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1.3 Maras/Sents no nerfs?


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It's a good thing they have 5 of them compared to everyone else's 2-3 then?


cloak of pain, saber ward, undying rage(which costs you 50% of your life). And thats it.


If you take predations 10% melee defence as full scale reduciton than youre wrong, its more then speed than anything else, and you sacrifice heal. And the last I can think of is Stealth from which you get 50% reduction of damage, which takes 4sec and once you get out you dont have the reduction anymore...


The main problem with marauders is the nature of their rotains, where they can with very little uptime make the most of their dps. The dots(bleeds) in pvp are usually around 38% of damage for me, even more when people focus me and cc too much. And we have only two dots from which one is off gcd, and other costs only two rage and its cd gets reseted by your rotation. Also deadly saber is just best marauder dps ability, especially because it ticks every time when you hit the target, and if you smart about it you can get more damage out of second stack for example then do force choke and have again 3rd stack for almost whole duration. With Charge+Deadly Saber(you might even have it up before the charge making the stacks even quicker)+battering strike+rupture+(possibly assualt)+ annihilation. While you target will be probably rooted all up until rupture. Marauders rotation is basicly in 15sec cycles that is 10gcds, and in these 4 gcds(5,2, how you take it) you do around 70% damage you would do if you have been on target the whole 15sec. Also Marauders can do Ravage just after these 4 gcds, even doing more serious burst especially when target isnt paying attention. So 4gcds+ravage do around 45% of your damage during 30sec. Also if you add to that we have one of the best executes in the game, it makes for very quick kills. Especially when you also pop Stim+Relic+BT+you got expertise, with all these cds one ravage+deadly saber+execute is enough for kill unless the target has reductions. Also in pvp you kill one guy then you wait 20sec for next one and you can do this rotation all over again on the next guy!


Also other things which are OP beside the nature of rotation is the 99%reduction, heals from bleeds, short cd stealth. But the 99% reduction is so op because how well it works with medpec and heals from bleedds and even stealth, and all these work the best with pocket healer, making skilled marauder fotm class. The cds on stealth and 99% reduction are just too low, making mara almost unkillable with healer in his back. You can pop saber ward, and you are safe for 20sec, then pop 99% at next life down giving you another 20sec, and then stealth when there is another crucial moment after beiing focused down, Then Fearing aoe everyone around, choiking the trinkted ones, and having another 15sec of survival, where everyone is down, and you cloak of pain and undying rage are back on cd, stealth short after.


So my point is that nerfing Marauder wont be easy, but baseline is move so damage around the skills, nerf ravage, and nerf cd on undying rage and the stealth. (Hard to say really as I am marauder)

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Because that is what teribile players do. They come on the forums and cry for nerfs instead of learning how to beat that class. I play an Assasin not a Marauder and beat them all the time. They don't need anything done to them. They have lots of weaknesses.


"Hi guys, I play the class that has the EASIEST TIME OF ALL against a Marauder, and I can beat them, so you guys just suck!"




Yes, my Sin can beat them too. 20 sec cd on Spike means Ravage is never going off, and cloaking off their bleeds makes them want to punch kittens. That doesn't mean that Marauders aren't an incredibly strong 1v1 class.


Still, there's more to PvP than 1v1, thankfully.

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I can't help but laugh when I hear melee say things like this.


There is no difficulty when it comes to a Mara/Sent staying in range of their target, they're constantly using a gap closer it seems. Also, for every amount of "difficulty" a Mara/Sent has to overcome to stay in range has been equally matched in my "difficulty" in keeping a Sent/Mara from gnawing off my leg. Most melee in this game have it too easy when it comes to staying within melee range in PvP.


Finally, you do crap damage when being kited, boohoo. If I have to kite a Mara/Sent then I'm also going to do crap damage because the majority of my class' ability to damage someone lies in Force Lightning, a spell I can't use when I'm on the move. You think you're the only one who has to overcome a weakness of your class?


I enjoy fighting good Maras/Sents because of these things, unless they have all their cooldowns available because that just dumps all over any semblance of balance and wins them the matchup 90% of the time.


I can't help but laugh every time I hear a ranged say things like this....


Constantly using a gap closer? Anni specd Mara has 1, 12 second CD, that they can't use at all against someone in cover.


What people say = "Melee has no problem staying in melee range"


What people mean = "I play a ranged character, but I should probably stick to melee, since keeping someone at range is too hard/inconvenient when all I wanna do is attack".


Against bad players a Marauder has no problem staying in melee range. Against good players they can make you feel like damn pinball.

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"Hi guys, I play the class that has the EASIEST TIME OF ALL against a Marauder, and I can beat them, so you guys just suck!"




Yes, my Sin can beat them too. 20 sec cd on Spike means Ravage is never going off, and cloaking off their bleeds makes them want to punch kittens. That doesn't mean that Marauders aren't an incredibly strong 1v1 class.


Still, there's more to PvP than 1v1, thankfully.


Then plz elighten us on what class you are talking about. I have one friend who plays a Sage and another who plays a Commando and neither have any troubles beating a Marauder. In fact, I hear them on Teamspeak everday bragging how they easily mow them over.....soooo which class you referring too?

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Then plz elighten us on what class you are talking about. I have one friend who plays a Sage and another who plays a Commando and neither have any troubles beating a Marauder. In fact, I hear them on Teamspeak everday bragging how they easily mow them over.....soooo which class you referring too?


the day i lose to a commando is the day my internet goes out in the middle of fighting a commando and i break my mouse by throwing it at the wall and then i commit suicide because i lost to a commando.


to paraphrase, in order for me to lose to a commando, i'd have to have no internet, a broken mouse, and be dead.

Edited by Superawesomerman
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the day i lose to a commando is the day my internet goes out in the middle of fighting a commando and i break my mouse by throwing it at the wall and then i commit suicide because i lost to a commando.


to paraphrase, in order for me to lose to a commando, i'd have to have no internet, a broken mouse, and be dead.


I feel like in that situation, i would still win.

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I feel like in that situation, i would still win.


Actually, if I had kira out, that might be true.


Where are these sage and commando friends of yours, i wish to duel them. I might even lose to the sage, but there is no way in hell i'm losing to the commando.

Edited by Superawesomerman
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Then plz elighten us on what class you are talking about. I have one friend who plays a Sage and another who plays a Commando and neither have any troubles beating a Marauder. In fact, I hear them on Teamspeak everday bragging how they easily mow them over.....soooo which class you referring too?


What.. class? You don't seem to be responding to anything at all that I've written here, so I'm not even sure how to respond to you.


Are you implying that because I feel they could use a bit of tweaking, that I must have issues dealing w/ them?

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Actually, if I had kira out, that might be true.


Where are these sage and commando friends of yours, i wish to duel them. I might even lose to the sage, but there is no way in hell i'm losing to the commando.


I doubt any Sent will lose to a Sage ever. Sent has way more damage and more ways to keep on a target.

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I doubt any Sent will lose to a Sage ever. Sent has way more damage and more ways to keep on a target.


While I do think maras/sents need a nerf to their durability, a correctly spec'd sage will always beat a mara/sent by kiting them. It's not easy, but it's doable.

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Regardless of balance issues I just laugh at bad players who roll Marauders because they think they will suddenly be good. There are some classes that are "noob-friendly", but Marauders are not one of them. In fact if you are not a good player then a Marauder is one of the worst classes you can play. Overpowered or not Marauders have a much MUCH higher skill floor to play then most classes, and if you don't know what you are doing you are basically an Operative without stealth and 0 initial burst and 0 CC. AKA worthless.


If you are a bad/average player, and you hate your class and want to reroll to a "better"(easier) class then I honestly recommend Powertech. I'm not saying they are better or worse then marauders for good players, but they are are MUCH easier to do well with for most players. If you aren't doing well on your Sorc/Merc/Etc then I guarantee you will do worse on a Marauder. If you were good at your original class than you would be beating most Marauders because most are god awful and are just cannon fodder. Marauders only become as strong as most other classes when played both are played by a good player.


But if you do roll Marauder then be proud that you have the heaviest hitting ability in the game and it hits for upwards of 10k damage. Unfortunately, you can only hit yourself in the face with it. <3 fighting Undying Rage noobs.

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Yea lets possibly screw up PVE tanks with the KC nerfs but not touch the number 1 class that should have taken a nerf. Worst case is that marauders/sents will be tankier than KC shadows! I dont know. Guess we will find out..


the thing is, if players are enjoying being OP and everyoe is playing that class and playing swtor proberly for that reason. do you realy think bioware will change/alter a class that every nub use's ?


they are trying to get subscribers to make money.if the game starts to fail they will milk as much money out of players as possible if the time comes were they have to close the game.


but hopefully bioware will fix other class's so mara's dont seem so overpowerd,but the thing is your pyrotechs are worse than those :p

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Where do people get the idea that Marauderss are hard to play? Tankasins are much harder to play at the high level compared to Marauders and this is supported by the fact that there are generally fewer Tankasins who play well versus Marauders, even thouhgh Tankasin beats Marauder at the very high end. The average Tankasin will lose to the average Marauder even though the class is more powerful overall. If that's not a sign of a class that takes more skill to play I'm not sure what is.
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Where do people get the idea that Marauderss are hard to play? Tankasins are much harder to play at the high level compared to Marauders and this is supported by the fact that there are generally fewer Tankasins who play well versus Marauders, even thouhgh Tankasin beats Marauder at the very high end. The average Tankasin will lose to the average Marauder even though the class is more powerful overall. If that's not a sign of a class that takes more skill to play I'm not sure what is.


I'm curious, what makes you say this? Most of the shadows I talk to say tanksin is downright boring. I do not have one, so I can't really comment

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Where do people get the idea that Marauderss are hard to play? Tankasins are much harder to play at the high level compared to Marauders and this is supported by the fact that there are generally fewer Tankasins who play well versus Marauders, even though Tankasin beats Marauder at the very high end. The average Tankasin will lose to the average Marauder even though the class is more powerful overall. If that's not a sign of a class that takes more skill to play I'm not sure what is.


the "hard to play" of marauders is about their relatively high skill floor compared to most classes. A "bad" player will do better playing a Tankassin/Powertech than they would a Marauder/Sniper. Marauder's/Sniper's damage and survivability is much more reliant on proper skill timing/rotation when compared to most classes. The "hard to play" idea has nothing to do with their skill ceiling, but instead that they are not very "noob-friendly" compared to other classes.

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I'm curious, what makes you say this? Most of the shadows I talk to say tanksin is downright boring. I do not have one, so I can't really comment


I have played every advanced class 20+, except OP he is 15 atm, and i got to say tankasin is the most fun class i have played till now.

Edited by JayEmmKay
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