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Open world pvp= no reward


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As the title says, when you find someone while leveling for example and you kill him , or do any open world pvp you do not get any reward.

I would suggest a reward of 5 ranked( or standard) warzone commendation for each kill in order to encourage open world pvp and maybe remove 5 commendation for people that gank lowbies.


At the moment there is no point in killing someone in open world...or maybe just for the fun of it????...nah i dont think so.

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surely the entertainment and huggles you get for fighting.

maybe the best things in life are a smile and a bit of fun, rather than rewards rewards rewards.

just enjoy the game lad, get frustrated when you get killed by someone who walked in to your aoe on purpose, hate people in pvp gear when you have none ... take it easy and anjoy the game. why so serious, its just a game :)

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Yes it's just game, then why not remove all the rewards for everything content, warzones, flashpoints, operations, ...


As for the exploits, controlling how much players are rewarded is not that hard, from having harsh diminishing return for killing the same players to limiting how much you can earn in a specific amount of time, ...


A small reward for owPvP would be very welcomed considering how this kind of content is one of the big failure of TOR.

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As the title says, when you find someone while leveling for example and you kill him , or do any open world pvp you do not get any reward.

I would suggest a reward of 5 ranked( or standard) warzone commendation for each kill in order to encourage open world pvp and maybe remove 5 commendation for people that gank lowbies.


At the moment there is no point in killing someone in open world...or maybe just for the fun of it????...nah i dont think so.


The games engine can not support world pvp on any decent scale, thus no reason to make a reward system for it.

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Its called "fun".


Otherwise, too easy to exploit.



Not really it just needs a diminishing returns system like Warhammer Online.


Although what SWTOR really needs is a decent RvR basin and something like Rift's RvRvR or GW2's WvWvW.

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I agree, few commendations for a kill would be a nice addition.


Few days ago, with a friend we went to Black hole first and we had a lot of pvp, then we went to Tatooine and almost got a Rep base (low levels couldn't even quest I guess) until some 50s came and we had few battles.


It was fun, but yeah some commendations for a kill would be nice (maybe you don't get commendations if you are in an operation group, to avoid mindless zerg vs zerg).

Edited by TheNotorius
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Yes it's just game, then why not remove all the rewards for everything content, warzones, flashpoints, operations, ...


As for the exploits, controlling how much players are rewarded is not that hard, from having harsh diminishing return for killing the same players to limiting how much you can earn in a specific amount of time, ...


A small reward for owPvP would be very welcomed considering how this kind of content is one of the big failure of TOR.



what i meant was not everything needs a reward to do .. dont you get rewards for lots of other things, why not do this one thing for the sheer enjoyment of killing someone or being killed by them with 1% life left.

when you reward every single thing, people dont enjoy the ride ... have a free ride, it might make you enjoy the game a it more. wow rewarded every single little thing and people got bored and didnt pay attention to the game ... focus was on getting that thing and then not doing it again ... farm farm farm farm. thats why wow died for me, and thats why swotr is no nice ... they dont want this game to be a grind-fest y mindless zombies with the latest addon to play the game for them.

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The games engine can not support world pvp on any decent scale, thus no reason to make a reward system for it.


Um, the epic 20+ vs 20+ battles we had during the Rakgoul invasion says hi. What's wrong with the engine again? Seems to work fine.


I do think there should be some sort of reward. I don't think warzone comms are it. It would be to easy to farm with another person. But maybe another stat like Valor. It would be an Open World Pvap stat that can show your encounters.

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what i meant was not everything needs a reward to do .. dont you get rewards for lots of other things, why not do this one thing for the sheer enjoyment of killing someone or being killed by them with 1% life left.

when you reward every single thing, people dont enjoy the ride ... have a free ride, it might make you enjoy the game a it more. wow rewarded every single little thing and people got bored and didnt pay attention to the game ... focus was on getting that thing and then not doing it again ... farm farm farm farm. thats why wow died for me, and thats why swotr is no nice ... they dont want this game to be a grind-fest y mindless zombies with the latest addon to play the game for them.


Tbh, I don't care about the rewards for myself.


But, I understand that some players need some incentives to do specific content. So for thoses, a little reward would decide them to do a bit of owPvP instead of standing on the fleets doing nothing.


Really, all the lore should push players to be involved in owPvP on contested planets and yet it doesn't happen.

I know that part of the reason why it doesn't is the way BW badly designed their planets but also because many PvPers, while they like both warzones and owPvP, do only warzones because they earn something there and nothing in owPvP.

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I leveled to 50 without seeing one player from the opposing faction , and when I did I could hardly recognize them as the enemy.


Dunno, red players on speeders, it seems easy to recognize.

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Its called "fun".


Otherwise, too easy to exploit.


So...we can remove all rewards from the operations since those are "fun" too right? And HM's should drop the same as story, since it's all about the "fun"...right?



See, I think it's MORE fun when there's incentive! THAT encourages people. THAT rewards people for investing their time into something. Diminishing returns are a fine solution. Pretending one playstyle deserves compensation for participating while another doesn't, isn't.

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Dunno, red players on speeders, it seems easy to recognize.


You're right the character models arent identical and opposing faction players? yeah on speeders everywhere i go . The population ( whats left of it ) isnt completly separated.



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You're right the character models arent identical and opposing faction players? yeah on speeders everywhere i go . The population ( whats left of it ) isnt completly separated.




Misplaced anger but anyway, in the post above my previous answer to you, I pointed the problem with the design of the planets and well, the population problem isn't new or unknown.


All I wanted to say (badly it seems) is no, I don't understand how you can not recognize a player of the opposite faction in case you meet one, they are red, they are moving and they are fighting NPCs, it seems enough for me to make the difference with NPCs or players of my faction.

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2 wz comms per unique kill per day. Player needs to be -5 levels or higher in relation to the victor (i.e. a L40 could kill from 35 up). L50s can only kill other 50s. 15 unique kills equals daily quest turn in for an additional 30 comms. On Ilum the faction that controls all points gets an additional 2 comms per unique kill.


There's your new OW pvp daily.

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Misplaced anger but anyway, in the post above my previous answer to you, I pointed the problem with the design of the planets and well, the population problem isn't new or unknown.


All I wanted to say (badly it seems) is no, I don't understand how you can not recognize a player of the opposite faction in case you meet one, they are red, they are moving and they are fighting NPCs, it seems enough for me to make the difference with NPCs or players of my faction.


You are right and I am wrong . I dont know why you cannot accept that.

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You are right and I am wrong . I dont know why you cannot accept that.


Double fail on my part it seems, lol. I'm going to try a 3rd time.


I agree with you on the planet design problem and on the population problem.

I would like to understand what's your view on recognition of the other faction players, that's all. I'm not saying there's no problem, I'm just trying to get your point of view.

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Let me start by saying this thread is for pvpers and pvers alike.... I tend to defend the game coz i love it.. i have 2 lvl 50's, one which i leveled thru both pve/pvp content and another thru pvp... After several months at 50 ive become somewhat bored... Im not into alot of pve content and am more into pvp...


In swtor's current state, once you hit 50 and start the long grind to war hero gear, youll be burned out on the 4 warzones there are to play... There is no open world pvp unless you like killing lowbies, which even then there is no point in doing so since there is no reward whatsoever... There is no reason to pvp outside of warzones as we all know... My suggestion references SWG(while swg did alot of things wrong they also did some things quite right) and would require a few new planets or cities for existing planets for the current content couldnt support this idea....... With a few new cities/planets the 2 factions fight for galactic control.... For each enemy player killed a galactic point would be awarded to your faction as well as faction credits that could be used to buy faction specific items ie. Armor, speeders etc...


On a regular rotation of say every 3 hours a random city would be attacked by one of the factions... The attacking faction would recieve a holocomm call requesting all available players to assist in the attack as well the oppossing faction would recieve a holocomm call requesting all available players to defend city... The players would be up against both npc's as well as enemy players....


The reward for the winning faction (besides galactic points and faction points) would be control over the city, so all factioned npc's would be replaced with winning factions npc's...


This is just a few ideas to encourage open world pvp that has meaning and purpose with rewards... Plz only constructive posts...looking for ways to better the end game

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