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Who else is having a great time playing this game?


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Just started a new agent to get the crit buff for my merc, and I'm really liking the story. It's nice to be able to switch between toons and mix things up. Plus I plan to lvl up armstech in order to craft the augments for my wh gear. Lastly I was able to unlock both Twi'lek and Sith with the fat stacks of cash I've hoarded from doing dailies. In short, I'm having fun once I realized it's actually okay to have fun instead of stressing about being the most uber min/ maxed nerd in the game.


Tbh I can't wait until the trolls and haters all leave so a mature community can develop.

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Warriors of the Shadow. I'm having fun still. I finished the BH story line and, I've been working his PvP and dailies. As well as working on getting a custom set of OJ armor that I like, with aug slots, for both PvP and PvE.


I'm also working on my Marauder. Working on crafting still and, slowly making good money on the GTN. I don't see myself getting bored of the game anytime soon. Though I will be taking a break when XCOM comes out.

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It's a good game. But server transfers must be implemented ASAP. The game is fun, but it's not fun if there's no one else to play with. And unfortunately many people have left the game, stranding a lot of people who don't want to play on dead or dying servers. Wound in the Force is in pretty rough shape and it's not the worst of the lot by far. The people that are left need to be able to migrate to populated areas. Honestly, if my choice is between re-rolling on a populated server and abandoning the guys I've spent 6 months building, or quitting, I'll quit.


-WZ ques pop faster with more populated servers

-LFG tools work better with more populated servers

-Economy is better with more populated servers


Take care of the server transfers and it may go along way to stop the bleeding. As I've said, the game itself is fun and I enjoy it. The MANAGEMENT of the game has been lacking:


-it started out buggy as the day is long (no credit for WZ wins 1/3 of the time, wth was THAT all about?)

-Ilum: what a humiliating failure THAT was for whoever pulled the trigger on it.

-no server transfer option (and I believe this has cost them more subscriptions than anything else)

-targeting in this game is HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE and needs to be fixed ASAP.

-the Bioware modified version of the Hero engine: not good.


What's good about the game?


Leveling: FUN


Flashpoints: FUN

Ops: FUN


PvP: Very balanced pre 1.2. Currently still fairly balanced with a few ACs on the good side of balance that could use a little tweaking but not a lot. Does SWTOR really need ranked WZs? Many would say yes, I don't really think so but I'll likely still participate in them. The WZs are entertaining IMO. The lack of World PvP is stinky; hopefully they'll resurrect Ilum in the near future and make it fun this time.


PvE: 3 modes for operations so most can experience the end game. Normal and hard mode flashpoints. Daily quests. Datacrons. World Events. And they've already patched in new content in 1.2 just a few months after launch. I have no real complaints about the PvE content in this game (although targeting is an issue and needs to be looked at.)


It's a good game. Just:


1) Stop the bleeding and get server xfers going ASAP

2) Fix the targeting

3) Tweak a few AC's in PvP to tighten up the balance

4) Keep throwing out new content every 4-6 months


Take care of these issues and the game will keep a steady population, and may even begin to increase some. I don't know if SWTOR will ever see 1.7 million again, but hopefully they'll keep a million or so. They needed 500,000 for the game to turn a profit I read.


Other things they could do:


-Appearance customization (hairstyles, scars, tattoos)

-Dual spec

-Wardrobe options

Edited by Richoshist
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I look forward to playing every night and on the weekends. I've got my assassin in 50% war hero gear and I've just started a sniper that is really fun to play in PvP. Not to mention the operative story is amazing. It's like I am playing a completely different game than 90% of the people on this forum. Keep up the good work Bio.


No, it's like you're playing the same game. In fact, you are. You, however, like it for some odd reason. That's good.

Edited by Limedust
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It's a good game. But server transfers must be implemented ASAP. The game is fun, but it's not fun if there's no one else to play with. And unfortunately many people have left the game, stranding a lot of people who want to play on dead or dying servers. Wound in the Force is in pretty rough shape and it's not the worst of the lot by far. The people that are left need to be able to migrate to populated areas. Honestly, if my choice is between re-rolling on a populated server and abandoning the guys I've spent 6 months building, or quitting, I'll quit.



Overall fairly good post.


Yup, loving this game - the only one that was and still is able to pull me out of GW1 for any length of time. Got the six month sub and will renew come September. I certainly hope to be playing this game at least as long as the 7 years I spent in GW1.



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What kind of good work are they doing exactly? Almost every Tuesday something manages to bug out, and then they have to go fix it.


Half of the bugs they promise to fix aren't fixed, and then in patch notes they say they fix it, but they don't?


Rated WZ's will come in 1.2. NOPE! OH don't worry we will release them before 1.3; they haven't even been mentioned yet. But don't worry because we are coming out with great things like legacy, where you can send tons of credits on useless ****.


Yeah bioware keep up the good work.

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I enjoy it a lot. but then again I have very limited play time.


Still would like to see a deeper space combat/exploration.

Also, Am I the only one who would love to see vehicle content it would be perfect for Stars Wars, and something that would be cool for both PVP and PVE, Just saying.

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I'm having heaps of fun. Had to take a few month's break after my initial binge-playing around launch-time, but now I'm back, eager to finally get one character or the other to 50.


And whoever is responsible for the Smuggler storyline and dialogues... THANK YOU! <3

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From the looks of it, just the 40 people on my server right now.


And with the quote is why X server and merges are needed. People say only xyz amount of people are on but who really knows unless you have a character logged into each planet.


Snapple Fact, your fleet may have five people on it BUT a low level planet may have more... I cant stress X Server implementation any more. Relying ob the masses to satisfy each others needs is foolish. Some may want to PvP all day and some may want to run Black Talon 20 times in a row. Same server reliance is dumb.

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Im deffinatly enjoying the game still. Leveled a shadow to 50 now working on my commando. The game is young and they deffinatly had a rough start but it has been very stable release. My only concern is that Legacy is t the thing they use to differentiate between their compitition. keep up the good story work. I have high hopes that server transfers and ranked pvp will. reath life into the game. also can wait to see the reitemized flashpoints.
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I'm still having a good time playing nightly. I'm on my 3rd character now. It's taking me about 2 months to level 1 character so I'm not in a big hurry. I like the legacy because of the things gives you for alts.


I was in the permanent beta (not the weekend ones) starting back in August of 2011 and I'm still playing and having fun all these months later.


Please don't kill this game EA and I hope Bioware doesn't give up hope. This game has a LOT of potential.

Edited by Xyeth
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I absolutely love this game!


I have been playing since the weekend betas.


I had to take a break of a few months due to an illness, but I'm back now and nearly have my first character to 50. I really missed the game when I couldn't play.


I love Legacy and have a whole story and 4 characters there so far at various levels.


I'm a veteran of video games but relatively new to MMOs; never played WOW and have no interest in it. I actually did play one MMO which closed down, and it was devastating.


I PVE and PVP as well; not on a RP server but I probably should be, may roll some on a RP server later, maybe even a PVP server. I'm in a healthy Guild and I 'm on a server that hits Standard regularly at peak hours, so not the biggest, but not the smallest. I think that merging servers/transfers is necessary for the health of the game and all those NOT on a decent population server.


I don't want this game to end, I'm sad at all the negativity in the forums because I'm afraid the forum is chasing away customers, and I'm worried about the layoffs--some of the criticism is valid, Bioware should listen, but I believe it is not being delivered in the most helpful manner.


I WANT to see this game succeed, I want to see new content and updates regularly. I want more content at level 50 for both PVPers and PVEers. I want to be here enjoying SWTOR for many years to come!!!!

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I'm having a great time as a new subscriber so I still have months of fun ahead of me. Personally I think the Legacy system is awesome and its a great addition to the game. Looking forward to 1.3!
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I was having a blast until population became an issue. Now I log in... assign my crew some tasks, look for a group for about an hour and not get in one, assign my crew more tasks and sign off.


pathetic really how they let population problems get this out of control for so long. Really alienated a lot of subscriptions that way.


the LFG tool sounds great, but will be useless with Low population.


I mwas debating re-rolling but I want to see how the transfers will be handled. I dont want to waste time leveling up a new toon just to still be stuck on the same server and transfers not solve the population problem.

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I'm an altholic. I plan to take advantage of being able to create 40 characters total via all servers. I play females now. Another server I'll play all males. Another server all dark side, etc etc. There's more to do than people think. They just want everything handed to them.


Basically this means I have fun playing this game. Creating characters to RP and just doing something different.

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The game is OK.


I have never found a MMO that pulled me in like EQ, but then again that was my first online game. I prefer single player games these days due to health. I can play as I wish, and if I gotta make several bathroom runs, I am not causing havoc on a group.


My highest lvl character is 32, so I really dont play much. Since TOR hit, I have bought n played thru FF 13-2, ME3, KoA:Reckoning....besides purchases of Dragons Dogma, The Witcher2, and Max Payne 3.


Video gaming is basically how I spend the many hrs available due to disability.


If I ever manage to get around to setting up use with a controller, and thus able to play it laying in bed(like to keep heat on my gut), I would probably play more often.


That said, my account isnt going anywhere, even if I only log 5 hrs a month on average.


I do think BW needs to work on immersion(world NPC movement), and hopefully add day/light cycle to go with said character random movement. That, along with condensing servers, would really help out IMO. A couple of the things I miss about EQ.


Also...I would imagine it is too late, but I wish we had skills to level up other than crafting(1h slash, dodge, etc). That, along with NPC factions, gave EQ "sandboxy" type content to work on.


Anywho....my 2 creds worth.

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