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Mara/Sent final thoughts


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The class is just fine.


you cannot faceroll these classes, if you think so..roll one. i bet you quit and go back to a 3 button sage.


The class is finally balanced, kiters...you need to kite. you can no longer stand there tabbing targets when you see us begin to hit you.


Master strike...situational....i only use it against those who just stand there and refuse to move..kinda funny when they see thier health go to about half with a master stike/merciless combo... (this is really why i think we have been seeing so much QQ on the forums about sents. This combo is deadly to the average joe who just stands there)


finally, i am not a god a pvp, i get my butt kicked plenty. but when i face those who refuse to play the class they rolled..the way it was meant to be played. i win..


so, in recap, you can no longer use your light armor healer spec as a tank or dps. Use your class as it was meant to be played. The truth is, if you meet a sentinel on the battlefield, sometimes he just has the advantage, and if you play your class correctly, you will too.

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the class is just fine.


You cannot faceroll these classes, if you think so..roll one. I bet you quit and go back to a 3 button sage.


The class is finally balanced, kiters...you need to kite. You can no longer stand there tabbing targets when you see us begin to hit you.


Master strike...situational....i only use it against those who just stand there and refuse to move..kinda funny when they see thier health go to about half with a master stike/merciless combo... (this is really why i think we have been seeing so much qq on the forums about sents. This combo is deadly to the average joe who just stands there)


finally, i am not a god a pvp, i get my butt kicked plenty. But when i face those who refuse to play the class they rolled..the way it was meant to be played. I win..


So, in recap, you can no longer use your light armor healer spec as a tank or dps. Use your class as it was meant to be played. The truth is, if you meet a sentinel on the battlefield, sometimes he just has the advantage, and if you play your class correctly, you will too.


couldnt agree more!

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Time to kill this class is too long it needs to come down.


Without CD's they die fast.


With CD's they can keep healer and 2/3 DPS busy for far too long.


You can only CC him 3 times then you have to kill him at which points he pops CD's and take an eternity to down while his team kills every one else.


Defensive CD's of this class are too bursty they need to be less bursty.


Either that or damage and burst needs to go down.

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Time to kill this class is too long it needs to come down.


Without CD's they die fast.


With CD's they can keep healer and 2/3 DPS busy for far too long.


You can only CC him 3 times then you have to kill him at which points he pops CD's and take an eternity to down while his team kills every one else.


Defensive CD's of this class are too bursty they need to be less bursty.


Either that or damage and burst needs to go down.


Cempa, how many times do people have to explain to you that you dont just fill a marauders resolve bar for laughs? Its been weeks and you are still saying the same things man.

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Well thank god Omega-One came along and laid down his final thoughts on the subject. I guess we can shut down the whole issue now.


Talk about a skewed world-view. Copernicus proved the solar system actually revolves around the sun. Sadly, this means it doesn't revolve around Omega-One.

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Cempa, how many times do people have to explain to you that you dont just fill a marauders resolve bar for laughs? Its been weeks and you are still saying the same things man.


Has been told here many times even when 1,2 was in PTS yet. Is not about resolve bar, about kite, about dps, about L2P.


Is very simple: a high dps class + awesome defensive cds is NOT balanced at all.


We will see what BW thinks soon about Tankassins and Marauders. I guess a well deserved nerf in PvP.

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Has been told here many times even when 1,2 was in PTS yet. Is not about resolve bar, about kite, about dps, about L2P.


Is very simple: a high dps class + awesome defensive cds is NOT balanced at all.


We will see what BW thinks soon about Tankassins and Marauders. I guess a well deserved nerf in PvP.


The only balance changes that the devs have mentioned is a buff for dps mercs/commandos and something to lower the skill cap on healing clothies.


edit: this is as far as I know.

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Cempa, how many times do people have to explain to you that you dont just fill a marauders resolve bar for laughs? Its been weeks and you are still saying the same things man.


Why doesn't full resolve make any other class godmode?


You like being "special" don't you ;)

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Why doesn't full resolve make any other class godmode?


You like being "special" don't you ;)


Merc healer. If you fill his resolve before he pops the uninteruptable bubble he is going to be "god mode" healer for 12 seconds.


Solution? Don't fill his resolve bar early.

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Here it comes, the typical sentinel player who thinks he's just really good at playing it, and others simply need to l2p. Someone who thinks it's a valid logical argument that a class should be overpowered because it is "hard to play" (even though it's not the only class that needs to regularly use 20+ skills in a wz).


People don't make sense on the internet yet again.

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Merc healer. If you fill his resolve before he pops the uninteruptable bubble he is going to be "god mode" healer for 12 seconds.


Solution? Don't fill his resolve bar early.


Yea, they just pop that bubble at full resolve and for 12 seconds you have no way to focus fire them down!

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Yea, they just pop that bubble at full resolve and for 12 seconds you have no way to focus fire them down!


if you have 3 or 4 players focusing him down he will drop.


Then again if you stun a marauder at 40% of his life with 3 or 4 players on him he will drop as well.


Undying rage is probably the most predictable skill in the game, and as such one of the easiest to prevent. Should you fail to prevent it one stun or one root effectively counters it.

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Please tell me the other class that manages 22+ situational hotkeys.


This argument is crap. I don't care about your hotkey busywork. If you think BW has given you too many abilities to be used effectively, complain about it. It's not in any way, shape, or form an argument for having a stronger class.


But hey BW, can I have Undying Rage if I hop on one foot IRL while I PvP?


Lame argument is lame.

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Here it comes, the typical sentinel player who thinks he's just really good at playing it, and others simply need to l2p. Someone who thinks it's a valid logical argument that a class should be overpowered because it is "hard to play" (even though it's not the only class that needs to regularly use 20+ skills in a wz).


People don't make sense on the internet yet again.


I don't think the class should be overpowoered because its hard to play. And i don't think I'm just really good at playing it.


I just think that good players can handle maras, and bad players that don'T understand how to fight the class come to the forums to cry for nerfs.

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This argument is crap. I don't care about your hotkey busywork. If you think BW has given you too many abilities to be used effectively, complain about it. It's not in any way, shape, or form an argument for having a stronger class.


But hey BW, can I have Undying Rage if I hop on one foot IRL while I PvP?


Lame argument is lame.


Class is only stronger if you do that so yeah not so lame of an argument. Clearly you havent had a chance to play against FoTM mara/sents very much.

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Please tell me the other class that manages 22+ situational hotkeys.


Currently using 24 on my vanguard. That count does not include mark target 1-4, target nearest ally (for quick guard switches) and the like, nor does it include pure PvE skills like Bliz.. It does include auto attack as Vanguards must manage their ressources in ways marauders never ever bothered.


Do I get a cookie now? And I am sure all serious PvP players have bind numbers in that range.


And yes I also do have a sentinel (V52 than he grew boring). If you want to try a class that has to actively switch targets to taunt, guard and deal damage than you can come back with your "marauders are so difficult to play".


No class is really hard to play, some are hard to master but marauder is on the average as it is very forgiving with the many oh sh*t buttons it has that are on short CDs.

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if you have 3 or 4 players focusing him down he will drop.


Then again if you stun a marauder at 40% of his life with 3 or 4 players on him he will drop as well.


Undying rage is probably the most predictable skill in the game, and as such one of the easiest to prevent. Should you fail to prevent it one stun or one root effectively counters it.


How do you stun someone with full resolve? back to the original argument (that you started btw) you go ;)

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Class is only stronger if you do that so yeah not so lame of an argument. Clearly you havent had a chance to play against FoTM mara/sents very much.

Face it, the classes in this game are easy (some are just a joke).


If another class take 20% of my "brain power", but a Marauder take 30% of it, it's harder yeah, but it's still easy.


And since I have the best defensive cooldowns in the game, and awesome burst or sustained damage, It's easy to perform better with it.

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Face it, the classes in this game are easy (some are just a joke).


If another class take 20% of my "brain power", but a Marauder take 30% of it, it's harder yeah, but it's still easy.


And since I have the best defensive cooldowns in the game, and awesome burst or sustained damage, It's easy to perform better with it.


The problem is when you try to say "my class is harder to play so I deserve more power". Ideally all classes played perfectly should be balanced...giving some extra power because of complexity of rotation or abilities is a load of crap. Skill cap is never an argument for being unbalanced. Never. A good design team will laugh in your face.

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So you have to use 24 keybinds to guard taunt and dps and I have to use 22 just to dps and mine has the lower skill cap?


*edit* see post two below mine.

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