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SWTOR PvP fans, let’s give the new devs some good PvP ideas.


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“Hey folks, since you’re reading this you may likely have heard that we’ve done some restructuring here on the SWTOR team. Sadly, we are bidding farewell to some talented, passionate and exceptionally hard-working people who helped make SWTOR a reality. Impacting people’s lives this way is always very hard, but we’re ensuring the affected people are treated with dignity, fairness and respect.”


I hope by now BW knows the importance of PvP and its fan base. SWTOR really does have a lot of potential to be a great game, surpassing all that came before it and will come after it. But first, the new devs have to realize the importance of PvP in keeping a healthy MMO. With that said, let us, the PvP community, give the new devs some good ideas to implement good PvP, and hopefully we will see those ideas implemented in the next 6 months.


I will start first with my ideas:


1. Adjust TTK (Time to Kill) in PvP:

First, TTK in PvP needs to increase to somewhere near pre-patch 1.2 state. As of right now, TTK is too short and burst damage is too high in PvP. Such TTK favors burst damage strategy and burst damage classes, like Marauder/Sentinel and Assault Vanguard/Pyrotech, which made them seem like OP when they are really not and it is the short TTK that is screwing things up.


2. Nerf guard:

If there is a concern for healers to drag out battles in PvP. Then guard should be nerfed to maybe 25% damage transfer from player damage. This is also something to consider when adjusting TTK.


3. Add territory control to encourage world PvP:

Right now there is a lot of “Star” but not enough “Wars” in this game. How can the games have “Wars” in its title when there is nothing for players to fight for and take from the other fraction?


There was a glimpse of success in world PvP on my server during the Raghoul Plague event, which both fractions fight each other in large scale for access to the only DNA vendor on Tatooine. Using the same idea of having both fractions fight for access to something, we can implement:

a. A new PvE Dungeon which a fraction must fight the access for. Winner fraction can hold on to the access for 8 hours or so. When the control over the dungeons expires, access goes back to neutral and the fractions must fight for it again.

b. A neutral town/outposts/fortress which a fraction must fight the access for. Winner fraction can hold on to the access for X hours or so. Controlling fraction gets a buff, like 1 additional drop from PvE bosses, or 5% damage bonus against PvE mobs…

c. To account for fraction imbalance, give the lower pop fraction an underdog buff or the ability to use NPC to help out.


4. Increase expertise value on recruit gear:

Expertise gap between full recruit set and full BM set is too high. Increase expertise value on the recruit set, so alts or new players will have a better leveled playing fields as PvP veterans. Facerolling by the difference of gear only discourages players to roll alts for pvp, or new players to pvp.


This is all I can think of for now. Let’s discuss some more. Help save the game guys.

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Just a small comment on #4. The expertise gap between Recruit vs Battlemaster/War Hero is really only a concern the longer you have to wear Recruit. Getting OUT of Recruit is currently the problem with the absolute dearth of PvP queue pops on a server that previously had login queues at launch and have now dropped to LIGHT/STANDARD.


Above all else, and within a short timeframe, solving the queue issue is more critical than the quality of life aspect of the PvP game. Merge servers to improve population, and implement cross server PvP queues before focusing on balance. This really should be an all hands on deck type of thing (and yes I know content devs probably won't be involved in such a thing as this is really more of a server development type of issue).


Once that's done, the next thing to focus on game-wide, which will have impact on the PvP game as well, is to fix the loading screens. It really shouldn't take me almost a full minute to load up a Warzone. And please give the option to disable the cut scene for Voidstar and Novare Coast. Those really suck when youre queue finally pops and you end up wasting a significant portion of the match waiting on a combination of load screen, cut scene, escape out of cut scene, then another load screen.

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1. Unlock the worlds so that Imps and Pubs are no longer seperated. Make the starter planets and 1-2 cities on each planet as safe zones. (This would be on PvP, RP/PVP servers only.)


2. Grant access to each others Fleets so they can be invaded by the opposing faction.


3. Grant rewards for killing opposite faction in OWPvP. Make each kill count as x amount of WZ comms. Who cares about fight clubbing.


4. Flag random cities as a PvP zone every hour for an hour like in SWG. Add in winning/losing conditions and grant WZ comms, valor and xp like in WZ's.


That is what I would like to see happen for PvP.

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Some of the following suggestions are for both PvP and PvE aspects of gameplay.


-Give me a base to defend/attack for a certain amount of time .

-Give me the use of turrets/walkers/ewoks to throw at the opposing side.

-Give me rotating planets/areas these battles would take place at so it would have variety.

-Give me bonus buffs for my faction/guild for taking or defending forts.

-Give me some zones that are unseparated from the other faction, and let us work things out.

-Give me swarms of NPC's to fight off when there are no people around.

-Give me Space combat pvp.

-Give me more than 4 warzones.

-Give me player bounties.

-Give me the ability to talk to my faction anywhere in the galaxy ON a chat channel so we can organize where the fighting is taking place.

-Give me a menu so i can pick what i want to Q for PvP and PvE so I don't have to stand on the fleet asking in general chat.

-Give me factions that have a reason to hate each other.

-Give me little interactions with random Npc's that make me go ..THAT WAS COOL.

-Give me dual spec ability with a 15 min switch over timer.

-Give me the ability to decorate the inside of my ship.

-Give me multi-passenger speeders.

-Give me added skill trees with level cap increases.

-Give me season/monthly based mini-quests with buffs/gear that we want to get. ie./rakgoul

-Give us guild Stardestroyers/Correlian Cruisers, that we can run around in/battle each other/ and go to instances from.



and we will give you


-High praise

-Tell our friends to check out the game

-$14.99 a month

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1) Cross-server queues


These are extremely important for obvious reasons. The longer we have to wait on these, the fewer PvPers will be around for when they arrive.


2) Shrink the gap between Recruit, Battlemaster, and War Hero gear.


The main issue is that, while War Hero gear from the vendor isn't a huge upgrade from Battlemaster, the ability to augment the War Hero gear and retain the set bonuses basically doubles the power increase we see from the War Hero armor upgrades. Couple that with the fact that it takes much too long to obtain War Hero gear, and you have a small minority of the most experienced PvPers with a significant gear advantage.


The gap between Recruit and BM is also too large, but the grind to full BM gear is much more reasonable than the WH grind. Adding set bonuses to the Recruit gear might be an easy step in the right direction?


3) Restore some Open World PvP


We do not need a perfect, robost, objective-based world PvP system. Let me repeat: open world PvP does not have to be all that great. Please just give us something to do when we're bored with warzones or while we're waiting on warzone queues. Ilum, as it stands currently on Live, might be enough if only Valor still mattered to players.


I understand the decision to remove the incentives from Ilum because a lot of people hated collecting armaments there. However, it gave us something to do in between warzones. Now, we just stand on the fleet, alt-tabbed, bored out of our minds. How is that better?


4) Tweak the existing warzones to make playing the objectives more fun.


Huttball - Playing the objective on this map is fun. I can't think of any tweaks here.


Voidstar - Defense is too easy with "cheezy" tactics. You can have someone sit in stealth, waiting to engage until the rest of the team is dead. You can also time your deaths to correspond with the spawn gate opening (like a Sorcerer with consumption, ect).


Civil War - Defending turrets away from fighting is necessary, yet very boring.


Novare Coast - If you don't have Force Storm or similar large AoE abilities, they can "cheeze" this map by spreading out and spam capping points.

Edited by Lymain
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My thread was thrown to suggestion box and I would love to see what people in this community feel about a proper ingame/on site ladder system plus cups etc.




It might be that I fall into the very very small minority with an esport stylish ranking system with ladders, but I'd still love to see even the negative answers. Imo the PVP will move to the direction we want it to go in the long run if we just keep the message clear. :)

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1) cross server queues or merges

2) rated warzones

3) duel area in fleet

Those three are a must right now.


add to the first three these:


4) Iconic star wars planet with iconic sanctuary city for both factions to sell, raid, and build a community in. MAKE SURE THERE IS AN OPTION TO FLAG YOURSELF ( or your guild ) FOR PVP!!!! this will allow for spontaneous combat in between ques and open doors for bioware to make features like an SWG guildwar option. Im getting tired of only fighting imperials all the time and see no point in the faction segregation. Hey let people join cross faction ops too plz. Having people around actually gives us more opportunity to PVP.


5) RVR.... let guilds attack and defend and maybe place bases on various pvp zones on different planets


6) MAKE the PVP server ruleset different than a PVE server... nameley - on a pvp server allow players to travel to all planets from both factions. Make the lower level planets and the stations sanctuaries with the option to FLAG FOR VOLOUNTARY PVP

Edited by Auliga
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“Hey folks, since you’re reading this you may likely have heard that we’ve done some restructuring here on the SWTOR team. Sadly, we are bidding farewell to some talented, passionate and exceptionally hard-working people who helped make SWTOR a reality. Impacting people’s lives this way is always very hard, but we’re ensuring the affected people are treated with dignity, fairness and respect.”


I hope by now BW knows the importance of PvP and its fan base. SWTOR really does have a lot of potential to be a great game, surpassing all that came before it and will come after it. But first, the new devs have to realize the importance of PvP in keeping a healthy MMO. With that said, let us, the PvP community, give the new devs some good ideas to implement good PvP, and hopefully we will see those ideas implemented in the next 6 months.


First of all, it's highly unlikely there are any "new devs." It's the same devs, maybe even less devs, doing the same work. If you think they got rid of some devs and then hired new devs, you're sadly mistaken.


I will start first with my ideas:


1. Adjust TTK (Time to Kill) in PvP:

First, TTK in PvP needs to increase to somewhere near pre-patch 1.2 state. As of right now, TTK is too short and burst damage is too high in PvP. Such TTK favors burst damage strategy and burst damage classes, like Marauder/Sentinel and Assault Vanguard/Pyrotech, which made them seem like OP when they are really not and it is the short TTK that is screwing things up.


If you make TTK short, burst classes win. If you make TTK long, Healers become immortal. They have shown no evidence of being able to find a middle ground and not have it impact PvE. I wouldn't get your hopes up.


2. Nerf guard:

If there is a concern for healers to drag out battles in PvP. Then guard should be nerfed to maybe 25% damage transfer from player damage. This is also something to consider when adjusting TTK.


Guard is fine. It's a neat mechanic and gives tanks something they can do to help a team win other than being a tough to kill body. How on earth can you, with a straight face, say both that TTK is too short, but also the mechanic that keeps healers alive longer needs to be nerfed is completely beyond me. It makes it tough to take anything you're saying seriously.


If you want to do something with tanks, make their tanking gear more effective in PvP situations so they don't feel like DPS gear is their only option. Also, regarding Assassins and Shadows, fix the two DPS trees so they're viable in PvP. The only reason you're seeing so many tank spec + dps gear assassins and shadows is because their dps trees are miserable at damage and survivability, plus Tanks get all the cool utility on top of it.


3. Add territory control to encourage world PvP:

Right now there is a lot of “Star” but not enough “Wars” in this game. How can the games have “Wars” in its title when there is nothing for players to fight for and take from the other fraction?


There was a glimpse of success in world PvP on my server during the Raghoul Plague event, which both fractions fight each other in large scale for access to the only DNA vendor on Tatooine. Using the same idea of having both fractions fight for access to something, we can implement:

a. A new PvE Dungeon which a fraction must fight the access for. Winner fraction can hold on to the access for 8 hours or so. When the control over the dungeons expires, access goes back to neutral and the fractions must fight for it again.

b. A neutral town/outposts/fortress which a fraction must fight the access for. Winner fraction can hold on to the access for X hours or so. Controlling fraction gets a buff, like 1 additional drop from PvE bosses, or 5% damage bonus against PvE mobs…

c. To account for fraction imbalance, give the lower pop fraction an underdog buff or the ability to use NPC to help out.


The only thing they need to encourage World PvP is to get the two factions (not "fractions" lololol) to actually run into each other during their travels. There's no World PvP BECAUSE THERE'S NOBODY TO FIGHT. The reason the Rakghoul thing was a good source of World PvP is because it got the two sides together in the same place. And on a PvP server, that's really all you need to do.


You cannot make it a thing where the two factions fight for control of something, and especially for somethign PvE based, because: A) The PvE carebear casuals will complain that they're being forced to PvP in order to see content, and B) Faction balance is so way off on most servers that Republic would never control the place, anyway.


4. Increase expertise value on recruit gear:

Expertise gap between full recruit set and full BM set is too high. Increase expertise value on the recruit set, so alts or new players will have a better leveled playing fields as PvP veterans. Facerolling by the difference of gear only discourages players to roll alts for pvp, or new players to pvp.


This is all I can think of for now. Let’s discuss some more. Help save the game guys.


The hit points is what needs to increase. The expertise value seemed to be pretty ok to me in my recruit set, but having 6000 hit points less made death come quicker than it should have for that damage level.


Hopefully, the introduction of rated warzones and rewards will alleviate some of this issue, and people who participate in those will have less incentive to join random warzones and beat up on pugs for gear.

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Balance is mostly fine (cough commandos). Server pops are not.


a large portion of people who like pvp are either on dead servers or playing other games.


If the gear grind were not so terrible and the disparity so great I would be tempted to reroll, but screw it.


Bikini sage is shelved until 1.3

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Keeping it simple. Just introduce a bounty board to promote open world pvp. Go out kill some lowbies, get a bounty. Have the hunters crew come after you, have a couple buddies of your own. Bang, open world pvp problem fixed.


Lose subs to lowbie pve'rs. Maybe, but I think they'd find their way to a pve server.

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