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SWTOR to be Free To Play up to 15 in July..Honest opinions please


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This is entirely a non-issue. Limited free-to-play is practically a staple of the industry now. It's healthy for both this game as well as gaming in general.


Totally this.


It's essentially just letting people play a 'demo' of the game. If they like it we'll get new players, if they don't at least they didn't waste money on the cost of the game.

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I remember LOTRO did that same thing, ftp to lev 15ish then 6 months later its f2p lol.


Wrong. When lotro went f2p it was f2p up to level 50. The only thing you needed to do was buy the moria expansion which everyone (even paying customers) had to buy to hit level 60. So what you are saying is 100% false.

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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet but I wonder they will follow a similar route as Rift does where all accounts can play characters up to level 15 not just new trial accounts. Even if your not subbed you can still login the game and play your low level characters. I preferred that system over WoW's where you could only use a new account.
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well...that is a COMPLETELY different issue. It's ...just not Star Wars with BioWare story telling and has awesome choices and all that. Soo..yeah. You have nothing to worry about this game going free to play. Ever.


can i quote this again in a few months ?

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All this is, was a way to try and attract more folks since so many of us are leaving in droves. I would be surprized if the entire game is not free to play by the end of the year with some sort of limitation/unlocks. It is an act of desperation.
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Can you level multiple toons up to L15 whilst not having a sub?


Thats what I'm wondering also, its a great system used in Rift that allows you to still login to the game and play your low level characters without being subbed. I hope SWTOR follows this model as apposed to other MMO's that only allow new Trial accounts.

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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet but I wonder they will follow a similar route as Rift does where all accounts can play characters up to level 15 not just new trial accounts. Even if your not subbed you can still login the game and play your low level characters. I preferred that system over WoW's where you could only use a new account.


In Rift...it is free up to level 20. And same for WoW. You can play WoW free as long as you want up to level 20. It is not time based in WoW ether....just keep from hitting 20 and you can play it for free that way forever if you want. :p


It is a good move by them to offer a free trial and free play up to level 15. The problem with TOR however is when the char hits 50. And the free trial will never reveal that.

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We've just been told that SWTOR will be F2P up to level 15 in July. What is your honest opinion of this move by EA? I can't imagine BioWare are happy with it and personally I see it as one step away from a move to a full Free To Play business model.


For me, that would lead to me to leave the game. I really liked LOTRO, but as soon as it went F2P I realised that the 'short-cut' option offered by the store would be too tempting, and I'd spend more than my £8.99 a month in frivolous purchases (have disposable income, will spend it :p)


Which is why F2P and associated micro transactions are so popular with EA titles, unfortunately


What's your take on it?


(Disclaimer: I know there have been other similar threads on this, but none have been targeted specifically at the community's opinions on the F2P news)


I'm OK with it. As others have said, this is SOP for the genre nowadays. If it means bringing new players to the game, then by all means we should. TBH, I think the subscription based model is fading and all games in the genre will be based on Anet's B2P or a straight F2P model by the end of the decade. Ultimately, if SWTOR goes F2P, I am sure they will maintain the sub model for "premium accounts" which (should) mean that those subs would not have to worry about purchasing cash shop items.



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In Rift...it is free up to level 20. And same for WoW. You can play WoW free as long as you want up to level 20. It is not time based in WoW ether....just keep from hitting 20 and you can play it for free that way forever if you want. :p


It is a good move by them to offer a free trial and free play up to level 15. The problem with TOR however is when the char hits 50. And the free trial will never reveal that.


The problem with WoW's system is you can't play on an unsubbed account, you have to make a new trial account. This is ok for new players but I think it would be better to let people back on their old accounts and play, especially people that have been unsubbed for a while and want to see if the game is worth resubbing for after patches.

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All this is, was a way to try and attract more folks since so many of us are leaving in droves. I would be surprized if the entire game is not free to play by the end of the year with some sort of limitation/unlocks. It is an act of desperation.


Sad thing is, you actually believe this.

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I think it's a great idea.


There is a large portion of the gaming population that would like to see or play a demo of most games before they drop $60 on it, must less a $15 a month sub.


Most times its good to give a taste of something thats free before you pay a little and get access to the whole product.


It's a good idea.

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Wrong. When lotro went f2p it was f2p up to level 50. The only thing you needed to do was buy the moria expansion which everyone (even paying customers) had to buy to hit level 60. So what you are saying is 100% false.


Just to be pedantic it was possible to get the expansions by grinding TP in game rather than using cash, so LoTRO is indeed f2p all the way. The only exceptions are the occasional bonus cosmetic items that are given out along with a cash purchase of an expansion. So he was 99.999999% correct, although it has to be said that getting all the expansion content for free is a lot of effort.


Can you level multiple toons up to L15 whilst not having a sub?


If it runs like the current 7 day trial then yes, I had 4 characters on my trial account (and its showed all 8 character slots as available).

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Doesn't affct my gameplay in *any* way so on that front, couldn't care less. Is it a sign of the end times? Who can say, it's obvious that they've lost a lot of subs in the past few months. Not necessarily active subs as the free month is still up but once it ends, a large portion will not be subbing. Is it a bad thing? Sure, there can never be too many players but I don't think the game is in a dire place, yet.


Time will tell if BW can reel people back in. Although,. their current upcoming content doesn't fill me with confidence. Having a new operation that will be cleared in 2 weeks hardly inspires people to keep subbing for months and the sooner they get that through to the ignorant suits, the sooner the game can get back on track.

Edited by Jandi
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Honestly, I'd be happy if the full game went F2P, sooner rather than later.


You did want honest opinions, yeah?


SWTOR isn't nearly sticky enough to keep people's interest for very long. The new content patch, whenever that is released, will have a brief bump in subs, but they'll go right back down again, and soon.


The gameplay itself for SWTOR is sorely lacking, after a while, it gets extremely boring.


I'm just trying to complete my class quests on my Sith Warrior, and it's just torturous. It really is.

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Doesn't affct my gameplay in *any* way


The only way this could affect my game play is in the 10-49 warzones.


I'm wondering if F2P players will be able to queue and if so... can they even reply to ops chat?


Besides that I could care less that the free weekends have morphed into a free month to level 15.

Edited by Nakazia
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F2P for up to level 15 was the first step in the death of Warhammer Online and it will be the first step of the death of SW:TOR.


I wonder if they realize that if they allowed less restrictive transfers and put more work into PVP and its facilitation that more people would come back. I mean let's be honest - the biggest allure of a SW MMO is jedi vs sith PVP :p

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It would be good to infuse new blood to try out what is the "hub-nub" of SWTOR. SWTOR does have its good and bad points, but some MMO players are hesitant in terms of cost (another 50$ plus monthly) so opening it for free for a few levels is a good way to people to try before they buy.
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Just to be pedantic it was possible to get the expansions by grinding TP in game rather than using cash, so LoTRO is indeed f2p all the way. The only exceptions are the occasional bonus cosmetic items that are given out along with a cash purchase of an expansion. So he was 99.999999% correct, although it has to be said that getting all the expansion content for free is a lot of effort.




If it runs like the current 7 day trial then yes, I had 4 characters on my trial account (and its showed all 8 character slots as available).


Noone said lotro was not f2p "all the way" but you have to spend points. When I played lotro and moria came out it cost me $80 for the CE. You also could not buy the adventure pack nor could you buy mirkwood when it first came out. Rohan is the same way it will be in the store yes but not at launch and you cannot preorder except with cash and paying in full.

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F2P for up to level 15 was the first step in the death of Warhammer Online and it will be the first step of the death of SW:TOR.


I wonder if they realize that if they allowed less restrictive transfers and put more work into PVP and its facilitation that more people would come back. I mean let's be honest - the biggest allure of a SW MMO is jedi vs sith PVP :p


Last I checked Warhammer was still around. So I think you saying it died is a tad premature.

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