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No Gear Check in the LFG tool?

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This is why I am avoiding 50+ content... Not everyone knows what they should and shouldn't have. I would hate to queue for ages for a HM FP and get turned away because my gear was not up to the elitist standards. I would love to do FP's and HM but I have not done barely any and I have played since beta.


First of all, not all standards are "elitist." Sometimes they're really minimum standards that you actually need to succeed. Second, if you've been playing since Beta, then it's nobody's fault but your own that you've never done FP's and HM's. Go find a group. Go find a guild that does these things. Tons of guilds are looking for people to join them.


The highest FP I have done is colicoid war games. I wish it was different I would like to experience the whole game but people like this put me off..


Again, nobody to blame but yourself. Go find out what the next Flashpoint up from Colicoid War Games is and get a group together for that one. Work yourself up slowly, one Flashpoint at a time. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it.


You have to remember there are a lot of people like myself who have never played an MMO before and are on a steep learning curve with a lot of things. To just exclude someone because they do not reach you level of expectation will make players feel they are not worthy and it will push more away from the game. Instead give a helping hand and advice... People complain about the community.. when they act like elitist snobs sitting on their pedal stool's looking down at us mere mortals in judgement.


You are correct, but you also have to remember that there are a lot of people who have played lots of MMO's before and don't want to waste their online time by wiping over and over again to something that's relatively basic because there's a new player with them. Some don't mind it at all and are patient and willing to teach, but some aren't. You have to realize that not everyone is going to be the Firefighter that is willing to get your cat out of the tree.


The sooner you realize that not everyone is an elitist snob and get over your self-inflicted fears of learning and failure, the sooner you'll start to enjoy the game and what it has to offer you more.

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They should have made a progression anyway. Wow did this with ilvl. Not only does it help players get other players that are geared enough to contribute, but it also gives the developers a way to tune the instance based off a set criteria. You should be able to do normal modes as soon as you hit 50 and then hardmodes once you reach a certain gearscore/ilevel. If people can jump right into hardmodes/ops, then you're going to have a lot of groups fall apart.


It should be normals/hardmodes/story mode ops/ hardmode ops/nightmare ops.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Heaven forbid that people should be appropriately geared before attempting content that requires gear. You can't beat EV Story Mode in greens. If you can, you're the one person in the group being carried rather than pulling your own weight.


Actually you can't beat EV story in greens because you won't make it pass the infernal council. Can't be carried through that fight.

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Its a silly argument. If you cant keep up with heals, damage, or rage timers then you should not be in the run. Players do not decide these factors, they are decided by the people who made the FPs and OPs.


If you ever read Blizz forums you know what I'm talking about. There was nothing silly about those wars there, in forums and in dungs.

Even if peeps clearly were geared enough there was FL and later DS geared players who were screaming their head off because someone didn't do 20+ k dps in their lvling blues and so "slowed down" their progress.


So, program can choose for us who is geared enough for a place, but we still ruin it.

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The pictures Bioware released of the LFG tool didn't seem to include a gear check of any kind. What is preventing a level 50 in all green gear from queuing up for Devona or HM Lost Island?


The last thing we need is spending an hour in a queue for a group only to get stuck in a group that doesn't even have the gear required to complete it and having to start over.


Please Bioware don't make the fatal mistake of trying to make the bads happy. A gear check is very important or you will have many frustrated and annoyed players.


Please remind me how you find the group now?




With new LFG Tool you can always start the Flashpoint, look at your group.. and quit if you are not satisfied with companions.. Just remember the names and dont start next Flashpoint with them.. Its that simple..

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Hmm, that's strange..

All these threads from people saying that a LFG tool would make everyone more social and build up the overall SWTOR community because it would allow *all* players to group up and enjoy the game in an atmosphere where you didn't need to spend forever looking for specific people in order to do FPs.


Now we see that it's yet another way to shun players who aren't up to whatever arbitrary standards set by a minority.


What do you want next? A mandatory upload of each potential group member's latest combat log so you can scrutinize it before they join? Maybe a checkbox for only those with Bio? Maybe a Founder's only option so those newer players who aren't worthy of you can't participate?


Took the words right out of my mouth. Such a sad state of affairs:(

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Play WoW if, you want it's features.


People need to adjust to dealing with each other socially again. Ask your questions and state your expectations up-front while grouping through conversation. If people don't hold their end up of what they agree to then don't group with them again or put them on ignore. There will be the potential for wasted time up front but, folks will slowly learn who can be counted on and who can't and...gasp!...names and reputation might mean something again. If people would just talk and interact with eachother this would sort itself out but, not it won't while people can't be bothered with interacting.

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you didn't, which I realized after I posted and which is why I edited it


You are just LOOKING for this avenue to open up so you can unload with all your irrational stereotypes and setup you strawmen to brow beat anyone who disagrees with you.


The fact is there are gear gates in this game. Its a design choice that was made by the developers. You and others chose to play a game that has this as a core design principle yet look to bash players who are worried that a LFG tool might no take into consideration said gear gates.


This isnt "Elitist". This isnt anti social. This is the way the game is designed.

Edited by kilosoldier
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First of all, not all standards are "elitist." Sometimes they're really minimum standards that you actually need to succeed. Second, if you've been playing since Beta, then it's nobody's fault but your own that you've never done FP's and HM's. Go find a group. Go find a guild that does these things. Tons of guilds are looking for people to join them.


I am sorry but that just is not the truth. Even the fatman is showing low pop during the day, my own server is dead for all but about 2 to 4 hours in the evenings and sometimes a little after lunch on weekends. A lot of people can't play during this 2 to 4 hour narrow timeframe so because of that, they can never find a group, this is one of the reasons for the LFG tool but it will not fix the population problem, and neither will the free transfers.



Again, nobody to blame but yourself. Go find out what the next Flashpoint up from Colicoid War Games is and get a group together for that one. Work yourself up slowly, one Flashpoint at a time. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it.


Stop trying to over simplify the problem, the real problem is how EA will move foward with this game, will it be only for the elitists or will casual players who can only log on for a couple hourse here and there get a chance to experience group content? Right now group content is reserved only for those who can play the narrow 2 to 4 hour time of middle population on most servers and who also run the guilds, everyone else has zero chance of experiencing more than basic 4 man heroics.



You are correct, but you also have to remember that there are a lot of people who have played lots of MMO's before and don't want to waste their online time by wiping over and over again to something that's relatively basic because there's a new player with them. Some don't mind it at all and are patient and willing to teach, but some aren't. You have to realize that not everyone is going to be the Firefighter that is willing to get your cat out of the tree.


Just like the casual player does not want to waste their time grinding out single player content for months because there is no way for them to see any of the group content. The LFG tool is being considered because everyone should get a chance to play, not just the elitists who kick you if you are not perfect.


Right now a learning player will never get a chance to see this content without the LFG tool. You elitists have your uber guilds, why are you here complaining? You will never need the LFG tool because you are so leet you are surrounded by countless friends all geared to the teeth and ready to raid........right? I mean, you say grouping is so easy, you obviously will never use the LFG tool.



The sooner you realize that not everyone is an elitist snob and get over your self-inflicted fears of learning and failure, the sooner you'll start to enjoy the game and what it has to offer you more.


And it is people like you talking down your nose and acting all superior and mr. know-it-all that gives the impression that everyone it an elitist like you. I believe most people know the real poroblem is too many servers and too few players for healthy guilds and the ability to experience group content, but at the same time this allows the elitists to maintain their deathgrip on endgame content so they like the low population problems.

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I can't imagine you think telling more people to leave this game is a good idea.


If they are trying to change the game into what it isn't intended to be, I think it is.


Every game released does not have to be the same as all others. I like that the devs chose not to put in alot of features that help override the need to socialize with others and maintain their rep. I totally get that some people want that anonymity or convenience but, at some point people need to realize what game they are playing and it's goals.


I am all for there being tools out there that a basic sense of who is out there to be grouped with and to reach out and contact but, not past a point where it invalidates meeting and negotiating with others to form a group. If there is one place that social interaction should be preserved, shouldn't be in the group content?

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I think I already had this conversation in wow. None of the arguments havent changed at all since then.


It will pretty much always exist. Some people want to skip past and streamline parts of the game that others wish to see held up and supported. There is not really a way to keep both sides happy, so much like other MMO topics, the argument continues.


I just think people need to be realistic about how each game they join is doing things and respect what the game is trying to be. Alot of appreciated and valid design choices get dismissed too easily as obvious failings along these long standing arguments just because it's not the way that one segment of players wanted it to be.

Edited by Matte_Black
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I think my point is this:


I'm pretty sure you can check other peoples gear by clicking on their portraits. So, gather your group using the new tool, take the time to check everyones gear (and why wouldn't you if you were actually that worried about it?) and then either ok, or dismiss folk as you like. I don't see why the new LFG tool should include this. You have made it clear to us that the gear is very important to the success in raids and such, so, take the time to check the gear on the people in your group. If you care that much, then it shouldn't be a problem to take a few minutes out to do "safety checks" or what have you.


My opinion is, if you want it made easy for you, then you don't really care, and you shouldn't get it anyway.



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It will pretty much always exist. Some people want to skip past and streamline parts of the game that others wish to see held up and supported. There is not really a way to keep both sides happy, so much like other MMO topics, the argument continues.


I just think people need to be realistic about how each game they join is doing things and respect what the game is trying to be. Alot of appreciated and valid design choices get dismissed too easily as obvious failings along these long standing arguments just because it's not the way that one segment of players wanted it to be.


The same can be said about people like you.


A few of the most hardcore elitists want to preserve "THEIR" idea of a perfect game to be only people who kiss their behinds should be allowed to raid, everyone else can just be happy playing single player content.


I had a lvl 50 toon well geared with what I could get solo in about 3 weeks of game release, to date I have not been able to find a 8 man group or even a more advanced 4 man group for herocs. There are no guilds doing content during the day when I can play so a LFG tool is my only chance at finding a group and being as daytime populations on all servers is usually low even that LFG tool will most likely not help me see group content.

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