense and is part of the progression to full on lightning. Remember, these are LEVEL 1 abilities.


Even with the new animation, there's still a delay. It's shorter but its there. The solution they came up with was apparently 'fixing' Shock by breaking Project.


Hard to notice that on a Shadow, but I have seen reports of this. Perhaps I should say faster junk is better than slower junk? Or less delay is better than more delay? My point remains. The junk is ridiculous and has to get trashed.


As a side note, I predicted this would happen in a thread while we were waiting to see the new animation. Instead of taking the community suggestions or feedback to get rid of junk and give us something that jedi actually used more than sith did, I figured they would find some way to speed up the junk. half-arsed, and make no one happy. The bursters that liked the delay hate it. The people that dont want junk hate it. The people that cant tell jedi from sith or seem to remember anything about the 6 star wars movies hate it. We are paying the price for BW's lack of vision...lol.

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Yes, as the icon of the jedi class in this game it flies in the face of 6 movies, a ton of official games, and common sense. That is the problem.


For consulars and shadows, there isnt much of a change because of their 10m range limitation. For sages, with 30m, there is more of a difference, but there is also a bigger time lag reduction. Also, if you are looking for jedi feel, junk chunking isnt it. No jedi threw a rock at someone in 6 movies. Luke used choke about as much as ANY jedi initiated throwing ANYTHING at ANYONE in 6 movies. That is IF you count Anakin as a jedi. So junk chunking is about as much jedi as choking is. Whereas SITH used it all the time, more than any other ranged attack. And btw, shock is awesome, and always has been. It makes PERFECT sense and is part of the progression to full on lightning. Remember, these are LEVEL 1 abilities.


Opinions vary. I for one think that shock looks lame. It's a buzz of lightning, even WoW makes animations that looks better than that. As for project, it's a very iconic jedi ability I'd say. Yoda uses the force to drag Luke's X-wing out of the swamp. Vader uses the force to throw a various amount of objects at Luke in episode 5. It makes perfect sense in the star wars universe and Project did a great job portraying that aspect of the force.

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Opinions vary. I for one think that shock looks lame. It's a buzz of lightning, even WoW makes animations that looks better than that. As for project, it's a very iconic jedi ability I'd say. Yoda uses the force to drag Luke's X-wing out of the swamp. Vader uses the force to throw a various amount of objects at Luke in episode 5. It makes perfect sense in the star wars universe and Project did a great job portraying that aspect of the force.


Yes, truly. Opinions vary, but you can always ask people about their opinions and sometimes they will re-think them. Vader is Sith. And he first made throwing junk a signature darkside move. In the very first jedi knight game, throwing junk was labeled a darkside skill, specifically. In ESB, we just saw yoda teach luke telekinesis for control and peace/meditation. Then we immediately see Vader and the darkside perversion of that teaching into an aggressive attack. It was VERY clear cut. No where in all the jedi training on screen is a jedi taught to throw something at a person. Yes Yoda lifted the Xwing. It took a long time and he didnt use it as a weapon. That is really the point. Telekinesis is a HUGE umbrella that contains many skills. Choke. Rend. Junk Chunking. Force push. Saber throw. Simply moving objects. But throwing things at people is a VERY specific application.


As far as project...its TERRIBLE as an animation. You "magically" pull up something from the ground. And half the time, it is something that COULD NOT be in the specific ground you are at...rocks out of spaceships, etc. And on other players screens, they see different junk come up than you do...each client rolls on the random junk table separately. So when you think you are throwing a rock, the other player sees droid scrap. Again, 15 years ago, in the FIRST jedi knight game, it was done better, because you actually targeted and threw things ALREADY IN THE ENVIRONMENT. And of course it was a darkside skill. Now, they cant do that in this game, but that doesnt mean they get to cheat either. You go with something else, like a Force Burst or whatever, like they did with companions.


The project animation is crap, and always has been. Its ridiculous. It cheats. Its slow. It is more of a sith move than a jedi move.

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Well, as a recent resubber, all i'll say is that, the moment i found this out, i cancelled my active subscription. We'll see what the next 25 days hold regarding this and a few other problems.


Though more specifically to the issue at hand - the animation is terrible. It probably does look good for Shadow's because once you get within a certain range on sages, it does look reminiscent of the old animation, but its still not the same. At greater distances, the animation makes no sense whatsoever.


- Why would you choose to use the force to manipulate an object further away from you, where you have less control over it, than debris right next to you, where you can focus right on it (talking in relation to adhering to the general lore of 'force powers' and such, hopefully you get what i mean).


-How does the rock build momentum when your controlling it from that distance


-It looks terrible (the quality of the animation itself looks sub par/rushed)


-A personal reason: it was my, and many others number one favourite ability on sages, and now its been ruined thanks to your so called 'fix'.


-Bioware keeps 'fixing' things that aren't broken. I'm wondering if there's a laundry list somewhere of other performance optimisation options for the maitenance team to take, that don't involve messing with animations many of us have become accustom to since beta/early access & launch.


-Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiix this plllllllllllllease.

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The project animation is crap, and always has been. Its ridiculous. It cheats. Its slow. It is more of a sith move than a jedi move.


The way I see it project is a reversed push. Push might be a signature light side move, but to fill the slot of a single target damage ability you can't have something which would push the opponent, it would be a CC ability instead. So instead of pushing people into things we push things into them. It's a compromise.


The alternative would be a saber throw or something similar to disturbance, which is really project with a different animation.


I don't pvp on my consular (yet), so I have had no issues with project, until now that is, the new animation is awful , and using project now doesn't really feel like using an ability at all.

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I'm certainly not a fan of this new animation. The old one was awesomeness incarnate. There was nothing better than picking up some astromech and hurling it into someone's face meters away. I really don't see why we couldn't have, as many here have suggested, the old project animation where the damage hits instantly or put a slight delay on the inquisitor's shock. The whole recruiting drive for this game originally was feeling heroic and the old project captured that feeling perfectly, with this new animation I have a hard time knowing I did anything.


And Dyvim, I personally feel that you've got your priorities mixed up. Rather than being here complaining about project and the fact that Yoda didn't chuck an X-wing at anyone, shouldn't you be on another thread discussing the fact that nowhere in the movies do we see any evidence of Jedi effecting plate tectonics or even healing? Seriously, now that I think about it have we ever actually seen a Jedi heal anyone?

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I'm certainly not a fan of this new animation. The old one was awesomeness incarnate. There was nothing better than picking up some astromech and hurling it into someone's face meters away. I really don't see why we couldn't have, as many here have suggested, the old project animation where the damage hits instantly or put a slight delay on the inquisitor's shock. The whole recruiting drive for this game originally was feeling heroic and the old project captured that feeling perfectly, with this new animation I have a hard time knowing I did anything.


And Dyvim, I personally feel that you've got your priorities mixed up. Rather than being here complaining about project and the fact that Yoda didn't chuck an X-wing at anyone, shouldn't you be on another thread discussing the fact that nowhere in the movies do we see any evidence of Jedi effecting plate tectonics or even healing? Seriously, now that I think about it have we ever actually seen a Jedi heal anyone?


So instead of trying to debate the facts I lay out, you try to divert and change the subject? This thread is about the PROJECT ANIMATION. My posts are all dead on topic. I'm not a fan of the new animation either. But it is slightly better than the old one. The problem is not that it changed, the problem is that it was not changed ENOUGH.


The reason you cant have the damage tick before the junk hits is obvious for anyone that spends a SECOND thinking about how stupid that would look, as I have explained earlier in this thread. BW spent alot of time trying to make the combat cinematic and more responsive. Dropping dead, then having a rock hit your corpse a second later does NOT fit with those concepts. Please explain how it does. Or dont bother and just admit it wont work and would look remarkably silly.


As far as screwing with shock, shock wasnt the problem, never has been. The server side delay of Project was. Project was borked compared to the other skills. This is NOT debatable - its STRAIGHT from BW. Again, read Peckenpaugh's dev post. Im not going to bother to paste it again. Figure it out. In addition, the idea of delaying skills goes against the "more responsive" goal mentioned above as well. Its the equivalent of trying to make your game more laggy, and that is just beyond stupid for obvious reasons.


Lightside healing has been around forever in official games...darkside...not so much. As far as in the movies...hard to say...certainly obi wan used the force to diagnose and perhaps heal Luke. And maybe the same for Padme. Certainly jedi and sith used the force to extend their lives. But then again, let me repeat, THIS GAME IS DEEPLY FLAWED in the sense that jedi and sith do the EXACT SAME things. They are just reskinned. But given that constraint, jedi still are not and do not have to be portrayed as junk chunkers.

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I don't think you like this new project any better than the old one. If I understand your posts correctly, you don't like the concept for project at all, not the way it's shown in this game. And that is fine, we are all entitled to our opinions. I agree that project is a bit immersion breaking. But the feeling of the animation prior to 1.3 caused me to overlook that element, because the animation was so damn satisfying.


This new animation doesn't do project any justice. I'd rather see them change project to something else entirely, rather than this. This new project isn't instant, and no matter how much they speed up the animation it will never be instant like shock. Right now it just looks awkward. I barely catch a glimpse of the items that I throw. If they make it any faster it will just look more awkward.


So what could they change it to? If I were to guess they've built the consular around the "unseen" force aspect. As in, the same force Yoda used to lift the X-wing, the same force Vader used to hurl objects at Luke. As much hate as Telekinetic Throw has received, I like the animation. The pebbles indicates that there's a push in the air directed at the target. They couldn't do it much better, in my opinion. Turbulence and disturbance, however, I think are awful animations. They don't look star wars-y at all. They don't sound star wars-y either.


So what would they do if not project? I have no ideas myself. The more I think about it the more I just want the old project back. It truly was one of the best animations in the game, despite being immersion-breaking.

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So what could they change it to?


So what would they do if not project? I have no ideas myself. ....




50 page post kicking around ideas.


Please, it has never been simply "project sux". It has always been "project sux" and here is why, and here is how to fix it.


What to replace it with? These options are already in the game:


Saber throw. Only jedi we see saberthrow in 6 movies is yoda. If he isnt a consular no one is...and it would make sense on so many levels. It is a level 1 skill...consulars start with it. Knights dont get their versions until MUCH later. Just like conulars start with basic saber strikes, but dont advance them much as a sage. This would give sages something to do with that stat stick, and the skill involved in boomeranging a double hit with upheaval would be far beyond a knights skill.


Force Burst, Ashara version. I have seen this side by side with my Sin (she is a Inq companion) thousands of times. It is a true analog for shock and looks as good or better. It is also a cousin of disturbance and in the force push family. Traditionally, jedi ranged skills have been based off of force push and its related concepts.


Force Burst, Raina version. Also very nice, also from a sith companion (agent). Again, based off of the force push concept.


Force Tremor. Kira. Meshes force quake and fits in well with the other con skills. And is truly instant, looks good.


These are all in the game now...

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You act like all those facts and reasons aren't rooted in opinion, but they are. Game design is not an exact science. Changes are feedback driven, and feedback is often laced with opinion. Game development is also an iterative process to find a balance between functional and fun. Functional game play may "work as intended" but it isn't always fun or exciting. That is where timing and execution become paramount.


I'm sure the devs aren't pleased with what they had to do to project. It is now the result of a compromised vision, and it is lesser because of that.


For people who only care about the cold hard mechanics, they will be fine with it. But for people who enjoyed the timing, aesthetics, and impact of the original ability, they will now feel disappointed. You can't reason that away no matter how many justifications you make.


I should point out that it didn't have to be this way. They could have changed the timing of the damage without changing the timing of the animation, and everyone would be happy. Unless of course you dislike the very concept of project as it applies to Jedi, but that seems like a very small (but vocal) minority. :D

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(in response to Dyvim, pulled from a different (closed) thread)

> uh...its not just that the jedi didnt do it that much, the sith did it all the time. It's pretty much the same give away as a > red lightsaber in the movies. Couple that with the magical, environmentally ignorant conjuring and it is just too

> stupid for prime time.


If you consider the fact that this game takes place far earlier than the rest of the franchise, you could simply justify this ability with the "lost knowledge" argument. The issue you take with the "environmentally ignorant conjuring" of junk is mostly due to technical and practical constraints in the medium. It isn't the only example. Have you looked at how much crap you can carry in your robes lately? Where does your speeder go when you get off it? These are immersion breaking thoughts. But a game is not fantasy made real, no matter how great the graphics may be, there are always points where developers are counting on a players suspension of disbelief. Some players can live with it, and some will nitpick a discontinuity to death, all while completely ignoring others.

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You act like all those facts and reasons aren't rooted in opinion, but they are. Game design is not an exact science. Changes are feedback driven, and feedback is often laced with opinion. Game development is also an iterative process to find a balance between functional and fun. Functional game play may "work as intended" but it isn't always fun or exciting. That is where timing and execution become paramount.


I'm sure the devs aren't pleased with what they had to do to project. It is now the result of a compromised vision, and it is lesser because of that.


For people who only care about the cold hard mechanics, they will be fine with it. But for people who enjoyed the timing, aesthetics, and impact of the original ability, they will now feel disappointed. You can't reason that away no matter how many justifications you make.


I should point out that it didn't have to be this way. They could have changed the timing of the damage without changing the timing of the animation, and everyone would be happy. Unless of course you dislike the very concept of project as it applies to Jedi, but that seems like a very small (but vocal) minority. :D


Actually my facts are rooted in facts from the ultimate canon of the movies. Fact - junk throwing is done by sith far more than jedi. Fact - junk throwing is done by sith more than any other ranged attack, including lighting. Fact - in prior official games, junk throwing, if included, has typically been classified as a DARKSIDE skill. Fact - jedi ranged attacks have traditionally been based off of force push and related concepts. Fact - kotor 1 and 2, which occur BEFORE this MMO had no junk, rocks, or pebbles. This makes the "lost knowledge" notion laughable.


And yes, it DID have to be this way, because of the piss poor mechanics of the animation. Anyone could have looked at it and figured out that it needs TIME that an instacast simply doesnt get. Time to conjure the junk, time to levitate it, time to throw it. It is so obvious, it amazes me everytime I have to point it out to people that cant seem to grasp it. And players have been complaining about the junk, rocks, and pebbles ever since they were released in beta. They have NEVER been that popular.


As for changing the timing of the damage...again people just refuse to think. You cant have a game where players or npcs fall over dead from "nothing", then a piece of junk hits their corpse a second later. Figure it out. This would be essentially incorporating a massive lag element into the game that rwould ruin the cinematic combat. You cant have the game habitually display EFFECT before CAUSE. That is beyond stupid, just like it is beyond stupid that it has to be repeatedly explained to some people.


(in response to Dyvim, pulled from a different (closed) thread)

> uh...its not just that the jedi didnt do it that much, the sith did it all the time. It's pretty much the same give away as a > red lightsaber in the movies. Couple that with the magical, environmentally ignorant conjuring and it is just too

> stupid for prime time.


If you consider the fact that this game takes place far earlier than the rest of the franchise, you could simply justify this ability with the "lost knowledge" argument. The issue you take with the "environmentally ignorant conjuring" of junk is mostly due to technical and practical constraints in the medium. It isn't the only example. Have you looked at how much crap you can carry in your robes lately? Where does your speeder go when you get off it? These are immersion breaking thoughts. But a game is not fantasy made real, no matter how great the graphics may be, there are always points where developers are counting on a players suspension of disbelief. Some players can live with it, and some will nitpick a discontinuity to death, all while completely ignoring others.


See above for obvious destruction of "lost knowledge" argument. A good game made by good game designers works WITHIN the constraints of the medium...it DOES NOT CHEAT THEM. We arent talking about basic game mechanic concepts here that all games have dealt with. We are talking about the look and feel of the jedi con classes in the CINEMATIC COMBAT which is central to this game. It isnt some triviality, like where did my speeder come from, or how many pockets does my robe have...it goes to the HEART of the IP and the basis of what jedi do versus what sith do. In 6 movies, 12 or so hours of screen time, jedi did not throw one rock (with the force). Or make one pebble storm. Only Anakin INITIATED throwing anything...and that was more of a Vader preview...he suxed as a jedi. How can you have a jedi classes' signature skills based off of things we never saw them do in 12 hours of screen time? Junk, rocks, and pebbles. Its a bad joke.

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How can you have a jedi classes' signature skills based off of things we never saw them do in 12 hours of screen time? Junk, rocks, and pebbles. Its a bad joke.

Consulars: The Last Earthbenders :(


The fact they have better animations on companions is just adding insult to injury.

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and... why not bring back force slam?


Doesnt Nadia have a version of it? I think its called force eruption or wild energy... I'll have to pay closer attention, dont use her that much.


I still miss the first animation in beta they had with Rebuke on sentinels...it actually showed energy being reflected back off of your dual saber blades back at the target...now, you have NO way of knowing who or when rebuke is doing damage...at least no useful way I have found. But that is another issue.

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And yes, it DID have to be this way, because of the piss poor mechanics of the animation.


Would anyone have complained if shock hadn't been instant? That is what caused this imbalance, not the game mechanics. Spells with a flight time is something we've seen in MMORPGs for a long, long time, it's nothing new and it's nothing bad. The only bad thing here is the injustice made between Consulars and Inquisitors.


Complain all you like about the Consular animations. If you think lightnings are so much cooler, then roll an inquisitor. I rolled a consular because I thought project and telekinetic throw were much cooler animations than both shock and lightning. I had a friend who levelled a sorcerer up to about level 20 before he got bored of the animations. Basically lightning, lightning, lightning and more lightning. That appeals to some people, whereas hurling huge debirs in the face of your opponent appeals to other people, like me.


This new animation is just a poor fix, and again, I'd rather they change the ability to something else completely or restore it to what it was. Preferably the latter, because Project was epic, and nothing you say will change my mind about that.

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Would anyone have complained if shock hadn't been instant? That is what caused this imbalance, not the game mechanics. Spells with a flight time is something we've seen in MMORPGs for a long, long time, it's nothing new and it's nothing bad. The only bad thing here is the injustice made between Consulars and Inquisitors.


Complain all you like about the Consular animations. If you think lightnings are so much cooler, then roll an inquisitor. I rolled a consular because I thought project and telekinetic throw were much cooler animations than both shock and lightning. I had a friend who levelled a sorcerer up to about level 20 before he got bored of the animations. Basically lightning, lightning, lightning and more lightning. That appeals to some people, whereas hurling huge debirs in the face of your opponent appeals to other people, like me.


This new animation is just a poor fix, and again, I'd rather they change the ability to something else completely or restore it to what it was. Preferably the latter, because Project was epic, and nothing you say will change my mind about that.


Yeah, because, believe it or not, there are MORE THAN TWO classes in the game. Its not just about cons and inqs...instant abilitites have to behave similarly across the classes...again that is why BW changed project, halfarsed, it had a server delay. And its not just about flight time...its also about conjuring time. Just try to be honest for one second and admit that the animation TAKES TIME and NEEDS TIME and this should have been on a skill with an ACTIVATION TIMER if used at all.


I have a sin and a sorc, and I VASTLY prefer them, animation wise...But I am a jedi fan not a sith fan. And I have no desire to see jedi sux in this game with craptastic combat animations. I have multiple accounts and plan on playing every class sooner or later. Nothing is more ridiculous or boring than rocks, junk and pebbles. NOTHING.

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If your facts are based purely on what happens in the movies then your argument is very weak. The movies may have been the genesis for the IP but it has expanded well beyond the scope of the films across many books, video games, and the odd lunch box.


You have to ask yourself if George Lucas intended to classify the sith as junk tossers by making Vader toss some junk at Luke, or if he simply did it because it was good cinema. Not everything you see in a movie is a statement about the capabilities of a person or society, perhaps on an individual level, but not as a whole.


So your "facts" are still based on interpretation, and interpretation is still a matter of opinion. Need I educate you on the difference?



Furthermore you have failed completely to convince me that Jedi should not have an ability like Project, or that it is too far removed from the IP. You can repeat the same information over and over and over and my assessment will still be that it fits just fine, and it was a better ability before the timing was changed.


You did make a good point about the damage delay, but that wasn't lost on me to begin with. I agree that it would have been a little awkward. But I'd have been happy to overlook it.


What about making the project insta damage against Players and their companions, and leaving the delay in for non-player enemies?

Edited by strictnine
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glad to know im not the only one.

i hate it didnt read the patch notes so i was "is project animation broken" i didnt even see it hit the dude.


plz bioware bring the old one back i dont care if it is slower than shock.

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