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romance scenes... kind of a letdown.


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prefer both ways... but.. my bf likes nether giving nor receiving -.-

thats what living vicariously thru a toon married to a mandalorian is for >:3


He.... WHAT??? waitWHHAAATTT???? He doesn't like giving OR receiving????? Does he have NO CLUE what a tongue is for??? :eek: Or his gf's tongue for that matter??????


Wait, are we talking about the same thing? :confused:



Oooooh, biting. Nevermind. :o


Edited by Captain_Zone
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When characters do touch, for any reason, players generally lap it up, so clearly it's in BW's best interests to work on smoothing this out :D


I agree. But I'm also sympathetic to the programming constraints, so get why some lulzy stuff happens. (


And I have to say that the bugs amuse me endlessly. Like the way Bioware romances tend to cut so that you get a good portion of the romance dialogue even if the character isn't romancable for your gender? That always has me giggling. (And convinced that most of my characters are having secret, hidden affairs with pretty much all of their companions. I HAVE SEEN THOSE MEANINGFUL LOOKS! And no one will ever convince me that when Temple asked my character to teach her how she seduces people...then it faded to black...then they came back looking all pleased with themselves...that nothing happened other than a dry lecture. Just like I am nearly 100% sure that Alistair was hitting on my male Warden. Licking lampposts indeed!)

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And I have to say that the bugs amuse me endlessly. Like the way Bioware romances tend to cut so that you get a good portion of the romance dialogue even if the character isn't romancable for your gender? That always has me giggling. (And convinced that most of my characters are having secret, hidden affairs with pretty much all of their companions. I HAVE SEEN THOSE MEANINGFUL LOOKS! And no one will ever convince me that when Temple asked my character to teach her how she seduces people...then it faded to black...then they came back looking all pleased with themselves...that nothing happened other than a dry lecture. Just like I am nearly 100% sure that Alistair was hitting on my male Warden. Licking lampposts indeed!)


Whoa, whoa, Alistair plays coy with male Wardens? My only male playthrough I cut to the chase right away, so he didn't have to do the lamppost dance. That's just...wow, that's some tone of voice to be using with your bro, bro. :D


(Note: Wow, at least 50% of Steve Valentine's lines are still imprinted perfectly in my brain. That's slightly alarming, but I have his tone and inflection right there.)


Ensign Temple is absolutely omnisexual. I've seen how she deals with both male and female Agents. Kaliyo is suggestive, as well, and she is yet another reason I'm glad I opted to roll male...I'd hate to be stuck just flirting.


I kept wanting to tip into flirting with Risha, but she's hard to get. Moar illicit-activities bugs plz?

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I think for me it's the fact they never show they love you or pull a padme your breaking my heart type scene when you go darkside.


BW can do some pretty amazing things with facial animation that I wanna see kira cry and scream when i trade her for darkside points.


I want to see my jedi knight go off tone and show emotions. if anythng like anakin and padme sleeping in bed together in revenge of the sith, i wanna see that.

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Whoa, whoa, Alistair plays coy with male Wardens? My only male playthrough I cut to the chase right away, so he didn't have to do the lamppost dance. That's just...wow, that's some tone of voice to be using with your bro, bro. :D


(Note: Wow, at least 50% of Steve Valentine's lines are still imprinted perfectly in my brain. That's slightly alarming, but I have his tone and inflection right there.)


Ensign Temple is absolutely omnisexual. I've seen how she deals with both male and female Agents. Kaliyo is suggestive, as well, and she is yet another reason I'm glad I opted to roll male...I'd hate to be stuck just flirting.


I kept wanting to tip into flirting with Risha, but she's hard to get. Moar illicit-activities bugs plz?


I ended up hooking Alistair up with Morrigan after I got with Leliana in DAO. I figured HEY, if he's gonna be king and get married after this and everything, I might as well give him a good bachelor party. :D

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Whoa, whoa, Alistair plays coy with male Wardens? My only male playthrough I cut to the chase right away, so he didn't have to do the lamppost dance. That's just...wow, that's some tone of voice to be using with your bro, bro. :D


(Note: Wow, at least 50% of Steve Valentine's lines are still imprinted perfectly in my brain. That's slightly alarming, but I have his tone and inflection right there.)


OT, but totally. I always got the impression that Alistair was just trying to be funny, though, and a male Warden can really set him back on his heels. XD


A: Have you ever licked a lamppost in winter?

m!Warden: I've licked my share of lampposts and then some.

A: That... is a mental image I didn't need...


Then, if you've been flirty with Zevran, when Alistair does his talk about all the other companions, he's like, "should you really be so close to him?" The m!Warden (and maybe the f!Warden, I have no idea, but...) can ask, "Why, are you jealous?" Alistair's reply: "Maybe a little-- wait, NO, no, of course not!" or something like that, it's pretty awesome ;)



On-topic, I would like to see a little pillow-talk afterwards with the LIs, in a suitable location, not standing whereever you started the conversation. :/ Hell, with my BH, I'd like to see her and Torian in her quarters and not in the cargo bay. ~_~;;

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Honestly, I think this thread can be generalized as, "We want more interactions with our Companions, Period!"


I definately want to see some more romantic interaction between Vette and my Sith Warrior, but I also want to see him teaching Jaesa (... *smack* Not like that, you pervert, an honest philosophical discussion), Actual images of the party my Female Agent and Kaliyo went to... For that matter, I want to see a Havoc Squad party after the third chapter (actually, another thing I wanted to see in ME2 was a party with the entire Normandy crew after the suicide mission). I'm not sure wether Elara getting a fair bit of wine in her would end in table dancing or drunken makeouts, though.

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  • 1 month later...
I am really hoping that in the new upcoming content we are able to interact with our mates more-- just a hug, or hold hands with them, or even just changes in their responses. I gotta admit, every single time I summon Corso and he says, "Let's go have us some fun, Captain," I'm ready for another fade scene ;)


I do hope more interaction between companions, not just in romances but in quests too. I hate when like 95% of the time they just stand behind you like a ghost, some companions barely even speak in class quests even. I don't mean they'd have to speak as often as your character but in quests where it would make sense for them to response. This would even make re-rolling alts less tedious. I would also like to see more companion quests and not just for your first companion as the case is now.. or at least make quests for romanceable companions (you don't get all of them as your first companion) in the future.


As for the romanceable companions.. I would love to see in the future them to call you "love", "husband/wife" etc. and act like you were married couple and not just forgot it like it never happened. It would also be nice if your other companions would act and know that you are a couple.. you know just to add more depth to the story :p Better make it well or not to include it at all, IMO.


Sorry for all the typos. I enjoyed few beers and English isn't my mother tongue.

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Solution: create a slightly more expensive Rated "M" edition of the game. For an extra $10-20 you can have Mass Effect/Dragon Age style sex scenes (I'm trying to be half-serious, half-joking so bare with me).


Problems with this idea:

-19+ requirement is easily circumvented by having a parent buy the Rated "M" copy. Plus EB rarely checks age anyway

-Youtube (fraps, Xfire)


I'm sure that BW could go back and record new scenes, but I doubt enough people would buy to make the voice acting worth the cost. Heck, I'd be unwilling to shell out $10 for CGI smut -

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Solution: create a slightly more expensive Rated "M" edition of the game. For an extra $10-20 you can have Mass Effect/Dragon Age style sex scenes (I'm trying to be half-serious, half-joking so bare with me).


Problems with this idea:

-19+ requirement is easily circumvented by having a parent buy the Rated "M" copy. Plus EB rarely checks age anyway

-Youtube (fraps, Xfire)


I'm sure that BW could go back and record new scenes, but I doubt enough people would buy to make the voice acting worth the cost. Heck, I'd be unwilling to shell out $10 for CGI smut -


more games need to do this, imo :3

i'd seriously have baught the CE if it had more of that

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more games need to do this, imo :3

i'd seriously have baught the CE if it had more of that


Yeah, the only thing is as much as I like the idea I can understand why it would be difficult to implement.


A Mature version? Parents buy it.

People post the Mature scenes on Youtube? Fox News runs with "Star Wars: Tramps of the Old Republic - New Video Game Shows Full Digital Nudity and Sex!" (Geez that sounds familiar....).

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Yeah, the only thing is as much as I like the idea I can understand why it would be difficult to implement.


A Mature version? Parents buy it.

People post the Mature scenes on Youtube? Fox News runs with "Star Wars: Tramps of the Old Republic - New Video Game Shows Full Digital Nudity and Sex!" (Geez that sounds familiar....).


rofl yeah


and people wouldnt know it as the regular mmo. theyd know it as the p*rn mmo with a watered down version

and who wants thier kids in the same server as people who play it for the adult scenes



now IMO i dont say it should be X rated.. or even M.... theres plenty they show people doing on prime time tv these days like making out, prolonged embraces, pillow talk afterwards, things leading up to where they both end up in the bed, and the camera pans away, ect. i actually WOULDNT want a fully x rated game..some things are best left to the imagination, and quite frankly i'd probably just laugh at most of the scenes. but as for vector not showing a single inch of skin beneath his neck... that leaves far TOO much to the imagination >.>



oh, and male slavegear. ALL my subscription loyalty if they give me manslave gear.

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Shooting a guy straight in the face in cold blood? Lighting them on fire and letting them burn to death? Kicking them into a pit of toxic waste so that they drown painfully while their skin blisters and breaks? Yeah that's all PG.


Two people who love eachother being naked together with strategically placed camera angles cutting out their "parts"? OMGUH, THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!




Hell, Attack of the Clones showed Anakin and Padmé in bed with sexy topless Hayden Christensen when he had his Vision-dream.

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Shooting a guy straight in the face in cold blood? Lighting them on fire and letting them burn to death? Kicking them into a pit of toxic waste so that they drown painfully while their skin blisters and breaks? Yeah that's all PG.


Two people who love eachother being naked together with strategically placed camera angles cutting out their "parts"? OMGUH, THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!




Hell, Attack of the Clones showed Anakin and Padmé in bed with sexy topless Hayden Christensen when he had his Vision-dream.


Its far worse in this case. This game contains genocide , racism , torture scenes the death of entire worlds through horrible superweapons and mindrape but naked people is offensive. I love these double standards

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Good romance scenes doesn't necessarily need nudity, IMO.. just add emotion and good dialogue and I'd be happy with it. For instance.. Visas Marr romance in KOTOR 2 didn't even have a kiss scene and yet I think it's one the best romances I've seen in any game. That scene had so much emotion that I almost shred a tear there.. Edited by Skorz
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Its far worse in this case. This game contains genocide , racism , torture scenes the death of entire worlds through horrible superweapons and mindrape but naked people is offensive. I love these double standards


I swear America seriously needs to grow up about this stuff, here in the UK you can walk into a local store and buy newspapers with topless women, nevermind sex scenes in a vidya game, if they can pull it off in ME far more than once, why the hell should SWTOR have to conform to that kiddy-friendly US rubbish? in-fact I don't see why they bother trying to conform to it when all the kids will just play the Clone Wars MMO or whatever, like they have the patience to play a game like this in the first place AND don't give me the LucasArts rubbish about no Mature content now we have Star Wars 1313 with an M rating.

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