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Underworld Trading, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!


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Ok, not that drastic but please change something about how this skill calculates what comes up already. Almost always theres a Fabric, on every level, sometimes multiple. Metals on the other hand can be non existent, or just in moderate amounts.


This is extremely annoying and unrealistic, considering only ONE type in ONE crew skill uses Fabrics (synthweaving - light armor)


On the other hand metals are used by MULTIPLE crew skills, Cybertech (pretty much everything you make), Synthweaving (heavy and medium armor), and Armortech (Heavy and Medium armor).


So for the love of any god you choose to worship please change the damn tables already.

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I'm amazed they haven't done something about this already. Having to reset the available mission list over and over to get even one tier 6 UT metals mission (and I need tons of them, since I have all the professions on one alt or another) has been one of my major crafting annoyances since about week two.
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I'm amazed they haven't done something about this already. Having to reset the available mission list over and over to get even one tier 6 UT metals mission (and I need tons of them, since I have all the professions on one alt or another) has been one of my major crafting annoyances since about week two.


Yup and I have two crafters with 400 UT who constantly try to farm the metals only to get none or moderate amounts.

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If it hasn't already been said a bajillion times already, a BIG part of the problem with not only UT but EVERY mission skill is the absurd overpopulation of gift missions into the lists at EVERY level. Not some levels, not some skills, but EVERY skill EVERY level. It is not at all uncommon for me to look a random tier, hoping for a rich or bountiful mat mission, and find that not only is that a pipe dream, but there are literally no missions in that range but companion gift missions. NOTHING. BUT. This is absurd to the point of farcical and the fact that we're still complaining about it six months after launch is worse when I know for a fact it was mentioned early and often as an issue in beta. That's a year or more guys, to fix something that really shouldn't be that hard of a fix....

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UT is the worst off, but it happens with all the gathering crew skills. Some tiers never, ever get Rich options UT3 metals for example, Slicing4 lockbox missions never ever show up as rich, either for example. I don't ever expect to see this fixed, and if they attempt to fix it, well, that's all it will ever be, an attempt. I just don't have the confidence in their devs, they just seem incompetent. (Not only in this, but in practically every facet of the game.)


Yet somehow they still manage to make a fun game, at least to me, but they just throw all their subs in the garbage because of the cluelessness. They are slowly losing me, too.

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Yeah. .I also would like to see more variety in those T6 missions, as really, by the time you are on T6 stuff, you probably already have your companions close to max, so .. why do you need 3 missions out of the five to be companion gifts?


On the weird side, in an ops the other night, I noticed I had 3 different missions to get metals.. Whooters.. wonder if the type of area you are in affects your chances.

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Yeah, the problem is really just gift overload.


I have never tried to figure out how many gift missions there are at a certain level compared to the metal and fabric missions, but I would not be surprised to find that there are more gift missions than either of the other two.


In my mind, it should be the least of the three. I would like to see more like a 45/35/20 split between metal, fabric, and gifts.

Nothing against fabrics, but they are only used for synthweaving light armors, and a synthweaver can benefit from the metals also. If not personally, they can still make medium or heavy armor to advance their skill and maybe make a few credits on the side.


Right now it feels more like a 40/30/30 split with gifts at the top of the heap.

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Yeah. .I also would like to see more variety in those T6 missions, as really, by the time you are on T6 stuff, you probably already have your companions close to max, so .. why do you need 3 missions out of the five to be companion gifts?


Alts? That being said, I tend to get my crafting skills up WAAAAY before I get my level up. Most of my characters are at 400/400/400 (or thereabouts) and only have 2 or 3 companions. So yeah, I use those missions a lot. (and, of course, you can always sell companion gifts.. I've heard they sell fairly well... and that is, of course, sort of the point of crewskills, to make/get stuff to sell.)

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I absolutely and completely agree with the OP.


Underworld trading needs to be FIXED!!


I've been trying for 2 days to get lvl 3 underworld metals, on THREE DIFFERENT TOONS and it's been nothing but 'companion gifts, luxury fabrics'.

On THREE DIFFERENT TOONS, each at 400 skill.


Cut the crap bioware, fix the mission tables on these (and other) crew skills. Why do you feel compelled to 'needlessly' frustrate your player base??


I 'wish' I could just buy the materials on the market, but there are NONE on my dying server.

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Well you need to consider another angle as well. One of the problems of UT is not so much the lack of metal missions but the lack of crafts for fabric materials. I mean come on only one subcategory uses it. I think they either need to make medium armor categories use fabric or just make synthweaving fabric only cept augments. By the way I think they should also change cybertech to use augment components instead of metals(cept for maybe the armoring category). Seems more appropiate and would lessen the dominance of the metal resource.


While I agree the gift missions are overabundant. Another issue is the lack of high yield missions for varius materials in all skills at certain tiers forcing you to gather small amounts over a longer time and for more money.

Edited by Destoroyah
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You know it. I know it. Even Yellow Dog knows it.


Fix these skills now please; this is THE number one thing that makes crafting a hateful, tedious, /headdesk chore; and we have put up with this from launch. It doesn't have to be this way.

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While I agree the gift missions are overabundant. Another issue is the lack of high yield missions for varius materials in all skills at certain tiers forcing you to gather small amounts over a longer time and for more money.

I would not even mind if they had high yield missions that cost significantly more per unit, as long as they take significantly less time-per-unit produced and produce a lot more from each run compared with moderate. You should be able to choose whether you want to get mats cheaper by running tons of quick, low yield missions, or get more materials faster, at a higher credit cost.

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Alts? So yeah, I use those missions a lot. (and, of course, you can always sell companion gifts.. I've heard they sell fairly well... and that is, of course, sort of the point of crewskills, to make/get stuff to sell.)


The problem with your solution, just run the missions and then sell the gifts if you don't want to use them, is that the more people follow your plan, the less viable it becomes, as gift supply goes through the roof while demand doesn't change. The other problem is that since running missions takes time in real time, and since there are a very limited number of companions to run them, most players don't really want to send their comps off on gift missions to acquire a thing they're just going to throw on the GTN anyway, when oftentimes their crafting, which is what they're really trying to do, is stuck until they acquire mat x, or x amount of mat y. In theory they have a built in way to do this with crew missions, but the glut of gift missions that more often than not just get replaced with more gift missions even after you run them belies the efficacy of this approach.

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To tell the truth, I really want to see the "Randomness" of all missions go away. I want a set of drop down boxes that let me pick what I want and then appropriate missions be displayed. So it might look something like


First drop down box displays "Tier Selection"

Second drop down box displays difficulty, "Moderate", to "Rich"

Third drop down box displays a general list of items I can farm (in the UT example) "Companion Gifts", "Fabrics", "Metals"


Finally missions that fit the bill for the selections made show up in the list with variable prices. Maybe have prices reflect a possible change in crit chance on that mission (lower priced missions slightly lower crit chance then the higher priced missions).

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I think they need to split the crew skill mission window in 3, one just for companion gifts & the other 2 for the stuff you actually want. It's especially annoying for tier 6 to have all 5 missions be companion gifts so often because the companion gifts are the same as the ones from tier 5 & at tier 6 the vast majority of the time using them is done so at level 50, & after a very short time at 50 you don't even need companion gifts at all as the companions max out quite quickly.


UWT is the worst but there are issues with all crew skills, for example bioanalysis can end up with all supplementary items, like 3 different types clogging up one tier alone.


Also T6 recipes should use T6 items, not a mix of T6, T5 or T4 even. T5 should use t5 not t5+t4+t3 etc. Cross tiering just makes recipes even more frustrating, because you have to split resource finding between mission tiers & even having to farm different level zones.

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I think that we can all agree that if they do ANYTHING with it, it'll be an improvement.

I agree. Even if what they did was make UT 100% gift missions, all the time, at every level, then at least I could drop the skill and pick up something less annoying and more productive.

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Also T6 recipes should use T6 items, not a mix of T6, T5 or T4 even. T5 should use t5 not t5+t4+t3 etc. Cross tiering just makes recipes even more frustrating, because you have to split resource finding between mission tiers & even having to farm different level zones.

Agree 100% on this. I guess they were thinking about people crafting while leveling, and gradually moving into zones, or being in zones with mixed tiers of mats, which most are. But 99% of the crafting you will ever do is going to be done after level 50, and if you're crafting anything lower than the very top of the top tier, the mixed tiers of mats gets really annoying, really quick. It's annoying enough to have stuff like two types of crystals in a tier, where you have to spend 2-3x the amount of time farming if you need only one; with mixed tiers it's more like 3-5x as long, cause now you have half the chance of getting what you want half as often, due to splitting up your missions.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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I had this question also, so I tested and can validate the concern.


What I discovered was a 3.15 return rate of companion gifts over underworld metals and a 2.25 return rate of companion gifts over fabrics. There were many cases where there would be no underworld missions returned at all.


The RE rate for low level items is currently working rather well (except for that random string failure that occurs). However, the lack of materials from missions is currently bottle-necking the system.

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If you want metals so you can sell them, then this is not the solution you are looking for. If you want the metals to make your own stuff, then you might be doing it wrong. You should be diversifying so that you are never waiting to get materials, you should be ahead of your own supply.


If you are purely in it for the money then look into more gift missions. I regularly see a 100%-200% ROI on these and they take half the time to run.

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I mean come on only one subcategory uses it. I think they either need to make medium armor categories use fabric or just make synthweaving fabric only cept augments.


Riddle me this...

Light armor uses fabrics.

So why don't light armorings?


Logically, shouldn't all the willpower armorings (and mods, for that matter) all use light armor mats? i.e. fabrics?

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