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1 Medal Requirement for Warzone credit


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Is dumb:




This was a highly, incredibly one-sided match, with the best of the best of the Imperial's on our server against an average collection of Republic players. Normally it's reasonably even, but this game we got totally shut out.


6 of us spent most of, if not all of the game actively participating, some were late joiners because a few people left, but nevertheless, we got no credit, no credit at all.


There has got to be a better way to detect participation and activate Warzone rewards than medal detection, to deal with this sort of ****-fest. :C

Edited by Kirazy
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you get defender points for killing the ball carrier, did you do that or was it a 1v1 farm session for medals?


Premade team. Ball Carrier was a 21k HP Juggernaut. You note how there are exactly 3 deaths on the Imperial side?


The 1 medal requirement for warzone credit was intended to stop AFKers from profitting from losses. I don't care if the game was so stacked that we can't down a single imperial. I care that for my trouble, I got exactly as much as if I had never played at all.


I could have left, and gotten just as much. Apparently knocking people off into the pit, over a dozen times to keep them from scoring, delaying them, almost but not quite killing any number of people... is worth nothing.


Yeah. Go ahead and say that "You failed! You deserve nothing!" That's eminently logical.

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In general I think it's fine (most games I get 7-14), but there are a occasional games where it's nuts.


Civil War in particular I see as an issue when the teams are imbalanced, and to make it worse the defender medals seem buggy every now and then.


Or maybe it just doesn't like me. But I've had a few games where I've defended our node for 200 points or so and gotten no defender points at all for it while other players are accruing around me.

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Premade team. Ball Carrier was a 21k HP Juggernaut. You note how there are exactly 3 deaths on the Imperial side?


The 1 medal requirement for warzone credit was intended to stop AFKers from profitting from losses. I don't care if the game was so stacked that we can't down a single imperial. I care that for my trouble, I got exactly as much as if I had never played at all.


I could have left, and gotten just as much. Apparently knocking people off into the pit, over a dozen times to keep them from scoring, delaying them, almost but not quite killing any number of people... is worth nothing.


Yeah. Go ahead and say that "You failed! You deserve nothing!" That's eminently logical.


you deserve nothing. 1 medal isnt that hard, you might as well have been afk.

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It's possible to not get a 2.5k hit in some builds. On my Sent healing is out, and I don't have any auto-crit abilities in my spec, unless I'm really missing something. Sure, on my Merc I can spam tracer missile and get it easy, and even go for a 2.5k crit heal if I'm bored.


Unless I get a lucky crit, the only real 2.5k abilities I have on my sent are Pommel Strike (which requires a stunned opponent, and I was the only one trying to focus their healer and my only stun is channeled) and Master Strike, and even the latter isn't a sure thing. Good players save their stun/knockback for that, particularly if I'm one of the only two decent players on my team.


Needless to say with no healing and usually being focused, I was never alive long enough for Zen to pop.

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It's possible to not get a 2.5k hit in some builds. On my Sent healing is out, and I don't have any auto-crit abilities in my spec, unless I'm really missing something. Sure, on my Merc I can spam tracer missile and get it easy, and even go for a 2.5k crit heal if I'm bored.


Unless I get a lucky crit, the only real 2.5k abilities I have on my sent are Pommel Strike (which requires a stunned opponent, and I was the only one trying to focus their healer and my only stun is channeled) and Master Strike, and even the latter isn't a sure thing. Good players save their stun/knockback for that, particularly if I'm one of the only two decent players on my team.


Needless to say with no healing and usually being focused, I was never alive long enough for Zen to pop.


I don't think you're going to get 2.5k with Pommel Strike... as you can't use it in PvP.

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you deserve nothing. 1 medal isnt that hard, you might as well have been afk.


Sure. If it was just me. Note that on my team, there are only 4 other people with medals. Of those, only one player has more than 1 medal. This player is probably one of the singlemost best geared Republic players on our server, and he managed but 4.


I regularly average 7-9 medals on my Gunnery-spec Trooper, more occasionally. You're right, I couldn't hit higher than 2.5k, and that is highly unusual. I generally have that one almost immediately.


I'm saying that this game is an exception to typical PvP games you're going to see. "Heal someone for 2.5k!" "Protect for 2k!" (Doesn't apply, don't have guard?) and "Do 2.5k damage!" are irrelevant when your enemies are so well geared, and so well healed and protected, that all your attempts are ineffectual.


And in that circumstance, as evidenced by the screenshot I posted, one team is going to do jack all. The other team is going to be functionally invulnerable. I'm not complaining about that. I'm complaining that I, and most of my team, worked through a one-sided curbstomp, and got nothing at all for our trouble.

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Is dumb:




This was a highly, incredibly one-sided match, with the best of the best of the Imperial's on our server against an average collection of Republic players. Normally it's reasonably even, but this game we got totally shut out.


6 of us spent most of, if not all of the game actively participating, some were late joiners because a few people left, but nevertheless, we got no credit, no credit at all.


There has got to be a better way to detect participation and activate Warzone rewards than medal detection, to deal with this sort of ****-fest. :C


You got 14k health, you should not be allowed to speak.

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You got 14k health, you should not be allowed to speak.


14k is about right for a Commando in Recruit gear. There's nothing wrong with that.


The situation does sound frustrating. If the game treated me like I was AFK, even though I was actually playing the game (and getting crushed by a far better team), I would be irritated too.

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Take the loss and move on? It's not hard to get a single medal. If you're getting rolled THAT hard, you could just find the one guy who's low on health and steal the winning blow. Yeah, your team won't get a medal, but you will. That would stop you from making dumb posts, correct?
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The 1 medal requirement is extremely dumb because it was meant to stop afkers from getting rewards. Well guess what, afkers can get 1 medal easily by afking at a friendly node. The 1 medal req isn't doing what it was meant for, so get rid of it.
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It is not normally impossible to get one medal, but IMHO take it as a loss and move on, hopefully they do not kill queues on your server.


That being said ;


Gutless ,Abusive, Anon,


every poster is one of these, those of you being more than one, please seek help.

Edited by Elkirin
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I would be frustrated with those scores too.. but:


the best of the best of the Imperial's on our server against an average collection of Republic players


Results are as expected, if you vs'd them 3 times in a row.. then somethings up, but losing badly to a premade of the BEST players is expected.

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you deserve nothing. 1 medal isnt that hard, you might as well have been afk.


True, getting 1 medal is doable in most WZ's, unless you join a failing team very late.




If you face a good premade, and do your best to play objectives meanwhile most of your team is failing to do the same - you can end up without medals, or very few. Specially in huttball, where a few times, I have been the only one playing strategically. CC'ing key opponents, thinking about position etc -but ended up with least rewards in my team becuase the rest just ran around 2vs1'ing ppl in the pits and couldn't care less about actual teamwork or objectives.


Imo thats not how it should be. Those who continue to try and play objectives strategically, even though they're getting rolled -Those are the ppl that deserve rewards at the end of a match tbh. (And the winners ofc)


Atm those players can easily get less rewards against a premade, compared to teammates who ignores objectives and instead mindlessly just DPS on everything that moves. It should be the other way around...

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True, getting 1 medal is doable in most WZ's, unless you join a failing team very late....


Which is why you should get 1 medal for coming in after the game starts. Been in a few games that ended before I could get out of the starting gate and others where I load in to see the ending scoarboard.

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