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What happened to PvP?


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So I left for a few weeks to take my last finals and graduate. I've come back to my server and the new Imps are, by far, the worse PvPers I have ever seen. Of the 20+ matches I've played over the last few days we have lost every single one. Multiple 0-600 Civil Wars, teams not taking a single door in Voidstar while the enemy steam rolls through them, and 100-0 lost to NC.


So my questions is: What happened? I heard that to get Dailies you don't actually need to win WZ only participate. That and I'm sure people are off playing D3. But even so, people seem to not know that WZ aren't CoD, they are not deathmatchs. Its so frustrating to watch as spawn after spawn of my teams swarms to doors/computers were heavy fighting is and not even bothering to sneak off to the UNGUARDED door. (I try to sneak off but alas BH PT's are kinda hard to be sneaky with.) I've tried to give out strategy, but unless I actually stay in the spawn area and coordinate its quickly forgotten.


I'm not opposed to rolling on a new server if someone has a suggestion of a place with competent PvPers.

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Heres my hypothesis.Most of the terribad pvpers rolled Republic first.After many months of losing to empire,they came to the conclusion they weren't bad,it was just their team.They rolled empire and now they are even worse :D:D

And theres also the fact thtat the majority of hardcore pvp'ers have left the game,meaning less premades and more pug v pug,which is also fun.

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People constantly complaining and ruining morale.


If that was so, the game would have been ruined before it came out- it's not a coincidence that when 1.2 came out, pvp interest plummeted and only the most populated servers get constant WZ pops now.


My server used to have multiple matches going even during the day or after midnight. Now, in the evening on a Friday- in queue for half an hour with no pop.


This all happened with 1.2, and the reasons are quite clear- 90% or more of players don't go to the forums often, and don't see all the chatter here. They do however see when suddenly their class has lost abilities, is doing much less damage, or if another class is suddenly always killing them in a few hits.


There's a handful of things that players hate- being killed in seconds when it'd take you ten times as long to do enough damage to kill that person is one of them- and it's quite easy for someone who knows what they're doing and has augmented WH gear to kill someone in recruit gear in five seconds- while on the flipside, it might take 15-20 seconds of trying to get through defensive CDs just to start doing damage to that person- and when you do it'd still take you 20+ seconds to kill them.



You have dozens of threads of marauders saying 'pvp is fine' or trying to deflect onto other classes- but the fact is, BW struck the game with a deathblow with 1.2, and whatever people want to argue about how it's balanced/unbalanced now- the numbers lost shows the truth, the increasing wait times in pvp, the lack of good pvpers, the massive shift in what classes you see all the time- these are all what have changed the game, and the numbers are only going to get worse and worse until BW smartens up.


I don't think they will though- this game as a pvp game is dead.

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Couldnt agree more. How many times do we have to listen to the same QQing??


Yes, 1 person should complain about an issue and then nobody ever say anything about it again. Community feedback would be MUCH more effective!

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So I left for a few weeks to take my last finals and graduate. I've come back to my server and the new Imps are, by far, the worse PvPers I have ever seen. Of the 20+ matches I've played over the last few days we have lost every single one. Multiple 0-600 Civil Wars, teams not taking a single door in Voidstar while the enemy steam rolls through them, and 100-0 lost to NC.


So my questions is: What happened? I heard that to get Dailies you don't actually need to win WZ only participate. That and I'm sure people are off playing D3. But even so, people seem to not know that WZ aren't CoD, they are not deathmatchs. Its so frustrating to watch as spawn after spawn of my teams swarms to doors/computers were heavy fighting is and not even bothering to sneak off to the UNGUARDED door. (I try to sneak off but alas BH PT's are kinda hard to be sneaky with.) I've tried to give out strategy, but unless I actually stay in the spawn area and coordinate its quickly forgotten.


I'm not opposed to rolling on a new server if someone has a suggestion of a place with competent PvPers.


Because of 1.2 the pvp reject sages and troopers are rerolling as imp DPS classes. Tragic.

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New buyers beware -- this game has low population problems, massive class imbalances, gear grind is awful, and LONG queue times. I'm a fully geared War Hero with valor rank 88(almost 89). I see no point in playing anymore even if you release ranked. The classes are just too broken.


Things I wish for and things that piss me off:


  • 8 man premades vs pugs in crappy gear. This happens often now. Server pop has died to less than 20 ppl on fleet.
  • Cap breaking on every single hit.
  • Guards keeping healers up for WAY too long.
  • Wish, other maps besides Huttball had danger zones.
  • Wish, max zoom would *********** stay max zoomed


Start of game(up till 1.2): :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:

Game post 1.2 (first 2 weeks) :D:D::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::(:(:rak_02::rak_02::rak_02:

Game Current State: gquit/unsub

Edited by Targetboy
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[*] Guards keeping healers up for WAY too long.




Dps and TTK is insane now and you're STILL complaining about tanks guarding healers taking too long? What, 3 hits isn't enough for you? :rolleyes:


As in every game DPS won't be happy until every single person in PvP is a DPS class and tanks/healers are nothing more than lulz worthy cannon fodder.

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Nothing happened to PvP, it is actually better. What IS effecting it is lack of players Qing up on servers. Server merges needed etc. Also we have experienced the same PuG losses pre 1.2 up until now. The whole Imperials dominate may have been valid at launch but now it varies depending on who is playing what, where, and when.
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