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Who else is having a great time playing this game?


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Awsom game for me. I get to play a couple hours a night once im in from work and kids in bed and still I feel like I can see everything. Lfg tool will make it even better.


Gj be love the game bring on more content im going no where

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Like I said, you should be HAPPY about transfers, as it will show you a whole new game! ;)


If only they would have given transfers before my intire guild quit the game(actully twice, guild got rebuild back to 16 man but died again)


I really wanted to like the game, i was looking for a new mmo to put alot of my sparetime intro, but i guess the game is just not me, and iguess i blame some of it on BW, but anyway i still thing this game has HUGE potentially and while patches is comeing slowing and not with all the content is should, it is going in the correct direction, slowly but in the correct direction, iguess i am jealous on you guys likeing the game, i want that too :(

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Only? Um, well ... I'm on Mask of Nihilus (listed as light) and am having a blast. Close knit community, solid friends list, cool guildmates (Scruffy Looking Nerf Herders ftw), accessible flashpoints & heroics, world boss op parties ... and nobody pretending that their vitriol is newsworthy.


Same... on a light EU server.

Great game, just a shame about some of the fanatical negativity from some of the community.

I am looking forward to settling in with SW as one of my hobbies over the next 12 months or so. No regrets at all.

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Yeah I love it, I have to be careful not to get bored because I play too much. There was some dissapointments in the story endings but alts will fix that :p (Still think JK storyline is by far the best)
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I haven't been able to put down the game since I got it on Christmas. I love the storytelling and I am a complete altaholic. I enjoy all the unique systems this game has to offer and I enjoy the endgame. However my 50 is currently not getting much done, waiting for transfers.



See You In 1.3 on The Fatman, having fun with the LFG tool

accessing the endgame after ages of dead server time. Thank

you Bioware, can't wait for Allies!


You do realize that Bioware/EA is more than likely not going to allow transfers to already high-populated servers, right?

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I still love the PvP in this game and think its quite balanced. I also play with some great people and our server has enough people on it still (so lucky) that the PvP is still competitive and fun.
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You do realize that Bioware/EA is more than likely not going to allow transfers to already high-populated servers, right?


Indeed, I think you will find that the highest populated servers will be excluded from the first wave of transfers. I imagine that the lowest populated servers will have a choice of mid-level servers to transfer to ... thing is, if done correctly, these mid-level servers may end up being as populated, as the larger servers.

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My Vanguard is level 44. I was doing a Belsavis heroic 2+ yesterday with another Vanguard and also two Sentinels. This particular Heroic 2+ had us fighting 4 golds and a strong every fight. Needless to say, with no healer, we all died quite frequently. We still finished it though and had a lot of laughs doing it.



So yeah, I'm still having fun.

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I look forward to playing every night and on the weekends. I've got my assassin in 50% war hero gear and I've just started a sniper that is really fun to play in PvP. Not to mention the operative story is amazing. It's like I am playing a completely different game than 90% of the people on this forum. Keep up the good work Bio.


The first hour of beta and I was hooked. Ive logged on about once a day since prelaunch almost.

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I look forward to playing every night and on the weekends. I've got my assassin in 50% war hero gear and I've just started a sniper that is really fun to play in PvP. Not to mention the operative story is amazing. It's like I am playing a completely different game than 90% of the people on this forum. Keep up the good work Bio.


Having a great time. About to have my 2nd and 3rd 50, five more to go. :)

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Oh, and... I said I was having fun with this game, what I should have added was... so is my boyfriend, and a couple of dozen of our guildies. Those guys would no more post in the SWTOR forums than they would fly to the moon, so count me as representing at least 20-30 people that are happy. :-)




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I still love the PvP in this game and think its quite balanced. I also play with some great people and our server has enough people on it still (so lucky) that the PvP is still competitive and fun.


I enjoy the pvp as well, would like to see more open world pvp stuff and less warzones but its still fun.

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Its seems from reading this thread (and other threads started by people who are now unsubbed) the majority cause is playing the game to much. These "content hogs" played their way into disliking the game. Like everything in life playing a game has diminishing returns. While there is nothing wrong with that style of play I do not think it is objective, or fair, to say the game is not good because YOU played the game as if it were a full time job and now dislike it. I thought Bioware had the metrics to see what percent of their player base would be these content hogs and made the appropriate projections with the number of servers they opened at launch. Its seems now they did not. All that being said when the server transfers begin I look forward to a healthier game and community. Bio is doing a good job, but mistakes were made. I have faith they will correct them and provide us with an even better value at $15 a month.
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Its seems from reading this thread (and other threads started by people who are now unsubbed) the majority cause is playing the game to much. These "content hogs" played their way into disliking the game. Like everything in life playing a game has diminishing returns. While there is nothing wrong with that style of play I do not think it is objective, or fair, to say the game is not good because YOU played the game as if it were a full time job and now dislike it. I thought Bioware had the metrics to see what percent of their player base would be these content hogs and made the appropriate projections with the number of servers they opened at launch. Its seems now they did not. All that being said when the server transfers begin I look forward to a healthier game and community. Bio is doing a good job, but mistakes were made. I have faith they will correct them and provide us with an even better value at $15 a month.


I agree and disagree. I don't think I played SWTOR any more than any other game I have ever played. Take for example Oblivion...I played that to death when I first got it, about the same as I played SWTOR...I still play Oblivion from time to time now, all these years later.


In SWTOR, I took my time to get to 50, took me about 3 months, maybe 4, since I wanted to enjoy it and not rush. And so I don't think I over played it...I just seemed to have played it to completion. IMHO.

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Not having fun, not wanting to roll any more freaking alts, want to PvP but my friend's list remains empty because they aren't logging on and my guild had 3 ppl online at 8:30 tonight.


Yes, there's a lot of negative sentiment on the forums -- some are wanting the game to fail because they didn't get what they want, some are fed up with a game that over promised and under delivered, and still others are just playing the game because it's Star Wars. The fact remains, SWTOR is not increasing subs, the momentum is negative and will remain as such until either A. WoW's xpac pisses a lot of people off B. GW is a flop and/or C. SWTOR releases something innovative and original for ALL players (PvE and PvP).


I normally don't spend much time posting and reading the forums...I'm usually ingame having fun, which is what's supposed to be happening, and yet...here I am.

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