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Who else doesn't care about the new space mission?


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The ones now don't interest me. The new one certainly wont. Maybe ill play it once and thats it. No one likes stuff on rails, this is worse than HP: DH on kinect (if youve seen Angry Joe)


Its funny seeing you people go "OP youre wrong because you said "no one" well I like it so that means you are wrong"


Look up the word "exaggeration"

Edited by DarthWoad
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Space is my xp boosts ( though limited) and extra credits, I hate PVP, SO it's useful for me...though yes very limited as it is: it's not X-wing, or TF, or even Rebel Assault, but it's something Edited by MatronAdena
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There's nothing wrong with mini-games. And for a mini-game it's pretty awesome. I'm hoping that some new space-combat rewards will be in that same patch as well though.


It's actually a lot of fun and a great way to kill some when needed which was it's goal and it has a lot more depth than GW2's mini-games.


And you know what... I don't often do Operations. Is that wasted dev time? Not everything revolves around just one playstyle. I find it refreshing that Bioware spends time on things like space combat and the legacy system that support other playstyles.


A narrow focus and vision is why I grew so frustrated with Blizzard.

Edited by Jedi_Scribe
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I find it refreshing that Bioware spends time on things like space combat and the legacy system that support other playstyles.



I just wish they were spending time on space combat, proper space combat that is. You have to remember this is Star Wars, space combat is an integral part of the IP and a mini game just doesn't do it justice. It needs full 3D.

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I just wish they were spending time on space combat, proper space combat that is. You have to remember this is Star Wars, space combat is an integral part of the IP and a mini game just doesn't do it justice. It needs full 3D.


What do you mean by full 3D? Multiplayer or an instance but you can go anywhere

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What do you mean by full 3D? Multiplayer or an instance but you can go anywhere


Full control over your ship, totally off rails, able to fly in any direction. A bit like JTL in SWG.

Edited by Cordelia
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I don't care that you don't care and I welcome the addition of new space missions. Expanding the space mini-game is far more interesting to me than the addition of yet another operation I cannot participate in at the present, and have no desire to gear up for.
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There's nothing wrong with mini-games. And for a mini-game it's pretty awesome. I'm hoping that some new space-combat rewards will be in that same patch as well though.


It's actually a lot of fun and a great way to kill some when needed which was it's goal and it has a lot more depth than GW2's mini-games.


And you know what... I don't often do Operations. Is that wasted dev time? Not everything revolves around just one playstyle. I find it refreshing that Bioware spends time on things like space combat and the legacy system that support other playstyles.


A narrow focus and vision is why I grew so frustrated with Blizzard.


But this is STAR WARS...


STAR Wars.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but spaceflight was pretty darn important in the Starwars Universe and so was the ability to pilot a ship, not be stuck on rails.


I'm glad you like minigames, and Starwars minigames should be:


1. Gambling on nar shadaar

2. pod racing

3. bounty hunting..


etc etc





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They've already said they're working on a secret space project though and no this wasn't it. They've always said we were getting a new space mission before they'd unveil what the secret space project was.




Personally, the very small preview we got of it looks pretty nice.


Then again, I dont mind being able to waste some time ina mini game. I find most of the space combat missions pretty fun and entertaining for what they are. Not to mention a nice way to catch up in experience if you find yourself behind the curve.


Just my opinion though.

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But this is STAR WARS...


STAR Wars.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but spaceflight was pretty darn important in the Starwars Universe and so was the ability to pilot a ship, not be stuck on rails.


I'm glad you like minigames, and Starwars minigames should be:


1. Gambling on nar shadaar

2. pod racing

3. bounty hunting..


etc etc






Yes, there are a number of additions that would be welcome. A simple card (call it Pazzak or wahtever) playing screen not dissimilar to solitare would go a long way to keeping people happy!


Also, who is to say that this new mission is not the super secret project?

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Yes, there are a number of additions that would be welcome. A simple card (call it Pazzak or wahtever) playing screen not dissimilar to solitare would go a long way to keeping people happy!


Also, who is to say that this new mission is not the super secret project?


It would be a start wouldnt it!

the new space mission looks terrible to be honest, another train-track fest of boredom.


I was over train track games in 1995.


I would much rather sink 5,000,000 credits playing in a casino rather than buying a GTN for my ship...


also wouldnt it be cool if they actually included the underworld, so you could put your ship on the line or something similar, like when Han won his YT of Lando.

Edited by Talarchy
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The "community" here is among the greatest enemies of SWTOR. Always finding something to hate and making threads about how the fact that the entire content isn't tailored to their own special taste is an affront to them and means that the game is a failure.
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