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"The game is not linear single-player" -James Ohlen (flashback Q&A)


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If you guys hate the game and the devs so much, why are you still here?


It is Star Wars and still "some" BioWare elements - if it was not Star Wars I would not play, not now and maybe not at launch seeing how they control+c/v generic, tedious and boring mechanics - this game lacks it's own soul beyond voiceover.

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The same James Ohlen who said a bunch people hitting a single monster was not heroic and something they would not be using for endgame?


And also the same James Ohlen that believed there was a conspiracy on Metacritic about TOR?





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If you guys hate the game and the devs so much, why are you still here?


Because we PAID for it. and we cant get our life and our money back for all of it. THE CE, the 6 months i paid for hoping the game would get better, but atlas it never did so I'm stuck here cause i believe in getting what i paid for.

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How is terrain interactive and protective?

JO:The Cover mechanic is crucial. You can destroy objects like barrels in the Taral V flashpoint. Worlds feel alive - shuttles flying by, etc.

This made me chuckle... alot :D

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If Ohlen honestly doesn't think this game is linear, it explains a lot of why SW:TOR is such a disappointing MMO; the devs apparently had no clue what the differences are between a SPRPG and an MMORPG. I mean, this game is only slightly less linear than ME. Apparently, Ohlen has never actually played or seen an open sandbox game.
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dear james Ohlen, please play your single lineal game called SWTOR, so next time you know what the community is talking about, and maybe you will get a idea of why people is leaving it since its a huge fail


also dear Mr Ohlen.. stop the lies on the promos and videos of SW, or at least use a disclaimer so you tell people some of the images you guys use on them , are from TIME A GO, and do NOT show, the real current state of the game.


and one last thing Sr. when do BW will have the balls for come here and accept the game is sinking and will try to rescue what is left, when does BW will get the balls for try to save it? if its that EA cut the money and dont care anymore, we should at least know.


Thanks you for reading!

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dear james Ohlen, please play your single lineal game called SWTOR, so next time you know what the community is talking about, and maybe you will get a idea of why people is leaving it since its a huge fail


also dear Mr Ohlen.. stop the lies on the promos and videos of SW, or at least use a disclaimer so you tell people some of the images you guys use on them , are from TIME A GO, and do NOT show, the real current state of the game.


and one last thing Sr. when do BW will have the balls for come here and accept the game is sinking and will try to rescue what is left, when does BW will get the balls for try to save it? if its that EA cut the money and dont care anymore, we should at least know.


Thanks you for reading!


Thanks for reading?


If you wanted anyone of them to read that, you have to post it on Twitter or Facebook.

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I group every day during the leveling process. The increase in difficulty even in class quests with 3 or more is quite fun.


So, in other MMOs including the giant, I saw threads and people complaining in chat all the time that there wasn't anything to do if guildies weren't on, nothing solo, and if you didn't want to PuG. Nothing!! they said.


So, finally an MMO gives you something to do solo while waiting on guildies or prime time, or whatever reason, and that's suddenly a problem?


I, for one, am very glad for the extra solo content that is ON TOP of all the group MMO content. All my guildies work full-time jobs, I'm at home disabled. At last I have a game with enough solo content to keep me occupied!

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Saw this Q&A link posted on mmorpg.com forums, the Q&A article was from March 12, 2011.


How much is instanced?

JO: The game is not linear single-player. Alderaan is 7-8 World of Warcraft Zones in size. Phasing is used, but it is not everywhere.

DE: Phasing is used to ensure pivotal plot points are immersive. No lines to fight bosses. Everything to Cloud City an example - Luke goes off to fight Vader alone. (cloud city not mentioned as in game, only as example)


The game is not linear, though the main storyline can be. One may venture off to Fleet for FP's, fly Ship Combat, return to past worlds to run Heroics, etc.


But folks will see what they wish to see; tis the nature of bias.

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The game is not linear, though the main storyline can be. One may venture off to Fleet for FP's, fly Ship Combat, return to past worlds to run Heroics, etc.


But folks will see what they wish to see; tis the nature of bias.


Yes, you made that exceedingly clear, at least insofar as you are the subject.

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What's more impressive is that people can trash talk the devs with blatant insults and the mods to these forums don't even bat an eye, but you dare open a thread about how much you like the game.....


Because they like the truth and hate lies.... Yeah.

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Yes, you made that exceedingly clear, at least insofar as you are the subject.


I included facts such as options for leaving the Main Story to do other things. Others simply spout biased opinions, and continue on as if we all believe their same Hive mind of hatred.


Haters gotta Hate, but not all of us are mindless enough to follow.

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I included facts such as options for leaving the Main Story to do other things. Others simply spout biased opinions, and continue on as if we all believe their same Hive mind of hatred.


Haters gotta Hate, but not all of us are mindless enough to follow.


Hive mind of hatred? Interesting metaphor. Anyhow, you're being purposefully disingenuous. Try harder next time.

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The game is not linear, though the main storyline can be. One may venture off to Fleet for FP's, fly Ship Combat, return to past worlds to run Heroics, etc.


But folks will see what they wish to see; tis the nature of bias.


It is linear, and it's meant to be. Was designed to be. We were even told it was going to be long before the game even launched. Two things about that: 1) People should have known before buying the game, so stop complaining about it, and 2) people should have know before buying the game, so stop saying it isn't.


This is non-linear questing.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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It is linear, and it's meant to be. Was designed to be. We were even told it was going to be long before the game even launched. Two things about that: 1) People should have known before buying the game, so stop complaining about it, and 2) people should have know before buying the game, so stop saying it isn't.


This is non-linear questing.


You might want to remind James Ohlen of that as well.

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You might want to remind James Ohlen of that as well.


I believe the substance of JO's statement was that it's not single-player, using "linear" as an adjective to "single-player".


Not that the game isn't linear in and of itself.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I believe the substance of JO's statement was that it's not single-player, using "linear" as an adjective to "single-player".


Not that the game isn't linear in and of itself.


Then he should probably consider a bit more clarity in his statements. *shrug*

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