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Free 30 days are almost done. R U RESUBBIN?


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In a word, NO. (I've unsubbed and my free time ends tomorrow, I believe.)


Primary reason - my server's a GHOST TOWN! The tumble weeds don't even blow thru here any more....DAYYYYHUMM! I got stuff to sell and nobody to sell it to. :mad:


Secondary reason - leveling is too dam easy! I don't play a MMO to see how many lvl 50 alts I can create in record time. :mad::mad:


Good luck to all you die-hard mothas out there! If the game ever gets out of BETA before being totally shutdown, maybe I'll revisit it.


-Sneaky :sy_bountyhunter:

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My sub doesn't run out til sometime in July, but honestly I don't even know if I will renew then. If it's taken them this long to fix population issues then I'm beginning to doubt they can make any kind of real improvements in a timely manner.
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I'm on the fence, like so many I have alot of hate for BW/EA right now but putting that aside I did enjoy the game up until 1.2 when subs starting dropping off. Theres alot of work that needs to be done to fix stuff thats been around forever but if they can get transfers out within a reasonable time frame I will probably resub. However if they can't get it together and get them out in what I feel is an acceptable time frame then unfortunately I will have to say no I'll be done for good.


A couple buddies and I were chatting lastnight what we don't understand is why they can't get them ready to go right away ? I'm not a programmer so I can't even begin to claim to know what is need to do this but seeing as how MMO's have been doing transfers for 10+ years how could it take any length of time ?


I'm not bashing them I just honestly don't understand what the hold up is, is there something different about SWToR then the other MMO's ? I just don't get it.

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Still subbed, but not playing very much. My Pub Server is a ghost town. Still get some good action on my Imp server. Currently playing D3 more than SWTOR. Will continue to play SWTOR for my PvP fix until GW2 comes out. I still very much enjoy the combat system even if I can't stand WZs anymore.


Server transfers will certainly help improve things for my Pub main and would encourage me to play a lot more.

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Still have about 20 days, but I'm not resubbing.... only for financial reasons though!

Been playing since beta and still loving the game. I'd love to keep subbing, but I'm going to have to take a hiatus for a couple months to get some bills and things in order first :o

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Well, unlike you, I can commit to something. Have fun with either children in WoW, free and boring stuff in D3, Korean grindfest Tera, or nothing new GW2.


Orrrrr all of the above + major bugs and broken content in a game developed for 2005.

Yup, you should be commited.

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I'm not re-subbing either. The game lost its appeal for me... I have one toon on Jedi Covenant, the busiest PvE server out there, but even with all those people running around everywhere it's still a single player game and I already reached the end...


You can only play a game for so long before it gets boring.


I'm not sure what it was back in the days on my C64 I used to play games for a long time and never got tired of 'em... To this day I still play games on my C64 (Zak McKracken, Maniac Mansion aso...). For some reason all new games have great graphics but something is missing from them, they just don't keep me captivated like the C64 and Amiga games.


I guess I am just getting old and playing computer is not that much fun any more.

Edited by Iron_Lord
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Sorry, but I am not and I will probably never return. Very disappointed in the game overall. The marriage of voiced story and MMO didn't work very well for me, neither did the cartoon graphics.


The MMO part was lacking in many aspects, the story wasn't up to BioWare standards, due to being pressed into the rigid themepark MMO confines. And the cartoon characters reminded me too much that this was just a story with me along the ride.


There are other reasons ( travel times, constant grinding for money, no economy, time-intensive crafting system, too much time/credits investment for appearance customization and so on ), but those above were my main reasons for abandoning this game.


<sigh> Three years of anticipation and 150 Euros into the CE down the drain. Oh well.

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Sorry, but I am not and I will probably never return. Very disappointed in the game overall. The marriage of voiced story and MMO didn't work very well for me, neither did the cartoon graphics.


The MMO part was lacking in many aspects, the story wasn't up to BioWare standards, due to being pressed into the rigid themepark MMO confines. And the cartoon characters reminded me too much that this was just a story with me along the ride.


There are other reasons ( travel times, constant grinding for money, no economy, time-intensive crafting system, too much time/credits investment for appearance customization and so on ), but those above were my main reasons for abandoning this game.


<sigh> Three years of anticipation and 150 Euros into the CE down the drain. Oh well.


I hear you man. I only joined 2 months after you and was eagerly awaiting this game for a long time as well. I also bought the CE for 150... ugh. Learned my lesson.


This game is very disappointing. I also will not resub, nor will I come back. They'd have to make some pretty major changes if they want to see my money again.

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