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Official Q&A Thread for June 8th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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Is there any current thought on allowing the selection of Warzone you can get when you queue up? One way this can be done is, bring valor back in the picture and have a certain high valor rank provide the ability to select which Warzones you'd like to queue for or opt out of. Sometimes I want a Huttball match and rarely ever see one, other times It's all I get @.@. It'd be a nice feature. Especially for Ranked.
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Are there any plans to allow raid groups or any group larger then 4 to enter a player's ship? There are several guild events and rp events that are prohibited by this game mechanic. I'm also curious as to why that it is this way?
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Do you have at least a schedule in what order different (much-needed) features like the "megaservers", 1.3, some of the near-term stuff from the E3 video are supposed to go live, and could you please share them?


I guess we all know and grudgingly accept that there can always be minor delays, but by now some of us are getting desparate on quite empty servers, so throw us a bone (or date) and end the speculation.

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There is alot of confusion with the people i speak to about force and tech attacks, and how there hit rolls work, and weather they are seceptable to defence, resists, or can be shielded. I am mainly interested in pvp and how they hit or miss on another player, so:


Can force/tech attacks (for example a scoundrels backblast) actually ever miss (excluding any special abilities players have)? Does accuracy and defense play any roll with these attacks, or does accuracy/defense only affect melee/ranged attacks? Can force/tech attacks be shielded?

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Would it be feasible to have FP/OPS loot drops be more generic token based system? For example: "Rakata Belt Token" gets dropped instead of a specific Class of Belt. Anyone awarded via respective loot system would be able to cash it in for ANY type of "Rakata Belt".


Force User could get a new belt for himself or maybe a Melee Companion. This would prevent having One Bounty Hunter, Six Sith and One Agent seeing mostly Bounty Hunter type gear dropped during an FP or OPS. I suspect this would also help clear up serious data records for maintaining all the types of tokens today.


Keep the existing in game based reward system (Like EV Story 1st Boss Drops Columi Gloves), but replace the specific tokens with generic BOP ones.

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My question is:


Can we have a Speed Racer Warzone, and able to use speeders only, with weapons (weapons on speeders or using main hand weapons like lightsabers or blasters), and can we get a customizable speeder window like our character or our ship, and ability to customize / upgrade it ?



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A big group of people is anxiously waiting for a possible MAC OSX client.

In earlier interviews it was stated that this would be considered (and/or already in the making).


Is it possible to say or indicate when a MAC OSX client can be expected? What is the current status of this at the moment within the SWTOR team?


People like me can't wait for it

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So i understand the need for people to transfer servers since alot of them are dying off. but whats going to happen to the servers that get left behind? i like my toon names and my legacy and i dont want to have to change them when i transfer to another server. is it going to be based on seniority or will we roll on it or something? i guess the most pertinent question i have is if i stay on my server and everyone leaves, what am i to do? will the transfers be mandatory on some servers and if so how will name changing be decided? Edited by vaultpro
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With so many great planets, the playerbase is often spread all around the galaxy during questing. One side effect of this is it spreads to community out thinly Ex: x people on tatooine, y on hoth, z on belsavis. It cuts the community up into about 18 chunks( planets, fleet, ships). Are there any plans to implement an optional Space sector General Chat, like Outer Rim Chat for all people in the outer rim to talk or core worlds chat. etc?
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It's no surprise that the community in general enjoys the aspect of character customization through armor. After all, Who doesn't want to look there best when cruising along at light speed or whilst visiting there local Catina. However, currently Armor GFX quality in game is limited to a lesser quality then what is displayed during cut scenes. IE: A bright and rather charming red may appear that way during cut scenes but is displayed as a dull pink on your character and to others. There seems to be a large quality difference in what our armor is actually designed to look like and what we actually see. It's not that I'm against pink in any way shape or form ... I do hear that only real rodian's where pink. Unfortunately let's just say having a rather gruff looking character run around in a red that displays as a pinkish hue does take some explaining when he visits the local watering hole.


Are there any plans to bring the quality of cinematic textures and in game displayed textures to be more on par with each other? Using the "My Rodian wife washed my armor and forgot to remove the reds" excuse just isn't fooling many any more.

Edited by Tribalwolf
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I know the question on double speccing has come by before and you guys have addressed it.


But here's another problem I feel I'm having to face with. Due to huge "adjustments" to my class (Sage), I'm forced to retain 3 sets of specs: One for PvP DPS, One for PvE DPS, One for PvE Heals. The reason why I almost stop playing PvP is because everytime I want to it's gonna cost me 99800 credits X2 (To spec and respec back)


Since you guys separate PvP and PvE gear, would there be a possibility of separating PvP and PvE specs?

Edited by eventidephoenix
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How will the char transfers work with reguards to legecy?


i have just strated a new char on a new server as my current server is unplayable due to lack of population..

will i be able to transfer the char's from both severes on to 1 server .. or have i just wasted my time leveling up a new char..& wont be able to merge the 2 different legecys form the 2 servers together ?


how will this work ?? i dont mind what server im on ,even if i have to pay to do it.. but i should be able to bring all my chars to the same server.. under 1 legecy

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I have several questions referring to legacy unlocks in case of character trasfers between servers:

1. I purchased exalted gear set on one server and have my char transferred to another server, when legacy is below 20. Can I still wear the exalted gear with that char or need to wait till legacy on server I was transferred to reach lvl 20?

2. I want to transfer my lvl 50 char to a server where I have low level character - e.g right after first planet, so without legacy. Will I be allowed to create a new legacy immediately after transfer or need to wait until low level character finishes act 1?

3. Considering that I wait with character transfer until I reach level 50 with an alt on destination server, will legacy unlocks apply to both characters? Let me explain my question on example. I have human mercenary on low populated server. In meanwhile I reached lvl 50 with sith juggernaut on high populated one and I want to transfer mercenary there. I unlocked all conversation options with both characters. And now let me re-phrase the question - will I have both sith & human species unlocked? Will I have legacy flame thrower and legacy force choke available to both (and future) characters? Will both (and future) characters have Presence bonus unlocked by reaching lvl 50 with human and completing all dialogues by both characters with all companions?

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very excited about server transfers that are upcoming. My question is about account transfers of toons. I have 2 accounts and would like to be able to transfer one of the toons from one account to another, so i can let my nephew play the 2nd account and use a certain toon to heal him...will this be possible after 1.3? I realize that this may need to be a pay action, but I would jump at the opportunity
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Hello, can you tell us if the "exciting development" in space is full 3D space? I don't know anyone who is using space anymore and I have a high degree of confidence that your own metrics confirm this... If the "exciting development" is more same-type current missions that I stopped running at level 20 on my very first toon, I think you are misjudging what people want.


When I think about the iconic moments of Star Wars... when *you* think about the iconic moments of Star Wars... What comes to mind? What environment did *all six* movies use for their opening scene? Space?


Star Wars is X-Wings (TIE Fighters) and Light Sabers. You're halfway there... Please, please go the distance.


(While I am sure it's irritating and chafes to hear this, but JTL was phenomenal as a stand alone and well integrated into an MMO... Sorry for bringing this up... :) )

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Hi Official Q&A Thread team.


My question is about the artifice recipes that utilise biometric crystal alloys, to be more specific, the named lightsaber recipes and rakata relic recipes. I will start with the lightsabers: Defenders Mettle, Truthseeker, Zez-Kai Ell's Double-Bladed Lightsaber, Niman Master's Secondary Lightsaber, Radiant Blade all take 3 biometric crystal alloys, obtainable from hardmodes but all of them are to be frank completely worthless.


The rakata relics that artifice can create are also pointless, the stats on them are less than the ones that you can get from daily commendations..


I suppose my question is this: Is there any thought being given to making recipes that utilise biometric alloy actually useful and worthwhile, in fact any recipes that are useful, or is it that we will always be grinding for the "next best armor/weapons/offhand gens/focus" that arrive with the level raises and should we therefore just forget the crafting systems exists..

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It seems to me the one major thing this game is lacking is community. At this point joining a Guild has little value other than finding people to play with. When will we hear more details (i.e. time-frames & system details) on Guild systems you are planning for this game?
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