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EA Press Conference NEW INFO


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Just said on the EA conference,


-New planet - Makeb (something to do with Hutts)

-From July people can play up to level 15 for free.

-New playable species Cathar (Cat heads from the Elder Scrolls series) May also mean more character slots.

-New companion HK-51 a robot

-New Operation - Terror from Beyond

-New Warzone - Ancient Hypergates

-New space combat mission

-New harcore nightmare difficulty (or something)

-New level cap!


I'd appreciate it if people could post below and Ill write here if theres anything i missed.


Here is link to vid on youtube http://youtu.be/nq21SLln8M4?t=40m8s

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You are rediculous


mega servers are coming where there will be TONS of people on those servers with free transfers. Or did you miss that news?


Well sry to say but the ridicolous its you wen 80% of the Servers are dead and guys like you keep talking about healty population with toons of players!

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level cap increases? I guess that is one way to deal with the end game content issue.



whats funny is they are upping level cap and there by nullifying all existing end game content so they will have to add a ton just o get back to where they are now .. =P


unless they just up the current stuff to be the new max level and then they will piss people off because they already have done it all before.. so gain 5 levels (or how many ever) and then run the same stuff we did 5 levels ago...

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Yeah, he also said that before almost everyone that bought the game unsubscribed. BW/EA needs this game to make money and losing as many subs as they have probably means this won't be given to us for free. So, the question then becomes, after how poorly managed SWTOR has been over its first 6 months, do you really want to give BW/EA more money?



I have a job and can afford $15 per month plus a yearly expansion?

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Got this PM ages ago


Star Wars: The Old Republic: Makeb Mission introduces an explosive new conflict threatening the future of the galaxy. The Hutt Empire has risen from the underworld to challenge the Republic and Sith Empire for control of the galaxy, unleashing never-before-seen droids and monstrous battle stations to serve as powerful weapons of destruction. As a player, you will be forced to take a side in this sudden uprising by The Hutt Empire. Is this a manifestation of an isolated power play or is it the first move in a bigger plot to take over control of the galaxy? Join the battle to thwart the Hutt aggression and unravel the Mystery of Makeb, an alien world with invaluable natural resources that could shift the balance of power in the galaxy. Experience this new story-driven adventure with the additional features below. The next chapter in your Star Wars saga begins now!


Available for physical or digital purchase

Increased level cap. 5 additional levels of gameplay

New planet Makeb - Explore Makeb, as the Republic and Sith Empire fight for control over this alien planet with invaluable natural resources.

First-ever Legacy Species: The Cathar. Play as the deadly, powerful, and efficient Cathar--the first-ever species obtained exclusively through the Legacy System.

Luke Skywalker's speeder from the classic Star Wars movies. This is a 2-seat speeder capable of carrying two players.

Kowakian Monkey Lizard similar to Salacious B. Crumb from the classic Star Wars movies

Ewok companion from the classic Star Wars movies

Improved Crafting System - Acquire new recipes, weapons and armor, and experience an all-new crafting system with additional levels to hone your skills.

Exclusive vanity items (special character particle effects, unique lightsaber color, etc)

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Basically its everything that was on that survey they have been sending some people. The question is which price they settled on (No it won't be a free patch)


nope its all going to be patch updates



everything in there was pretty much found already in the data mining by Torhead. It seems some of the stuff from 1.3 was pushed back but it all makes sense.

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And how the hell do you put some unheard of planet out rather then the HIGHLY requested Wookie world??


And limited F2P at just 6 months?


73 days and im done till game goes full on F2P or till real social building content is added


You must think yourself super special.

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I have a job and can afford $15 per month plus a yearly expansion?


Grats? Wasn't the point of my post. Let me provide an example to elaborate my point. SWTOR is a mid-to high end restaurant. I go there a couple times per week, but the service is always bad, they regularly over cook my steaks, and at least once per week I find a bug in my food. Sure, I can afford to keep eating there, but why would I keep giving my money to that restaurant when there are other similar restaurants out there that don't have all those problems? If I kept eating there despite all those issues, what would that say about me?

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Honestly, I can't believe all the haters. Don't get me wrong, I was looking into Mist of Pandas and didn't have so much and was deciding on leaving the game. This trailer has given me lots of hope. And please stop saying" expansion." This is not a expansion, it's going to be a patch, prolly 1.4. Expanions would mean a new box to buy at the store, new CE edition more money to pay out of our pockets beside subscription. Look at BF3 at E3, that's a expanions. There charging 49.99 for their new content , if they didn't bring that up here, then we don't have to pay for it.

Lets Break it Down:


New Ops: Terror from Beyond


The game launched with one, technical two and bosses added on shortly after. We just got a new operations and already planned on brining out another. Not gonna lie, that's pretty cool. It's gives hardcore players new content so they don't get bored and casual players that play stroy mode and just enjoy.


One shown playable species: Cathar


There is only one shown, doesn't mean they won't bring out another. I wouldn't peg it as a for sure thing for only one new one. Honestly, how many did you expect? For the lack of a better comparison, WoW only comes out with 1-2 new species and they have probably half of the testing they need to get done due to the voice acting. I wouldn't expect any more than three and that's just being generous. BTW, the species looks sweet. Can't wait to play and hopefully they have a paid species switch so people don't have to level the same character.


New Level Cap and Abilities:


Never seen this as a issue. Level cap will proly be 55 with the one new planet. New Abilities and level cap means new talent tees with a new ability in each talent tree with porly one new ability shared with your class and one new ability with your advanced class. That's a total of at most five new abilities per advanced class. I can't see a negative in this. Maybe class imblance is the only thing so will have to wait and see.


New Planet-Makeb


Let's be honest, it's goona take a total of 7-10 hours to get 5 levels on 1 new planet. This will not make or break the game by any means for the frustration of hitting the new cap. This is prolly my least favorite addtion unless they add more on the class stories.


New Companion: HK-51


Proly going to get this companion on the new planet while leveling. This means everyone is going to have one shared companion. However, I don't like the idea of that but, I don't really care about companions that much. I know the community wanted this to be a compaion so there giving it to everyone but they better not make this a habit of giving everyone shared companions.


New Wz: Ancient HyperGates


Tor launched with three wz's. Civil war, hutball and voidstar. Just came out with novare coast and already coming out with another. I this rate, Wz's are going to hit the masses. were going to have five different wz's all in one year. That's preety cool and no complaints here.


New Space Mission:


I lied, this is my least favorite feature that's coming out. Not much to say. Only thing is, it's been said countless times by devs that they have big plans for space missions/battles and I doubt one mission is there full plan.


F2P to Lvl 15 in July


Ok every subscription based game does this so I see no problem or seeing that its going F2P any time soon. Wow, rift and I even think tera is already doing it. So let's put the breaks on F2P please.


Not mentioned.


ETA of 1.3 and Character Transfers. Trust me I wanted to hear all the info on xfers but that doesn't appeal to the masses sadly only the people playing the game. They want people to join and that's their goal at E3. They can't only target there players base at this big of an event. We need xfers and we need them bad. Hopefully that comes out soon enough or none of these updates/content reveals matter.

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Got this PM ages ago


Star Wars: The Old Republic: Makeb Mission introduces an explosive new conflict threatening the future of the galaxy. The Hutt Empire has risen from the underworld to challenge the Republic and Sith Empire for control of the galaxy, unleashing never-before-seen droids and monstrous battle stations to serve as powerful weapons of destruction. As a player, you will be forced to take a side in this sudden uprising by The Hutt Empire. Is this a manifestation of an isolated power play or is it the first move in a bigger plot to take over control of the galaxy? Join the battle to thwart the Hutt aggression and unravel the Mystery of Makeb, an alien world with invaluable natural resources that could shift the balance of power in the galaxy. Experience this new story-driven adventure with the additional features below. The next chapter in your Star Wars saga begins now!


Available for physical or digital purchase

Increased level cap. 5 additional levels of gameplay

New planet Makeb - Explore Makeb, as the Republic and Sith Empire fight for control over this alien planet with invaluable natural resources.

First-ever Legacy Species: The Cathar. Play as the deadly, powerful, and efficient Cathar--the first-ever species obtained exclusively through the Legacy System.

Luke Skywalker's speeder from the classic Star Wars movies. This is a 2-seat speeder capable of carrying two players.

Kowakian Monkey Lizard similar to Salacious B. Crumb from the classic Star Wars movies

Ewok companion from the classic Star Wars movies

Improved Crafting System - Acquire new recipes, weapons and armor, and experience an all-new crafting system with additional levels to hone your skills.

Exclusive vanity items (special character particle effects, unique lightsaber color, etc)



Is this a sign for a micro-tran store ? :eek::( Or just additions to the Digital Delux and Collector's Edition sets?

Edited by Eillack
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So what was the time frame on any of this? This year?


Given the rate at which they're patches have been coming out, I would expect any of that before February, which means they'd have all the bugs introduced in that patch fixed by next December.

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Honestly, I can't believe all the haters. Don't get me wrong, I was looking into Mist of Pandas and didn't have so much and was deciding on leaving the game. This trailer has given me lots of hope. And please stop saying" expansion." This is not a expansion, it's going to be a patch, prolly 1.4. Expanions would mean a new box to buy at the store, new CE edition more money to pay out of our pockets beside subscription. Look at BF3 at E3, that's a expanions. There charging 49.99 for their new content , if they didn't bring that up here, then we don't have to pay for it.

Lets Break it Down:


Please copy and paste this in more threads. None of us read it the first 6 times you posted it.

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Given the rate at which they're patches have been coming out, I would expect any of that before February, which means they'd have all the bugs introduced in that patch fixed by next December.


Well throwing Cathar in shouldn't be terribly difficult - they've got the models in-game and since they're more humanoid than the notoriously buggy Twi'lek or that other worm headed species it's probably not that bad.


Makeb though - a new planet and a new mission arc (at a new level cap?) seems like major new content and that's the exciting part. But I guess I'm skeptical we'll be seeing Makeb any time soon since all they showed were a couple of droids.

Edited by jgelling
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Honestly, I can't believe all the haters. Don't get me wrong, I was looking into Mist of Pandas and didn't have so much and was deciding on leaving the game. This trailer has given me lots of hope. And please stop saying" expansion." This is not a expansion, it's going to be a patch, prolly 1.4. Expanions would mean a new box to buy at the store, new CE edition more money to pay out of our pockets beside subscription. Look at BF3 at E3, that's a expanions. There charging 49.99 for their new content , if they didn't bring that up here, then we don't have to pay for it.

Lets Break it Down:


New Ops: Terror from Beyond


The game launched with one, technical two and bosses added on shortly after. We just got a new operations and already planned on brining out another. Not gonna lie, that's pretty cool. It's gives hardcore players new content so they don't get bored and casual players that play stroy mode and just enjoy.


One shown playable species: Cathar


There is only one shown, doesn't mean they won't bring out another. I wouldn't peg it as a for sure thing for only one new one. Honestly, how many did you expect? For the lack of a better comparison, WoW only comes out with 1-2 new species and they have probably half of the testing they need to get done due to the voice acting. I wouldn't expect any more than three and that's just being generous. BTW, the species looks sweet. Can't wait to play and hopefully they have a paid species switch so people don't have to level the same character.


New Level Cap and Abilities:


Never seen this as a issue. Level cap will proly be 55 with the one new planet. New Abilities and level cap means new talent tees with a new ability in each talent tree with porly one new ability shared with your class and one new ability with your advanced class. That's a total of at most five new abilities per advanced class. I can't see a negative in this. Maybe class imblance is the only thing so will have to wait and see.


New Planet-Makeb


Let's be honest, it's goona take a total of 7-10 hours to get 5 levels on 1 new planet. This will not make or break the game by any means for the frustration of hitting the new cap. This is prolly my least favorite addtion unless they add more on the class stories.


New Companion: HK-51


Proly going to get this companion on the new planet while leveling. This means everyone is going to have one shared companion. However, I don't like the idea of that but, I don't really care about companions that much. I know the community wanted this to be a compaion so there giving it to everyone but they better not make this a habit of giving everyone shared companions.


New Wz: Ancient HyperGates


Tor launched with three wz's. Civil war, hutball and voidstar. Just came out with novare coast and already coming out with another. I this rate, Wz's are going to hit the masses. were going to have five different wz's all in one year. That's preety cool and no complaints here.


New Space Mission:


I lied, this is my least favorite feature that's coming out. Not much to say. Only thing is, it's been said countless times by devs that they have big plans for space missions/battles and I doubt one mission is there full plan.


F2P to Lvl 15 in July


Ok every subscription based game does this so I see no problem or seeing that its going F2P any time soon. Wow, rift and I even think tera is already doing it. So let's put the breaks on F2P please.


Not mentioned.


ETA of 1.3 and Character Transfers. Trust me I wanted to hear all the info on xfers but that doesn't appeal to the masses sadly only the people playing the game. They want people to join and that's their goal at E3. They can't only target there players base at this big of an event. We need xfers and we need them bad. Hopefully that comes out soon enough or none of these updates/content reveals matter.

amazing post

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And in the end... it went Free to Play after all?


Free to level 15 on a constant basis is pretty cool.


It all looks pretty good... but "Coming This Year" leaves a bit of vague expectations. Station Assault space mission looks nice though. :)

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What I dont see speaks volumes to how lost EA is

So, because EA doesn't cater to your whims, they are lost? What you've posted are hardly universal needs/desires.





NO DAoC style RVR

NO Rift style public groups

NO Housing or at least ship customization

I don't care about Pazaak. I didn't like it in KOTOR.

I don't care about Holo chess.

Assuming duels are active, you can do everything in a cantina in game that happened in a cantina in the movies.

I don't care about PvP, and I care even less about RvR. If it can be added without affecting me, then go for it. But if I have to deal with it in any way, I don't want it.

I don't care about public groups. I didn't like them in Rift, and I don't care about them here.

Housing is something I care greatly about, but I do not find it an intrinsic part of my enjoyment of an RPG. I would love if it were added (and, no, ship customization is not an acceptable substitute for player housing; ship customization is ship customization), but I'm not going to quit if it's not added.


And how the hell do you put some unheard of planet out rather then the HIGHLY requested Wookie world??

I wouldn't put Kashyyyk in the game at all, really. At least not as an explorable world. I might make it a flashpoint location, but nothing more. Why? Because of the events of KOTOR, I imagine that wookiees that remain on Kashyyyk would be very xenophobic. If Kashyyyk were ever added, it would have to accompany playable wookiee classes, and that's a lot of work. What we're seeing out of E3 was probably in development before the game release, and it's following their release schedule, which hit a bump because of the needed changes/additions in 1.3.

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