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Is Crafting useless?


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With the proliferation of alts and the fact that you can get better gear (for Cybernetic) from running daily's. Is crafting in this game useless?



I'm not too sure if crafting is even worth the time or effort anymore. I see the same crafters selling the same thing on the GTN day after day, and it never moves. Now with the introduction of augment kits into the crafting system, I see the few items that are moving going stagnant also. So is there a point to crafting, other then gearing up alts to 50?

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This depends if you raid. You can pick up Columi/Rakata-level schematics that will help extend your crafting into past the usefulness of the dailies. Plus, if you're in a good guild, your guildies who are leveling alts are more likely to come to you with requests for the things you make.


So it's not useless, If you have a high-level item that you can make with and augment slot, it should still sell pretty well on the GTN.

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I manily sell the orange moddable outfits and also some augments and have synthweaving. They sell pretty well. The only other items I sell are the purple belts and bracers as at the moment I don't have any schematics for the orange ones.


I also make stuff for my guild as we set it up that we would have all the professions covered but we don't charge guild members for items.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Crafting is useless if you DON'T do Operations. You can RE the Campaign gear, allowing you to gear up your entire guild, or sell it on the GTN for 1-1.5 million a piece. Some guys in Legacy of Bane RE'd the Campaign Enforcer's Headgear and geared their Ops/Sniper alts.
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Cybertech is useless unless you pvp (and even then it's not that great).

But Biochem is very useful and very profitable, if you can get your hands on the right schematics.


Overall, the crafting system leaves much to be desired.

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I have a lvl 50 sniper with Armstech crafting skill. Since lvl 17 I am using handmade weapons. All my companions and alts used handmade weapons. I have a long list of purples rifles, pistols, etc, of all levels. I was glad to spend time and money in my purple weapons because they were always better than the others in game.


Now at lvl 50 Armstech became useless, I made a lvl 50 augmented purple sniper rifle and a purple augmented knife, both are bellow the Tionese counterparts. My BH is lvl 48 now, he always used the pistols made by the sniper, now I am preparing a pair of oranges for lvl 50, with daily comms mods, because they are better than the ones I can make. Even the crafted barrels are outdated. So thats it, Armstech is over. Now I spend my time running after comms to get rid of every single piece of my crafted gear.


The only option I see would be the ability to produce consumalbe ammunitions to improve the weapon´s damage. As they don´t exist, I would say Craft-Armstech is useless.

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To be honest, they are right, biochem is the best endgame crafting profession but its not the end all be all. It really depends on the population of your server. On my server the population is very healthy and there are a steady stream of people buying my synth and artifice goods. The key is to find a niche. You would be surprised how many people would buy your items. You cant put an item up, not sell it, then give up. Sometimes the best experience is to go off your own experiences. In my experience it was very hard for me to get good offhand items. My artifice makes those offhand items and with the cost of the TH missions I can usually double my money per sell. Also, very few people have access to mod bracers and belts. So my synthweaver focuses on making those to sell. It is very important to understand what people are looking for. Make sure you offer people a wide selection. A JK tank running a dps spec will be more interested in a overkill/crit version of a piece of gear versus a redoubt version. Offer both and you will get the sale. Offering variety to allow customization in those slots is the key. You will spend more credits getting all those purple varieties, but they will be more than worth it. I just bought the 5mil GTN kiosk for all my toons with what some would call the useless professions, Synth and Artifice.
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I find crafting very useful, but I'm altoholoc. While leveling synth, armstech, armormech and cybertech are very useful . Not so much in the endgame, if you do not raid and do not have better schematics.


But if you have alts, your crafts will still be useful for gearing them up. Also I gear up guildies that haven't reached lvl 50 yet. But for guildies I craft for free, so no profit aside "Thanks, you are awesome"(and it's always good to hear that you are awesome).


If you managed to get recipes for BoE stuff from raids or to RE Campaign gear, you hit jackpot.


Also, atm orange shells with augment slots sell really well, but it will end with 1.3.


Items in lvl 25-45 range sell nicely. So even at 50 you can keep crafting low/mid-lvl gear for sale. Many people level alts and they have rich mains, so they can afford stuff. But it depends on your server population. Mine is pretty healthy, so trade goes well.


Artifice makes good money with lvl 50 crystals(recipes cost 20 daily comms iirc), especially if you can get rare color recipes. But even regular colors sell nicely. And lvl 50 crystals are top crystals in game, so the drop cannot be better than yours crafted, especially if you do not care about black-core crystals.


Biochem is great for your personal use at any level. Reusable consumables rule and while leveling implants are rare as rewards/drops. Blue medpacks and stims sell well too, but I rarely do so, because of the sheer amount of mats to make them. Running missions for hours or patrolling Voss for hours is not worth it.


If you are lucky to get the recipe for Exotech consumables and for Columni implants from raids, those are awesome money-makers too.


TL;DR no, crafting is not useless if you invest enough time and effort into it.

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There's basically two issues here: Useful when levelling and useful for end-game.


For end-game some crafting skills remain useful: Armstech, Armormech, Artifice, Synthweaving all give you access to augmented orange gear, for instance. (as well as in some cases augmented end game gear, if I understand things correctly, I'm pretty much all alone in my guild now so I don't really know :p)


Biochem give you access to stims and adrenals (which can be a significant help)


The purple/non orange recipes are (apart from the endgame ones) pretty useless at 50: They're far more useful when crafting for alts. (being fully purple'd out makes a huge difference)


Artifice has access to end-game color crystals, which is nice if you don't like the color of your sword/gun.


Most crafting skills can craft a Rakata piece of equipment or two, which helps with gearing.


Cybertech seems to be the weakest in end-game, from what I've seen: Their only real "thing" are the grenades, and those are BOP. Otherwise they don't really have anything to contribute to the end-game.

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I think it is based on your persepctive and goals.


I really enjoy crafting and not only make cool/useful stuff for my Guildies, but make most of my money off of it.


Certainly you make cred running missions/killing stuff but I logged into 250k on one AH tune and 175k on the other (ship upgrades sell for more on the Imp side - go figure :D) last night.


I make bombs forms me and my guidlies to use on OPS ("Nuke the boss" is fun and great spike DPS), Heal Pacs for all, stims, etc with different alts.


Now my Armormech does not get to craft much these days, but when modable armor and the augments first came out I sure did - and made some serious creds!


Anyway, like I said it all depends on what you hope to get out of it, but I certainly find it useful/enjoyable/profitable.



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