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Mega Servers and name issues


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There's a lot of talk about merging servers to become mega servers with a higher population cap. It's a great idea but there's been one thing that's been worrying me ever since the idea came up. What will happen to our characters names. I know that if you transfer a single character to another server, whether or not you keep your name depends on if that name is already taken on that server. If the name is already taken you have to change it, that makes sense since that other person was on that server before you. That brings up the conflict with Mega Servers. With multiple servers merging at once, who has priority? How will they decide who has name priority?

Comment on your thoughts and throw some ideas out there as to how this should be done. I personally prefer a character creation date to select priority. For instance, The earliest character to be created with the name "Bob" would have priority to keep that name.

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While merges are not off the table, they are not coming yet and may never come. Mega servers and merges are not the same thing. All they are doing is increasing population caps on servers, nothing to do with merges.
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probably the same way they did it when they moved people to the australian servers.


I beleive it was due to a few factors such as


1. Legacy Level

2. who ever had the more active account ie if you have a legacy level of 5 and the guy on the server has 20 but his account is closed down then you get the name.

3. time played and level of character.


and maybe a few other things.

Edited by jarjarloves
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While merges are not off the table, they are not coming yet and may never come. Mega servers and merges are not the same thing. All they are doing is increasing population caps on servers, nothing to do with merges.


There have been talks about merging servers together to create Mega Servers to combat the population problem. Not only would they increase the total population a single server could handle, they would also merge the already existing populations from the servers they merged. Trust me they wouldn't just increase the population cap on servers. That would solve nothing since all of the servers have light population anyways.

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There is NO TALK of mega servers...


This is a rumour, based on a misunderstood quote. Larger server populations however are coming.


Moving people with potentially the same name has nothing to do with this statement. AION had a mega merge. First character made kept their name, end of story. Shouldn't be any different here.

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People misunderstand the concept of 'new' servers. The actual physical machine server will be new, however it still hold the data of an old server.


For instance, the Fatman is not staying on the present 3000 max pop server it's on now. It will be moved to its own super server at which point they would then open transfers to Fatman. If the name is already taken, youll be out of luck but beyond that, it will be first come, first serve.

Edited by SajmanPeetee
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Naming on any server has always been first come, first served. Don't see any reason to change that.


If you want to transfer to a server and someone already has the name you want then time suck it up and choose a new name!


(And this comes from someone who has used the same 4 character names for nearly 10 years!)

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the problem is still a huge one. if you consider guilds, each players entire roster of characters, each having to be cross refrenced with the other names in the servers..it will be a complicated process, which is why i believe bioware is taking their time to implement it correctly
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the problem is still a huge one. if you consider guilds, each players entire roster of characters, each having to be cross refrenced with the other names in the servers..it will be a complicated process, which is why i believe bioware is taking their time to implement it correctly
This is why, to my mind, that if forced transfers are coming it should be in the form of merges.
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Mail and Trading system is based off of First Names.... Is a short-sighted implementation, but BW are by no means the only MMO producer to use it.


Yeah they could get around it on the back end with a 001, 002 or whatever stuck on the name, but I guess the front end would prove problematics.


Still they could just invent in game post-codes I guess. :)

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Mail and Trading system is based off of First Names.... Is a short-sighted implementation, but BW are by no means the only MMO producer to use it.


when the mail system came out there were no lastnames, and they made the legacy system use the legacy name as a last name ( big mistake) and because of those two things, they pretty much have to keep the first name useage of mail system..

sucks but it is what we have,

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they should offer the transfer to entire guilds first. to allow room for the guilds in the new servers.. that way the guilds have the ability to stay together , keep their names,etc.. then if those servers fill up before transfers are completed open more servers to transfer and allow everyone else to transfer.


yes its prefrencial to guilds, but it should be that way. people transfering from guilded servers to non guilded servers have alot to lose, the guilds, friends, etc. it could be abused sure. join a guild for the transfer then leave etc..but who cares.. servers fill up everyones happy

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they should offer the transfer to entire guilds first. to allow room for the guilds in the new servers.. that way the guilds have the ability to stay together , keep their names,etc.. then if those servers fill up before transfers are completed open more servers to transfer and allow everyone else to transfer.


yes its prefrencial to guilds, but it should be that way. people transfering from guilded servers to non guilded servers have alot to lose, the guilds, friends, etc. it could be abused sure. join a guild for the transfer then leave etc..but who cares.. servers fill up everyones happy


I beg to differ. If a big guild has already been formed and is efficient, then surely it doesn't matter if they stay on a dead server?

Edited by frobalt
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I could be the only person willing to rename his character and legacy to something else in order to have more then 5-10 people online to group with :(


Nope, but those of us that aren't wound up about it don't bother posting that much.


I'm attached to my characters names, but it wouldn't bother me much to change them. I'd be quite happy to change my Legacy name too.


If I wind up on a (PvE) server with my guildmates and a playable population I can cope with trivia like name changes very easily.

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I could be wrong, and would like someone to confirm:


But in a similar thread a week ago many people said that first names are unique to the whole game not just the server. Legacy names however are not, and they are working on a way around that (probably just renaming) for the upcoming transfers. For most people first names are the most important anyways. I'd actually be very happy to change my legacy name :p

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I could be wrong, and would like someone to confirm:


But in a similar thread a week ago many people said that first names are unique to the whole game not just the server. Legacy names however are not, and they are working on a way around that (probably just renaming) for the upcoming transfers. For most people first names are the most important anyways. I'd actually be very happy to change my legacy name :p



names are unique to servers.. i have two servers with the same named character..

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