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Turned off lvl 50 pvp straight away


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As a new 50 I really don't understand people's problems with recruit gear, I hit 50 and first thing I did was buy the full set then que for a wz expecting to get face-rolled after reading these forums. Instead I did really well, got some kills, defended some stuff, and had FUN!


Sure I've been smashed up a bit by other players but usually its 2 or 3 against me, or some insanely geared and skilled solo guy (and to be honest I really don't mind losing to them, you learn heaps from them just watching them play). 1 on 1 though I can hold my own even if it means popping every cd I have or using some trick like ducking out of LoS.


Its all about the skill when your playing in recruit, use those cd's, honestly what are you saving them for? Use LoS and any terrain advantages, backup better geared and more skilled players on your team, choose your enemies wisely, if your out numbered go for the guy NOT wearing War hero, try to take him down with you. If all else fails and the opposing team is a supremely organised pre-made then play your strengths, personally I just go defence and stop as many as I can capturing the turret/placing bombs/getting the ball.


But the main thing is don't get angry and dissapointed if your getting your butt handed to you, just relax, have fun, maybe stop solo rushing objectives :D

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I have yet to ever play a level 50 WZ and get as low as 30 commendations ever. I have been in them for less than 2 minutes and got more than that. I don't even know if it is possible to get that low.


It absolutely is.


Watch what happens when the match ends so fast that you only get 1 or 2 medals.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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10-49 pvp was a blast for me...


I stopped playing pvp games when I reached 50 on my op. Leveling an alt again with a good side dish of pvp again when the wz q's permit it. Having fun again. When I reach 50, same story I guess.


I doubt I'm gonna enjoy lving alt #XXX through it all again ... so this is more Bio's call. I also doubt the hardcore pvp crowd minding the following suggestion, as it's all about skill anyway.


Keep lvl 50 non-ranked wz games like the 1-49 games... normalize the stats.


This way you can have ranked games .. all about skill (but being influenced by gear). But that doesn't matter, as it's all about skill anyway.


... and the casuals non-ranked games fair and boring, but that wouldn't interest the ranked & geared out people anyway.


Win / win right? Because after all, this isn't about farming lesser geared people in anyway. After x-server WZ Q's, ranked and normal ... this would make everyone happy.


Except the people farming non-geared peeps in pvp while in a premade. But I can't imagine these pvp gods lowering themselves to that level.


So everyone is happy... The pve/casual pvp crowd can club each others skulls in the non-ranked normalized games.


The PvP lords can have their ranked/non-ranked & premade vs premade gear influenced games all about skill.


...and there was peace in the galaxy.


Are you *********** kidding me? 1-49 is even LESS fair than level 50 pvp. Having less skills and less talent points to spend is much worse than having a gear disadvantage. Certain specs also just straight up don't work or are terrible unless you have the 21/31 point talent.


I have a much easier time destroying under 20 players on my level 45+ chars than I do on my WH geared mains against recruit geared players.

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Yeah, if I grind for a full War Hero set and you have recruit then I should have at least some advantage.




Having an 'advantage' is exactly my point. It is supposted to be player vs player... Skill vs skill. No one should have an advantage over anyone as it just becomes a faceroll not a competition.

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It absolutely is.


Watch what happens when the match ends so fast that you only get 1 or 2 medals.


Don't see a problem with getting 30 comms for a super quick loss. The game ended super fast, why would you expect to get as many comms as a game that lasted much longer?

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Having an 'advantage' is exactly my point. It is supposted to be player vs player... Skill vs skill. No one should have an advantage over anyone as it just becomes a faceroll not a competition.


But you have an advantage being a higher level with more skills and talents points in the 1-49 bracket. Why aren't you complaining about that?


Where does it say pvp in MMORPGs have to be only about skill vs. skill?

Edited by Smashbrother
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It absolutely is.


Watch what happens when the match ends so fast that you only get 1 or 2 medals.


I remember the first match I had with my marauder when he got to 50. Was feeling good, wearing my brand new out of the box recruit gear. Still had that "new" smell to it. CHARGE!!!


Anyway, get into the warzone......our entire team didn't get 1 kill. Whutt!!!!


Look at the scoreboard after the match. We had almost zip healing.......and their team was made up of 5 sages,2 commandos, and 1 smuggler.....all with good heal numbers.


Yep, got 1 medal in that one. Was a bad day lol

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That's a fun example, wow pre-resilience and pvp gear when the best pvpers were grinders that had higher stats because they spent their time raiding.


I can back this one. I was one of the grinders but I grinded a lot of PvP so I was in Warlord armor with High Warlord weapons (that was A LOT of time spent killing folks). I was only on even ground with my opponents IF they were in t2 mixed with AQ40 gear. Otherwise, I was meleeing warriors down as a Hunter - think about that.


PvP should be about skill. But you can't simply have a playing field that doesn't have a grind to it. I preferred DAoC's grind vs what we had in WoW and what we have here. Gear should be irrelevant but gaining a new skill or talent should be something made available. But then you would possible be here complaining that someone of higher rank than you had another ability that you didn't thus making it unfair and putting us back in this same situation.

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And yet it still doesnt make a difference /shrug


As the pvp tiers get higher the beginners are left in the dirt. My point is that its just not fun to be facerolled over and over again. Pvp would be much better off just getting rid of expertise altogether.


Start over witha new character strictly for PvP. That's what I do. I refuse to grind something unenjoyable. Ranked WZs are such a joke with the amount of gear dependence in this game. Your rank will mean nothing as all it shows is that you have been around longer. Not that you're actually better than anyone else. You really can't tell where you stand. I don't see how any serious competitor can even enjoy facerolling someone who doesn't even stand a chance.

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1) that is the nature of pvp.. it has always been the way pvp has gone and always will go.. gear makes a differnece.. i dont know a single mmo where it doesnt when it comes to pvp.


And that is why MMO pvp is dying and MMOs are regressing back into the nich genre they once were. Developers are too afraid to push the boundaries. So while the rest of the gaming industry continues to take revolutionary strides forward, MMOs will continue to be stuck in neutral.....and subs will continue to fall.


Check the clock. MMOs subs are down across the board. SWTOR is a just a face in the crowd.....

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As a fresh 50 with full recruit gear... Pvp is still depressing. I really enjoyed pvp while leveling... But at 50 i did not enjoy going in and not even be able to put a dint in the opposition. Being facerolle in pvp because everyone out gears you is not fun and just a turnoff.


Pvp should be about skill... Having pvp gear that mitigates player dmg etc destroys that concept. As a fresh 50 im not expecting to faceroll people but a fair fight would be nice.


I think it's more you than your gear... not trying to be rude but in recruit gear I still managed to put up top 5 dmg consistently and I dueled multiple people in my guild who were wearing full or near full WH against my recruit and managed to beat fair number of them or at least make it a close fight.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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PVP at 50 is horrible in it's current state. As soon as you roll to 50, it becomes a button smash, glass cannon battle, excluding Marauders of course which are just dumb OP at the moment. Its like going 35 mph in a residential zone then hitting the freeway at 70mph. It can be shocking for the first time.


I don't know how people play at 35 MPH. Sooooo, slow.


But on the original topic of the thread, I agree that the gear grind is a problem. Someone said that two Recruit players should easily be able to beat someone in full War Hero gear. I disagree that it would be easy, at least assuming the WH gear is augmented.

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I think it's more you than your gear... not trying to be rude but in recruit gear I still managed to put up top 5 dmg consistently and I dueled multiple people in my guild who were wearing full or near full WH against my recruit and managed to beat fair number of them or at least make it a close fight.


Anyone in full WH losing to someone in full recruit 1v1 is beyond terrible. I mean, even if you ignore all the other stats, just the HP difference alone makes a huge difference in 1v1s.

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Imo SWTOR's PvP is a great example of how bad gear-dependant PvP is. Those just starting out will be at a huge disadvantage in the beginning, and those of us who can't pour 10-20 hours a week into farming warzones will never get gear equal to those who frequent warzones. Sitting at 16k health there is nothing I can do to help my team win as everyone is in Warhero gear now. I am just dead weight and every time I enter a warzone in the hopes of getting better gear I only hamstring my team. And when I eventually catch up there is a new tier or two of gear that the grinders have already farmed, putting me back on square one again.


PvP as it is right now isn't fun, well geared players are irritated with badly geared players as they indirectly help the opposing team win, and badly geared players get stomped in the ground never being able of being more than a nuisance. Why must there be a long boring journey to the point at which you can actually enjoy the game?

Edited by danatharia
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What I think BW should of done is remove the warzone commendation cap (or increase it by a nice amount) so you can earn some your battlemaster gear while in 10-49 PvP.


At the present state you can only earn one or two pieces of gear beforehand, so you're still stuck with recruit despite putting effort into PvP before 50.

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Because on our server there is only a PVP match maybe once an hour in off-peak.


Reroll on a populated server then like most people did, and wait for xfers to come out to bring your mains.


You not being able to get more than 1 match per hour has nothing to do with the topic at hand. You get more comms for playing longer, just like you get more xp and credits for a longer match vs. a quicker match.

Edited by Smashbrother
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Anyone in full WH losing to someone in full recruit 1v1 is beyond terrible. I mean, even if you ignore all the other stats, just the HP difference alone makes a huge difference in 1v1s.


Well it depends on their classes too. Certain classes faceroll other classes. For example, a dps commando in WH gear will not destroy a recruit geared sent. The sent might even win if they get lucky.

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Well it depends on their classes too. Certain classes faceroll other classes. For example, a dps commando in WH gear will not destroy a recruit geared sent. The sent might even win if they get lucky.


Above is why you should never listen to anyone on the forums.


<3 oxymorons

Edited by BraaxusKun
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Let's say I have full WH and I do a 1on1 against a guy in full recruit gear and I kill him every time with 50% of my health left. This is a pretty comfortable margin and I have a 100% win rate.


If there are now two of him versus one of me, if the fight went exactly the same way then I'd always die by the time I killed the first guy. Yes I can use CDs or whatever but so can they. There's no point to assume I have a class advantage or skill advantage since that is not intrinsically tied to the gear I'm wearing.


You can have a near 100% chance to win 1on1 and still have a near 100% chance to lose in 1on2. If you lose in a 1on2 on the side of the 2, you really need to evaluate your playing ability/tactics. The most common mistake is the side of the 2 assuming that since they've a man advantage they don't need to bother with CDs. In fact, the side with the advantage should always use their CDs since stuff like extra CCs is something the side with less people absolutely cannot overcome by skill. I.e. if I'm on the side with 1, I can only do 1X4s stun but the side with the 2 can do it twice, so the side with the 2 should defiintely leverage that advantage immediately.

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Let's all take a look at Hold'em Poker.


You all sit down with the same opportunity.


In PvP it shouldn't matter if life (or no life) has afforded you the opportunity to grind countless hours to get better gear to better stomp a new level 50. Just like the seasoned pro at poker, if you play as much as it seems in PvP, generally you should win anyways as your skills will be better.


Hmm. Anyone want to play 2 card Hold'em if I get to play with three cards against your 2 just because "I've played MOAR than you..."


Skill should be skill vs skill, NOT gear vs gear...

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Imo SWTOR's PvP is a great example of how bad gear-dependant PvP is. Those just starting out will be at a huge disadvantage in the beginning, and those of us who can't pour 10-20 hours a week into farming warzones will never get gear equal to those who frequent warzones. Sitting at 16k health there is nothing I can do to help my team win as everyone is in Warhero gear now. I am just dead weight and every time I enter a warzone in the hopes of getting better gear I only hamstring my team. And when I eventually catch up there is a new tier or two of gear that the grinders have already farmed, putting me back on square one again.


PvP as it is right now isn't fun, well geared players are irritated with badly geared players as they indirectly help the opposing team win, and badly geared players get stomped in the ground never being able of being more than a nuisance. Why must there be a long boring journey to the point at which you can actually enjoy the game?



This... Exactly this... Bravo well said.

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