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LI Companions, romance, future content & you...


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I would really like the option to break it off nicely with a companion in future, im playing a male consular at the moment (hello Jo Berry!) and I apparently missed the 1 conversation option that's your get out of jail free card for the subsequent slightly awkward relationship with Nadia. (Ok, ok, so I may have dabbled... I dabbled! and now it's not such a good idea and I'm a bit in too deep now and I'm afraid of black screens of doom :<)

I can't see how that would be easy though because your consular is pretty much the reason she lives. But she's young right? perhaps she'd find someone else? :o I've heard about how some players picked one of the other options because they didn't want to be harsh but apparently everything else means yes! Although I can see how Nadia would respond this way, it does work.


People change their minds IRL though, our characters should be able to choose as well to face the firey wrath of their scorned companions :)


I have a feeling something like this is coming though, from what they said at the RP guild summit:


(Sith Warrior end game spoiler)


They hinted at allowing players to kick Quinn off their ships (I wouldn't do that personally though lol)


Edited by AelixVII
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Just got the third note from Mako and must now amend my opinion about wanting to see a ceremony.



She does this whole "I'm glad we didn't have a big ceremony and here's why" thing. So okay, I buy that they have believable story reasons not to go all out. But they could have had a little one on their ship with the crew. Or even just a party. Or even just the part where they tell the others. Like, "Hey guys. Mako and I are married now. Thought you should know. Yes, Torian, I'm looking at you." I mean, story-wise, they had to have at the very least told the crew. Even having that as a follow-up conversation would have been fun and would have given it a more definite note.



The main thing is, I really want to see some kind of public declaration/acknowledgement of the marriage, even if 'public' is just the rest of the crew and it's just a simple conversation.

Edited by MollyDresden
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Just got the third note from Mako and must now amend my opinion about wanting to see a ceremony.



She does this whole "I'm glad we didn't have a big ceremony and here's why" thing. So okay, I buy that they have believable story reasons not to go all out. But they could have had a little one on their ship with the crew. Or even just a party. Or even just the part where they tell the others. Like, "Hey guys. Mako and I are married now. Thought you should know. Yes, Torian, I'm looking at you." I mean, story-wise, they had to have at the very least told the crew. Even having that as a follow-up conversation would have been fun and would have given it a more definite note.



The main thing is, I really want to see some kind of public declaration/acknowledgement of the marriage, even if 'public' is just the rest of the crew and it's just a simple conversation.


Me too! I want Risha to make fun of me for marrying a farmboy.

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Me too! I want Risha to make fun of me for marrying a farmboy.



kaliyo: what the heck, agent? I've been with a lot of freaky guys, but..bugs just creep me out.


temple: * trying to hide the jelly that she can't have femagent's heart* i'm glad for you sir!


lokin: ohhhhh chiss on joiner human breeding... i MUST study this. why are you giving me that look agent, my motives are purely professional.


scorpio: i will help weed out the weakest of your offspring from the litter and cull them.

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kaliyo: what the heck, agent? I've been with a lot of freaky guys, but..bugs just creep me out.


temple: * trying to hide the jelly that she can't have femagent's heart* i'm glad for you sir!


lokin: ohhhhh chiss on joiner human breeding... i MUST study this. why are you giving me that look agent, my motives are purely professional.


scorpio: i will help weed out the weakest of your offspring from the litter and cull them.


I think I posted this somewhere else but I can totally see Bowdaar's reaction being, "Oh wow, that is so great for you. That never happens to slaves, like I used to be. Did you know I used to be a slave?"


Akaavi would cry like Temple; she totally wants femsmuggler too. :(

Edited by elliotcat
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I think I posted this somewhere else but I can totally see Bowdaar's reaction being, "Oh wow, that is so great for you. That never happens to slaves, like I used to be. Did you know I used to be a slave?"


Akaavi would cry like Temple; she totally wants femsmuggler too. :(


...if i can in latter sgr content, im totally cheating on corso with akavi. torian got me hooked on mandalorian luffin

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Play a Female Jedi Knight, you do get a real marriage scene. And it is awesome.


And yes, the kissing emote sounds great!


I wish there was a romance option for lord Scourge. With his final companion convo , and my legacy family tree, it would work out perfect, if he married my female knight.

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not just LI's but normal comps, imagine getting to talk to them any time you take them to a cantina, like sit down and have options to chat with them. dance, have food, chat, drink. If theyre involved romantically, sure you can go down that path and talk relationships or whatnot. if not, just talk other stuff
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Play a Female Jedi Knight, you do get a real marriage scene. And it is awesome.


And yes, the kissing emote sounds great!


Idk about guy smugglers, girls perform their own ceremonies and you do have the option to go through the whole scene. You also get the option to skip having a ceremony and go right to ftb, aw yeah.

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I want to have "crew quest" at the end of the existing questlines for each class in which you and the rest of the team go to Nar Shaadda for some serious party rocking. :rak_03:


*takes bets on how many shots it would take for _____ to make out with the giant gold karagaa statue*

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I'm betting 3000 on Corso. XD


Also, one thing that I'd really be grateful if it was added, (just so the moderators can't say I'm getting off topic XD) the same number of potential companion love intrests for all classes. Some only have one option while others have two :/ I think all classes should have two males and two females. Some already existing characters that aren't available could be used for this, some would need one or two additional options.


... For additional male love intrest for bounty hunter I vote for Gault. >_>

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i havent read all 22 pages of suggestions so apologies in advance if i repeat any but here are a few suggestions:


1) More romance options in general, especially for people who only get 1 option. As it stands, i think males are the only ones who actually get REAL multiple options while ladies have to settle for one night stands if they don't like the "correct" guy. I could be wrong, but i've only seen accounts of female npcs getting jealous over male pcs and fighting over them.


That and my main is a fScoundrel and i hate the idea that she is part of the forever alone club because I can't stand Corso. It's so sad too because it's obvious HE LOVES HER SO. I now understand what the Anders haters feel when they think of him with disdain - mostly because you cannot get away/get rid of it. I kid you not, I've yet to flirt with him once and he has maybe 2k affection around level 40 but he still gets jealous, but the big thing that made me think of how Anders/Corso secretly pines for you is when


Risha has to save her friend Audila and she plans on using herself as bait. Corso of course complains its not good to use a woman as bait (even though she volunteered to help her friend) and when you tell him to get over his issues with women he says "I was raised to look after women no matter how tough you are.....er THEY are. I was speaking generally."


Tthis conversation was about Risha, not me.


Or when


he asks about his cousin and i told him to just give her a holocall and don't involve me, his response was "I wanted to introduce the two most important women in my life to each other."




Low affection. Never. Flirted. Once.


Bioware, new male romance plz. If not with a companion, then with one of the NPCs we get to flirt with.


2)Better platonic relationships. I've seen quite a few cool Bromances, but nothing of the equivalent for ladies, which is sad since one of my favorite companion interactions in DA:O was a female warden in a romance with alistair having a "girl chat" with leliana. or most chats with leliana that didn't involve an accident romance. especially shoes. talking with another crew member about your currently relationship either through a joke (like leli) or concern (like wynne) would add a little more depth into the characters, but if not, I would just like more "sisterhood" moments. if i'm not mistaken i think corso and doc give a male pc props for flirting but there's no equivalent, again, for their female counterparts (which is sad because i thought risha had my back for this one after alderaan but she either doesn't react or reacts with disgust/uneasiness when my fSmuggler flirts).


3)The option to "mini flirt" with companions after you reach the end of the romance. kind of like how in DA:O you could still get a fade to black or kiss after you have exhausted all dialouge options. maybe add in a special gift you can buy or craft that acts as a trigger or whenever you give a partner who is currently in a romance with you their favorite type of gift you get a repeatable dialogue/scene where you have the option to suggest private time, via a bribe?


4)Crew members starting a relationship with each other like Mako and Torian, or with other NPCs that are not part of the crew. OR, if by a longshot, since some of our companions already know each other from their background stories, if it's possible to have a romance with companions from other storylines.


5)Favors. Or some sort of special clothing/armor for a romanced love interest, similar to DA2. You could tell if your romance with someone was active at a certain point because of how they had Hawke's favor/red bandana on them, or they changed clothes completely. Lots of people have been confused about whether their romance is still "active" or not because some of the answers they chose were ambiguous. This could help that problem. It can be optional, equitable and removable, but if the romance were broken off then either the item would be gone or non equitable.


6)Finding out what happens to some of those flings. IDK about other people, but a few of the ones my fSmuggler had made them sound like they were heads over heels for her; seems weird she would never hear from them again. It makes it weirder that when she tried to let them go easy they got offended that they didn't mean more to her. Follow up with some of them would be nice. Maybe one of them can be "that crazy stalker guy" like the mSmuggler gets just for the lulz. for god sakes though, no more jacob or thane shenanigans.


7)Being able to break off the romance. This is the main reason i never flirted with corso on my fSmuggler. didn't want to be locked into an unwanted romance as i have seen other people have been. some of the harmless flirts would have been fun but i didn't want her tied down to someone like him.


that's it for now, if i think of anything else, ill add it.

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2)Better platonic relationships. I've seen quite a few cool Bromances, but nothing of the equivalent for ladies, which is sad since one of my favorite companion interactions in DA:O was a female warden in a romance with alistair having a "girl chat" with leliana. or most chats with leliana that didn't involve an accident romance. especially shoes. talking with another crew member about your currently relationship either through a joke (like leli) or concern (like wynne) would add a little more depth into the characters, but if not, I would just like more "sisterhood" moments. if i'm not mistaken i think corso and doc give a male pc props for flirting but there's no equivalent, again, for their female counterparts (which is sad because i thought risha had my back for this one after alderaan but she either doesn't react or reacts with disgust/uneasiness when my fSmuggler flirts).


fem!Agent actually gets quite a bit of this with Kaliyo. My Agent a) is all business and b) doesn't like boys, so she refuses to play along when Kaliyo wants to girl talk about how cute some guy is(plus she's pretty sure Kali's just mocking her anyway), but there's a lot of options for it.

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fem!Agent actually gets quite a bit of this with Kaliyo. My Agent a) is all business and b) doesn't like boys, so she refuses to play along when Kaliyo wants to girl talk about how cute some guy is(plus she's pretty sure Kali's just mocking her anyway), but there's a lot of options for it.


thats cool, i dont have a fAgent yet but i hear the story and romance is excellent. considering its the empire equivalent to smuggler ill probably do that after BH and JK.


Oh and to add a couple more things, I think there should be romancable male jedis. All the romanceable ones are female. I dont even think theres a nonromanceable jedi as a crew member. Guss doesn't count either.


I also think there should more companions we can influence like Jaesa.

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With regards to companion interaction, I'm not sure who if anyone has added this at all but I thought it would be a good idea to have it where their were be different scenarios for companion interaction. For example, two companions could get into a heated argument and you have the option of doing three different things. Staying quiet and let things play out or side with or the other about what is being argued for or they could put in an option of being the peace keeper in the fight (they could make the choices vary depending if you are LS/DS or what your relationship is between both companions (if they do this mechanic right, I think they can have this sort of thing throughout all of the quests of TOR). So depending on the choice you make, you will either end up having them make up, have them break out into a fight where you have to separate the two of them and give em a time out (or just watch the show and have some fun with some other companions also watching and maybe one of them intervenes or says something like "I'll go get the popcorn, let me what I missed" lmfao) or have one companion end up disliking you for taking their side while the other gets a good affection bonus.


Also, maybe companions giving a little bit more input in the choices you make instead of their being an affection bonus only. I mean it makes me feel like the companion is just a little droid I'm bringing around that makes very little comment on what I do and my actions. It doesn't make the whole experience of having a companion for your quests any better other than simply trying to max out your affection level with that companion.


As for the love triangle's, well I do have to state the obvious here... the one with the SW absolutely sucks.



When you try to romance both Vette and Jaesa you end up coming at a cross road where you can choose to have them both. And instead of having more shots at Vette in dialogue after that point, she shuts you out of the notion to reconcile her reaction and stating that she is not comfortable with polygamy and that if you want her you have to want only her and instead you are forced to go to Jaesa.



In other words, make the love triangles last longer, create a bit more tension if they are all like the SW one and simply don't end abruptly with the single choice scene. Make it more like the tension more like the love triangle you made between the main character of Dragon Origins, Morrigan and Leliana. That type of love triangle would add a lot more spice to the whole romance thing. Also, more quest companions that require you to actually bring the companion to a planet to complete:



Like with Vette when you have go to Nar Shadda to get a Twi'lek relic for some friends of hers.



That would be a lot better. Other than these things, I don't have much to input.

Edited by Masterkabal
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I'm betting 3000 on Corso. XD


Also, one thing that I'd really be grateful if it was added, (just so the moderators can't say I'm getting off topic XD) the same number of potential companion love intrests for all classes. Some only have one option while others have two :/ I think all classes should have two males and two females. Some already existing characters that aren't available could be used for this, some would need one or two additional options.


... For additional male love intrest for bounty hunter I vote for Gault. >_>


For a female BH, Gault would make sense. He IS the devil, after all. :D


But seriously, you're right. Gault would be cool. :)


For a male BH's second LI, GET RID OF SKADGE and get a female melee Tank instead. Emphasis on GET RID OF SKADGE. The dude is a complete creeper, and I'm disappointed that when he makes a sexist crack about Mako, we aren't given the option to shoot him dead. I would gladly take the DS hit for that one. Oh, did I mention GET RID OF SKADGE??? :p

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2)Better platonic relationships. I've seen quite a few cool Bromances, but nothing of the equivalent for ladies, which is sad since one of my favorite companion interactions in DA:O was a female warden in a romance with alistair having a "girl chat" with leliana. or most chats with leliana that didn't involve an accident romance. especially shoes. talking with another crew member about your currently relationship either through a joke (like leli) or concern (like wynne) would add a little more depth into the characters, but if not, I would just like more "sisterhood" moments. if i'm not mistaken i think corso and doc give a male pc props for flirting but there's no equivalent, again, for their female counterparts (which is sad because i thought risha had my back for this one after alderaan but she either doesn't react or reacts with disgust/uneasiness when my fSmuggler flirts).




I want SO BAD to have nice sisterhood moments with my companions. Risha has some nice convos and so does Akaavi, but it never goes very deep. Vette does this quite well (I haven't played SW very far) but I'd like to get more of an idea that she looks up to you. Same with Kira. Come on, let us have girl talk!

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For a female BH, Gault would make sense. He IS the devil, after all. :D


But seriously, you're right. Gault would be cool. :)


For a male BH's second LI, GET RID OF SKADGE and get a female melee Tank instead. Emphasis on GET RID OF SKADGE. The dude is a complete creeper, and I'm disappointed that when he makes a sexist crack about Mako, we aren't given the option to shoot him dead. I would gladly take the DS hit for that one. Oh, did I mention GET RID OF SKADGE??? :p

Gault as a romance option would still leave my poor bh single (although they have a decent friendship based on insulting each other), but any option that removes Skadge gets a big thumbs up from me!!

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