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Cross Server will make SWTOR no.1 again


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yeah but sadly the devs have admitted they dont have the resources or technology to do a cross server system, that its "a technological achievement" beyond their means at this time.

So its going to be a very long wait for cross server system.

I guess if you want to be optimistic you can say its coming...."soon"TM

Edited by Gammawaves
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They should just delete the legacy system and give everyone the legacy perks by default since they really are not "ground breaking" anyway. If it's the cause of the xfer mess then why not eliminate it? It's like these doofy dev's like torturing themselves for failed concepts.
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Perhaps they prefer to instead of consolidating their low population problem... they would rather gain more players to fill up the empty space...


Merging and cross server would lower their bar and admit defeat.


I think they admitted defeat yesterday. The hack and slash has started. This is going to play out just like WAR did when EA started to hack and slash that team. I hate playing a dieing game. I did it in WAR and it was depressing because I really liked that game. Unfortunately I am going to be doing it in SWTOR it appears. EA kills MMOs. They are unwilling to give them a chance to turn things around. I will never buy any MMO that EA is a part of ever again. Twice bitten and EA has 100% failure rate if they are hacking and slashing and going to maintenance mode with SWTOR.

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Perhaps they prefer to instead of consolidating their low population problem... they would rather gain more players to fill up the empty space...


Merging and cross server would lower their bar and admit defeat.


It's time for x server. They could admit success in serving the community.

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I think thats the key. EA has a business model that MMOs just dont fit into. These games need alot of dev time and alot of resources to get going. I am having flash backs of Vanguard Saga of Heroes. Unfinished games getting launched then hamstringed by corporate.
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From Darth Hater's recent interview. Cross server may be a very long time in the making

if never.


At the launch of this feature (Game Update 1.3), we will not be doing cross-server flashpoints. There are a couple of reasons – first off, it’s a significant technical achievement, and we felt that pursuing it would not allow us to get the feature to you guys as quickly as it needs to happen. Secondly, most of the design team thinks that it’s not necessarily good for the community. When the odds are very low that you will never group with another player again, there is very little social pressure to not be a complete jerk to that person, which is not a particularly positive game experience. We may revisit this decision in the future if our metrics show that flashpoint queues are not firing enough, but in general, queue firing should be more about distribution of key roles (tank, healer, DPS) than about overall population.

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Perhaps they prefer to instead of consolidating their low population problem... they would rather gain more players to fill up the empty space...


Merging and cross server would lower their bar and admit defeat.



Not doing anything is also admitting defeat. They better do something, or just announce a shut down of servers and the game and actually have the balls to say something.

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Cross server planets would be *********** awesome, especially if PvP daily quests were introduced to all of the planets or maybe even PvP areas like WAR had.


The game is so heavily instanced I don't see why they couldn't do it anyway, maybe they should divert all attention to this for the future patches, it would be brilliant for the health of the game, better than a few dungeons anyway.

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Cross Server would help SWTOR get some subscriptions back, especially the PvP players.


However, the damage has been done and for many, it's just too little, too late. This was a great game for me, I loved playing it, but they're going about things completely backwards.


1.) Server Transfers will do little to nothing to help the game. Many will be extremely disappointed when they realize that they can't transfer to "The Fatman" type servers. Thus, causing many to "hopefully" pick a good server with a decent population and continue to "hope" that more will transfer there. They need server mergers, not server transfers.


2.) No Cross Server PvP queues will continue to have players sit for long periods of time just to engage in PvP if server transfers don't pan out.


3.) There are still major bugs in the game that have been there since Beta (SOA) ... why?


4.) Ability delay is still an issue and once you play a different game without the delay, you realize just how bad it is in SWTOR.


5.) Rated Warzones and the lack of information regarding them, is hurting the game in a big way. This is Star Wars ... where the Republic fights the Empire ... many dreamed to be able to do this against other players. There's not much "Wars" in Star Wars these days.


6.) Nightmare modes? Where are they?




It's too late for me ... a complete overhaul would bring me back. That's about it. The game just isn't what I thought it would be. Fun, yes ... replay value, no.

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Isn't WoW doing this?


It is but I doubt it will make too much difference, people run dungeons all day because they never have to leave Stormwind and the dungeons themselves give far better loot/XP than questing does. Add to the fact that the quests are so generic and boring and that's why all the zones are empty.

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