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When noobs attack!!!


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Was running around in the mid bracket using only explosive round and was 2nd dps ... sigh


That ability is pretty nifty now though. I had a level 17 Merc in lowbie bracket and basically spammed that all match (weaving in default attacks though) And was clearing like +400k DPS over second highest lol.

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That ability is pretty nifty now though. I had a level 17 Merc in lowbie bracket and basically spammed that all match (weaving in default attacks though) And was clearing like +400k DPS over second highest lol.

How are you doing 400000 damage per second?

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I have a shadow and an assassin which since 2.0 were both specced DPS in the middle tree. Got a bit bored and figured hmmmm why not try the tanking tree on my shadow. I go to the skill tree guy, respec, and start going through my abilities to learn them. I notice the harnessed shadows skill and read that I can heal at 3 stacks with Telekinetic Throw. Awesome.... selfheal... That'll be useful I think. I rearrange my abilities on my hotbar to my liking, and queue up for that first Shadow tank PVP experience.


It ends up being voidstar and I'm enjoying it, defending like a pro feeling immortal, when at one time I'm focused and start to get low HP, some mara and ranged hitting on me, so I Force Wave him away after I check I have 3 stacks, and hit my Telekinetic Throw...


Ahahaha you bas**** mara behold my impressive self heal survival skills... Nothing happens! No channel and I'm so flabbergasted he proceeds to ravage me into the spawn area...


Flaming with rage already contemplating the angry bug report I will have to file immediately, and possible forum posts decrying what a terrible fail BW was putting unworking talents on live servers...


I mouse over my hotbar, and only then realize... I'd moved my Force Valor where I thought I'd put Telekinetic Throw... Quick to assume I'd have others to blame, and the only one at fault turned out to be me, myself & I.... One serving of humble pie I won't forget in a hurry...


Oh, and on my mara I've done the hit the wrong key thing too one meter from the goal line in Huttball and vanished.

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I once joined in a pvp dueling tournament on our server as concealment operative. For some reason I decided to switch my keybind of my kolto injection. I didn't had my medpacs bounded so I switched that one too.


Going into one of my fights I figured out during the fight that I had put my medpac and my selfheal somewhere they weren't supposed to be just when I had my opponent flashed and I was planning on self healing me since he used his cc breaker before.


A hole crowd watching me just standing there like a donkey not doing anything trying to find my medpac to press it, silly me still playing with the standard user interface. :o


Fortunately i found my medpac 1 second before the mezz ran out and I had enough health left to kill my opponent. So not a total fail in the end.

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Very crafty necro.


Worth it for the thread title alone.


Gives me the mental image of someone going about their daily business, only to be suddenly assaulted by a gang of midgets doing that furious flailing/slapping thing that kids who've no idea how to fight but rage to spare do.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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I hate you people and your necros. You got me all excited thinking they let Ugly back on the forums! :mad:


I was wondering about that - what'd he get banned for? Obviously, don;t repeat it - but mime it with smileys and obscure words if you can.


My onw story is that while doing microbinoculars on Tatooine the other day one sent me into an imp base (??). I stealthed in and was doing it when I got jumped by two lvl 25 imps. I'm 55. Was really funny - they couldn't even land a blow. I dodged and parried till they got tuckered out, completed the quest, and left.

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Well I mean he is around, but this account is banned.


Ya, I get my fill of Ugly from the FB group, but he left us to fend off ridiculous threads by ourselves. Plus Xerain went off the deep end, so my entertainment value from trolly SWTOR threads has dropped significantly as of late.

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Ya, I get my fill of Ugly from the FB group, but he left us to fend off ridiculous threads by ourselves. Plus Xerain went off the deep end, so my entertainment value from trolly SWTOR threads has dropped significantly as of late.


I have been trying but I only get like another 17 days or so of forum postings, not sure if I wanna go for the ban or not in the off chance I come back with 2.4

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I'll point out my noobie embarrassments that don't seem all that long ago:


First huttball I didn't have the throw slotted and I was all excited about getting the ball, and didn't know what to do after I got it. People kept saying throw it throw it, I was like HOW?. :(


Hutball again freaked out when a vanguard "force leaped" to me. I was in fleet asking how that happened. :(


Posted in the forums wondering how I got knocked on my back while in cover when there was no one around, then force leaped to. That day I learned about seismic grenades. :(


Buying medpacks up because I didn't know there was a conversion option between regular and ranked coms, making my gear up take even longer. :(


Solo defending with a single incoming and not letting people know because it was only one, not realizing there as a few stealthers with him. :(

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