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If 1.3 isn't out in June, what would you do?


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Hold out. But I'm personally more perturbed with low population then waiting for 1.3. I find it very difficult to near impossible to get a good group together for long to do hmfps and ops with, and I really couldn't care less about PvP which means there's pretty much nothing for my lvl 50 warrior to do on my current server. Though I suppose I could simply get back to my other toons. Shrug
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Not unsubbing, and remaining on my server.


I would much rather wait for a non-rushed 1.3 that works, than a rushed 1.3 that needs hot fixing.


Besides I'm still having plenty of fun in the game, and on my RP server.

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Would you rage unsub? Would you re roll to another server or hold out?


I'm not unsubbed, but quietly stopped playing. It seems like the game tries to please everyone but I'll give The Secret World a try (I know, EA publishes it), and they are very explicit about it being a niche game. In other words, they know that trying to please everyone would please no one and that their game isn't for everyone.

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:eek: now that i think about it, the last patch was way back in april, all the way back then, almost another lifetime ago. hmm if this patch is not out by june, maybe i should go on hunger strike


wait what am i talking about, i have a longer attention span than a nat, i can wait

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Would you rage unsub? Would you re roll to another server or hold out?


I'm happy with my server, guild, and everything else. I would keep playing and watch forums allow the hate to flow through them.

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I'll consider pretty hard about resubbing if they won't bring it within june.


I canceled because the current situation for me isn't really fun anymore. A fast solution is the onliest way to bring me back, as a new flashy game is coming at the horizon.

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1.3 brings absolute NOTHING to the pvp. Means im out for good.. I dont want to waste more money on this failure.


So the Ranked Warzones that you people whined about for months on end relentlessly is for nothing? nice to know, have fun whining in GW2.

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So the Ranked Warzones that you people whined about for months on end relentlessly is for nothing? nice to know, have fun whining in GW2.


^this... is the sad truth..people actually dont bother to consider the constant complaining that went on for ranked wz' and now that they are finally in people are bailing... sad really

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Not unsubbing. BUT Rated are not coming with 1.3. Implementation of RWZs will be staggered with 8 man ques coming first. All the qq about premades is going to double when its 8 instead of 4 man premades.
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Would you rage unsub? Would you re roll to another server or hold out?


Already unsubbed when 1.2 was underwhelming and didn't deliver promised content -- which they kept very close to their chests so people would stay subbed until 1.2 arrived -- only revealing it at the last second. That was shady enough to end my desire to keep playing TOR then and there.

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We are going on vacation this month to Colorado. Leaving next week, actually. So I wouldn't have much time to play even if it did come out in June.


Otherwise, it's not a big deal for me to wait. I have other things to do in life and kids to look after, so when it comes out it comes out, and then I'll play.


I mean, I like the game and all, but my life doesn't revolve around it or any other MMO.

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Would you rage unsub? Would you re roll to another server or hold out?


I will stay on my server and keep playing at the same rate I always do. If I find my interest dipping I will go play another game for a while, but I will stay subbed. My wife doesn't pay attention to patch release schedules so I don't see patch 1.3's release date effecting her either.

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why is there always a "will you unsub?" threat posted every five minutes on this forum?


unfortunately that will be the case all the way up to GW2 launch. then people will do like they do in the Diablo 3 forums.


make variations of "unsub" post but can't really say they are unsubbing because there was no actual sub to begin with.

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