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1.3 will make or break this game


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Server population issues are a huge problem with this game.


Contracting the servers to a smaller number presents alot of challenges to Bioware...

a. Manditory or optional. It has to be done, but what about our friends?

b. Free transfer or do we pay. (It will be cold day in hell before I spend more money to help correct a vendors mistake.)

c. Guilds. Its difficult to do an optional transfer and keep guilds intact. Not impossible but difficult.

d. Alot of other things I have not even thought of...


I am hoping for the best with 1.3

I really like this game. I do not wanna go back to wow or hit D3. I really hope they solve the server issues with some intelligence.


Worst case senario,

No guild transfers, you pay to get there and have to rebuild.


Best case senario,

Free transfers, guilds stay intact on the destination server.


But if I am asked for another $25 or some such to help them fix the server population issue. I am done.

I am not married to this game just yet. It is still disposable.


Good luck Bioware

Its an awkward problem... dont screw it up.

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Server population issues are a huge problem with this game.


Contracting the servers to a smaller number presents alot of challenges to Bioware...

a. Manditory or optional. It has to be done, but what about our friends?

b. Free transfer or do we pay. (It will be cold day in hell before I spend more money to help correct a vendors mistake.)

c. Guilds. Its difficult to do an optional transfer and keep guilds intact. Not impossible but difficult.

d. Alot of other things I have not even thought of...


I am hoping for the best with 1.3

I really like this game. I do not wanna go back to wow or hit D3. I really hope they solve the server issues with some intelligence.


Worst case senario,

No guild transfers, you pay to get there and have to rebuild.


Best case senario,

Free transfers, guilds stay intact on the destination server.


But if I am asked for another $25 or some such to help them fix the server population issue. I am done.

I am not married to this game just yet. It is still disposable.


Good luck Bioware

Its an awkward problem... dont screw it up.


they already said free transfers to select servers...or didnt you bother to do any research into this before you posted?


as for the guilds, they will likely offer a guild wide transfer to servers, ( or they will assume the entire guild will choose the same server, the guild wide would be the most logical, though it itself creates problems, more cross refrencing with names and what not..


the good thing if they let guilds entirely go, they could perhaps try and even out the number of imp pub guilds on servers, by transfering entire pub guilds to high imp servers and so on..so that is an option as well

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I can already give you your answer.


Transfers will be free and guilds will not stay intact. They can not offer to move entire guilds because everyone in the guild may not want to transfer, transfers will be done on an individual basis.

Edited by SajmanPeetee
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1.3 will make or break the game depending on its release date. Transfers/mergers have been needed since February, and taking a month to release it would be disastrous.


I disagree another month will no destroy this game, 3-5 would do serious damage but a month? i doubt it.. there are alot of people saying they are leaving, but i rarely believe anyone saying they are quitting a game when they post on the forums, alot of people say it for shock value to try and force the devs into action (silly notion really) but alot of people are anticipating these transfers, so i think more people will stick around the month or so it will take.

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Can we stop with the "make or break" topics now? They have been out from the start, and swtor is still alive.


The game might not be shut down; but for many people - alive is not really the right word to use at the moment.

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Games in a lot worse shape than this one still exist or lasted for years. SWTOR isn't going anywhere, don't fool yourself.


Such as....DAOC, Star Trek Online or Lotro?

These games are still there but you know, they kinda suck and not many people play them.

That's why they are f2p, and you buy stuff online with real money.

Certainly not worth being called massively multiplayer online games.


So yeah you are right to a degree, there are games out there that are in a worse shape than SWTOR.

But! They can't go anywhere because they are already as bad as an MMO can possibly get.

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Games in a lot worse shape than this one still exist or lasted for years. SWTOR isn't going anywhere, don't fool yourself.




But that is what a lot of guys are complaining about is'nt it?:rak_05:

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Games in a lot worse shape than this one still exist or lasted for years. SWTOR isn't going anywhere, don't fool yourself.


Proably true but the fact that this game is even in this situation is an epic disappointment. You dont spend what is it 5 + years in development and whatever dollar amount developing and not have something as simple as a LFG tool or have a plan/method to offer character transfers at launch. I dont give a damn that WoW didnt have features like this untill it was out several years. The precedent was already there as far as what MMO to strive to compete against. You dont spend 300 million plus on an MMO to compete with the likes of all those other 2nd tier MMO's. Honestly I think it too late. 1.3 will save some but it affect will be just like the rackghoul plauge.... you will see an influx of players for a week or 2 then back to the same old stuff. If I had not paid for 6 months out of the gate I would not be subbed now. what a disappointment this game is. :(

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Games in a lot worse shape than this one still exist or lasted for years. SWTOR isn't going anywhere, don't fool yourself.


While that is true, they are all without me.

I expected SWTOR somewhat like Eve or even like Rift, not something like Allods.

Even Fallen Earth is better then this.


How i am so angry ?

Let me tall you my "i hate it" for today.

I was logged out in Balmorra or better in the little departure thing before you enter the Balmorra Spacestation that let you enter Balmorra.

I thought i'd use my Fleetpass, but "Not usable in this area".

Then i thought "k ill take my ship" and then zone ship -> zone Fleet, while Fleetpass is only Zone Fleet, but wasnt able to use in this area.


I thought "why am i here ?!" and logged off.


It is totally pointless.

My main is on wrong server, my alt is 10 levels more to go in a redundant world, im bored down to the bones.


My expectations about this game have been completely others.

I tried it 6 months and i cannot wait for another game, launching in 4 weeks, by a company that could entertain me successfull for years.


1.3 will not make a difference.

In my book, there is nothing what could be changed to drag me in again.

Maybe its just not my turf anymore.


hf ^^

Edited by rawfox
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I disagree another month will no destroy this game, 3-5 would do serious damage but a month? i doubt it.. there are alot of people saying they are leaving, but i rarely believe anyone saying they are quitting a game when they post on the forums, alot of people say it for shock value to try and force the devs into action (silly notion really) but alot of people are anticipating these transfers, so i think more people will stick around the month or so it will take.


i canceled my sub, but i have a further 53 days left, so ill play till then and see whats up with the servers. i cant do flashpoints or even heroics, and ive never paid 15 a month for a single player game.

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I disagree another month will no destroy this game, 3-5 would do serious damage but a month? i doubt it.. there are alot of people saying they are leaving, but i rarely believe anyone saying they are quitting a game when they post on the forums, alot of people say it for shock value to try and force the devs into action (silly notion really) but alot of people are anticipating these transfers, so i think more people will stick around the month or so it will take.


You actually been on a server buddy? People have been saying they're leaving for the last few months, and I hate to break it to you: They left already. My server now has 10-15 ppl online at most times, seen as low as 3. Give me a break.

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