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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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guess I should of read the dev listing before getting excited about free xfers. I let myself down I guess when finding out they wont be capable of changing server types.


Why not pick a handful a server destinations only difference being that each destination has a different server type. This allows for transfers to still go to selected servers while making the rest of us happy who have two servers with hours of works being lost due to different server types.

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Not allowing us to consoldate different characters from different server types is fail. Rift did this in no time after release, and it worked fine. It appears your technical capabilities are dwarfed by Trion, a far smaller company than you.


NO, really. Fail.


Your competitors are licking at this games heels waiting for it to fail. You need to be ahead of your competition not five years behind it.


It all comes back to management...

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Wait again, for a to be determined phase where we will allow the pleasure of paying to consolidate the characters we told you to create so that you could enjoy not playing the game on dead server.

Re-fixed. :rolleyes:


Fixed for reality of the situation.

Edited by Tenceriker
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Not allowing us to consoldate different characters from different server types is fail. Rift did this in no time after release, and it worked fine. It appears your technical capabilities are dwarfed by Trion, a far smaller company than you.


NO, really. Fail.


Your competitors are licking at this games heels waiting for it to fail. You need to be ahead of your competition not five years behind it.


It all comes back to management...


For the millionth time people you WILL be able to consolidate characters across multiple server types LATER, and most likely still for FREE. Just not right now. Be patient. :rolleyes:


Edited by WrecklessMEDIC
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So you really have the "choice" to stay on a server alone or to have your characters transfered to a server that is probably not the server you want to go to.


Many, if not most people have already rerolled on other servers that are more populated so that they can play the game with others instead of waiting for hours to do a warzone or flashpoint. They did this in the hopes that they would be able to bring their main characters along later on and be able to keep their higher legacy, plus add their new character on their new server to that legacy. Now you are saying that probably won't happen. Grats on another major patch causing the exodus of more players.


They didn't say that it wasn't gona happen, they just said that you wouldn't be able to do this atm.

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Sorry if this has been brought up before i wasnt going to search thru 45 pages of a thread


Have Bioware said where on there site or how to apply for the server transfer yet with it being only 1 day away im wondering ?

Edited by DarthObelisk
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Sorry if this has been brought up before i wasnt going to search thru 45 pages of a thread


Have Bioware said where on there site or how to apply for the server transfer yet with it being only 1 day away im wondering ?


From my understanding the list for the transers will not be available until Tuesday. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

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They are releasing the info when it is available for us to use, not before. There will be origin servers and destination servers. They have stated that each origin server will only have one option for destination, but they have not stated if each destination can have more than one origin.
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They are releasing the info when it is available for us to use, not before. There will be origin servers and destination servers. They have stated that each origin server will only have one option for destination, but they have not stated if each destination can have more than one origin.


They have stated that a single destination server can have more than one origin server, its in the announcement:


In some cases, a large number of origin servers will be eligible to move to a single destination server. In others, very few origin servers will be transferring to existing high population destination servers. Remember, the goal here is to push almost every destination server to an active population that's higher.
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For the millionth time people you WILL be able to consolidate characters across multiple server types LATER, and most likely still for FREE. Just not right now. Be patient. :rolleyes:

i thought you should have a source:

From April:

Arymono: When will character transfers be available for everybody?


Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice. We know everyone has more questions about character transfer, and we’ll reveal more details closer to the launch date.


There is still time for them to choose to fix the problem they created without charging us extra. Otherwise, it's a con like a mechanic scoring your belt with a razor so your car breaks early and you have to pay him more. Would Bioware really break their game and expect us to pay (above and beyond the agreed upon subscription amount) for it? Even Darth Malgus has more tact than that.


If the devs or community managers still read this thread, I would really like to know how many more months I will be expected to pay for without having this service. Is it Bioware's position that it's best for those of us who transferred servers so we could enjoy the content of the game to stop our subscriptions for a couple months while they put their house in order? I look forward to learning more on Tuesday when you release the FAQ along with the first transfers. Thank you.

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It really annoys me that whenever announcements are made that there are no timelines, schedules or even a vague notification of the time frame in which things will take place.


It doesn't take much for a community ewok to come along and say "Hey guys, Here's our plan but it's subject to change from time to time so don't take this as gospel, we just want you to know how things will progress and the path we've chosen in order to build a community that we and you the players can be proud of.


We understand that we've made some mistakes but please stick with us while we fix them for you and provide you with the bustling server populations you deserve.


Find below a list of Destination Servers which is subject to change should issues arrive but we will update you when things are finalised. In addition to the destination servers we'll be adding the names of the servers that characters will transfer from and the planned dates on which these transfers will occur.


Thanks for your patience and understanding,


Your Community Ewok."


It's not hard, we UNDERSTAND that things change on a daily basis, we understand that this will be a difficult task for those involved but please, "Coming Soon" is not a statement the community wants to hear over n over again!

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i thought you should have a source:

From April:


Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted FREE transfers from/to specific servers (Phase 1), but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of FREE promotional transfers to specific servers (Phase 2) or paid transfers to the server of your choice (Phase 3).


Thanks for the quote. Knew I saw that one somewhere before. :)

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can't believe that we are just 1 day left to the transfers in my timezone atleast any one knows at what time of the tuesday will they be?


They never said, but I would hazard a guess and say no earlier than when they generally do maintenance. So you probably are closer to a day and a half before they open it up.

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Maybe I'm being silly, but it seems to me that all toons on one account should have the ability to transfer to any server that the specific account has another toon on.


For example, I have two toons on Veela (I've seen livelier mortuaries) and one on Fatman. Since I can only play one of these toons at any given time, it seems reasonable to me that I should be able to transfer these toons from Veela to Fatman since the actual on-line server population of Fatman will not be changing.


Does that sound reasonable?

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Maybe I'm being silly, but it seems to me that all toons on one account should have the ability to transfer to any server that the specific account has another toon on.


For example, I have two toons on Veela (I've seen livelier mortuaries) and one on Fatman. Since I can only play one of these toons at any given time, it seems reasonable to me that I should be able to transfer these toons from Veela to Fatman since the actual on-line server population of Fatman will not be changing.


Does that sound reasonable?


Fatman sucks, why would you want to bring your Veela toons there?

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I dont really feel like going through 180 pages of posts for this so Ill ask


We have a major guild with 400+ members and if we become an origin server we'd move to the new server.

Question is, from what I gathered we need to disband the guild, the GM has to transfer and start a fresh. Is this correct or is there any way our GM can keep the guild on the old server and our officers transfer to the new server to start the new guild? This is mainly because not all of our 400 people are active and if they see they are guildless in lets say 2 weeks time we will lose those members

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I dont really feel like going through 180 pages of posts for this so Ill ask


We have a major guild with 400+ members and if we become an origin server we'd move to the new server.

Question is, from what I gathered we need to disband the guild, the GM has to transfer and start a fresh. Is this correct or is there any way our GM can keep the guild on the old server and our officers transfer to the new server to start the new guild? This is mainly because not all of our 400 people are active and if they see they are guildless in lets say 2 weeks time we will lose those members


If they're not active then you don't have those members anyway :p


I'm more miffed about spending a couple million on guild tabs and investing in a guild bank and having to lose that because EA/BW didn't have the foresight to look ahead at the issue of creating so many servers.

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I dont really feel like going through 180 pages of posts for this so Ill ask


We have a major guild with 400+ members and if we become an origin server we'd move to the new server.

Question is, from what I gathered we need to disband the guild, the GM has to transfer and start a fresh. Is this correct or is there any way our GM can keep the guild on the old server and our officers transfer to the new server to start the new guild? This is mainly because not all of our 400 people are active and if they see they are guildless in lets say 2 weeks time we will lose those members

That's correct, you have to disband the guild on the origin server and reform it on the destination server.

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If they're not active then you don't have those members anyway :p


I'm more miffed about spending a couple million on guild tabs and investing in a guild bank and having to lose that because EA/BW didn't have the foresight to look ahead at the issue of creating so many servers.

You won't lose your guild bank! Quote from Dev tracker:


Yes, you will have to:

  1. Remove all items & credits from the Guild Bank.
  2. Disband the Guild.
  3. Transfer to the new server and reform the Guild.
  4. Contact Customer Service to re-establish the Guild Bank and Guild Bank tabs.
Edited by Sauska
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If they're not active then you don't have those members anyway :p


I'm more miffed about spending a couple million on guild tabs and investing in a guild bank and having to lose that because EA/BW didn't have the foresight to look ahead at the issue of creating so many servers.


Not saying theyre Inactive, just saying that coordinating 400 people is very very hard lol


And that really sucks, kinda stupid to do it that way since Im thinking our guild isnt the only one facing this issue

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