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Coming Soon to STAR WARS: The Old Republic

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There are 41 people logged on right now for republic on my server... That's not in the fleet. There are 41 total republic logged in throughout all zones, throughout all level ranges.. All the servers are at a population descriptor of "light" except for two east coast servers. But the plan is allow server transfers? There are no talks of servers being closed? Of servers being merged? But we're going to be allowed to transfer servers? Which of the 42 light west coast servers do I transfer to to have enough players to play?
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When a player with over 1100 expertise can be killed in 3 shots by another on the republic side whilst wearing no armour and just with underwear and a saber---then there is something not quite Kosher going on---and the other things that are not quite right---the overly long stuns one after the other---incredible sppeeds and leaps---to name but a few----when a side has not one kill in the 50's pvp warzones --over several games ---and when it takes weeks to complete a daily---and god knows how long to complete a weekly ---even worse now that many 50's pvpers on the Imperial side have stopped playing because on=f this---then I say again ---there is something not quite Kosher---even ome Republic player have come to the Imperial sides on thier alt toons and have been extremely surprised at how easily they are killed by some of the Rep sides---names can be provided if needs be---please look at this sad state of affairs and put 50's pvp back on the agenda.


Make a video in addition to naming names or I call BS on all of your accusations. Exploits like that are easy to find for any GM ingame and would be addressed post haste...so again I call BS.



And to everyone else that is still QQ'ing...they are getting what you want ingame and you still aren't happy....gad...get a life and see a therapist please.

Edited by Angorak
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There are 41 people logged on right now for republic on my server... That's not in the fleet. There are 41 total republic logged in throughout all zones, throughout all level ranges.. All the servers are at a population descriptor of "light" except for two east coast servers. But the plan is allow server transfers? There are no talks of servers being closed? Of servers being merged? But we're going to be allowed to transfer servers? Which of the 42 light west coast servers do I transfer to to have enough players to play?


They could easily funnel 4-8 low pop servers into one and make it active without the negative press of closing servers and ensuring a good population based on the login data they have access to. In other words, lets hope they take the guess work on where to go away from us.

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They could easily funnel 4-8 low pop servers into one and make it active without the negative press of closing servers and ensuring a good population based on the login data they have access to. In other words, lets hope they take the guess work on where to go away from us.


Agreed 100%!!! THEY need to dictate the servers, but they NEED to do it ASAP as too many people have already quit and rerolled on fatman. Their delay on this is causing more problems every day.

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I am way too excited about this and can't wait!


Look at the enormous success in the customisable UI. It was better than could be hoped for. Yes, I agree the game was released before it was ready, but look at the improvements being made. This game is AWESOME, and it's only going to get better!


Big hi 5 to the Bioware team.

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Character Transfers


Dont be afraid to put a lot of restrictions on this tool. If you dont control it after doing your server mergers then we will be right back to square one in regards to our population problem right now.


They already announced that they'll do the same "restricted destinations" death tango as every MMO before.


I do agree that it's pretty much too late though. Over the weekend, we rarely if ever had 20 people on the fleet, and that's on one of the most populated EU servers. The 30 days "free" time to keep subscriber numbers artificially high over the quarterly results is probably the last thing still keeping people logging in, but why stay when you can't even reliably fill a 4-player flashpoint on the fleet?


And ranked warzones... yeah, about that, you'd actually need 8 people for that. On each side. Queueing for ranked WZs. Good luck with that.


If I were an EA shareholder, I'd be pretty peeved at them for not ditching the entire thing and having Bioware just do another quick singleplayer gorefest :(

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Pause at 1:00 to 1:02 in that video. /facepalm


Every single server on the list is at Standard minimum, up towards FULL


So was that one video clip unlike all the others? Taken from just after launch or doctored?


Either way, why go to the effort. It's amazing how two seconds speaks absolutely volumes about bioware/EA.



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Why are their so many people just downing this game. Constantly coming on the forum...no better yet on the game and downing it. "Uhhhhhhhh.....this game is so baaaad i'm not playing it no more." Later the player "Jimmy shoe shoe" comes back a within a month, "Uhhhhhhhhhhh I'm at level 50...this game is so baaaaad i'm bored, i'm going to wait until my sub runs out" knowing the account in automated. A month later, "Uhhhhhhhhhh this game is so baaaaad.....I've got my war hero gear...I'm not coming back....Bioware let me down." He chatted that on the game and that's the last we suppose to see Jimmy shoe shoe. However a month later, "Uhhhhhhhhhh......this game is so baaaaaad...I got all my rakata gear I'm the ultimate tank on my server....this game is so baaaaad." The moral of this is there is a lot of Jimmy shoe shoes out there. Now some are sincere and don't like this game. Those are the ones that doesn't visit the forum and rant. Better yet no longer have a subscription and keep ranting. This game is good with hit and misses. So be critical, just be honest with it. As for me, I like the new patch 1.3 that's coming out and the future ones. Some of us wanted this game to come out early and let them fix it with patches. So what is the complaint?:confused: Edited by Alukah
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LFG Tool

Looks great but if server mergers dont happen before its releases it wont succeed. It still doesnt fix the server population problem at the end of the day.


If the server merger happens before....awesome tool and I look forward to using it.


Character Transfers

Dont be afraid to put a lot of restrictions on this tool. If you dont control it after doing your server mergers then we will be right back to square one in regards to our population problem right now.


This should be Bioware #1 priority if this game is to survive

Legacy System

Please slow down with these updates and work on content elsewhere. <clip>


Now after 1.3 you are going to make the legacy unlocks per character versus per server account like it is now. So if i plan to level multiple toons I have to go back and repurchase all of these unlocks again....wont happen


Exactly! The current cost in credits for repair/upgrades/training, etc is a tad ridiculous.




Frankly you have to do something NOW...not later....

The PVP community is dying fast...its all over the boards...


I dont even know if rated warzone will bring back those that left at this point and we need to look beyond that feature.

We need multiple new warzone. We need a large scale warzone unlike huttball/denova/voidstar. It needs to support more than 25 members on each side ( Im not asking for 100 each side...we all know the engine cannot handle it....see ilum)


Whatever it is...it need to happen in June...it cannot wait


End June is the cutoff for me. Love the game however there is no player interaction because there is no one around . No people then there is no heroics/flashpoints/raids and continuous grinding is boring.

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Many friend already left the game.... They didnt learn enough about game failure made by SOE with SWG......

If they dont do something for PvP or at least ranked wz now, in 1 months the Subscription will drop down. :mad:

Legacy system can wait most of person doesnt care about the legacy system!!!!!

Give us a decent PvP!!!! :rolleyes:

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Give us a decent PvP!!!! :rolleyes:


I don't think that's possible without redoing the entire game. It'd need a completely reworked balance, decent battlefields (I'm talking working open PvP, or at least good-sized team instances, not four tiny trash maps that one can get enough of in a single evening), and an influx of new players.


They had DAoC to learn that from, they had WAR to learn that from. If they didn't get it by now, they never will.

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I love how it shows the server list as all "Standard" then "Heavy" and "Full".


This really isn't a truthful representation of the game at the moment. Group finder will take the time to find groups on below 100 population servers from 4 hours to 4 hours. It literally changes nothing for low pop servers.


Unfortunately you are totally RIGHT!


Plus: Unless you can transfer your whole legacy, server transfers before server merges don't make sense imo.

I really like my server and won't leave it, but population is dwindling lately and I wouldn't mind some more folks around...

...The ability to transfer would even undermine the population(growth) on "better" servers (like the one I'm on): only the heaviest would profit as people from avg. pop. servers would rather leave than wait for folks from low pop. servers to come.


I really do not understand why BW keeps up doing so as if everything is fine!? In denying the truth (underlined by the displayed server list) about how the game's faring, they only make it worse.

Be it hardcore players or casuals, we all need population to play and to enjoy the game's features.



Edited by ConnorSalak
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How is a lfg tool considered new content? A lfg tool is not "new game content" server transfers are not "new game content" there game features and engine additions. You cant go hey lets group up and do a server transfer. You can group up and use the lfg tool maybe but thats not new content. I dont think the person speaking knows the difference.
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I hope they do a good job with the server transfers.


Taking too long to merge/transfer never can bee a good job, now it can only achieve a medium job. It is taking toooooo long to do somethin that already should be done. This isn't GOOD job.

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I love how it shows the server list as all "Standard" then "Heavy" and "Full".


This really isn't a truthful representation of the game at the moment. Group finder will take the time to find groups on below 100 population servers from 4 hours to 4 hours. It literally changes nothing for low pop servers.


However... It may allow us to continue playing away from the fleet while we wait for a group. Instead of just hanging out in fleet hoping to find a group.

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Sigh, adaptive gears, waste of time and resource and probably won't work for companions at launch....


Legacy stuff = more credit sinks, awesome...


Rest is all augment and LFG, honestly, augment slot was a bad mechanic in the first place. Minor stat bonus is one thing, but having massive boosts from it is what caused this whole issue to get this big. It's more or less evolved to a "must" instead of optional/luck, we'd be better off if it was removed altogether...


They make the Legacy items so pricey because they are trying to avoid having annoying players running around with a crap ton of credits and saying "lol u nub, i got 10mil credits, stoopid nub i pwn u lulz"

I quite appreciate how BW is creating such credit sinks.

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They already announced that they'll do the same "restricted destinations" death tango as every MMO before.


Not every MMO, I played rift and there you can free transfer once a week or a month i cant remember for sure.

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i see the forums are still filled with nothing but ************ complainers whiners and moaners..


nothin to see here.


anyway, back to the game!!


Amen to that. They complain that not enough information is being provided to them and then when they get it, they cry that it wasn't what they wanted, or that it should have already been there. The constant sniveling in the forums is downright embarassing.


The "too little too late" crowd, just unsub already.... If you are staying with a game that upsets you THIS much, there's something wrong with you...


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Amen to that. They complain that not enough information is being provided to them and then when they get it, they cry that it wasn't what they wanted, or that it should have already been there. The constant sniveling in the forums is downright embarassing.


The "too little too late" crowd, just unsub already.... If you are staying with a game that upsets you THIS much, there's something wrong with you...



I agree. Bioware appears to be trying to add the most needed content first. Some may not agree on what is needed the most, but if they are patient it will happen.

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They could easily funnel 4-8 low pop servers into one and make it active without the negative press of closing servers and ensuring a good population based on the login data they have access to.


Why care for the press? That's random anyway, and can easily be bought with a good dosh of ad money. They can only win by compressing their players on a couple of servers that at least reach heavy load during primetime.

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Amen to that. They complain that not enough information is being provided to them and then when they get it, they cry that it wasn't what they wanted, or that it should have already been there. The constant sniveling in the forums is downright embarassing.


The "too little too late" crowd, just unsub already.... If you are staying with a game that upsets you THIS much, there's something wrong with you...



You realize that this video gave no new information for anything at all? It was the same reiterations of the same few tidbits for 1.3, and as for the beyond... nothing.

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