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1.3 Maras/Sents no nerfs?


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At valor 85 in full WH, my Shadow has about 2% chance to beat a good (rare) Marauder/Sentinel. And their dps is so potent that a good one will burn through a tank extremely fast (and faster with Shadows ~15% nerf to mitigation) while simultaneously mitigating much more dmg than any tank can.


The main problems are:

1. Force Camo is BY FAR better combat stealth than true stealth classes have.

2. Their defensive CDs are incredible, mitigating twice the dmg that any tank can.

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nah i typed out something rather nasty about a shadow tank complaining about marauders but I realized it wasnt worth it.


I hear ya... I'm going to be a little nicer this week with the several warning emails I've received lately. :D

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nah i typed out something rather nasty about a shadow tank complaining about marauders but I realized it wasnt worth it.


Well I play darkness and while I can beat a mara/sent but its not as easy as everyone makes it out to be at least for the really good ones. They are tough and we have a few on my server that just put up crazy damage. Of course this might be changing in 1.3 but thats not here yet.


I have always said I have no issue with there damage I think there defenses could be turned down a notch but meh ill deal.

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I don't see why people are upset. No Mara/Sent nerfs means that you still have excuses as to why you suck/lose in PvP.


And you can say you are so much more "skilled" then everyone else....


Why don't you go roll a sage/sorc healer and see if you can do well in 50 PvP instead of playing a PT and a Sent. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Edited by Kawiki
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I would like to sum up this and all nerf threads by saying....




It's obvious BW followed statistics instead of listening to the flood of threads that have been here since 1.2. They make their changes based on facts and not opinions. No matter how loud those opinions are. :D


In conclusion: Please stop.... you're just making yourself look silly.

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Yes. I too am waiting for these QQers to roll a Marauder and prove what a cakewalk it is to PWN. I'm sure their screenshots of epic awesomeness will tell the tale better than the QQ of their posts.





Is there any way to skip a world's main quest series and go straight to the Bonus Series?


Like most, I believe the initial leveling experience in this game was outstanding and the best that MMOs have to offer. However, I'm on my 4th alt now and the leveling experience has lost its luster. I'm trying to find new ways to level. Still very much enjoy the class quests and I know there is a lot of content that I haven't done yet. Some of the planets have a Bonus Series and I would like to do those. I have done the Pub Tatooine Bonus Series, but nothing else.





Apparently, in the next Legacy update, we will be able to choose a perk to get more leveling xp in PvP. So I guess by using this perk leveling in PvP will be more like it was in EGA?


Yeah, here's the problem, you got to still do the class quest assuming you're remotely interested in the class quest (and the story is pretty good anyway and is worth seeing) but if you do your class quest it feels pretty weird to purposely not do any other quest along the way, and besides if you do this you'll usually a level or two behind unless you PvP very heavily. Consider the class quest itself gives you maybe half a level at the most, it means you've to start a planet about 4 levels higher than its starting content (since it ends about 4 levels higher) and it's just hard to get that much XP from PvP.

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Well I play darkness and while I can beat a mara/sent but its not as easy as everyone makes it out to be at least for the really good ones. They are tough and we have a few on my server that just put up crazy damage. Of course this might be changing in 1.3 but thats not here yet.


I have always said I have no issue with there damage I think there defenses could be turned down a notch but meh ill deal.


Overpowered defense is not counterable which is the same problem why Tankasins are overpowered. You can usually find some clever way to beat a high DPS character if they've low defense but there is no clever way to bypass high defense and as long as the enemy knows how to do a reasonable amount of DPS, it's always going to be a tough fight.


Tankasin have a slight edge over Marauder because our combined offense + defense edges out theirs slightly after factoring in our range, but it's nowhere as simple as people claim. Until you're very good at your range game it's in the Marauder's favor and even at the top level there are often factors outside of your control that prevents you from kiting them.


Right now all the overpowered character in PvP are defense-oriented.

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And you can say you are so much more "skilled" then everyone else....


Why don't you go roll a sage/sorc healer and see if you can do well in 50 PvP instead of playing a PT and a Sent. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


I have ZERO interest in playing a sorc healer. And what does this have to do with Sorcs?


People are projecting the shortcomings of their own class onto a class that doesn't suck. That's what all this nerf nonsense is about.

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The only class that was close to marauders level of overpowered in pvp was the shadow tank and thank god they are being fixed. The question is how did the sent/mara avoid the nerfbat?


We all know it is coming, the only people that do not believe that it is coming is the marauder. They believe they are balanced and fine. Hell I even started a marauder and even at lvl 18 I am already abusing people with just cloak of pain having a 50% uptime.

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The reason Marauders and Sentinels aren't being nerfed is simply because there is no reason to nerf them. Are they unbeatable? No. Many players of every class have found ways to deal with them, they do require you to use all of your cooldowns and such to defeat but that is perfectly fair as they usually have to use all of their cooldowns and such to defeat you too.


Do Marauders and Sentinels do the most DPS? Arguably yes, but this is arguably, only. Why would I say that? Because Pyrotechs and other classes can throw out similar amounts of damage.


Some people scream, "Their defensive cooldowns are too powerful!"


Okay let us look at the elephant in the room here.


Guarded by the Force grants five seconds of invulnerability. This is a grand total of four (and usually only 3) global cooldowns worth of attacks on their part. Nobody is getting bombed by a Sentinel and dying simply due to Guarded by the Force.


Yes, it is possible a healer can use those 5 seconds to heal the Sentinel up... In which case the problem isn't with the Sentinel nor is it with the Healer... The problem (in that case) is with you because you are the one letting that happen, you are letting a healer heal someone unmolested and you should never let that happen. In that case you aren't facing a Marauder or Sentinel one on one you are facing a Marauder/Sentinel and a Healer.


You guys need to stop trying to trick BioWare into nerfing the Sentinel as well because frankly the lies are getting old.


"I was four shot by a Sentinel!" - No you weren't.

"A Sentinel 1 v 3'ed me and two of my friends!" - Only if you were undergeared and weren't even considering using any CC.

"An entire team of Sentinels tore us up! Nerf them! Nerf them to death!" - Having actually been on a team of all Sentinels I can assure you of the following... That sucks a lot worse than you know.


Please... Stop the lies... You are unhappy because you got nerfed... Okay, we get it. You played a Sorc when they were overpowered and could face-tank Sentinels and you long for the days of your youth. Nostalgia gets to everyone. The days of Sorcerer dominance are long gone and are never going to come back no matter how hard you wish they would... Let us just move the kark on with our lives.

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I did reroll a Marauder and it's obvious that even at low levels this class brings a complete package similar to the Tankasin. At level 20 you have more useful defensive cooldowns than some classes will ever get. Perhaps this is a sign that some other classes are severely lacking and/or poorly designed.


Good O/High D creates a bigger problem than the other way around. Imagine there's a class that one hit kill anyone including themselves, and there's a quota of 4 of those guys per side per WZ. Assuming for whatever reason you haven't rerolled to this class, your WZ experience would involve either you instantly dying or seeing your enemy instant dying. It'd be pretty dumb but you'd usually only die in the 50% of the time your side lost (in the time you won, your OP classes must have killed all the enemy OP classes first).


Now let's say you got a class that does above average DPS and is unkillable and the same restriction applies to them. Well, this class cannot kill itself, so they must hunt you down instead. It doesn't matter if your side is winning or not, because you'll just see the same OP guys ignore each other. This is pretty much what's happening with Tankasin and Marauders right now. As potent as their offense may be, their defense is even more ridiculous to the point there's no reason for them to ever fight themselves. Between high end players it almost feels like Mara/Tankasin just do a secret handshake and then mutually withdraw because we don't want to waste time killing each other when we can feast on weaker classes. The net result is that any non Marauder/Tankasin get demolished by one of those two classes regardless of the outcome of the WZ because we're rarely fighting ourselves.

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I have ZERO interest in playing a sorc healer. And what does this have to do with Sorcs?


People are projecting the shortcomings of their own class onto a class that doesn't suck. That's what all this nerf nonsense is about.


Yeah classes are different for a reason.


My classes short comings is the lack of a true hard cc or any real control which can be one of the most valuable things in a group play pvp situation or the way my class synergizes to help bring the rest of my group up to be so much better...

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ANYONE who claims mara/sent is OP is completely brain dead. These threads just shows how clueless people are about marauder/sentinels. Their damage is OP, actually their damage is fine but the undying rage is OP, actually undying rage is fine since its easily countered, so now force camo is OP...


Another proof is masses of people rolled maras after 1.2 then after they realized its to complicated for their limited brains to figure out the class IE, they did not top dmg charts, they did die countless times per warzone, they decided to roll vanguards, and they found what they always looked for. Something even easier to play then tracer missile spamming merc. Now they can backpaddle, they can keyboard turn AND kill ppl at the same time with just one press of a button, and that is what in my opinion is OP.


Class requires no set up, you can literately key bind three buttons for skills, and four buttons for movement and you are ready, and of course you can always bind that fourth button for high impact bolt, 90% armor pen always comes in handy, alright five, another 4k dmg from thermal detonator cant hurt.


They can nerf marauders in 1.3 things will still be the same, people don't want to think, people want to press buttons, they want to be tanks, healers, dps and support at the same time. Marauders will always be OP just as operatives will always be OP. Teams of stunlocking operatives who make people unsub are still here lurking, so will the OP maras, and so will sorcs and tanksins (in dps gear).

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Now they can backpaddle.


Your opinion may be skewed as you are obviously playing people in canoes.


Try playing people on dry land and you will realise marauders are indeed overpowered in defence.

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ANYONE who claims mara/sent is OP is completely brain dead. These threads just shows how clueless people are about marauder/sentinels. Their damage is OP, actually their damage is fine but the undying rage is OP, actually undying rage is fine since its easily countered, so now force camo is OP...


Another proof is masses of people rolled maras after 1.2 then after they realized its to complicated for their limited brains to figure out the class IE, they did not top dmg charts, they did die countless times per warzone, they decided to roll vanguards, and they found what they always looked for. Something even easier to play then tracer missile spamming merc. Now they can backpaddle, they can keyboard turn AND kill ppl at the same time with just one press of a button, and that is what in my opinion is OP.


Class requires no set up, you can literately key bind three buttons for skills, and four buttons for movement and you are ready, and of course you can always bind that fourth button for high impact bolt, 90% armor pen always comes in handy, alright five, another 4k dmg from thermal detonator cant hurt.


They can nerf marauders in 1.3 things will still be the same, people don't want to think, people want to press buttons, they want to be tanks, healers, dps and support at the same time. Marauders will always be OP just as operatives will always be OP. Teams of stunlocking operatives who make people unsub are still here lurking, so will the OP maras, and so will sorcs and tanksins (in dps gear).


favorite part of the post.


I still hate getting opened up on by an op because they do so much damage to you before you even react then you have to try to kill him from full while you're at 40-60% hp. It's not a fun way to start a fight :( but that's what ops do.

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Your opinion may be skewed as you are obviously playing people in canoes.


Try playing people on dry land and you will realise marauders are indeed overpowered in defence.


Yes! Marauders are OP'ed against those back pedaling people!

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the only issue with marauders is undying rage and force camo. if they want to keep them the class that deals the most damage then so be it. but if they are, then they should not be so hard to bring down. nerf those 2 defensive abiliites and it will be balanced.
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the only issue with marauders is undying rage and force camo. if they want to keep them the class that deals the most damage then so be it. but if they are, then they should not be so hard to bring down. nerf those 2 defensive abiliites and it will be balanced.


IMHO you should not be able to heal while these two things are active. That would resolve a lot of the problems.

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