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What should be top priority?


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I think this game is at a critical point, and I think what the devs do in the next 3 weeks or so will go a long way to determining the eventual success or lack thereof of this game. Obviously development resources are finite, and with all the layoffs, must be spent wisely. With that said: If you could only pick one thing, what does this game desperately need to keep you subbed if you are still subbed? What does it need to bring you back?


For me, it is server merges/transfers. A common complaint is that PvP queues take an excruciatingly long time, if they ever come at all. Server merges would significantly improve this issue for players on low pop servers. As I level my 3rd alt, I've come to really love lowbie PvP. Frankly, it might be the only thing keeping me subbed at this point. But the problem I'm having is that I can only do it during certain hours. I don't usually play during peak hours, and this severely limits the availability of PvP to me. Other consequences of being on a lowpop server include not being able to find a group to do flashpoints, heroic quests, or operations. The population issues are slowly killing PvP on our server. Our guild of 355 members (roughly 200 alts), barely hits 10 members online at peak hours.


Share your thoughts on what you think should be development priority number one.

Edited by LKaras
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^^ This ^^




1) chat bubbles

2) voice emotes

3) LFG(roup) tool - with porting to instance entrance

4) LFG(uild) tool


They had chat bubbles in Beta and they apparently didnt work out so that would definitely not be top priority. I think it depends. For solo players: more endgame dailies and such. For group players: LFG tool and bugfree ops. For PvPers: Ranked Warzones. I am not sure how big the RP community is or what they would prefer though.


So it depends on which group of players is leaving the most and/or is the biggest.

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1 - Huge Improvements reqd in the game performance... ridiculous FPS spiking is getting tiersome in some planets/WZ's.... if you wanna sort out servers and get them populated... at least ensure the game can handle it, cos of what I see and hear in game.. busy servers are beginning to loose the polly filler between the cracks already.

2 - Server Merges.. forget transfers unless you make it completely open in regards to from > to

3 - Get the PTC upto date and current..

4 - LFG & X-Server PvP

5 - RWz's - you know that Hook you threw out to us all prior to 1.2.... buit which seems to have been quietly forgotten about in all the 1.3 info so far

5 - More community engaging .. dont be afraid to say hi once in a while... this is what;s happening currently

6 - Make a decison NOW as to which direction the game is to go

Edited by Bloodstealer
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5 - More community engaging .. dont be afraid to say hi once in a while... this is what;s happening currently

6 - Make a decison NOW as to which direction the game is to go


Not bad suggestions. In fact, these don't consume any development resources. These can even be done by non-developers.

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I'd suggest that getting server merges and character transfers done right is an absolute must right now to make the game fun again for players on deserted servers.


We've got the LFG tool coming, along with ranked Warzones, so those are pretty much in the bag.


Thereafter I'd like to focus on more content, especially same gender romances and more story, plus all the little customisation options we've been asking for, such as the hood toggle, the ability to hide companions head slots, colour unification for companions and a billion other little things that would make the game so much more enjoyable.


Plus bug fixes. Seriously. Too many irritating bugs that need squishing, especially the sound issues created by 1.2.


Furthermore, more character slots ASAHP! Eight per server is not enough for many players.

Edited by llesna
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They had chat bubbles in Beta and they apparently didnt work out so that would definitely not be top priority. I think it depends. For solo players: more endgame dailies and such. For group players: LFG tool and bugfree ops. For PvPers: Ranked Warzones. I am not sure how big the RP community is or what they would prefer though.


So it depends on which group of players is leaving the most and/or is the biggest.


Then they need to work it out (chat bubbles), because, as little as I really care about them, they are a BASIC in MMOs. It's inexcusable that they aren't in game.


In my order, in the next 2 weeks:

- Server consolidation (LFG becomes less important, short term, with more people)

- PvP quests (open world - daily)

- Operation lockout timers removed

- Random world events (every few days) that bring both factions to a location


Those 4 would be a great start!

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priority should be server merges. no matter how many useless features you add to a game (chat bubbles, etc), if people dont have anyone to play with, they will stop playing. everyone complains about how BW should "fix" pvp or "fix" the GTN, but fixing those isn't going to bring players back. its the lack of players thats killing off the players, and its a slippery slope until they bring server pops back up to manageable levels.
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Not really sure how chat bubbles of all things are making people most important list, but to each his own.


1) Server transfers/mergers

2) Ranked Warzones

3) Group Finder


We need content that gets people together and keeps people busy at 50. All of these will accomplish that. Then we can worry about making the game more detailed with fun fluff. Thankfully, 2 of these three will be in 1.3 at the very least.

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Top priority to keep me playing the game for more than another couple of months would be to make me feel engaged and actually care about my character. Not easy to do. Second would be to make the game enjoyable at all levels of play with my main and my alts. That's probably near impossible at this point.


Last month I would have said that rated WZ would have kept me in the game but as it stands I'm fast running out of people to group with for that.

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I agree with original poster, had something similar weeks ago. Still feel this way but in a more dire need now. I think times up. On another thread someone gave this link: torstatus.net. I was absolutely shocked by the numbers. Look for yourself if you haven't yet. Whatever is being worked on, needs to be put on hold because we'll all be gone before its published.
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"TOP" priority?! Really?! Before transfers even?


(I didnt put transfers because that is already happening)


BUT, I dont think server mergers are going to fix the problem. I know we need them but I think something else is the problem.


Its like having a hole in a boat and you keep throwing water out of the boat; the problem is not water its the hole.

Fix the hole fix the problem.


I am looking forward to server transfers I really am, but i dont know if that will stop people from leaving. Seen it before in SWG. They closed some servers and for a while population was great but eventully it became the same thing again, and people wanted more servers to close. Eventually we got that back in Dec.


Not that i am a doomsday person, I just think its basics that need work to hold subscribers. I feel if we dont have a stronger foundation the problem wont go away. This game is awesome its just missing a couple key features.

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the thing i want to be top priority most is 3D space similar to SWG, that would be epic to just fly around and get in ship battles. but i know that wont happen atleast not anytime in the near future. i am looking forward to the "super server" thing they talked about i think that will really help. if that does happen i think they should start rolling out more events like the plague outbreak, that was really fun.
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1 - Huge Improvements reqd in the game performance... ridiculous FPS spiking is getting tiersome in some planets/WZ's.... if you wanna sort out servers and get them populated... at least ensure the game can handle it, cos of what I see and hear in game.. busy servers are beginning to loose the polly filler between the cracks already.

2 - Server Merges.. forget transfers unless you make it completely open in regards to from > to

3 - Get the PTC upto date and current..

4 - LFG & X-Server PvP

5 - RWz's - you know that Hook you threw out to us all prior to 1.2.... buit which seems to have been quietly forgotten about in all the 1.3 info so far

5 - More community engaging .. dont be afraid to say hi once in a while... this is what;s happening currently

6 - Make a decison NOW as to which direction the game is to go


well for your issue number one.. that's on your end.... I can run ops and warzones on max settings with a store bought rig just fine..... as for no limitation transfers.... there will prolly be no limitation so long as you pay the fee.. just like in WoW.


Server mergers I agree on.... you don't need 50 servers per region to begin with. they should of started with half that


community engaging... as on the forums? really? there is a community here.. do you not even come here and read at all?


as for direction.. they have made decision... the game was released right? meaning they are going in the direction of making a profit.

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Aside from server transfers, which would just be a band-aid fix anyways, they really need more content, something to keep people playing. There is only so many times you can do the same raids and PvP warzones before you just get bored.


Personally, I've always felt they really need to do something to better integrate the group and space games. Whether that is some kind of Space/Ground Combo missions, dungeons or Operation or something else entirely, it would just be nice to see more space/ground content in general.


As for Space PvP, they have several issues they would have to work out first to even make that feasible, starting with what to do about people dropping like 140 Concussion Missiles on each other.

Edited by Blev
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