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LI Companions, romance, future content & you...


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For a female BH, Gault would make sense. He IS the devil, after all. :D




For my future BH, I don't really fancy Mako or Torian as my love intrest. :I Like the characters, just don't want le romance with them. But I can't let my poor BH be forever alone either! ><

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For a female BH, Gault would make sense. He IS the devil, after all. :D


But seriously, you're right. Gault would be cool. :)


For a male BH's second LI, GET RID OF SKADGE and get a female melee Tank instead. Emphasis on GET RID OF SKADGE. The dude is a complete creeper, and I'm disappointed that when he makes a sexist crack about Mako, we aren't given the option to shoot him dead. I would gladly take the DS hit for that one. Oh, did I mention GET RID OF SKADGE??? :p


Yeah, Skadge is just all wrong for my ship. You've got three nice people and Gault, who's more neutral than evil, and so if your BH gets along well with all of them, there's no way to justify why he'd let this complete psycho who hints at killing them all in their sleep hang around. I really, really want a quest where I have the option to kill him and find a replacement who fits in better.

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Yeah, Skadge is just all wrong for my ship. You've got three nice people and Gault, who's more neutral than evil, and so if your BH gets along well with all of them, there's no way to justify why he'd let this complete psycho who hints at killing them all in their sleep hang around. I really, really want a quest where I have the option to kill him and find a replacement who fits in better.


You know, the more I think about it, the more the BH crew really needs another member. It just feels like it's missing something. I really think it needs an intelligent, rough-around-the-edges type - a smuggler or another bounty hunter or something along those lines. (In my perfect world, this would be a hard-edged freelance merc with body type 3, facial hair or scruff, and a penchant for sarcastic awesome one-liners and stacked Chiss bounty hunters, in case you're listening BW :D)

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You know, the more I think about it, the more the BH crew really needs another member. It just feels like it's missing something. I really think it needs an intelligent, rough-around-the-edges type - a smuggler or another bounty hunter or something along those lines. (In my perfect world, this would be a hard-edged freelance merc with body type 3, facial hair or scruff, and a penchant for sarcastic awesome one-liners and stacked Chiss bounty hunters, in case you're listening BW :D)


Well, we will be getting a highly intelligent and cheerfully sociopathic assassin droid here soon. Now if only we could get him to kill Skadge and shove his body out the airlock while in Hyperspace.... :cool:

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I'd like to see your romance options to talk differently to you if you are married when you click on them. For example on my Sith Warrior which is full lightside and married Vette, she still says stuff like "Don't get any twisted ideas in that sithy head of yours!" etc. when I click her.
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I look forward to being able to commence a romantic relationship with a companion character.


While thinking of how much of a drag it is to wait to continue, do remember some are still waiting to begin.

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I'd like to see your romance options to talk differently to you if you are married when you click on them. For example on my Sith Warrior which is full lightside and married Vette, she still says stuff like "Don't get any twisted ideas in that sithy head of yours!" etc. when I click her.


indeed, like have your LI question the relationship if you play your toon very much against thier ideals, and had artificially raised thier affection with gifts.

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So, I am fairly certain that most of us cannot wait to see how our companion storyline continues in the future - especially the romance companions. Thing is, we have to wait until BW releases that content.


So...what would you like to see? Has anyone thought about how their companion storyline progresses? (Of course you have!!) What would you like to see happen next between you and your LI in future content release? What kind of missions, conversations? I don't just mean marriage, kids, etc - but also random day-to-day stuff (like a date night - shout out to Date Night thread!).


I don't mean this to be a suggestion thread (there's already one of those). I am just interested to see if others have thought about how they would like to see things progress in the future with their LI, in their own personal stories.

I don't particularly care much for romance. I never liked the way it's delivered in this game anyways. I just want to see more companion missions. I want it to get personal. For example, a mission where Mako is kidnapped by SIS and my bounty hunter has to go rescue her. For me, that would be extremely compelling and I would probably not stop playing until I did. Something else may include Jeasa completely loosing control of her emotions and she sort of goes crazy until my warrior brings her back under control. I haven't played all the classes yet, but, I'm sure there are many other interesting storylines that can be produced from our companions.


After the Flashpoint finder tool, that's my number one request from TOR. More story! I don't want more endgame content. It's the same for every game! Give me more story! More companions! More companion stories! That's what makes TOR unique and stand out in the MMORPG crowd!

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I see this is a fluff content. It wouldnt intrest me in the slightest to know what one of my 6 companions is doing on one of my 5 alts. They are just background chatter.


The romance sceens are pretty much useless, the whole idea is rather silly. Im suppose to gain some sense of endearement from my screen fadeing to black as the characters move off screen right. Then the screen fades back in and...what...? I'm suppose to be excited about more of this content?


Im looking forward to HK-51 and his story, also, im looking forward to Bioware not wasteing money on this fluff content. Please bioware, dont waste your time. Thanks.

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I see this is a fluff content. It wouldnt intrest me in the slightest to know what one of my 6 companions is doing on one of my 5 alts. They are just background chatter.


The romance sceens are pretty much useless, the whole idea is rather silly. Im suppose to gain some sense of endearement from my screen fadeing to black as the characters move off screen right. Then the screen fades back in and...what...? I'm suppose to be excited about more of this content?


Im looking forward to HK-51 and his story, also, im looking forward to Bioware not wasteing money on this fluff content. Please bioware, dont waste your time. Thanks.


i know plenty of people who love this game because the companion fluff seperates it from other mmos

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i know plenty of people who love this game because the companion fluff seperates it from other mmos


Exactly. Some people may not care about it, but personally, it's one of my favorite aspects of the game and absolutely one of the key things that keeps me playing. Maybe it's because I'm a woman, but I like more to my gaming experience than endlessly killing things or blowing things up. ;) If there was a way to level a character to 50 entirely with conversations and character choices, I'd be all over that. The character aspect is what I love about this game, and the companions are a big part of that.

Edited by MollyDresden
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Exactly. Some people may not care about it, but personally, it's one of my favorite aspects of the game and absolutely one of the key things that keeps me playing. Maybe it's because I'm a woman, but I like more to my gaming experience than endlessly killing things or blowing things up. ;) If there was a way to level a character to 50 entirely with conversations and character choices, I'd be all over that. The character aspect is what I love about this game, and the companions are a big part of that.


yup, im not a SW fan, so it aint that that keeps me here. although i never knew i wanted to live out the fantasy of being a hot space ninja smurfette till swtor....

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Exactly. Some people may not care about it, but personally, it's one of my favorite aspects of the game and absolutely one of the key things that keeps me playing. Maybe it's because I'm a woman, but I like more to my gaming experience than endlessly killing things or blowing things up. ;) If there was a way to level a character to 50 entirely with conversations and character choices, I'd be all over that. The character aspect is what I love about this game, and the companions are a big part of that.


Same here. I have played since launch and I haven't even touched any of the endgame content yet. I've been leveling my alts just to see the story.

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yup, im not a SW fan, so it aint that that keeps me here. although i never knew i wanted to live out the fantasy of being a hot space ninja smurfette till swtor....


Just rerolled my Knight and Trooper as Chiss. Now Elara and Kira will learn that once you go blue, nothing else will do. :cool:

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Just rerolled my Knight and Trooper as Chiss. Now Elara and Kira will learn that once you go blue, nothing else will do. :cool:


I just unlocked Chiss, so I went out and made a bunch of Chiss reps and force users. I do wish there'd be some dialogue acknowledgements of wrong-faction races, though (like Chiss or Pureblood troopers). Seems like something that people in-universe would comment on. (Or maybe they already have this, but I haven't seen it yet.)


Also going to chime in, if it wasn't for the storyline and the LI's, I would have cancelled long ago. I'm levelling a whole stable of alts to experience it all.


Me too. I'm planning to try every gender/class combination, as well as a couple duplicates to see different companion romances, and also to have different options in the dark/light/neutral continuum.

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Kira's storyline is one of my favourite ones from BioWare, and I really hope they will keep up the good work with the story.


In terms of story arc, I look forward to ...



helping other Children of the Emperor, especially Kira's childhood friend Suri. That part was left as a cliffhanger with the final status of the Emperor unknown (and from what I read in the SW forums, the Emperor may still be alive).



In terms of the relationship, I would be interested to see how Kira/Hero of Tython keeps their relationship a secret from the Jedi Council. In the last few conversations, there was talk of leaving the Jedi Order at some point to raise a family. I doubt this will be incorporated into the game since not everyone chooses to pursue the romance.


Other things I would like to see are more little touches to make the relationship feel more alive once the dialogues and quests are wrapped up. More dialogues, perhaps daily quests, would be nice. Right now, once the marriage is done Kira is just an NPC on the Defender.

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Same here. I have played since launch and I haven't even touched any of the endgame content yet. I've been leveling my alts just to see the story.


I have one char for Ops and FP:s, she has got quite good gear so I can play with hubby and guildies. But the rest of the slots on that server is just for the joy of seeing the story. I lvl them slow, take my time gearing all the comps so I can use all of them whenever I feel like it. Get high affection with all the comps so that all their convos will be done before the story is over. I love the stories, companions and romances to bits and pieces =)





Other things I would like to see are more little touches to make the relationship feel more alive once the dialogues and quests are wrapped up. More dialogues, perhaps daily quests, would be nice. Right now, once the marriage is done Kira is just an NPC on the Defender.


Amen to that, I would love some kind of daily-q with the LI.

Edited by SilentKitty
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It's kind of weird, but I'd love for the BH (or any class for that matter) to meet their parents and introduce their spouse. It'd be REALLY awkward (espically if they were cross species...it seems like Imperials wouldn't like that), which would be funny (who wouldn't want to see Torian/Quinn/Vector being socially akward?!?! even though my Warrior is a male, other people would like to see that).


For Torian and Mako, I want to see continuations of their back stories. Mako's cuts off when it hints she's a clone, while Torian gets kidnapped and they don't give any reason why (DON'T TAKE MY MAN WITHOUT AN EXPLINATION).


I would also like to see a wedding with either just your LI and companions, or a wedding where family and friends of the character/Imperials come (even if it's a one time apperance; once again, to add to the awkward!).


I'd like to see your romance options to talk differently to you if you are married when you click on them. For example on my Sith Warrior which is full lightside and married Vette, she still says stuff like "Don't get any twisted ideas in that sithy head of yours!" etc. when I click her.


THIS. I really love that in a game. The only time I've seen it really is in the Harvest Moon games, and even then, they don't say they love the character.

Edited by Kikilicious
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THIS. I really love that in a game. The only time I've seen it really is in the Harvest Moon games, and even then, they don't say they love the character.


" omg his heart changed colour! * runs in to see new dialogue*"

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I didn't really love the Corso romance line the first time through, but I lost my character (don't ask) and started over from scratch. The first time I didn't head-canon reciprocation, but the second time, my smuggler was fascinated with him from the second she saw him. She'd never seen anyone with dreadlocks before :p. It's so much sweeter this way. He just asked permission to court her, and it is just heart-flutteringly adorable.


I love, love, love Corso's accent, but... the first time I heard Torian say something romantic- heck, the first time he said something at all- my toes curled. Boy is he sexy.


So depending on what I want, I can play either extreme of the sweet-or-sexy romances!

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