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Unofficial Count - Unsubs after 6 month/free time


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I am really wandering how many people out there are just waiting for there sub to run out and not buy another month of game time after free/6 month peroid is up


So if you would be so kind and post what your plans are.


P.S. not a qq thread about trans/merge, simply a question :)


Me unfortunately. I actually hadn't logged in for weeks but just uninstalled. This game maybe had too high of expectations (probably unfairly) since it was to follow up the KoTOR console games, and then with the finality of Galaxies...


There was a lot I liked about the game, just not enough to keep me here. I didn't rage quit (but did give away a million or so credits since the account was closing) and don't "hate" the game; I just think it's terribly boring which isn't a good thing for entertainment. On a positive note, it didn't have me camping perpetually like Everquest, or mindlessly repeating an action for a .1 skill gain to finally GM a skill like Ultima Online. However; there's something to be said about games that make you want to play them for a while, and this one (like so many new MMOs) missed the mark.


I guess I'll try GW2 (like may others) but I'm not overly optimistic about it since so very many new releases end up as ghost towns or f2p micro-transaction games. The past couple of years, everything I had hopes for were disappointing (Aion, Rift, Swtor). I hope GW2 is great, but I hoped the same for this one... Maybe eventually someone will get it right. Maybe my image of MMORPGs are a thing of the past, who knows? :(


Anyhow, I rambled on and this became lengthy. So, add me as a digit in your survey along with my farewell. :)


Til next time...


Tobìas / Tìberius / Ethân / Râge

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I am really wandering how many people out there are just waiting for there sub to run out and not buy another month of game time after free/6 month peroid is up


So if you would be so kind and post what your plans are.


P.S. not a qq thread about trans/merge, simply a question :)


Who cares.....


Besides this is like the 100th thread about this topic over the last several weeks..... It's simple don't like it then don't play..... When Bioware E-Mails you their survey you can state what you don't like about the game in that....

Edited by Monoth
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I regret buying a 6 month subscription; though I guess I enjoyed the game right about up to the 6 month mark. With the free time BioWare handed out, my account is active through mid-August even though I've cancelled my subscription.
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anyone who gives a 6 month sub right away to a new mmo either is new to mmos or should be confidant that they want to play this game for a long time..


its always best to go month by month at first to determine if you are going to like the game before giving that much money and time to a game and company


I bought a 6 month sub ( which is what I have used for WoW for years ) because I had confidence in BioWare to develope a top notch game. But...I was wrong. The sad truth is the game is good to buy..play for free for 30 days as a KOTOR 3 and then cancel your sub and move on. I am not confident 1.3 will change my mind on unsubbing when it runs out. Lesson learned.

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can you really judge a game based on beta testing it? this game has changed alot since beta. and will likely continue to change in the months to come


I certainly did. I had no intentions of ever buying this game. But my experience in Beta assured me that I had wildly underestimated the game and how fun it is to play, and my experience in two successive open Beta weekends is what led to my immediate pre-order of the game.

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I bought a 6 month sub hoping there is good OPvP, I was wrong and regret doing that. I actually was going to buy 12 months if there was or lifetime sub, so glad that wasn't out. wouldv'e wasted my money. Ya I regret getting 6 months.
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I've unsubbed once already. I resubbed when a few RL friends needed someone to show them around, of course I could have said, it's awful, don't waste your money. I didn't, instead I thought cool I'll resub for a while. Of course they have since left.


Whether there's server transfers/mergers or not. It's not my most pressing concern. I'd like to see the design of the game veer more next Star Wars.. starting with the god awful end gear. I'll play it by ear for the mean time.

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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Currently playing out my time. This game follows the traditional mmo formula and that's not what I wanted from this game.


Plus I hate being dropped/CTD when I finally get around to actually playing I crash. It was stable in feb for me, anyway bioware's idea of fixing CTD is to make it Crash to the server list.....CTTSL ???

Edited by Rowandiki
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Just unsubbed for the second time, played once in the last 4 weeks.


I took the email survey and I was a bit shocked to see them asking about free to play MMO's . In my eyes it should be put up against subscriptioon based MMO's only, The fact that it was asked made me think its being discussed in the background as a possible option for this game. Might just be me being a bit paranoid!


Personally they would have to change the game a lot for me to re sub, I would prefer the zones to be less linear (or like other MMO's present it so they fool us into thinking they are not), crafting to be a viable exercise, night and day times, cross server legacies (made imps on one and rep on another before they introduced it i've 10 chars and not re rolling don't have the time or patience), a major place on every planet where people would hang out like a city or somewhere thats even imp/rep neutral seems feasible , somewhere people can just hang out, just a couple as examples most have been said before.


I still want this game to succeed, I want to come back at a later time and think I've missed out on something big and its my own fault for unsubbing, I want to be proved wrong for unsubbing and I hope I am!

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Biggest mistake I ever made, and the best lesson I ever learned.

I was kinda new to subscription, believed the hype over the game, and being a bargain shopper thought I would go with the 6month sub as it offered a better 'per month' deal, and I assumed I would be enjoying the game for a lot longer.


But... EU Server, Uthar Wynn.. is deader than dead. 7 people PRIME TIME on the sentire server. I have over 70 days left on my sub. I now play maybe 2hrs a week...

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I unsubscribed today. I was enjoying the game but I felt an overall lack of immersion. As a single player game it succeeds, but I never once felt I was inhabiting a large universe full of unique people that represented a vast community. Maybe it was the ever constant time of day or the seemingly autonomous player characters around me (lack of chat bubbles etc) but I felt I was wandering around in a universe devoid of life, devoid of change. But I will likely return because frankly no other MMO is quite as enjoyable. Edited by Auck
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I got a 6 month sub too, or more accurately got my other half to pay for it :) I've played the majority of that time although I did have a months break before patch 1.2. I probably won't unsub but switch to month by month payments and see how the game develops. Edited by Cordelia
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I was enjoying the game but I felt an overall lack of immersion. ... As a single player game is succeeds, but I never once felt I was inhabiting a large universe full of unique people that represented a vast community. Maybe it was the ever constant time of day or the seemingly autonomous player characters around me (lack of chat bubbles etc) but I felt I was wandering around in a universe devoid of life, devoid of change.


Great post, quoted for truth

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you realize that the beta test was not to play the game to determine if you wanted to buy it or not..it was to test it for bugs..


maybe if more people actually tested the game instead of tried to power through as much as they could have we might have less problems with bugs:P


yes i know lots were reported and many were ignored by devs.. not exucsing them.. they need to fix them and should have listened. .b ut posts like yours make me wonder who exactly was testing, and not trying the game out..


Now days, Beta tests for MMOs are nothing more then stress testing and Marketing, players finding bugs are just an added bonus for the developers.

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6 month sub here. Legacy 49 with 5 characters (4 are 50) and I unsubbed a few weeks ago when our server died out to the point that end game can't be done often. I logged in today (Saturday) and can't even get my PvP daily done or get enough to do an operation (EC is the only gear drops I could even use) of any kind, even just to help others.


Such a shame, I was going to see how transfers turned out then resub but I've ran out of patience waiting for an announcement or date about it. Done and done here.

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I have a 6 month. I unsubbed about 6-8 weeks ago.


1.3 and the transfers really need to work some magic in order for me to resub. I want to like this game, but its not just working out that way.


I did the 6 month sub on two accounts so my son and I could play together, but when he got bored, and wanted to go else where we did. Sub stops in July 20.

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what mmorpg is finished before release lol no mmorpg is ever fineshed so it just cant happen it just lacks what u want and some of u people just got 2 much time 2 play this i for one am never going 2 quit this game i still have fun on it and yes i also wish alot of things would be added that could make it more fun for me but guess what things take time! 2 many people out there cant even give a game a year at least lol sad
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I subbed for 6 months, which end July 21st. Haven't played for nearly 2 months. Got sick and tired of moving to different servers recreating my characters only to have the servers die. Really regret getting a 6 month sub. Bioware needed to do transfers and/or merges a few months back.
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what mmorpg is finished before release lol no mmorpg is ever fineshed so it just cant happen it just lacks what u want and some of u people just got 2 much time 2 play this i for one am never going 2 quit this game i still have fun on it and yes i also wish alot of things would be added that could make it more fun for me but guess what things take time! 2 many people out there cant even give a game a year at least lol sad


Glad you are having fun, but you really think it is sad for people to pay for a year when not enjoying the game? The MMORPG has a crap ton of competition out there, now days there is no "Give it time, MMOs are never finished", just doesn't cut it anymore. I think it is sad when someone can type a whole paragraph with no punctuation :rolleyes:

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Glad you are having fun, but you really think it is sad for people to pay for a year when not enjoying the game? The MMORPG has a crap ton of competition out there, now days there is no "Give it time, MMOs are never finished", just doesn't cut it anymore. I think it is sad when someone can type a whole paragraph with no punctuation :rolleyes:


I will first answer and say that I am staying and enjoying the game despite some polishing and directions the game may or may not be taking. Some need work, by my opinion and not everyone else, and other aspects are either fine or can wait for more serious concerns.


To the poster of claiming a year sub ... you are actually mistaken as there is a 6 month sub, the year sub is called an "Annual Pass" by another company that really thought and hoped it would swindle more with.


Also, no MMO is ever completed, not even those F2P ones. Some of the most major complaints with all MMOs is that there is never enough new content coming out fast enough to please all of the people. That means that those self same people are claiming that the MMO is not a complete and "finished" product.

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