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The Best things in life you have to wait for

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Many of us waited a long time for SW to hit the shelves, preordered on day 1, got in to early access on day 1, but were not met with the "Best thing in life" when we logged on for the first time. Far from it.


How long is the wait for the "best"?

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I dunno, as much as I feel this is the best mmo to date, Im bummed that I am in the minority. I honestly enjoy everything about this game and would never stop playing it. Only problem is that it seems a lot of people arent enjoying this game anymore, which means less content over time and eventual F2P.


Im trying to accept that the awesome future I envisioned for this game is just not gonna happen.. and Im curious when my gaming tastes went from being the norm to not as apparently I dont have the same tastes as your typical gamer anymore. oh well. :(

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Let the kid enjoy the game dudes, do'nt be cruel. If he likes a half finished game is not his fault, is ours for leavers.


Ey dude great post, you will get all those things you say ....Soon™


Well is not as if they were been developing this game for 6 years or so...

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I enjoy the game as well, quite a bit. I love the stories (Good thing to, I am an altaholic), the lore and all the massive, diverse worlds to discover. It has all the makeups of a really good RPG, but what MAKES SWTOR is the fact that after all that Bioware-style RPG stuff, I can team up with some friends and do some instances and raid, or bash some heads in warzones, putting it into an entirely different perspective. This is the essential Bioware RPG where I can do MMO activities like crafting, high end PvE and PvP and socialize, all in that cutscene driven, voice acted Bioware style. It is sadly also the game's downfall, for some. Some wanted only that Bioware RPG, KotOR 3, which they did. But they had to pay monthly, and for those who wanted a great MMO with every MMO element imaginable and everything polished, it suffers in development because catering must be made to SP-RPG players. One side dominates, the other suffers. While I personally enjoy this hybrid in which I live out my own fantasy then play some MMO endgame (infused with that Bioware touch, I iterate) I know if the SP-RPG did not have the MMO, or vice versa, it would be a lackluster game. That is why the game is hated.
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Quite the Contrary, im Not bashing the people who leave, its fine, because you WILL be back, Most of you anyway, The things bioware are adding are very exciting and once they hit the servers, well lemme just say that the only thing left to say is enjoy:d_wink:


Most people that leave MMORPGs don't come back. :(

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Most people that leave MMORPGs don't come back. :(


IMO, it depends on why they leave. If it's to try new content, they usually do come back to their "home" game (or at least I do). But if they felt disappointed, then probably not.


I wonder if this game falls into the "home" game for a lot of people, or is it just the new kid on the block that people tried and decided they didn't like.

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im Astounded by the amount of Positive Threads here, Sure theres this one guy, But really, This Thing is normal in a Rookiee MMORPGS lifetime, Bioware did Surprisingly Well for being the First time they made an mmorpg, And WoW didnt exactly fare any better, 2 years of Server lockouts, Bugs, Whining Players, People bashing on the Game cuz its an EQ clone, its like that all over again, the fact that SWTOR still has over one million subs is surprisingly well, and that was Before they launched in 38 new countries, Keep up with the Good Work Bioware, Dont let these people Discourage you:rak_03: Rock on!

Its the same posters, posting the same excuses for BW, over and over again, multiple times in every thread, you included, I can't even imagine the purpose.

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Its the same posters, posting the same excuses for BW, over and over again, multiple times in every thread, you included, I can't even imagine the purpose.


Just like the same people that bash the game too.

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Well I for one am sick of this game. How dare Bioware release their first MMORPG as anything but perfect. I too shall be leaving based on the assumption that my opinion is the only opinion about how this game should be, and how dare they not be able to fix all mistakes in a much lesser time than what is humanly possible in conjunction with their limited resource and capabilities. For shame BW, for shame.


And how dare Bioware invest so many millions in this game and not have fundamental tools that are basic in today's MMO.


I mean...that is what 'perfect' is right? Having basic tools?


How dare Bioware impliment a patch that rolls my class quests that I already completed back to the beginning of the chain! I mean after all it happens often in MMO's...


Wait...I've never had it happen in any of the several MMO's I played before


How dare Bioware impliment a patch that fixes errors and bugs and then it leads to other customers suddenly getting dc'd left and right and hung on a loading screen...


Wait..that's good customer service isn't it? I mean especially when you turn around and act like it's on the user's end despite the numerous of individuals suddenly having the same issue at the same time?


In other words your whole post is silly. An argument can be made in the other direction. If people put money, their investment in something then yes, they have a right to feel entitled. They have a right to expect more out of their investment. They have a right to voice their opinion and thoughts. Unless you are going to pay for them sit down and leave them be since they are the only one's I have seen in these forums even bothering giving any suggestions on improving the game. But folks like you and the OP do nothing but try and stroke Bio's ego with nothing substantial to follow it up with. You're doing more harm than the so called 'haters' by not expecting and wanting more of your product and investment.

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We will get alot of these things that i mentioned earlier this year, new Species, More Story, GUILD CAPITAL SHIPS, Guild Emblems, Dual Spec, Supposedly 1.4 is gonna be VERY content heavy like 1.2 was, The Future is bright and im here for the ride:rak_03:


Great. If BW manages to turn things around and improve the game, I'll happily resubscribe. But I'm not going to continue to pay for vague promises of "soon" and poor decision-making. So, while I wait for them to improve the game, they can wait for my money.

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We will get alot of these things that i mentioned earlier this year, new Species, More Story, GUILD CAPITAL SHIPS, Guild Emblems, Dual Spec, Supposedly 1.4 is gonna be VERY content heavy like 1.2 was, The Future is bright and im here for the ride:rak_03:


lol maybe by 2015... when blizzard buys BW

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Great. If BW manages to turn things around and improve the game, I'll happily resubscribe. But I'm not going to continue to pay for vague promises of "soon" and poor decision-making. So, while I wait for them to improve the game, they can wait for my money.


amen brother. vote with your wallet.

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Im Truly sad to hear people leaving the game, But alas i will stay no matter what! Watching this game Grow and experiencing its ups and downs is part of the whole experience, never before have i played such a story focused MMORPG, PVP is what it is, theres certainly room for improvement, but really, some people want to bash on their class rather than themselves, PVE is splendid, however the Raiding Community doesnt have all that much to do, Hardmodes is fun and is a good substitute for Raids if you aint on a healthy Server, Bioware are adding so many great things, More Story, Enhanced Space Combat, Companion Missions where you bring out the entire crew, Minigames such as Pazaak, more events like the Rakghoul Pandemic, Dual Spec, More Playable Species, a Possible new companion called HK-51, new Raids, New Flashpoints, Ranked Warzones, Server transfers and merges, Its all there my friends, its all there for me


I hear you, and i'm with you.


I'll never understand, why so many are screaming, for this games demise. If a game doesn't suit the player, the best thing is to move on, however that would seem to not be the case with SW:TOR.


It's just...it's just sad, that those of us who are actually having a good time, are such a small minority...or so it would seem....

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I hear you, and i'm with you.


I'll never understand, why so many are screaming, for this games demise. If a game doesn't suit the player, the best thing is to move on, however that would seem to not be the case with SW:TOR.


It's just...it's just sad, that those of us who are actually having a good time, are such a small minority...or so it would seem....


I'm not screaming for the game's demise. Far from it. One doesn't have to be either a fanboy or a hater. On the contrary, I enjoyed the game a great deal - and still do, to some extent. However, it has glaring issues that need to be fixed. Until then, I don't see the point to me sticking around and paying them to drag their feet as they toss out vague promises and then underdeliver on content they do release.

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I hear you, and i'm with you.


I'll never understand, why so many are screaming, for this games demise. If a game doesn't suit the player, the best thing is to move on, however that would seem to not be the case with SW:TOR.


It's just...it's just sad, that those of us who are actually having a good time, are such a small minority...or so it would seem....


We're just less vocal. People will post when they have something to complain about, it's the squeaky wheel syndrome. If you're happy with something, most often people don't speak up about it. They'll remain content and quiet because it's not like they need to validate their enjoyment or happiness with something.


I'm enjoying this game still and I was playing it very heavily for about 3months since early access back mid-December, on account of an injury that kept me from working for those 3months. Now that we're almost into June, I'm still enjoying myself, though I'll take forays into other games, like ME3 when it came out and I should probably go put some more time into Diablo 3. Given the variety, it's been fun and its definitely keeping me entertained. which is what for me, a game is supposed to do.


I remember the horror that was the WoW launch, and I seriously picked that game up because everyone else I know was going to, that and I had bought a brand new computer a couple of months prior to that. I'm happy to wait and enjoy what I haven't finished in ToR, namely playing 4 other class stories and hopefully by the time I'm finally done all that and all the bonus series and the like, new content will be out for me to enjoy.

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Im Truly sad to hear people leaving the game, But alas i will stay no matter what! Watching this game Grow and experiencing its ups and downs is part of the whole experience, never before have i played such a story focused MMORPG, PVP is what it is, theres certainly room for improvement, but really, some people want to bash on their class rather than themselves, PVE is splendid, however the Raiding Community doesnt have all that much to do, Hardmodes is fun and is a good substitute for Raids if you aint on a healthy Server, Bioware are adding so many great things, More Story, Enhanced Space Combat, Companion Missions where you bring out the entire crew, Minigames such as Pazaak, more events like the Rakghoul Pandemic, Dual Spec, More Playable Species, a Possible new companion called HK-51, new Raids, New Flashpoints, Ranked Warzones, Server transfers and merges, Its all there my friends, its all there for me


I am with you.


I really enjoy the game, admittedly I am finding it difficult to group as someone who is enjoying several characters and classes depending on what I feel like (I dont even have my main at 50 yet although he is in the 40s).


It has its flaws and I am concerned about a few things, but I am patient and will continue to play regardless because even if I am playing sveeral KOTORS mostly solo at the minute.. I am really enjoying it.. when thinsg moe forward I hope that populations improve and I can do more FPs and Heroics without having to go several levels higher and such.

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The people that ARE enjoying the game arent here, the Forum is a Very small minority of the games community, Most players are, well, Playing the game, Enjoying themselves, i admit my server aint all just Butterflies and sunshine( Darth Malak East Coast PVP) but its still an enjoyable place, well Reppie side aint that populated off peak hours, but there have been more and more Republic Groups in Warzones lately, The More the merrier, i even arranged a Agreement with another guild to face ours on Ilum( used my Republic alts to speak with them, and then arrange it through my imperial ones) It was a ton of fun gunniong people down with the turrets at our base:mon_trap::wea_09:
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