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Everything posted by Inistis

  1. I wont speak for anyone but myself and this is why I stopped playing. Take it for what its worth. 1. WoW in space. Interface is fine but a Tank/Healer class cookie cutter has been done. And done.And done......Shooting a boss with a blaster at point blank range. SWG had that. 2. Get back to the Story. The storyline content was as always in a Bioware game, superb but I had to spend hours just to get from one side of the major storyline to the next killin 0/30 things over and over and over. 3. May the Force be With You to Kill that Thing and Stuffs. Voice overs were great but I dont need 1 min of dialogue to tell me to go kill 30 stuff-a-wompas. Way too much of that. 4. EA. I love Bioware I really do. I also HATE EA I really do. I suffered thru the Warhammer Online launch. Great ****in game with ****-*** deployment and marketing. Who gets that ****-In-The-Face award? You guessed it. EA you have ****ed up every MMO you ever touched or accidentally breathed on dating back to Ultima Online. I would crown you but in this case SONY beat you to the punch with SWG. I mean HOW can you **** up a brand like Star Wars. Unless yer George Lucas of course. In closing, this in no way should be read as a criticism of the individuals who did their best with what they had only to be LAID OFF. You guys and gals worked your butts off and there are areas of the game where your passion bleeds thru. Take it as a blessing and move on to the next project that hopefully EA wont throw a bajillion dollars at to buyout. To quote Vince Lombardi, "I dont blame you, I blame the guy that hired you." So there are my reasons. Agree or disagree thats the readers choice.
  2. Inistis

    Is SWTOR dying?

    I wont speak for anyone but myself and this is why I stopped playing. 1. WoW in space. Interface is fine but a Tank/Healer class cookie cutter has been done. And done.And done......Shooting a boss with a blaster at point blank range. SWG had that. 2. Get back to the Story. The storyline content was as always in a Bioware game, superb but I had to spend hours just to get from one side of the major storyline to the next killin 0/30 things over and over and over. 3. May the Force be With You to Kill that Thing and Stuffs. Voice overs were great but I dont need 1 min of dialogue to tell me to go kill 30 stuff-a-wompas. Way too much of that. 4. EA. I love Bioware I really do. I also HATE EA I really do. I suffered thru the Warhammer Online launch. Great ****in game with ****-*** deployment and marketing. Who gets that ****-In-The-Face award? You guessed it. EA you have ****ed up every MMO you ever touched or accidentally breathed on dating back to Ultima Online. I would crown you but in this case SONY beat you to the punch with SWG. I mean HOW can you **** up a brand like Star Wars. Unless yer George Lucas of course. In closing, this in no way should be read as a criticism of the individuals who did their best with what they had only to be LAID OFF. You guys and gals worked your butts off and there are areas of the game where your passion bleeds thru. Take it as a blessing and move on to the next project that hopefully EA wont throw a bajillion dollars at to buyout. To quote Vince Lombardi, "I dont blame you, I blame the guy that hired you." So there are my reasons. Agree or disagree thats the readers choice.
  3. Ive been a BIOWARE customer for 12 years now. Love the company. Hate EA. So, I will trust BW when some of its core leave and start their own PRIVATELY owned company. EA is poison for MMO's.
  4. I still play very casually. As always Bioware's storytelling is top notch so I keep trying new toons.
  5. Unlikely. Warhammer came out in 2008 and is still hanging on. Definitely would not count TOR out just yet. As far as ever being a WoW killer? No.
  6. EVE may not be for everyone but 9 years and going strong I would count as success. EA, you cannot let this stand. Buy CCP and end this!!!
  7. Truly sorry to hear folks got laid off. Too early to point fingers since we dont know who was let go. Alot of folks worked their asses off on this game regardless of opinion on the finished product. I did notice that the CEO of EA was not affected though. Too bad.
  8. Yeah Ill add on a personal note. I have always played as a pvper so my goal upon getting into any online game has always been to get to the next level regardless of content. Im not logging in to get to the next level in this game. Im logging in to get to the next chapter in the storyline.
  9. To give WoW its due, it was a MMO based on an RTS that was well-made and well-marketed into a brand that appealed to those that had no idea what Warcraft or an MMO was. What SWTOR has on its side is a brand that is going on four decades old. Its Star Wars. Its coupled with Bioware's unsurpassed ability to create an experience for the individual that makes them feel part of the story. Its interface mimicks WoW cause its an interface people find easy to learn. All in all while not stepping out of the box this game delivers on a level unseen to date. Its gonna break sales records. As long as Bioware commits to ironing out bugs early on I see them having well over the 10 million subscribers WoW boasts currently.
  10. Sweet you got it all figured out. Go build one.
  11. Downtimes suck right now but its the nature of a MMO beast that has just been born. I'm certain BW will find a window that pleases the majority of its player base once they have their procedures down.
  12. /signed. If I could buy everyone at Bioware a beer for their hard work I would.
  13. Just about fell out of my chair on this one:)
  14. Nope. The guy in the link below got a "HEADSTART" on that:) http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=9497
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