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Queueing as a level 10


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i rerolled on the fatman recently to see what the fuss is about, and i was near the top of my TRULY HORRIBLE IMPERIAL team as a level 10.


you'll recall that the game is objective based, not kill based.


OP is one of the guys that brags about his DPS during huttball.

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blame your losses on the low levels.


I see just as many bad 40s as i do bad 10s


seen bad 50's too, rather have the people that work as part of a TEAM than the all powerful high levels who deathmatch off somewhere waaaaaay off where it ain't gonna help win.


total damage, total heals, total kills, mean little to winning a match if they aren't on the right targets.

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BW really needs to separate 10-29 from the 30-49. The addition of xserver Qs should allow this.


The fact that the vast majority of players are terrible is the main reason why I hate seeing lowbies in my WZs. They're bad AND have no skills/talents. If you're high level and bad, at least you'll make good bait/distraction.

Edited by Smashbrother
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I started PVPing on my healer alt today, after leveling to 43 on my main and learning the game. Damn, on my main I was awful as a PVPer, from 10 all the way to 30 or so, when it all finally started to click. Now at 12 on the healer, I'm picking my team-mates back up from 10% health and tipping the balance, throwing CC at low-health enemies so they can be finished off, and really making the most out of my half-dozen abilities.


But it took me 4 weeks to learn to pass the huttball.


Newbies suck, and they always will. But shutting them out just means that the pvp population stagnates. Me, I pity the poor guy who says "Well, now I'm at 50, I think I'll try PVP." He's in for a world of hurt.


The fix is ranked warzones. Then the people who think they're elite will all be off smacking into each other (I plan to be among them, and hope not to be proven painfully wrong) and the learning curve in non-ranked will be a bit less harsh, because the really quick and lethal pvpers will be off somewhere else.

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Yeah I can get most medals... dps... and heals in my teens and 20's.... its called everyone gets boosted, so a level 10 guy might only have a couple of moves, but he can still do his job just fine if he knows how to play:cool:


I think you are confusing level 10 noobs who dont know how to play with people who actually have played and are running alts and can faceroll 40's with a level 18 guy ;)

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Always when i hit with a char to lvl 10 and learn my advanced class i queue.


Every time my lvl 10 is in a wz it has the best medals/dmg from the whole team. U may ask why?


Because lvls 10 get the best boost in pvp because of bolster and i'm sure my lvl 10 can be better than the topic starters lvl 49 in a wz :D


@Topic starter L2PvP and stop blaiming every1 around for ur loses :p

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Another point here is that you can pretty much guarantee that lvl 10's are being played by people with mains, whereas a lvl 40 could very well be someone's first character. I'm willing to bet that most "REAL" lvl 10 noobs are too busy exploring and trying to find the next planet than noticing that little PVP icon on their UI. Edited by Stenrik
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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




What server you on? I wanna go beat you with a level 10 toon.

Edited by Razot
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I will take a level 10 who understands and captures objectives over a higher level who is just out there for themselves killing and not helping the team. I know many level 10's who are alts for people and know what they are doing better then some of the higher levels. That being said, they pay their 15 bucks a month and can que if they wish, deal.
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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




I like to pvp asap, which means lvl 10. I enjoy it and so do many others, you will just have to deal with us.

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I will take a level 10 who understands and captures objectives over a higher level who is just out there for themselves killing and not helping the team. I know many level 10's who are alts for people and know what they are doing better then some of the higher levels. That being said, they pay their 15 bucks a month and can que if they wish, deal.


^^^ Well said.

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