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Free 30 days are almost done. R U RESUBBIN?


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Even with transfers it will still be the same game. The problem lies within the gameplay and content. Even if you get crammed into another server with more players, it will still only house the diehards after a short bit of time- the format of TOR supports a single play through, and that is really all there is to the game.


That is why legacy was introduced. The devs realized that the game was essentially a one time play, single player experience, and tried to introduce a concept that would possibly make people want to play through again. Its nice to have those perks, but in the end, you are still replaying 80% or more of the same content- and that is where the problem remains.


I love a good game. Though for me, I will only play through a single player game typically once, twice if it was really really good and I wanted to make sure I did not miss anything. After that it is time to move on to a new experience.


Well, the stuff I enjoy is all things that require OTHER PLAYERS. Flashpoints when leveling, raids, and ESPECIALLY warzone PVP. All of these are pretty much impossible in my current server. Once they're possible, I'll play them.


I disagree that the only people that will be left are the "diehards." I would almost argue the opposite, that the games stays fresh for casuals, who take breaks when they're bored, maybe switch character/combat role. Most of the casuals I know quit though, for the same reason I've been dissatisfied. They want to pop in, play a warzone or flashpoint without waiting around, which is impossible in 80% of this game's servers.


Once it is, I can see the retention rate improving dramatically.

Edited by Stenrik
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40 days left for me. If the server transfers / merges / whatevers isn't implemented by then, then no, not resubbing.

My server is so dead and i won't restart on another. I have all the proffessions maxed out on my chars, legacy level 30+ and i refuse to start from scratch.

Edited by Elton
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cost is soo small a month, that ill keep sub up, but i only play about 10% the time i did at luanch, simply becuase there is no wz que, and noone to go hm


will i keep thinking the same thing in a month or two, i dont know

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Resubbin after the free 30 days? sadly absolutely not.


I just dont feel the game is worth a sub at all at this moment. I wont pay monthly to get bored is that simple.

Dont get me wrong is a good game, but for me at least it runed its cross, absolutely nothing to do for me besides PvP, and grinding... and i dont like grinding that much, for basicaly nothing, Not very worthwhile. At least for me.

I realy didnt wanna say this because i was waiting for this game to came out for so long, but i got to, a Kotor 3 is what i realy wanted not this.

In anycase im burn out of this game, im not sure i will come back at all. Maybe one day, but it will not be soon.

Cheers to all.

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Even with transfers it will still be the same game. The problem lies within the gameplay and content. Even if you get crammed into another server with more players, it will still only house the diehards after a short bit of time- the format of TOR supports a single play through, and that is really all there is to the game.


That is why legacy was introduced. The devs realized that the game was essentially a one time play, single player experience, and tried to introduce a concept that would possibly make people want to play through again. Its nice to have those perks, but in the end, you are still replaying 80% or more of the same content- and that is where the problem remains.


I love a good game. Though for me, I will only play through a single player game typically once, twice if it was really really good and I wanted to make sure I did not miss anything. After that it is time to move on to a new experience.

For you thats the problem. For me I am still loving it. As long as I am havimg fun I dont mind rrplaying content. In Tf2 and BF3 I only play 2 or 3 different maps. For me its the challange of perfecting the content. I love the warzones and the operations on hard and nightmare mode.

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I have a total of 14 characters across 4 servers. My main server is the one with a Legacy, level 31, the other servers are for me to roll different race/class combos, do DS instead of Light, make males instead of females.


Sure, I have to do ALL those god forsaken boring *** side quests again, but I just space bar through them.


I'm still enjoying this game immensely. Yeah, there are bugs and issues and I hate when PVP people ***** and get us PVE players nerfed cause they suck at PVPing, but the game is FUN!


I plan to continue to subscribe until this game no longer entertains me. Whether that be one month from now, or 10 years from now.

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Well, the stuff I enjoy is all things that require OTHER PLAYERS. Flashpoints when leveling, raids, and ESPECIALLY warzone PVP. All of these are pretty much impossible in my current server. Once they're possible, I'll play them.


I disagree that the only people that will be left are the "diehards." I would almost argue the opposite, that the games stays fresh for casuals, who take breaks when they're bored, maybe switch character/combat role. Most of the casuals I know quit though, for the same reason I've been dissatisfied. They want to pop in, play a warzone or flashpoint without waiting around, which is impossible in 80% of this game's servers.


Once it is, I can see the retention rate improving dramatically.


Casuals quit more then anyone. Casual players want everything simple and straight forward with little to no challenge. Time waster games. The casual game market is intended to snag a wide audience of people, who are not necessarally "gamers". They play like you mention, for a round or two and leave. Or for a month or two and leave. That makes for a very poor community.


And community is what MMOs are about, or at the very least should have a significant portion dedicated to encourage players to interact without having to follow the train tracks to the next destination.

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Its been said so many times... but i'll say it again. There are people who shouldnt play MMO's until they've been out for atleast a year. Unfortunatly, SWTOR has a large number of these people.


You know, the people who think we care that they are unsubscribing and playing WoW or whatever. Guess what. WoW has problems to, and so does Tera, and GW2 will when it comes out, and every other MMO i didnt mention.


These people will only be happy when they realize every game has it's fair share of problems, and that how good or fun a game is cannot be figured out by comparison.


But as far as subscription goes, im sticking with Bioware. This game is innovative. I used to think text boxes were ok for questing, but then i took a swtor to the knee. I now realize that if i went back to say WoW, the questing and lack of story would only make me miss swtor. And please, i think i'll pass on the 30%+ nerfed end-game content.

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Personally, I'm staying, because I raid with a really awesome group of people. But damn, does it feel bleak.

My server is dead. Pubs are lucky if they get 10 guys on fleet prime time and Empire has maybe 75-80 on a good day.


There is literally ONE group of people (a group of people from multiple 8-man guilds) who can do Nightmare Pilgrim. There are literally 3? maybe 4 guilds who raid on our server. I get on to raid 3 nights a week (if we can even get enough people, if someone posts afk we literally can't raid). We can't continue on like this. Eventually we will have someone leave or have real life commitments come up. We used to be a 16-man guild but we lost a LOT of people before Denova came out. We managed like two weeks of 16 mans after patch and then it fell apart. Lots of unsubs.


I've been struggling to level some alts but I can barely even be bothered to play my operative for the story. I literally log in and I'm like "Why am I doing this? I'd rather play TF2" and log back out again. He's stuck at 30 right after the end of Act I and I'm just dead in the water.


I feel like this whole game is dead in the water. Apt, since I have a lot of friends who make fun of me for continuing to play "TORtanic".


I can honestly say that without the IP I would NOT be playing. This is pure speculation but if this weren't Bioware or if this weren't a Star Wars game I think it would be dead already.

I can't help but like the game a little bit because of its tie-ins to KOTOR.


TL;DR I'm still playing but very unenthusiastically. I almost wish that I'd made more friends in Rift because if I had I probably wouldn't have stuck around in SWTOR. Overall I'm sad. This game had SO MUCH potential (even with the abysmal Hero Engine) and to see it all frittered away by piss-poor design and managerial decisions breaks my heart. Breaks the s*** out of it.



For you thats the problem. For me I am still loving it. As long as I am havimg fun I dont mind rrplaying content. In Tf2 and BF3 I only play 2 or 3 different maps. For me its the challange of perfecting the content. I love the warzones and the operations on hard and nightmare mode.


Replaying content only goes so far. The issue with SWTOR ops is that they have been a) very buggy and b) very easy. EV and KP were dreadfully undertuned, and Denova HM with the exception of Kephess is really kind of a joke too. This leads to very fast burn out. You can sort of see the same thing in WoW with Raid Finder. If you make content TOO accessible, people get bored, and that is part of the reason you are seeing such a loss of people from WoW now. People have run out of things to do. On the flip side you have Rift (I'm only using it as an example because I have personally played it, there are other games with hard as hell raid content too but I can't speak for something I haven't played :p ) where it took people SIX MONTHS to clear Hammerknell, and afaik it wasn't gated like ICC was. I don't expect raids to have THAT kind of longevity where it takes ages for the best people to clear, but I do expect the content to last a reasonable amount of time. When people are full clearing HM and NiM in the first few weeks, I consider that to be a problem


Also, I don't think it's fair to compare a raid experience to TF2. Even when playing the same few maps in TF2 the experience is largely dynamic due to the fact that you are constantly playing with different people who are all picking different classes. You might get to pug with different people in SWTOR if you're really lucky but the raid content experience will always be static and you will generally want x amount of y different classes because of raid comp. The two are vastly different.


Sorry for that rant. As a long time PvE enthusiast I feel pretty strongly about these things >_>

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Beselly your guild should recruit more players. There is the concept of no one will play with me my guild fell apart. There is other guilds out there. I play on a low pop server but my guild still has three eight man teams for ops. We get new people all the time. Now if only we could fix the PVP issue of only being one warzone up all the time.


And for the OP I'm currently un sub waiting for those server mergers. I could not justify paying for this for just doing ops. I miss the good old pvp at 50. Its just the same people fighting each other and there all Imps on my server.

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Beselly your guild should recruit more players. There is the concept of no one will play with me my guild fell apart. There is other guilds out there. I play on a low pop server but my guild still has three eight man teams for ops. We get new people all the time. Now if only we could fix the PVP issue of only being one warzone up all the time.


And for the OP I'm currently un sub waiting for those server mergers. I could not justify paying for this for just doing ops. I miss the good old pvp at 50. Its just the same people fighting each other and there all Imps on my server.


Did you read what I said above about my server? THERE IS LITERALLY NOBODY TO RECRUIT. We can't recruit on-server because there isn't a raiding pool to draw from. Believe me, we've tried. We've tried so hard. Everyone on the server knows who we are (though to be fair, with so few people it's hard not to know) and we've already done one guild merger with another. But we've just kept losing people and losing people till we only have a bare-bones group of raiders. At launch we had at least 100 people in our guild and now we have dropped to maybe 30 total including alts. The other guilds on server aren't much better off. Everybody is sort of focused on keeping their raiders. It wouldn't be as bad if we were getting new people rolling on SOEK but that isn't happening. Anyone who is picking up SWTOR now is going to be rolling on a high-pop server, they wouldn't even dream of coming here.


At this point, the only thing we can do is snipe people from one of the three or four other raiding 8mans on the server (and that is literally ALL THAT THERE IS. I am positively envious that you have enough people in your ONE GUILD to run three 8-man teams, because that is basically the whole of our server RIGHT THERE), but as we are all sort of friends due to the fact that basically everyone knows everyone, and it would just be a dick thing to do to ruin another raiding guild by sniping people. And we can't recruit off-server because NOBODY in their right mind would roll on SOEK in its current state. I can't even get a group to do 5man dailies. If I'm lucky, I might be able to run ONE FP on a friday night if there's enough people on.


I don't know who thought it'd be a good idea to release more servers than WoW with a FRACTION of the population, but I hope they got laid off.

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My sub is up on 6/5 and as much as it saddens me to say it, I won't be resubbing.


I just can't justify it any longer. I've been a long time supporter but even I have my limits.


The only thing that could change my mind is some concrete information from the devs on when server transfers will occur or even better yet, actual transfers happening.


I feel they have had plenty of time to do this and what is happening now is concrete evidence that these devs just were not ready for an mmo.


50 cents a day is a reasonable price to pay for entertainment, I've said that for months and I still believe it. The key is the word "entertainment." Currently, on a dead server (which used to be very popular I might add) and there is little to no entertainment to be found anywhere.


I would say I'll check back in 6 months but I have very little faith that anything will be any better by then due to the developers insistence on not listening to the community (x-server LFG, open world pvp, etc) on top of their refusal to communicate to the community exactly what the Hell is going on.


I'd really like to be able to justify continuing to pay for this game, I really wanted it to succeed but reality is finally setting in and there simply is no reasonable rationalization for paying for a game that is no longer fun, particularly when the most fun to be had requires other people and there are no people to be found.

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I've got about 2 weeks left and I've cancelled my subscription, got characters on 2 different servers and there is next to no population on them both, started playing with about 8 mates and now I'm the only one left. Just been on to try and do some pvp and there was 8 on one server and 16 on the other.


If transfers come within the next 2 weeks i may change my mind. Tried starting again on a "standard" server but just couldn't bring myself to do it. Hope they do resolve this sometime soon because like many others have waited for this game for a long time and it's a shame the way it's gone.

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Why are you going to remain "subbed" ? No one ever has an answer. Because you like Star Wars?


Because they just laid off a huge chunk of staff? Because they have publicly stated Tiger Woods golf and Madden have higher priority? Because they started out with an open weekly Q&A, that steadily devolved to a semi weekly mostly we are only going to answer questions that you can find in the general forums anyway session?


Any indication as to why you will stay "subbed" would be a appreciated.


I will remain "subbed".

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I will remain "subbed".


Are you just blindly staying on with the game because it is a Star Wars IP?


If you were on a ship and it was sinking, and its name was "star wars", would you also stay aboard hoping the crew was going to patch the hole? Guess what, the crew is jumping ship, ie the staff has been slashed by 150 crew members.


Why are you subbing? Any viable reason that might inspire others to stay or freshly buy into the game?

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