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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

GTN going Neutral?!

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About damn time! MAYBE the economy just might get better. Now if only they get rid of the stupid deposit to put something up in the first place....


well said. i was just thinking this. i dont mind the deposit. but having to go to nar shadda is lame

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About damn time! MAYBE the economy just might get better. Now if only they get rid of the stupid deposit to put something up in the first place....


That will not happen. The deposit is to prevent people from placing items on th AH at extreme prices in an attempt to use it for additional storage.

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That will not happen. The deposit is to prevent people from placing items on th AH at extreme prices in an attempt to use it for additional storage.


LOLwhat???? Ok, I have to ROFL at that one. Seriously? That's kind of dumb, tbh. Extra storage???? We have a **** ton of storage slots already. And it doesn't cost much to buy more of them. If someone is hoarding stuff to THAT extreme, they obviously have a serious problem.


Maybe we'll see them on TOR Hoarders?

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might almost be worth it for the ship GTN now, although i still say they should lower the price based on your legacy level. i get zero advantages to having legacy 43


That's a good idea, but apply it to everything. Have a diminishing cost for legacy perks/items for every level you are above the required amount.

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I hope this means my Pub character can finally wear Imp armour and visa vera


If the item is class restricted, you still can't do that.


LOLwhat???? Ok, I have to ROFL at that one. Seriously? That's kind of dumb, tbh. Extra storage???? We have a **** ton of storage slots already. And it doesn't cost much to buy more of them. If someone is hoarding stuff to THAT extreme, they obviously have a serious problem.


Maybe we'll see them on TOR Hoarders?


Plenty of players, especially low level ones, don't have the credits to blow on a new cargo hold, etc. Plus there are level restrictions on when new storage is available. Not everyone is lvl 50 and rolling in dough. If you are, the deposit is meaningless anyway.

Edited by Owsley
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That's a good idea, but apply it to everything. Have a diminishing cost for legacy perks/items for every level you are above the required amount.


oh ya, i definitely agree with that. its kinda of weird the way they have it set up right now anyways. like the GTN costs 5 mil, and requires a fairly low legacy level. same with the rocket boost. chances are, if youve made enough money to buy them, youre well past that requirement

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If the item is class restricted, you still can't do that.




Plenty of players, especially low level ones, don't have the credits to blow on a new cargo hold, etc. Plus there are level restrictions on when new storage is available. Not everyone is lvl 50 and rolling in dough. If you are, the deposit is meaningless anyway.


Well, there's an easy fix for that. Lower the price and level restrictions on the new storage slots.


One of my very few gripes about this game is all the blasted money sinks. Way too many for those of us who only play for story or have one crafting toon. The repair bills alone are insane at higher levels. Granted, I'm glad they reduced the price on the speeder piloting skills. That was nice of them. But, with Legacy, the new money sinks are even more ridiculous.


Yes, I farmed the hell outta that Tatooine event to get the Legacy armor for my Pureblood Trooper. What can I say? It's quite possibly the coolest armor in the game for the Repub side. :D

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Does this mean that if I buy an item on a Pub GTN, especially one that says Req: Bounty Hunter, for example, it won't change appearance when I mail it to my Imp alt?


Legacy already allows you to send items to your imp alt right now, but Bioware wants to make sure that imp and rep characters do not look the same, especially for pvp. Since rep characters cannot use bounty hunter only gear, I am not sure if that will change the look. Items that can be used by both sides definitely do have a different look, even if it has the same name.

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About damn time! MAYBE the economy just might get better. Now if only they get rid of the stupid deposit to put something up in the first place....


That deposit is the best thing ever. Well, maybe not ever, but it's wonderful in terms of what it does to control idiocy on the GTN. If you're going to post something for a very high price, you're going to have to have the funds in your pocket to commit to it for the duration of the listing. This would tend to encourage people to post items for prices they think they'd sell for instead of some arbitrarily insanely high number. It also tends to prevent runaway auction house playing, such as buying up all of "Item X" and re-listing it for 10x the price.


I love this mechanic and I hope they keep it around.

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I hope this means my Pub character can finally wear Imp armour and visa vera


Does this mean that if I buy an item on a Pub GTN, especially one that says Req: Bounty Hunter, for example, it won't change appearance when I mail it to my Imp alt?

It does not. Equipment in this game adopts an appearence based on the faction of the character wearing it. As a result any item a Republic character equips will look like Republic armor, and anything equipped by Imperial characters will look like Imperial armor.

Edited by HeavensAgent
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That deposit is the best thing ever. Well, maybe not ever, but it's wonderful in terms of what it does to control idiocy on the GTN. If you're going to post something for a very high price, you're going to have to have the funds in your pocket to commit to it for the duration of the listing. This would tend to encourage people to post items for prices they think they'd sell for instead of some arbitrarily insanely high number. It also tends to prevent runaway auction house playing, such as buying up all of "Item X" and re-listing it for 10x the price.


I love this mechanic and I hope they keep it around.


I suggest we all take a field trip to Jita over in EVE for a bit. Ok, maybe not Jita. Amarr would do just fine. Just to take a look at the basic Market template there and ignore all the spammers in Local chat. Posting something on Market there doesn't take a deposit and depending on Market skill levels, can be placed up there for up to 90 days. Also, prices are held in check by the isk you can make. If you can't afford it, chances are you aren't skilled enough to use it.


Now, I've also seen how some people here might use the GTN Market for added storage space....


Now, how does that apply to TOR? Like this: Ingame credits are easy to make at max level. A few hundred k a day if you just solo Dailies. No problem there. Now, is EVERYONE going to be able to afford level 50 gear on Market? No.


Remove level restrictions on added storage space and lower the cost. Easy fix to the "storage" problem.


Like in EVE, The system would self-regulate. People would place their items up on Market, and if someone buys it, great! If not, then oh well. Lower the price a bit. And some price wars would probably break out for competing equipment/items.


Also, I am NOT suggesting TOR should allow 90 day postings on Market. That would just be dumb. I'd say a week or two. Plenty of time.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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I hope this means my Pub character can finally wear Imp armour and visa vera


You can already do that. The only issue is that some of the pieces change colour from faction to faction to fit that faction's "look."


Also, it's vice versa.

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I hope this means my Pub character can finally wear Imp armour and visa vera


Most armor has two appearances. I've sent plenty of stuff back and forth between my Legacy only to see a completely different appearance when it gets to the other side.

Edited by Master-Nala
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I suggest we all take a field trip to Jita over in EVE for a bit. Ok, maybe not Jita. Amarr would do just fine. Just to take a look at the basic Market template there and ignore all the spammers in Local chat. Posting something on Market there doesn't take a deposit and depending on Market skill levels, can be placed up there for up to 90 days. Also, prices are held in check by the isk you can make. If you can't afford it, chances are you aren't skilled enough to use it.


Now, I've also seen how some people here might use the GTN Market for added storage space....


Now, how does that apply to TOR? Like this: Ingame credits are easy to make at max level. A few hundred k a day if you just solo Dailies. No problem there. Now, is EVERYONE going to be able to afford level 50 gear on Market? No.


Remove level restrictions on added storage space and lower the cost. Easy fix to the "storage" problem.


Like in EVE, The system would self-regulate. People would place their items up on Market, and if someone buys it, great! If not, then oh well. Lower the price a bit. And some price wars would probably break out for competing equipment/items.


Also, I am NOT suggesting TOR should allow 90 day postings on Market. That would just be dumb. I'd say a week or two. Plenty of time.



And isn't that why CCP had to bring in the Plex system to counter the illegal ISK sellers that were ruining the EvE economy? because it was not self regulating.

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And isn't that why CCP had to bring in the Plex system to counter the illegal ISK sellers that were ruining the EvE economy? because it was not self regulating.


And the illegal credit sellers already in TOR are any different?? Selling credits/isk has nothing to do with the basic template of the market.


The main difference is in the EULA for each game. In EVE, selling isk is LEGAL. That was why they started the Plex program. In TOR, it's ILLEGAL. No need for them to regulate it that way.


As long as people continue to report spam emails where throwaway toons tell you to visit a third party website in order to get PL'd or buy creds, that's all the regulation TOR needs.

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I have an Imp character at lvl 9 right now just to have access to the Imp GTN. I've found that items on the Imp side on server go for 2-3x what they cost on the Rep server. There are actually a few Imps that would buy things on Rep side for dirt cheap and sell them on Imp side for massive profits.


Example: +41 endurance magenta crystal. On Rep side: sell for 150-200k. On Imp side on my server: 400-500k.


Having neutral will be great because then if there is a massive population difference, the supply and demand on both sides will be averaged out for both sides.

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