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In your opinion, what is REAL PVP?


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I keep hearing how the pvp in SWTOR sucks. I've played a few MMOs and always had fun with PVP. I've never been extremely hardcore, mainly because I work full time and am a full time dad of 4, but I'm no pushover either. I do feel the PVP could be better and wish there was more open world pvp, but some of the changes coming has me excited. I also keep hearing how this game or that game has better PVP... so my question is "What is real PVP to you and why?"
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PvP is any time you are fighting another player and not AI.


Therefore, there is no such thing as "REAL" PvP. There is only "Type of" PvP.


Duels are PvP

Arenas are PvP

Minigames (warzones) are PvP

Open world battles are PvP


No such thing as "REAL" (vs "Fake") PvP.

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Real "good" PvP for me is the ability to out think your opponent or get out thinked. I like to think of MMo's as movable chess. He moved here so i must move here and do this to avoid losing and secure a win. I really like Checks and balances amongst different classes.


Real PvP for me is, a game that allows reaction time, knowledge of self and enemy abilities as well as tactics, and the execution of all these to translate into victory.


Edit: Tor provides all of these, just a little bland as it is still an infant MMO.

Edited by Izola
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I keep hearing how the pvp in SWTOR sucks. I've played a few MMOs and always had fun with PVP. I've never been extremely hardcore, mainly because I work full time and am a full time dad of 4, but I'm no pushover either. I do feel the PVP could be better and wish there was more open world pvp, but some of the changes coming has me excited. I also keep hearing how this game or that game has better PVP... so my question is "What is real PVP to you and why?"


World of Warcraft......





On a real note, "real PvP is really a lie", there is no such thing, people will always say X game had this X game had that, the fact remains that all games have there PvP flaws and really only comes down to if a player is good at it or not, If a players lacks the PvP skills in a particular game those tend to be the ones that say "PvP sucks" or as you said "This game lacks Real PvP".


After 12+ years of playing MMO's and 6+ years of competitive PvP I can safely say that Swtor is not that far off balance (more balanced then WoW with 7 years of refinement IMO), sure there are some things that need tweaking and even after that fact the game will never be 100% balanced, that is just something people need to understand when it comes to PvP/PvE Hybrid MMO's, they can not be 100% balanced unless every class has the same skills, the closest and only way to have nearly 100% PvP balance in a MMO while still having different class skill is to remove all dedicated healing (Hi Guild wars 2) but because this game needs them for PvE that will never happen.

Edited by Nijraw
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For me real pvp is open world random encounters that help add immersion to the gaming environment. If I am out on a quest or exploring and I run across the enemy and we make that split second decision to engage one another and something is on the line that is real pvp to me. EQ1 Vallon Zek for me was the best pvp and not because of balance because it had plenty of flaws. It was the best because if you lost the other player was allowed to loot an item right off your corpse. Dying had consequences that impacted your character so you did everything you could not to die, be it escape, out smart your opponent, perfect your class in pvp, etc... because the last thing you wanted was to lose an awesome piece of gear you just recently aquired. I enjoy mmo's but IMO they are way too soft because the average person wants all of the good but none of the bad when they lose.


Vlos <Ven Zallow>

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Player conflict where each side has something to lose or gain. Sometimes it's resources, sometimes it's a location and sometimes it's just bragging rights. Something has to be on the line, otherwise you're just playing an instanced warzone where no one really gives a crap if you win or not because you've got to do 2000 more anyway.
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I think real PVP for most people is something where they allways have to win!!! Never loose ... win win win... to kill the most people and never die... :D

This in my point of view is the real problem of PVP...

Edited by yonsfon
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I posted today about my desires for PVP




Now I know people like different things and you can't cater all of us, but I seriously hope they choose atleast some group instead of doing nothing else but pointless gear grind. The PVP aspect in this game is really a lot of fun to me no matter what class I play, it is sad there is no open world PVP or good ranking system for WZ's.

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People just want some number to state they are the best. To rub their epeen with said number and believe it will grant them the title of God of PvP. Although, these are the same people who thought their high school rep would carry over into the job market and adult life. When it didn't they fell into video games, titles/ranks/epeen size is the only joy they have in life anymore. ^.^


Real PVP is subjective

Edited by MajorVan
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'Real' pvp to me is balanced gameplay in terms of class and gear balance. War hero players owning recruits is not 'real' pvp. It's boring and not based on skill. This is why many players want ranked warzones so badly, to get that 'real' competitive fix.
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People just want some number to state they are the best. To rub their epeen with said number and believe it will grant them the title of God of PvP. Although, these are the same people who thought their high school rep would carry over into the job market and adult life. When it didn't they fell into video games, titles/ranks/epeen size is the only joy they have in life anymore. ^.^


Real PVP is subjective


I disagree with everyone being after growing epeen.. for people like me competition is the best fun in games, I am just that kind of player... I can still remember many good matches in other games when the last minutes of the match changed tides and my hands were shaking because I was the last ones alive. I know it's just a game but it can still offer a lot more fun than it does with meaningless gear grind. :)

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Star Wars Galaxies pre cu


No shame holes to be instanced away(warzones) to, No rewards for winning anything, no tasks to take part in pvp.


In SWG, we pvped outside either one of the major Rebel or Imperial cities(Anchorhead/Bestine) where HUNDREDS took part in the mayhem. Why? Because it was FUN.


The only way pvp can be 'real' is if Bioware stop wrapping the factions up in cotton wool. Allow Guilds or players to place command outposts that can be defended/or raided, yeiding your faction a buff if you are successful.


Remove the dumbest thing to hit pvp gaming - the quest for gear.

Lvl 50 pvp

tier 1 PvE gear(when you start)

tier 2 recruit gear(expensive)

tier 3 Battlemaster

tier 4 War Hero


Its ultra stupid and means that anyone new to pvp wont want to continue if they get killed every single time they breathe.


If you put the fun back in pvp, people will come

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I keep hearing how the pvp in SWTOR sucks. I've played a few MMOs and always had fun with PVP. I've never been extremely hardcore, mainly because I work full time and am a full time dad of 4, but I'm no pushover either. I do feel the PVP could be better and wish there was more open world pvp, but some of the changes coming has me excited. I also keep hearing how this game or that game has better PVP... so my question is "What is real PVP to you and why?"


Its when players fight other players

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Real PvP would be getting into an actual real life confrontation.


As this is a video game, not real life, I see two types of PvP:


  1. FPS PvP



As this is an MMORPG, PvP should be:


  1. Massively Multiplayer (8v8 is not really that massive tbqh)
  2. Role Playing (ie. Fighting for fun, friends, faction, and community. Something bigger and more immersive and meaningful than just fluffing your gear and E-peen)



PvP in SWTOR (essentially just WZs at this point) is an FPS mini-game embedded in an MMO to me. A fun mini-game, but a mini-game all the same. I can log into TF2 and get queued into meaningless 8v8 PvP mini-games if that's what I wanted. It's fun enough. But the reason I like (some) MMORPG PvP is because the battles feel epic and life-like, not staged and inconsequential. There's comradery and tactics and a feeling of purpose and community. THAT, is what I consider REAL PvP, in the context of an MMORPG like SWTOR.


I haven't given up hope yet that this game will get there eventually, but it's certainly getting harder to believe it ever will.

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