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Everything posted by Akharus

  1. Thanks everyone! Yes this was with a new character I made to join a friend with... the teens and 20s. Win trading... that sounds horrible. Do unranked 8v8s pop much on Star Forge? I really mostly just want to enjoy the story and randomly fight in WZs I rather dislike "arena" due to it almost always being a fustercluck of miserable people flavor of the monthing and doing anything not yet classified as cheating to win, lol (I played WoW some years back, can you tell? :-P). Right now I'm sitting here in shock at how many names are unavailable... I'm not entirely sure anything I make will be pronounceable at this point! Any idea if they will do another one of those "log in to prevent a name purge" dealies like they did way back when after the first merges? Also... uhm... every single flashpoint and warzone I am ranked up to 70? Does this mean that you can basically do anything in the game with anyone from any level? Because I noticed I got down leveled on Dromund Kaas, too. Thanks again all
  2. What do you mean by legacy gear? I just came back too and everything is nuts. Last I played we had skill trees and the fighter pvp thing didnt exist and the level cap was still 50 @_@.
  3. Hi all, just resubbed. Last time I played, the pvp dogfights with fighters was not even a thing and I believe the level cap was still 50 and I was waiting for new content to drop, lol. So... uhm, a lot has changed. I was queued with my friend for some WZs, and I noticed they were all little 5 man death matches. What the heck? I remember all these cool warzones.... http://www.swtor.com/holonet/warzones <---- these ones! I loved those! Where are they? Am I just getting REALLY unlucky with warzone pops or am I doing something wrong? I'd also be happy if someone told me what the ranked matches are and how the star fighter thing works. I tried to google but there's surprisingly little up to date information about the game out there. Thanks!
  4. I noticed I can queue him infinitely XD What's ranked though? The last time I played, player controlled pvp dogfights weren't even a thing
  5. I can only find old information I'm subbed, but some of my friends are Pref'd and I want to know how much they can WZ and what not. Thanks
  6. Akharus

    Large warzones.

    Would anyone else love to see some level 50 large warzones that you could actually mount up in? Maybe expand on the alderaan civil war wz. In one of the cutscenes there's an epic fight between sith and jedi in the wilds of alderaan --- I know it happened 40 years before the game and all, but with the drama they have on world right now, it'd still make a killer setting. Maybe make it a 12 v 12 large wz with mounts
  7. Grin and bear it til you have your war-hero is basically the rule of thumb. I wish they'd just remove expertise... giving kiddies an artificial stat to compensate for lack of skill is lame. It was lame in EQ, it was lame in WoW, and it's lame in TOR.
  8. Mara need to be squishier imo. Any competent player can work their defense buffs and self heals and be tank-tough for most of a fight. Anything that does dps that obscene should NOT have that many defense moves. Get rid of their self heals imo. /hijack lol
  9. Akharus

    Recruits in Pvp

    See my answer to that is make expertise differences less extreme. Frankly when you first pvp at 50, either with nothing, or just in recruit gear - it's HORRIBLE. It's no fun AT ALL. You just die, die, die, die, die. You can't hurt anyone and everyone two-shots you. Grinding out that battlemaster gear is horribly painful - and tbh? Even then you'll still be at a disadvantage because more people have war-hero than don't. Expertise ruins warzones entirely, IMO. Why the heck does anyone need a stat to make them "good at pvp" anyway? It should be skill based not expertise based.
  10. Yeah some more particle scaling effects would be nice. Fire ones are particularly brutal.
  11. As far as I know the speed boost is disabled in Warzones - and thank god for that. With such small maps (think void star!) defense would be way too easy if it were enabled.
  12. I would appreciate 2 more character slots. 10 character slots is kind of the industry norm at this point - yet we only have eight. BOOOOOOOO. Heck, you could even go crazy and split the server in two - allow eight toons of EACH faction for a total of 16 chars per server. That'd be nice, perhaps a bit much though. But at least give us 10.
  13. Why are so many people so unhappy with the game? It doesn't really innovate, but who cares? You have eight stories to explore, each of which could be its own single player game - and each of which have 2 branches (light/dark). You have a large world to explore, quests to keep you busy for a very long time. Loot to get, titles to get, lore to get. There's PVP which isn't bad at all - and only minorly imbalanced (you can compensate for it btw so please don't whine too hard). There's a group finder coming, a new playable race coming, rated warzones coming, servers just got unofficially merged so that you'll have people to play with... ...I mean hell, what are you all complaining about? At least it's not some 8 year old video game that has devolved into fart jokes and pop culture references and little else aside from kung-fu pandas. What is the main complaint? What do you want? What is this mythical content? New raids??? Raids only last a few weeks until you beat it and need the next one. If all you want is more raids, man, you'll never be happy - that model is so inherently flawed I don't even know where to start. If all you want is bigger badder dungeons I highly suggest you go pick up a copy of the Pathfinder rule book and discover pen and paper RPGs.
  14. You know I've been a Dungeon Master since I was 14 years old (I'm 29 now), and I gotta say... kill X number of things for a reward is the engine behind most questing - period. It doesn't matter how you dress it up, it all fundamentally comes back down to that... even if its some long involved thing that requires RP and a week to resolve. Its all still a transaction for experience points when the dust is settled. What you're really complaining about is a lack of social interaction. See, you want choices and influence and dialogue - that's all fundamentally things you do with people along the way. It's really hard to make that work in a video game, especially one of this scale. Imagine the conversation trees - you'd need light and dark for each class - so much dialogue! And the voice acting? Yikes! It's a matter of cost and time for expected return man. How 'bout you saddle on over to an RP-PVP server and role play with some folks? You'll get what you want, and it will be better than a pure simulation could ever hope to manage without being custom designed just for you. You can't just rely on a game to make the experience for you, you have to engage it.
  15. That explains things... I don't watch TV :-\
  16. Cathar? Only Cathar? Seeing as the Mandalorians almost committed xenocide against them, and that the Cathar are overwhelmingly anti Empire and anti Mandalorian... Shouldnt there be a second new race coming? And where the heck did they say Cathar were coming? Anyone got a link?
  17. I don't get it... Marauders aren't hard to kill. They are squishy. Do you guys just not know how to move/kite? Even if you're melee... just move better. Really. It's not that hard. They hit like trucks but have glass jaws. If you're ranged, you have no excuse - you should be able to kite them all day long.
  18. Everyone complains about marauders... why? They are squishy as hell - and their dps frankly, while high, is not beyond the reach of the other classes. This whole issue is overblown imo - and no, I don't play Marauders - not my cup of tea.
  19. Nothin but a thinly veiled test run for Micro-Transaction model to help ascertain whether or not to go F2P. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  20. From a quick survey my brother and I did... The Swiftsure is actually pretty much the second most jiving PVP server. I'd recommend you stay there - I would bet on people being allowed to transfer TO it, not off of it. Although yeah, in the last month it has lost a LOT of players... which sucks, I actually just rerolled there :-\
  21. I gave up eight characters including a 50 on my original server, too. It was heavy population until just a couple months ago and now it's a dead server. I rerolled on The Swiftsure and it's population has been dropping like flies for the last month as well. I don't get it. This game is certainly better than WoW, AoC, LOTRO, etc... where the heck is everyone going? Is Rift enjoying a resurgence I don't know about or something, lol?
  22. Yeah that's the problem.
  23. I see your rationale and I utterly reject it. There's a warning dialogue when you select the PVP server. I fully support fleets being a safe zone... but every planet that has republic and imperial quests in it should be 100% open for PVP on a PVP server. I am really, truly disappointed This is like "world of star wars care bear adventures" or something And for emphasis.. Edit: Yeah it's in the area around the big golden hutt statue, but upstairs. I was soooo happy until I realized nothing was happening, lol. War Zones are fun and all, but I want some real pvp :-\
  24. F2P for up to level 15 was the first step in the death of Warhammer Online and it will be the first step of the death of SW:TOR. I wonder if they realize that if they allowed less restrictive transfers and put more work into PVP and its facilitation that more people would come back. I mean let's be honest - the biggest allure of a SW MMO is jedi vs sith PVP
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