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slinger/sniper weakness


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Anyone else getting torn a new one by yellow damage whores?



we got a few DPS sorcs on my server, and it seems like no matter what I do if I'm targetted first, I'm charred to a nitrogen crisp.


(AKA lightning).


seems like none of our defences (however shiesty they are against white damage) do absolutely F all against sorcs/sage.


I see yellow damage, and the only option is to pillar hop and even then I'm dead in about 6 seconds.


Sure, if I target an ungaurded sorc, I can blow him to bits in about 4 GCD's but, even if I target him first, if he doesn't have a current target, he can beat me before i beat him.


Thats nuts.


I'm rocking 1280ish expertise, 2piece WH, rest Tech BM.


Anyone else have this problem?

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Ballistic Shield: 20 percent reduction

Evasion: range and tech dodge chance 100 percent

shield probe: moderate amount of damage


so basically we have 2 defensive abilities that maybe can shield us from force attacks, not much if you ask me, then again, were not supposed to be immune to being attacked in the first place.

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I don't think dodge/evasion is 100% to tech. I think it's 0% to tech. 100% to white damage only. and lightning is elemental/tech which isn't covered in that.... hence the yellow dmg...


ballistic dampers do 30% I though, but, they are very limited in this regard since most of the damage is coming from many small attacks over a short period (chain lightning or telekinetic throw), so, ballistic dampers will only do 30% reduction on one small hit of that every 1.5 seconds.


Ballistic dampers is really only useful vs big single hits (ie. fighting a vanguard) where almost every attack is limited by the GCD. So, refreshing em every 6 seconds is like srs survival mechanism.


however, cover screen (? ) the blue icon does absorb i think 2k damage at 50 so that does help.

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assassins are tough.


if it weren't for that bloody stealth thing though, they'd be a good fight. However... as the stealth removes current target, it's pretty much an instant "I'm gunna chill till my CD's are up and then yur toast" button.

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I think your problem is not spec or gear but use of interrupts. I even sometimes ignore sorc who is spamming that lightning up my butt to finish target I start with. Sure he may bring me down to 50% HP but then I can usually finish him off.

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Not sure what your talking about, im nearly full war hero slinger, and i dont notise sorcs, weak as hell


Btw basic sharpshooter is utter **** in PvP :p


The thing you should fear as slinger/sniper is 2 things, and only 2 things.


1. Tank assasin/shadows

2. Well geared + Good OP/scoundrels

Edited by Dissey
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Not sure what your talking about, im nearly full war hero slinger, and i dont notise sorcs, weak as hell


Btw basic sharpshooter is utter **** in PvP :p


The thing you should fear as slinger/sniper is 2 things, and only 2 things.


1. Tank assasin/shadows

2. Well geared + Good OP/scoundrels


add powertechs to that list

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I think your problem is not spec or gear but use of interrupts. I even sometimes ignore sorc who is spamming that lightning up my butt to finish target I start with. Sure he may bring me down to 50% HP but then I can usually finish him off.


Lightning spam sorcs are not the problem (lightn-interupt, nothing, nothing, lightning, lightning, lightn-interupt), it's the instant+proc madness/hybrid guys that can be scary even after 1.2

9 times out of 10 the best they do is hurt you a bit and leave you grinding down a bit more on DoTs after they die, then there's that one time they get this perfect storm of cooldowns, procs, and crits and you've seen ~18k health vanish in way less time than you thought was possible for a Sorc to pull off.


There are two classes in this game that are absolutely no contest against snipers.

1. Mercenaries/Commandos (not heal spec)

2. Sorcerers.


If you are a sniper, these should be the easiest 100% chance to kill targets.


The only 100% kill targets are bad players, and their AC is irrelevant.

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Anyone else have this problem?


GSs has terrible defences. No selfhealing, no any kind of cleaning dots, 2 bad shields and awful mobility if you are SS (i play Sab, i think is much better for PvP). Our stun is melee range and the range CC breaks with damage when GSs need to use some dots in 2 of the talent trees (Sab and DF). Basicly some sinergies are not working right now.


So is about kill or die. There is not panic button that others dpsers like Marauders got, for example.


IF GSs do well in warzones is cos people has absolutely no idea how kill them. With 1.2, classes with nice defences like Tankassins or Marauders just shine where GSs suck. The range feature in this game with all the gap closers melee got, doesnt make a difference and ranged classes are having hard times right now.

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DPS Sorcerers are a complete joke for a sniper/GS to deal with. Make sure you're in an area where you're not going to get pillar humped, otherwise learn how to position yourself better. If your gear is bad, toss Shattering Shot (armor debuff) on the Sorc first, then Shield Probe -> Cover (make sure you've disabled rolling into cover) -> Entrench -> Laze Target -> Explosive Probe -> Snipe -> Followthrough -> Ambush -> Series of Shots -> Followthrough -> Takedown.


Takedown seems to give the Sniper homing bullets, so you can just pop out of cover and drop the execute as they try to outrun a bullet. There's virtually nothing the Sorc can do to you, and you'll have put out around 20k damage within 12 seconds. What are they going to do? Force Lightning you to death? :mon_rolleyes:


If you have no idea what you're doing, watch Revy's GS video and copy his rotation:


Btw, your spec sucks for PVP. Respec hybrid MM/Engi (23/16/2 or some variant thereof).

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9 times out of 10 the best they do is hurt you a bit and leave you grinding down a bit more on DoTs


Yeah, that's basically it. Don't think that your little ironsights, laser beams, probes and channeling are't noticed. If I am a DPS Sage/Sorc, after first hit I am going to Speed + deLOS you, then put a dot or two (depending on the spec, it's Weaken Mind or WM + Sever Force), and when I have 2-3 procs, I would pillar hump and throw them at you one by one - almost instant relic + adrenal + fastened Throw, instant Mind Crush (another dot), then finish off with instant Project, Disturbance, TWave, FiB... depends on build, too.

However, if you change your position often and make me blind to where fire is comming from, you can rip me into shreds. So it's about positioning, LOS and who shot first.

Edited by Shadenuat
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The thing you should fear as slinger/sniper is 2 things, and only 2 things.


1. Tank assasin/shadows

2. Well geared + Good OP/scoundrels


Those are are the ones that I find to be pretty tough on my slinger too. Sorcerers/Sages not so much.

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In my experience no sorc (at least on server where I play - The Ravager EU) can stand against sniper toe to toe in straight damage race without using los and heal behind los.


If sorc spotted me first ang get a adrenal/relic lightning + 2 dots on me, then probably sorc could win (but again i'm not obliged to stay in this uneven fight).


But in situation when sorc and sniper start simultaneously to pound on each other staying in front of each other in one place it is no way for sorc to win.


Entrench and unshakable cover buff will guarantee sorc loose.


Even on full WH sorcs single expl. probe + ambush + SoS combo do pretty much 12 k damage. That's 2/3 of hp.

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DPS Sorcerers are a complete joke for a sniper/GS to deal with. Make sure you're in an area where you're not going to get pillar humped, otherwise learn how to position yourself better. If your gear is bad, toss Shattering Shot (armor debuff) on the Sorc first, then Shield Probe -> Cover (make sure you've disabled rolling into cover) -> Entrench -> Laze Target -> Explosive Probe -> Snipe -> Followthrough -> Ambush -> Series of Shots -> Followthrough -> Takedown.


You do that to a dummy right?. Sorry, when i see a MM Sniper with my Sage, i dont need to use Telekinetic Throw spam. And you can shoot me Snipe, no more. And if you are in cover, is not instant so good luck. Im ranged, got ranged stun, lift, a root, a snare and LoS is my friend. I get out your line of sight and good luck with your ambush and your rotation. Be happy with your entrench there with some dots on you, some instant proyects, in and out. you are the dummy, not me.


Repeat, players dont know how face a MM Sniper. I know cos i got a WH GS. Know your enemy Sun Tzu said.

Edited by Nyaara
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