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Will You Trust Bioware Again?


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"Trust"? No...and I never have. I expected Bioware to sell me a Star Wars based MMO, they did. It lacks, it has a crap ton of issues, but it doesn't mean I don't "trust" Bioware - I simply have no faith in them. I trust my kids, I trust friends...Bioware is simply a company selling a game..."Trusting" them to do anything seems silly.


Can they turn the game around? Possibly...hopefully, but I think they need to scrap the entire Austin development team at this point. They represent Bioware about as well as the Occupy protestors represent Americans. They're a disgrace - sloppy and disorganized.

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How is it imaginary? The only difference between a competitive game and IRL sports or other competition is that one is done online...the other is done through some physical medium.


Look at all the real world respect and attention an online company like Facebook is getting IRL.


And what's the point of any other PVP game like CS or SC or COD?


Fun. I know that ship sailed a long time ago for you, but most people play these games for fun. NOT to be some eJock.

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I won't speak for everyone, but most assumed that BW had enough wiggle room to create something great with SWTOR. That may not be true, and we see that now. I honestly think they're not putting enough resources into it. Like some one else mentioned, Rift came out of no where and for the most part, it runs circles around SWTOR in terms of bug fixes, talking to the devs and getting feedback. If Trion can do it, why is BW having such a hard time?


I honestly can't hope to answer that last question, since I'm not in the biz.


The answer is that is the larger the organization the more people there are changing the design, you can guarantee that there are Accountants, marketing, board members, Games designers, etc... who will all insist that the game meets their criteria.


It almost goes without saying that the last people that are talked to are the players, oh the marketing people will have 'focus' groups (Read about SWG's NGE if you want to see how well that works out), chances are they wont include MMO players.


Anyway thats how you create a game like SWTOR.

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I used to be a Bioware fanboy but I remember reading a comment from someone wayback that after BW joined EA they would start sucking. O MY GOD! MAss Effect 3 Ending and Swtor I way to much for.


I have done 2 Flashpoints while leveling and 0 once I reach level 50 and I even had problems finding players for h2 and when I got players for an h4 it was a miracle.


I tried to get and alt to level 50(had several level 20-30ish) but I rather pay 50 euros and enjoy a Single Player because I been paying monthly to play a Single player games with chat in the last since release.

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A lot of us bought this game believing that Bioware would come through with a great game. Plus it was Star Wars. Then we started seeing the warning signs within a few weeks of launch:


-No high-res textures

-Realizing that the Hero engine SUX on MMOs

-Too many servers not enough "concurrent population"

-No World PvP

-Individual instanced planets not conducive to a "grand-scale MMO feel"


Some of the other warning signs came later, and were bearable although irking:


-Taking too long to implement ranked PVP

-Taking too long to implement server transfer

-Taking too long to implement LFG/LFD tool


This is your perspective, from your point of view. Your personal assumptions and desires. I can respect your right to your opinion, but I find your analyses to be silly.


I'm enjoying the game very much. It is new. There are expectations for the future, as there always are in a new MMORPG. However, "big game feel", whatever that is suppose to mean, is not even on my priority list. LOL Hurt feelings or trust, are not even within the realm of consideration. I'm not even sure that someone would come forth with such an odd statement.


For the price of a pizza and a beer (estimated enjoyment time of 1 hours), we have unlimited access to this game. Not sure where such issues as betrayal and damaged feelings would enter into that.....but then again, I see it as a game to be enjoyed for a number of hours per week, not an extension of my life. ;p

Edited by Blackardin
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I'm very skeptical of Bioware at the moment. While they can obviously still put out some very enjoyable content and stories (most of ME3, minus the start and ending, was still pretty good, and the Agent storyline is very well done), there are some people who definitely do not deserve their position (coughcaseyhudsoncoughhelpercough). Edited by LilSaihah
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Hardly. If WoW has proven anything, it's that PvPers are a minority. I know you refuse to believe this (most PvPers do), but "real" PvPers do not play MMOs, they play FPS and RPG games where things are equal. The only people interested in MMO PvP are those looking to exploit gear and class imbalances that are inherent in all MMOs.


Should they add these things you suggest? Sure, it won't hurt anything and would boost subs. Would it bring in 8 million players? No. PvPers are not large enough in numbers (in the MMO genre) to support a game. If they were, the landscape would be covered with successful ones.


While the importance of PvP can be overblown your logic seems a little backwards.


WoW takes the PvP element very seriously, and they happen to be the most successful MMO of all time.


Pvpers won't equal 8 million players, but they represent a large devoted core group of subscribers, and they are important. The average casual player is a fickle beast after all.


The whole reason company's follow WoWd PvP model is because it IS popular and a success.

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Trust a game company? Kind of an odd statement, as all game companies eventually toss out a crap game or two. I personally don't think this game is 'bad'. I enjoyed my first 50 on each side, it is the followup characters that have deminished value in my opinion. And at 50 Ive grown bored and feel no desire to continue on.


A good game, yeah. Worth repeated $15 a month at this point, no. I've only about 20 some days left of posting before my sub is up, but haven't logged in for about 2 weeks now. Then again, after I beat most games I don't play them that much.

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A lot of us bought this game believing that Bioware would come through with a great game. Plus it was Star Wars. Then we started seeing the warning signs within a few weeks of launch:


-No high-res textures

-Realizing that the Hero engine SUX on MMOs

-Too many servers not enough "concurrent population"

-No World PvP

-Individual instanced planets not conducive to a "grand-scale MMO feel"


Some of the other warning signs came later, and were bearable although irking:


-Taking too long to implement ranked PVP

-Taking too long to implement server transfer

-Taking too long to implement LFG/LFD tool


To be fair, a lot of us were patient. "It's only been 1 month" "It's only been 2 months" "It's only been 3 months" and of course, Bioware promised us these things would come.


As someone who read and posted on these forums everyday since launch, I know that the above issues have been the key critical issues that really got people passionate. It's now been 6 months, and NONE of the above have been resolved at all. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH. We kept waiting, and waiting. And NADA. NONE. Did I emphasize that enough? In half a year, NONE of the major issues that people really really cared about, have been resolved.


In an MMO, it's not as simple as, "well at least we got our 6 months of playtime, well worth the money." MMOs don't work like that. We grind and we continually run the same boring content over and over again because of the future promise that we are building something for the long-term. That this will be our character for the next 2-5 years. With the game showing absolutely no progress on the major issues, what is our incentive to continue grinding, if by the time we have all BiS gear and clear all content, the game dies? We grind in the hopes of being best prepared for the next stage of the game, the new content and ranked content.


I am seriously disgusted at Bioware right now. My subscription ends at the end of July (I did the 6 month subscription). Next time Bioware releases a game I think I will wait 3 months after reading all the reviews and forums before investing my time and energy into their product.


Will you do the same?


p.s. The breaking point for me came when I realized that the Hero engine has crippled this game. From what I've read, my OPINION is that there is no way (without a complete overhaul of the game engine) that SWTOR will ever be able to handle the massive levels of world PvP that we were hoping for without a concurrent massive drop in frame-rate/lag spikes. And the "high-rez" textures will never come. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


Nope, I will buy the next game. I like this game unlike yourself. The only game I didn't like was Dragon Age 2, but Bioware seems to agree and are going to fix that in Dragon Age 3.

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I think you completely missed the point. Casual players outnumber hardcore players by a considerable amount, and if they added higher tiered gear/content everytime that the hardcore players ran out of things to accomplish then the casual players would never be able to compete and would dwindle away as would the profits.


I'd like you to prove your statement about who outnumbers who. I'm willing to bet that casuals are not the majority and neither are hardcores.


If your assumption was the case, then there would have never been any growth during WOW classic phase or The Burning Crusade expansion. After removing all raid progression in the WOTLK, that game only saw a steady decline in subs. No they released content when they thought it was done and if they felt the players really shouldnt even be there at this point, they left it overtuned.

Edited by RocNessMonster
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I am seriously disgusted at Bioware right now. My subscription ends at the end of July (I did the 6 month subscription). Next time Bioware releases a game I think I will wait 3 months after reading all the reviews and forums before investing my time and energy into their product.


Will you do the same?......



In answer to the question, no, I feel the same way about Blizzard and now, by exention, do not trust any gaming company.


The entire industry seems based on a product for which there is a great demand and desire. People are manipulated by hype and marketing and then a limited and inferior, almost different than represented, product is delivered and customers are treated with distain and contempt, when not being ignored. It is, to me, like gaming companies have become one of the biggest cons going.


So count me and my family in the crowd that will wait for a few months after launch when any new game comes out and only buy after reading many player (the heck with the professionals) reviews and watching videos of game play.

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A lot of us bought this game believing that Bioware would come through with a great game. Plus it was Star Wars. Then we started seeing the warning signs within a few weeks of launch:


-No high-res textures

-Realizing that the Hero engine SUX on MMOs

-Too many servers not enough "concurrent population"

-No World PvP

-Individual instanced planets not conducive to a "grand-scale MMO feel"


Some of the other warning signs came later, and were bearable although irking:


-Taking too long to implement ranked PVP

-Taking too long to implement server transfer

-Taking too long to implement LFG/LFD tool


To be fair, a lot of us were patient. "It's only been 1 month" "It's only been 2 months" "It's only been 3 months" and of course, Bioware promised us these things would come.


As someone who read and posted on these forums everyday since launch, I know that the above issues have been the key critical issues that really got people passionate. It's now been 6 months, and NONE of the above have been resolved at all. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH. We kept waiting, and waiting. And NADA. NONE. Did I emphasize that enough? In half a year, NONE of the major issues that people really really cared about, have been resolved.


In an MMO, it's not as simple as, "well at least we got our 6 months of playtime, well worth the money." MMOs don't work like that. We grind and we continually run the same boring content over and over again because of the future promise that we are building something for the long-term. That this will be our character for the next 2-5 years. With the game showing absolutely no progress on the major issues, what is our incentive to continue grinding, if by the time we have all BiS gear and clear all content, the game dies? We grind in the hopes of being best prepared for the next stage of the game, the new content and ranked content.


I am seriously disgusted at Bioware right now. My subscription ends at the end of July (I did the 6 month subscription). Next time Bioware releases a game I think I will wait 3 months after reading all the reviews and forums before investing my time and energy into their product.


Will you do the same?


p.s. The breaking point for me came when I realized that the Hero engine has crippled this game. From what I've read, my OPINION is that there is no way (without a complete overhaul of the game engine) that SWTOR will ever be able to handle the massive levels of world PvP that we were hoping for without a concurrent massive drop in frame-rate/lag spikes. And the "high-rez" textures will never come. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.




I will never buy a bioware MMO again. When I first heard they were given the Star Wars label I was very excited, thinking that finally a Blizzard-type company was given a star wars theme MMO. However, Bioware is light years away from Blizzard management and an utter disappointment similiar to the great Sony and SWG failure.

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I think the problem with that statement is that hundred of people 2 months ago said that, and they continue to say that. At what point do people in general feel like their needs are met and turn to what they want to see in the game rather than what they think should be in the game.


Never. There will always be people who's needs are not met but they still sub to the game.


With gamers, that could be everyone. The goal of the company is to satisfy most of the needs while continuing to improve the product.


The truth of the matter is that a subscriber who continues to pay is having their needs met. (I am talking about a subscription when it renews. ...not some 6 month sub where the persons stopped logging on. They were foolish enough to pay for 6 months) They may not want to admit it but then why else would they allow money to be taken from them every month? They may even complain all day on the forums, but they are still paying and they know they will continue to do so.

Edited by Arkerus
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this will probly be my last MMO im still around i log in once in a while and do a few quests on an alt or talk to the guild, the guild i just joined also cleared Denova HM last week, im being rotated in this week :)


but i got sick of 1 player games long ago and games like Call of Dookie are a load of BS that come out with a new one every year or so and you just start all over again from the ground up. so i guess if this game dies not sure what im gonna play if anything. dont really trust any game devs anymore.

Edited by GooseGrims
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I never really liked them. KotOR had an OK story but the gameplay and level design was awful. Mass Effect was great but again, it was really lacking in the gameplay department and was far away from the great TPS. Dragon Age had a very boring MMO-style combat and I couldn't play longer than an hour. Now we get this SWTOR, which can't even beat the previous MMO in many aspects and actually regresses in most of them. Nope, BioWare never impressed me and I don't think it will. I'm grateful they invited me to visit their Austin studios for 4 days but it didn't make me respect them more. Edited by Dreossk
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I never really liked them. KotOR had an OK story but the gameplay and level design was awful. Mass Effect was great but again, it was really lacking in the gameplay department and was far away from the great TPS. Dragon Age had a very boring MMO-style combat and I couldn't play longer than an hour. Now we get this SWTOR, which can't even beat the previous MMO in many aspects and actually regresses in most of them. Nope, BioWare never impressed me and I don't think it will.


And you bought the game and resubbed anyways... You should have very little to complain about.

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Never. There will always be people who's needs are not met but they still sub to the game.


With gamers, that could be everyone. The goal of the company is to satisfy most of the needs while continuing to improve the product.


The truth of the matter is that a subscriber who continues to pay is having their needs met. (I am talking about a subscription when it renews. ...not some 6 month sub where the persons stopped logging on. They were foolish enough to pay for 6 months) They may not want to admit it but then why else would they allow money to be taken from them every month? They may even complain all day on the forums, but they are still paying and they know they will continue to do so.


Actually no, no, and no.


If I order steak from the menu and get a cold hamburger patty with wilted lettuce, I may eat it anyway if I am hungry enough. My need for food will be met but certainly not my expectaions. If I am still hungry after the hamburger would I order something else from the menu and keep paying for a while, probably so because my need - hunger - would be met although the quality of the fare would be low.


Would I go back to the establishment when they publicized a new menu and believe that it was as advertised? Probably not, at least until I found out what others who had been there thought.


The simple truth seems to be that many are not continuing to pay. I don't have any numbers but had come to feel that subs and play time was falling. After the last week or so, I (again with no numbers) feel that the subs and play time are not just falling, they are plummeting like a comet screaming down to earth. I think that there are many people who are not still paying and who are certainly not playing.

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I dont understand what trust has to with it. Its a game people. They did their best to make a game that people like (obviously, if only just to make money) and will do that again with their next game. If you mean trust as in: having faith that the developers are sufficiently skilled to make a fun game....then yes, I do trust BW.


Methinks some people are greatly exaggerating (maybe due to disappointment) how bad this game is. It has so much going for it and it is completely unfair to write this of as a failed or horrible game. Yes I know there are certain things going on that some players have huge objections against but that still does not make this game nearly as bas as some like to describe it. Because if SWTOR was in fact, that bad, then I have no idea why those players were here in the first place.

They came because they bought into the hype and promises of something new and excited and the only new thing they got was voice over quests, that you have to repeat in the same order every time with no alternative leveling zones. Aside from voice over and story (that one is subjective but I did enjoy the story) what exactly did bioware bring to the table?

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They came because they bought into the hype and promises of something new and excited and the only new thing they got was voice over quests, that you have to repeat in the same order every time with no alternative leveling zones. Aside from voice over and story (that one is subjective but I did enjoy the story) what exactly did bioware bring to the table?


Being the best trolls ever.

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A lot of us bought this game believing that Bioware would come through with a great game. Plus it was Star Wars.


Bought the game believing it was going to be a kind of spin-off of KOTOR, wherein I could play cooperatively with my wife.


Besides the occasional bug, so far so good.

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Not after that ranked warzones bs.

Seriously, they hyped it for at least a month, and then 6h before the update, they said "no ranked warzones for you, LOL".

But I have to admit, that was some pro trolling right there.

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A lot of us bought this game believing that Bioware would come through with a great game. Plus it was Star Wars. Then we started seeing the warning signs within a few weeks of launch:


-No high-res textures

-Realizing that the Hero engine SUX on MMOs

-Too many servers not enough "concurrent population"

-No World PvP

-Individual instanced planets not conducive to a "grand-scale MMO feel"


Some of the other warning signs came later, and were bearable although irking:


-Taking too long to implement ranked PVP

-Taking too long to implement server transfer

-Taking too long to implement LFG/LFD tool


To be fair, a lot of us were patient. "It's only been 1 month" "It's only been 2 months" "It's only been 3 months" and of course, Bioware promised us these things would come.


As someone who read and posted on these forums everyday since launch, I know that the above issues have been the key critical issues that really got people passionate. It's now been 6 months, and NONE of the above have been resolved at all. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH. We kept waiting, and waiting. And NADA. NONE. Did I emphasize that enough? In half a year, NONE of the major issues that people really really cared about, have been resolved.


In an MMO, it's not as simple as, "well at least we got our 6 months of playtime, well worth the money." MMOs don't work like that. We grind and we continually run the same boring content over and over again because of the future promise that we are building something for the long-term. That this will be our character for the next 2-5 years. With the game showing absolutely no progress on the major issues, what is our incentive to continue grinding, if by the time we have all BiS gear and clear all content, the game dies? We grind in the hopes of being best prepared for the next stage of the game, the new content and ranked content.


I am seriously disgusted at Bioware right now. My subscription ends at the end of July (I did the 6 month subscription). Next time Bioware releases a game I think I will wait 3 months after reading all the reviews and forums before investing my time and energy into their product.


Will you do the same?


p.s. The breaking point for me came when I realized that the Hero engine has crippled this game. From what I've read, my OPINION is that there is no way (without a complete overhaul of the game engine) that SWTOR will ever be able to handle the massive levels of world PvP that we were hoping for without a concurrent massive drop in frame-rate/lag spikes. And the "high-rez" textures will never come. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


Add Mass effect 3 fiasco with DLC on content already on disc.......



Short NO, I will only purchase their games USED so they don't make any profit off it.

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