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Having the back key bounded gives you one more option. More options is a good thing. Don't make the newbie mistake of rebinding the 'S' key and take it as don't back peddle. The player with one more option the player without said option will have the advantage giving all things are equal. Simple game theory at work.


Most people do understand how strafing works. You don't understand how backpeddling can be beneficial and you act all elitists about it just because you have mistakenly interpreted: "Rebind the 'S' key" (which no one in this thread will refute). It's sad you don't take your own advice: 'researching the matter themselves'.


Tanks and RDPS have a perfectly good excuse for backpeddling which has been mentioned multiple times in a this thread.


Well said. It has its uses and its nice to have the option. I guess the mentality should be not to get into a habit of using it too much.


Another possible but rare use is to take a few steps back to be in the perfect position to hit Overload and knock the enemy off a catwalk in Huttball or off the bridge in Voidstar. Its easier to to backstep for a second than to turn around sometimes for this.

Edited by Z-ToXiN
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Backpeddle is a misspelling of the word backpedal. The misspelling was popularized by illiterate football coaches. Since america is by and large less educated than the rest of the world, we just picked it up, and so here we are today. Serious. Google the word backpeddle. Its not hard. Tl;dr youre wrong. Get used to it.


'Backpeddle' is a colloqualism not a misspelling.


Next. If you cant see that wasting keyboard real estate by binding a 50% slow is just plain stupid, then im certainly not going to arguewith you or anyone else who prefers making bad choices. Im serious. Do what you want. I put a lot of time and effort into my setup. I did that because i saw clearly that the setup provided to me in wow-style mmos was inefficient. If youre not seeing things that way i dont know what to tell you.


I use alt, shift, and ctrl modifiers. My keyboard has 147 keys. My backpeddle (oh sorry back pedal) is bound. It gives me one more option such as allowing my guardian to position himself for the perfect leap + awe combo that allows my premade to streamline through voidstar and cap with 4:28 remaining.


Its also weird that you think you know what goes on in my head. Trust me you havent a clue. Not remotely.


Next. Clearly there is a huge portion of the community that does NOT have access to the kind of information i linked to in taugrims guides. Its weird that you had a problem with me giving people access to information that would help them. But then, this is swtor forums. The fact that this thread even exists just proves what kind of intelligence roams these halls.


You take Taugrims blog like it's dogma. That speaks volumes. You're also close-minded in your mistaken interpretation of: "rebind the 's' key ". Not backpeddling != rebind the 's' key. Like I said no one will refute that you should rebind your most used abilities to your finger resting position.


Lastly strafing is not alway the best option as you don't have a full view of the battle field. With that said I still strafe 90% of the time. But the black and white view of don't back peddle is just wrong.

Edited by Orangerascal
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I've been playing computer games forever and have been PvPing in MMO since UO. I've always had my S key bound to back pedal but never use it. I understand the important of strafing versus back pedaling and I agree that you can do anything with strafe that you can do w/ back pedal, faster.


Perhaps it's my experience with computers but I was able to train myself to not use the 's' key, but still leave it keybound (so I thought). Yesterday, I put myself to the test. I unbound my 's' key to see if I ever use it w/o noticing. I found that I do use it for one purpose:


To stop auto running


I found it very annoying to have to click both of my mouse keys at once to stop moving, however, this is a minor detail and I can just learn otherwise.


Other than that for express purpose, I would have to agree that there is no other reason to ever back pedal. However, I really don't see an issue in having the key bound since I've had it bound for years and only use it to stop auto running. But, whatever, if people want to back pedal, let them?

Edited by crrypto
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Tbh i think freeing up keyboard real estate is almost a better reason to get rid of your backpedal than the speed issue. Its the same reason i got rid of my forward key. More keys for ability binds.


And i hear you on the autorun stopping thing.


Anyway. I honestly have no problem with people backpedaling. Its people trying to spread misinformation that bothers me. There are a lot of misinformed people in this thread. Thats all.

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DDO vet here. Backpeddling to try and avoid someone atatcking you just won't work which is why its bad. You move slower they catch up. Its really that simple. Against melee their attackes are generally in the 4 meter range so if you can stay away from them you will avoid most of their attacks. Backpeddling is a sure way to allow them to close the distance.


The best thing to do is run circles. You can pan your camera at angle keeping them on screen. As long as they are on screen you can attack.


Backpeddling to setup better etc. with not having a melee on you is fine. Being attacked and backpeddling = very bad.


Running circles is NOT the plan for a lot of ranged classes you simply can not run in circles and fire a tracer missile or charged burst from a gunslinger or TK throw from a sage etc.

Running in circles will just mean that melee toon will have more hit points left after he kills you.

the disadvantage of stationary to cast powers is of course ...you are stationary looking like a baby seal (trying to fire a missile granted but still vulerable to melee)


Now one thing that I love doing with my "slinger is Dirtykick,pistolwhip mid jump over of the attacker then run through my attacker (no collision) roll into cover (hopefully well out of melee range) fire off an instant cast charged burst then AOE KB as they close followed by the second instant charged burst (triggerd off the KB) then leg it to reset ballistic dampners and try to force that melee to crawl through hell to get to me .


Much much flashyer than "FACETANK"

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I backpeddle ALL THE TIME. I had to bind it to my number pad. It was so funny to me to see all the SWG players ACTUALLY doing it in WZs that while I'm waiting for Q I backpeddle around the combat area while using force sprint.


In other words it is for Entertainment purposes ONLY.


Like those people you call to tell your future. We like to think there are no SAD people in this world that would be SLOW enough to call...


SOME ONE is calling Miss Cleo...Down by Da Beach...Boiey!

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To be honest i just get annoyed at all the idiots who just knock back then back peddle and try to face tank me i understand that you have to cast in this game and situations that back peddling is beneficial but i don't understand why most people who play ranged just try to straight up face tank melee.
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How is backpeddling better for those things you listed? Strafing can do the same thing if you control it by pressing and releasing quickly. Parrying/dodging is 360 degrees in this game, so no need for backpeddling to always face boss and move at same time.


Swinging around the camera is a waste. If the game didn't have "smart camera" (LOL) I might agree but either way we're splitting hairs at that point right? All that needs to be said is "you can't outrun damage by backpedaling" and the rest of this entire thread is totally subjective epeen measuring. Trust me when I say that of all the mistakes I see people make, backpedaling is a tiny one.


If I had to rank the things that make you a good PVP'er strafing in SWTOR is probably not even in the top ten (this is not WoW):


1) Positioning to avoid taking too much incoming fire and getting too far peeled from allies.

2) Knowing enemy rotations and move animations and properly timing counters.

3) Maximizing your applied DPS with practiced keybinds that you can execute quickly/easily for every skill.

4) Quickly identifying and swapping targets of opportunity.

5) Understanding and managing your debuffs and cooldowns.

6) Understanding and managing your snares, roots and CCs and how to avoid them (IE: popping dodge to avoid leg shots when crossing fire pit in Huttball).

7) Situational awareness and metagame awareness (the larger warzone strategy that your enemy might be attempting).

8) Teamwork, peeling off your healers, peeling off your RDPS, etc.




37) Strafing when kiting.

Edited by dcgregorya
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ill back peddle if i want, and there isnt anything you can do about it. hell for kicks ill unbind all other types of movements so that i can only back pedal. and to top it off ill still probably beat you.

Chance's are i would wipe the floor with you.

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It seems like the guys arguing against backpedaling actually thinks people use this to escape which may explain why they think this manuever is useless.


Backpedaling is very precise and this game is all about being very precise when it comes to range. Melee range is 4m. Smash range is 5m. Most PBAEs are 8m, and Charge requires 10m. Once you learn exactly where all the major range games are, you'll find yourself in a situation where you need to exactly back up one meter and it is far easier to tap 'S' twice than do a 180 degree turn, walk forward half a step, and then turn around 180 again facing exactly the same direction. In fact it's because backpedaling is slow that's why it's precise. You will never try to walk one meter of distance with Force Speed. It'd be a crazy thing to even attempt.


Also 3 of the WZ involves a stationary objective that must be guarded carefully, and no matter how awesome you think your team's communication might be, it is far easier to guard an objective when you can see it. Good attackers will always try to approach you from a way if you face them, you'd be looking away from your objectives. Here backpedaling gives you better visibilty to your objective at the cost of your ability to fight, but if the enemy has a stealth guy waiting for you to turn around, it may very well be worth it. Of course, if they actually don't have another guy hiding then you just hurt yourself, but no one ever said it's always correct to backpedal.


I agree !


"BP" isn't always wrong, strafing is not always the best choice and may be the wrong choice with timeloss when you try to reach a specific view to be able to hit or see something.


But for sure BP while being in a 1v1 situation or while using a speed boost is certainly not the good choice there.

Edited by Sinaii
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I haven't read all the post, but this game is not always about 1 vs 1 and kiting. I even heard about a someone rebinding their s key to something else. What they completely miss is that in most warzones you have to position yourself to watch a battle objective and then being able to use s key to move backwards to position yourself is very important.


I haven't played a ranged character because I have loved playing my assassin, but in games like darkfall I turned and shot in the air while running away which worked very well. But haven't seen anything like that here.

Edited by Quantri
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DDO vet here. Backpeddling to try and avoid someone atatcking you just won't work which is why its bad. You move slower they catch up. Its really that simple. Against melee their attackes are generally in the 4 meter range so if you can stay away from them you will avoid most of their attacks. Backpeddling is a sure way to allow them to close the distance.


The best thing to do is run circles. You can pan your camera at angle keeping them on screen. As long as they are on screen you can attack.


Backpeddling to setup better etc. with not having a melee on you is fine. Being attacked and backpeddling = very bad.


No I back up as a tank or Healer or a Sage and it works great. The melee die attempting to get to me.


Nothing more stupid then to turn your back on a real enemy in real life shooting at you?

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I see most ranged classes backpeddal and I sometimes do on my merc, because if you turn around and show your back to your enemy, you're going to take more damage from him- would you rather take more damage and run away or keep facing him and do damage to him?


Where did you learn this ****? Taking more dmg? lol.


There are like 2 abilities in game which can only be used from behind, with strafing you get full speed so if your chaser wont snare and doesnt have speed increase he will never catch you.

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I see most ranged classes backpeddal and I sometimes do on my merc, because if you turn around and show your back to your enemy, you're going to take more damage from him- would you rather take more damage and run away or keep facing him and do damage to him?

This is not Aion.

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