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Preview Exciting New Reveals from E3!

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I hope they add a daily event where all players on the server collide in a timed warzone... That should be epic! Imagine all level 50's coming together to fight to the death in a 15 minute planet wide war! plus, it's mandatory! you get teleported to that area automatically and the winning team gets xp and ranked wz coms bonus and the losing team... well a debuff maybe for losing, decreasing all stats of the faction..? hehehe...:D:D:D


NO just NO

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I agree. Makes me happy that I only got suckered into buying the Digital Deluxe Edition. Though I still feel like I got completely ripped-off at least it wasn't for the price of the CE. I never had a chance to play SWG, I spent most of my days during that time outside fixing cars/trucks and breaking them again, so I never had a decent computer to pay with. I don't understand the reason a company wants you to PAY in order to transfer to another server. It seems illogical from a customer's perspective, tbh. In Rift you're able to xfer whenever you like to where ever you like with a cooldown of 7 days, no charge..ever. So I guess this is EA rearing it's demon head yet again... Shame. I find it to be quite the slap in the face that EAWare thinks tossing out a shiny object to distract you from the sinking/burning ship is quality service.


Having willie nillie server transfers can cause issues. The fee is there to discourage rage xfers and little kids who have no money from doing it all day long. I suppose it haveing a monthly cooldown wouldnt be bad.

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Perhaps some folks like stuff thats hard to do. But my guild who doesnt like OPS cause they take too long. ( I know it drives me absolutly nuts) Would benefit from this cause it means we can actually do something as a group without flirting on the thin WIPE line the whole time. So I welcome new levels and new abilities. Leveling for me is the funnest part of MMOs.


Wish I new if this new planet was the starter world for Cathar and if it was going to include and end game dailys and such.


The space mission will prolly get a once playthrough and I'll be done with it...

I liked how the space missions were in beta where you could do them for most of the time you were xping and they didnt grey out. I used to have my regimin of loggin in doing all the space dailys then off to normal xp.. Cut the leveling time down by about a third. So I could skip planets like Taris if i wanted.


Here you go, what Makeb is all about.

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You all know that the level cap will only be raised 2 to 3 levels correct? There was a survey going around that covered the details of the level cap rise and add-on package which will cost money...
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Finally! I'm going to be rerolling a few alts once Cathar get in the game.


I like the new stuff, but I hope those old operations can stay current with the new cap. I mean options are good, so if you keep all your ops at the current level, then not only do you have more raids you can do, but you also have options for what people want to do.


Cathar Forever!

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You guys are so excited it almost makes me sad. More new content, already raising the level cap and the game hasn't even been out a year, half the population hasn't seen level 50 and more then half of the level 50 population hasn't even completed the raids on each difficulty.


-PvP is still broken, the PvP'ers complain that there is no open world PvP or any PvP incentive, and yet you release more Warzones with the false assumption that this will fix everything.


You release more gear, as if you didn't have enough dynamic gear sets and gear customization options already.


I'm sorry to be a buzzkill, but Bioware isn't listening to any of it's current subscribers, and the people excited about new content being released when they likely won't ever get to experience it makes me sad.


But hey, on the bright side of things, we have another useless space mission to complete. Atleast Bioware isn't skimping on the Graphics, just the gameplay and experience.

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The excitement and concerns of pretty much every post thus far is completely warranted. It warms my buttons to no end to see that Bioware is still pressing forward with new content and trying to make it fun as players plow through the content.


Here's my problem with the mindset.


1. Servers: Obviously mentioned so I will not elaborate too much, but enough is enough, even the devs and web reporters at e3 know Swtor is struggling like the titanic. The only thing I heard after the presentation was crickets (actually the only time where you heard the audience was for ACIII but thats another story for another time)


2. Focus: Why the hell is 1.2 and 1.3 focused on "alt" characters. Don't get me wrong I hate the grind for any game in regards to leveling but making it easier only makes people bored. In all honesty the level from 1-50 has so many different influences that make it simple to level is unparalleled. In actuality BW did a hell of a job giving so much content and ways to level that after a first character, the time needed to level is easily cut in half (maybe from a month to several weeks pending on how and how much one plays). With the legacy system one is rewarded essentially for leveling various characters (primarily) and giving new alts a headstart (with presence bonuses, stat boosts, cooldown reductions, special abilities, and class buffs). Now with 1.3 one can essentially just level the way the want, pvp, pve, etc. great dandy. The problem is most people who have played since december, already have several alt. characters, in reality its one of the few reasons people still play, for the story. If BW makes it too easy to level, too quick, people will have 8 toons in short periods of time (many people already do!) basically meaning new content would be needed to be churned out quicker and quicker to improve end game. If you haven't gotten my drift, players are going to be bored quicker if they dont have the alt leveling avenue to soak up their freetime.


3. We want to tell you but can't wont last much longer: Look I like the suspense, but keeping people out of the loop is going to push away more players. We want to know pretty close to exactly what is coming up and *** is going on. I don't want another dev. to say "we have thought about it and are looking into it" I want a "this is possible or not" answer with every question from every damn Q&A. I want this game to last but its much like watergate and the american people, at one time the american people truly trusted its government polls show that way more than less than half the people now trust the government.


Bioware, this is your chance to make your game last, foreget the jerkholes at EA let them figure out how to keep failing at their sports games (seriously madden is a joke), its time to save your name and place some real stock into the hardwork you put out. Server mergers or free xfers and no more crap gimmicks. WoW promised us new dances in Wrath we never got them and I still havent forgiven blizzard for that (yeah all you WoW players who read theses forums I still remember that false promise).


ps: Tired of the damn rakghouls (rise of the rahghoul and 1.2 wth?) and Hutt Cartel themes (Quesh, BH early on, Karagga's), time for a new one, oh how about theirs an effing war going on.

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I am sure this has been asked and answered but after 41 pages, please forgive me if I ask again. Who is the new companion available too?


Here ya go Bioware, time for a quick Q&A without the crap respronses premade by EA for yall to say, "What classes will be able to use HK-51, I sure hope all of them?"


Here are some good answers I would chose.

A. Yes, all classes

B. No, only one

C. Yes, Class x,y, and z

D. Because of the awesomeness of HK-51, he is only a temporary companion. (this answer is kinda messed though)

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I think it is funny how people get mad, they rage, they headbutt their PC/MAC because BioWare is giving us more stuff. I mean come on guys, they are giving us stuff to like the game more! They are adding in more Space missions for the people that like space missions, HK-51, yeah, he is amazing, but HK-47 was better :] But at least we get a part of him, you know? Then more warzones for the people into PvP, a new planet to explore for those Lore Collectors! Then we have the Cathar, for the people who love story, and see that it would be fun to play as one. Honestly, the thing I want them to do, but it is near impossible, I want BioWare, to get more people to voice characters, so a different voice was heard from a different species. Good idea right? Well, we can all dream.
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Now we're heading into opinion territory, and if that's the way you feel, then we'll agree to disagree. Because, comparatively speaking, TOR is no slower on implementing features than any other MMO out there. LFG, for example, took Rift 4 months to implement while it took TERA 8 months. TOR's doing it in 6, which happens to be the average of 4 and 8. Transfers, same scenario. Just announced: transfers coming in a couple weeks.


You're comparing two games released in the US and Europe, initially, to a game that was released in Korea over a year before it was released in the US and Europe.


As for "no slower", Rift had character transfers after the 1st month. Rift also had more end game content (raid/operation wise). They've also easily surpassed most MMOs (TOR included) in content updates. While TOR is not lagging behind other games, it is slower than Rift. Then again, so is pretty much everyone else.


And we're still missing dual spec.

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You guys are so excited it almost makes me sad. More new content, already raising the level cap and the game hasn't even been out a year, half the population hasn't seen level 50 and more then half of the level 50 population hasn't even completed the raids on each difficulty.


-PvP is still broken, the PvP'ers complain that there is no open world PvP or any PvP incentive, and yet you release more Warzones with the false assumption that this will fix everything.


You release more gear, as if you didn't have enough dynamic gear sets and gear customization options already.


I'm sorry to be a buzzkill, but Bioware isn't listening to any of it's current subscribers, and the people excited about new content being released when they likely won't ever get to experience it makes me sad.


But hey, on the bright side of things, we have another useless space mission to complete. Atleast Bioware isn't skimping on the Graphics, just the gameplay and experience.


More than half the population already quit.

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You're comparing two games released in the US and Europe, initially, to a game that was released in Korea over a year before it was released in the US and Europe.


As for "no slower", Rift had character transfers after the 1st month. Rift also had more end game content (raid/operation wise). They've also easily surpassed most MMOs (TOR included) in content updates. While TOR is not lagging behind other games, it is slower than Rift. Then again, so is pretty much everyone else.


And we're still missing dual spec.


Rift had character transfers after the fourth month, not the first. As for content release, with that you are correct. Rift has released patches more often than TOR has, with an average of about one patch per month and a half.

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Rift had character transfers after the fourth month, not the first. As for content release, with that you are correct. Rift has released patches more often than TOR has, with an average of about one patch per month and a half.


Actually, no. I went through and did a side-by-side:


RIFT launched:


Without an LFG tool

Without open-world PvP (PvP rifts were almost 8 months later)

Without server transfers

Without an endgame, only one raid (Tor launched with 2)

With only one storyline for all classes

With 6 hour queues

Without appearance (gear) customization (TOR launched with some)


The first major patch in RIFT had only one raid that became available April 16th, 47 days after launch. It had a plethora of attempted class balance nerfs that broke more than it balanced, and was only about half the size of TOR's first major patch. 47 days after launch to get 2 raids, the number of raids TOR launched with. And they were easy, cleared by guilds in no time.


In contrast, TOR's first major patch was January 17th, 28 days after launch, almost half the time of RIFT, and included a new Flashpoint, doubled the size of an Op (effectively a new raid zone), and fixed more bugs right the first time than Rift ever wish they did.


The next major patch in RIFT brought the LFG tool and wardrobe slots on May 10th. It offered NO NEW CONTENT. The next patch to offer new content wasn't until Hammerknell on July 27th, 149 days after launch.


In contrast, TOR's next major patch brought another Warzone, another Operation, Legacy, new dailies and gear on Corellia, balance passes that fixed more than it broke on April 12th, 114 days after launch. TOR had more endgame content faster than RIFT did.


So far, TOR's doing better.


The only issue with TOR's endgame content is that it's too easy. Thus, people are going through it too fast. An issue I hope BioWare will correct with all future content.


As for server transfers, they weren't offered in Rift until June 22nd, 113 days after launch, so you're correct there.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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---Quote (Originally by Comstrike)---

LOTRO had two major updates, each larger in scope and content than all of SWTOR's combined. They also have had two festival events and an anniversary event. Likewise, they are already building towards another major update in a month or so, another summer festival, fall festival, and Riders of Rohan just started pre-order tonight. Odds are that goes live in September, just three more months away, and another update before the end of 2012. THAT is a proper update cycle. This game will get there. Just not in 2012.


They had talked about two major updates every six months, smaller updates in between, and a premium update at the end of the year. To be fair, it is a post-launch game, they have bugs, and clearly a heck of a lot more to fix than expected, plus they are having to advance on things intended to stem the fleeing base of players. So whatever the plan was, it isn't that anymore. The last comment that speaks to the changed footing the game is on, is that they have a "plan for the REST of this year."


For my part, its a fun game. I have my guild here, folks will stick around, especially with F2P up to lvl 15. I look forward to seeing what they have built by early 2013.

---End Quote---

Good idea. Let's compare a new game, fresh outta launch, to a game that's been around for years.


Alternatively, for a closer comparison, look and see what each game has done within the first 6 months."




Jamie, I respect that you like the game, and are simply defending it from your point of view, but did you read my post or just glance over it? As I stated, LOTRO is where this game can get, not where it is. Nor did I say it should be where LOTRO is now, after only six months. I pointed to a fine example of what SWTOR should work towards. Bioware did speak to their aggressive goals for year-one, which actually mirror what LOTRO did in its first year, since you want to compare. Plans did not survive contact with reality as we all know.


That said, I did not compare LOTRO vs. SWTOR in terms of their first six months, as I already have said. In truth, LOTRO did far better despite the difference in scale of the two games. The industry also has evolved a lot since 2006/2007. What I did point too, was a game, which has become a very steady, stable, and highly respected one within the genre.

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Does anyone else think that the squid looking alien from the Terror From Beyond Operation is a Gree? He fits the description and looks similar to the sketches on Wookieepedia. Not to mention the technology around him is definitely unique, something the Gree are greatly known for.
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