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The Elusive Fem Body Type 3


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Personally I'd like to see a tall version of 1, I think that would work well. Or maybe a 4 with a little less on top. Yes, it's a game and there is exaggeration in all the body-type models, but it's a little immersion breaking when every "older" woman you run into has curves a 22 year old would kill for (yes, I'm pointing at you Gen. Garza). Then again, maybe that's just the genetic predisposition of women who inhabit the Star Wars world???


..Less on top?....THIS IS MADNESS!!


But yeah I agree on the general garza it doesn't make sense but they can't make everything accurate..

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I wasn't too impressed by the female body type 3 at first. But then I decided to try Corso's new gear on Akaavi Spar, and let's just say it is hers now. ;) That muscular figure of hers looks ten kinds of awesome decked out in a nice set of heavy armor!


All my characters so far are on type 1 bodies though. Including my (male) Sith Juggernaut, who is tank spec'd. :p


D-a-m-n she does look good in that. Trooper heay armor is so much better than BH heavy armor. I don't advocate letting uniform amor like mandalorian and 'clone' trooper armor be cross-faction, but some heavy armors should be allowed for both sides.

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In fact, I loath the male body type 3, I can't play with it. >.<


That's weird because Male 3 is the only male body type I can stand to play with. Male 3 is obviously a little overbuffed, but I tried playing Male 2 and I felt like I was running around as a 14-year old boy. The proportions just felt really off and the head just looked too big for the body. I couldn't stand it. So now all my guys are Male 3 except for my agent who sort of fits with Male 2 because he's a slippery little bastard.


I saw this thread a while back and I much prefer the proportions she mocked up for Male 2. It looks a lot more normal and I'd personally play Male 2 more if they were designed like that.

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My sith warrior is body type three and she is GLORIOUS.



EDIT: Also, body type 2 is the One True Body Type for all my dude characters. BT1 is way too skinny, BT3 is ridiculous (although it fits the BH really well) and BT4, while hilarious, is not a body type I want to play. :p

Edited by Birna
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My zabrak sorc and my human commando are both fem body type 3 and they seem to work well enough for me. I somewhat agree with a few of the posters in that they could've toned down the muscles in some areas but its not so bad that it's a complete turn-off.


Then again, I only use body 3 and 4 for females anyway.

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I use BT 3 almost exclusively for all my female characters. In fact it's one of things I love about this game, the ability to have a tall, strong female character that doesn't have to conform to the popular notion that women shouldn't have muscles (bit of a generalsation i know). I just think its great we have the option :D
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I use BT 3 almost exclusively for all my female characters. In fact it's one of things I love about this game, the ability to have a tall, strong female character that doesn't have to conform to the popular notion that women shouldn't have muscles (bit of a generalsation i know). I just think its great we have the option :D


Agreed. One of my favorite alts is my female gunslinger. Maybe it's the way I'm roleplaying, but it's much more interesting/entertaining than having a generic dude-bro smuggler.




So far I've tried to make her a female version of Han Solo. A "fem-solo", if you will. I felt that body type 3 fit perfectly with the attitude. Not to say that you have to be tall and muscular to kick ***, but it doesn't hurt. :D

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I personally feel that different body sizes fit better with different classes and advanced classes better. To give an example:

I use female BT 3 on my BH because too me the heavy armor looks so good on them and it fits with me mentally that as a BH you'd likely need to be strong as well as smart to catch you prey.


But then on my Sorcerer I have a BT 2 female simply because the whole strength of the character is in the powerful force abilities they wield, size doesn't truly matter here to me.


For my Jugg I went a male BT 3 cause I felt as both the RP side and the literal tank that you are combined with the raw rage of just charging in and bashing something to death to me just makes sense.


I have a sniper which is also BT 2 male just because I feel that larger than that is sticking out which is not what makes an effective imperial agent.


I've recently started a marauder which is a BT 2 female as I feel they are more precise RP wise in their attacks and more tactical so brute strength is not always going to win these fights.


I know not all would agree with it but to me it just makes sense from an RP PoV. Not to mention I do get tired at times of having these n-i-p-p-l-e* stare-off competitions with BT 2 and BT 3 males as a BT 2 female.


*-Really bioware THATS considered inappropriate?

Edited by SmileMoar
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  • 9 months later...

My Sage mirilian bt1 female: she's absolutely cute as a button, who doesn't want a cute jedi healing them?


My Scoundrel twilek bt2 female : Fits the voice, fits the look, stunning, bad girl persona with a heart of gold a real sweetheart.


Trooper bt1 human female: Doesn't fit the voice, but i made her bald so that's questionable, pretty face, however i wish i could make her bt2 but she's 50 and bh and camp gear'd so i'll just leave her alone lol.


Now my favorite: My female Pureblood Sith Sentinal body type 2. Gorgeous just gorgeous, have her in the relaxed jumpsuit jacket with one of the newerish full length gowns color matched. Maker her ruby red skin standout and accentuated. I finish the look by having her cruise around on the red longspur blaze purchased with 200 daily coms.

I love the look and feel of this toon, combat spec, her look and personality go hand in hand with this playstyle.


I have not made a bt 3 or 4 female or male toon yet. Not that into male bt4 as it's just humorous to me. If i could find a look other than heavy armor that looked good on bt3 females i might make one. As it stands now though there are only 3 or 4 heavy armor sets i'm really attracted to so it hasn't been a MUST MAKE ONE priority for me yet.


my 2 cents

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Now my favorite: My female Pureblood Sith Sentinal body type 2. Gorgeous just gorgeous, have her in the relaxed jumpsuit jacket with one of the newerish full length gowns color matched. Maker her ruby red skin standout and accentuated. I finish the look by having her cruise around on the red longspur blaze purchased with 200 daily coms.

I love the look and feel of this toon, combat spec, her look and personality go hand in hand with this playstyle.


I have not made a bt 3 or 4 female or male toon yet. Not that into male bt4 as it's just humorous to me. If i could find a look other than heavy armor that looked good on bt3 females i might make one. As it stands now though there are only 3 or 4 heavy armor sets i'm really attracted to so it hasn't been a MUST MAKE ONE priority for me yet.


my 2 cents


Relaxed Jumpsuit Jacket with Revan Robe Leggings has to be one of my favorite looks in TOR! Love it so much I gave it to all my force users. Just didn't fit the other classes sadly :p

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I'm a guy. But, sometimes, it's a bit of a relaxation tool looking at the back of a woman rather than a man, even if they are polygons. Anyway, I have a few fem toons. On all of them, I use body type 2 and 3. I like 3 for my rougher toons, and 2 for the slimmer ones (Particularly Jedi). My biggest issue with 3 is the legs... they're horse legs, and look awful. But with Consulars wearing skirts, that's fixed.
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Today I met this body type in slave dancer outfit - looked like a guy with *****, that's why people don't use it.


edit - breasts


It really does! I ran into one Body Type 3 in Heavy Bounty Hunter armor, and thought it was a male, until they switched into the slave dancers outfit!


I thought maybe that was because they also had the no hair option (was human) but no, it just looked like male avatar. Which I personally thought was awesome, but I could see why it makes it an unpopular option.

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My Sage is a female body type 3 Miralukka...




I was drawn to the concept of a hardbody Amazon healer; one of those "defying expectations" things. Her blindness and those bright red lips soften her appearance without detracting from her strength. Her look fits the female Consular's voice beautifully, IMO.


I had her running around in the Covert top and a grey skirt for awhile; it showed off those muscles nicely without being too skimpy. But then she hit 50; that top doesn't go well with Tionese gear, and you can't unify the color with it, so this cool tan tunic came back out of storage. I bought it on either Nar Shaddaa or Tatooine; it's available from the Specialty Goods Vendor on both planets, I think.

Edited by nateslice
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