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Not enough solo quests


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I thought Bioware stated that if you wanted to play this game as an RPG you could. After lvl 15 all I see is 2 and 4 man heroics. ***??? Sitting there shouting out that you need a tank, healer, dps really isn't how I want to spend my time on this game. It seems that if you're not questing with 3 people at all times you're doing it wrong.


Also, what the heck is with lvl 19 quests going against groups of 4 lvl 23's packed together? This game has some major balance issues. I ran into a lvl 50 imperial agent today and asked him how he got to 50 so quick. He said, (quoted) "Me and 3 of my friends quested together, we didn't skip any content like most people suggest." That blew my mind. You want to bring people from WoW, Rift and Galaxies right? This is not how you do it.


I love this game, it's awesome...except the main part of this game sucks. I'm at a point where I can't do anything, I cannot progress because I'm spending 90% of my time on general chat asking people to group with me...

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Heroics are not required to be done in order to progress your class quest. Heroics are there to enhance your gameplay, give social points for interacting with others and to basically give you dungeons to do along the way to 50. I am sure you have one quest that does not require a heroic to be done in order to move forward, check your log under class quest.
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doing the heroic quests is 100% optional...


Of the hundreds of quests on each planet, may be 10 are heroics. yes people who do the heroics will level faster, but they are willing to put in the time to find a group, so they reap the benefits!


Suggestion: When you land on a planet, ask people in general chat to immediately share all the heroic quests they can with you. that way you can always jump into any heroic group you see forming at any time and get them done.

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I thought Bioware stated that if you wanted to play this game as an RPG you could. After lvl 15 all I see is 2 and 4 man heroics. ***??? Sitting there shouting out that you need a tank, healer, dps really isn't how I want to spend my time on this game. It seems that if you're not questing with 3 people at all times you're doing it wrong.


Also, what the heck is with lvl 19 quests going against groups of 4 lvl 23's packed together? This game has some major balance issues. I ran into a lvl 50 imperial agent today and asked him how he got to 50 so quick. He said, (quoted) "Me and 3 of my friends quested together, we didn't skip any content like most people suggest." That blew my mind. You want to bring people from WoW, Rift and Galaxies right? This is not how you do it.


I love this game, it's awesome...except the main part of this game sucks. I'm at a point where I can't do anything, I cannot progress because I'm spending 90% of my time on general chat asking people to group with me...


If you do only solo quests. No space missions or anything else. You'll be around 1-2 levels under your class quest. It's still doable but a bit more difficult. Try doing some space missions to catch up.

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actauly lvl 33 and just started alderan (that is supposed for lvl 28) I've done heroic quest only on dormud kas and corriban... and I'm a sin so I usually use stealth to skip most of the mob that I don't need to kill for quet/bonus quest... so there is really more than enough solo content for exp... (space mission pay a lot of exp and credit and are solo content too... skipping them is pretty silly)


and those 4 normal mob pull are nothing hard... remeber that u'r always in a group of 2 (u and your companion) that are far stronger than a normal mob... if u really have problem with 4 normal of your same lvl maybe u'r doing something wrong...



PS: note that 4 mob pull in normal area are usually composed by 1 or 2 weak mob that will die with no more than 2 skill

Edited by Idrug
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They should get rid of 4 man heroics. They are the ones killing me really. Finding 4 people at the same point your in devastates me. They should be 2 man only. Either you + companion or you + other player.


You can do 4 mans with 2 people and companions if you know how to do it and take your time. shrug

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Team quests are great... the problem is there's no LFG search tool. That's absolutely necessary to encourage lasting team play in ANY MMO and I can't believe that the game was released without that.


Add in a tool to search for players to team with bioware, ASAP pleeeeeez

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Now isn't the problem for those 4 man quests, if you can't find a group you must be dead. The problem is in 6 months...1 year...2 years...when the population on the 10-40 planets will be much lower.



ok im not that high level yet but so far ive been able to do all 4 man hc quests with just one other person and our companions.


the fact that they are not necessary to progress also allows you to come back later when you do have a mate online or when your high enough to solo them.

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I have never had significant trouble finding people to do heroics, nor did anyone else I came across. That might change once most people are high level. But it won't be an issue for months to come.


Making a title saying there are "not enough solo quests" is not really believable, as there are enough solo quests on Coruscant alone to outlevel another planet, Taris, before you even get there.

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I dont know what you are talking about. I have only done 3 heroic quests,


(2 on Korriban, 1 on Dromund Kaas.)


Other than those 3 I have been able to completely bypass all Heroic quests and even flashpoints, and still lvl at a good pace. I am actually among some of the highest lvls on my server.

Edited by Tildren
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Now isn't the problem for those 4 man quests, if you can't find a group you must be dead. The problem is in 6 months...1 year...2 years...when the population on the 10-40 planets will be much lower.


Believe me, if you are higher level than most, it's not easy to find a group, either. ^^

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If you do only solo quests. No space missions or anything else. You'll be around 1-2 levels under your class quest. It's still doable but a bit more difficult. Try doing some space missions to catch up.


This is far from true. You will be well above your class quest if you do all the solo quests on every planet.

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For Heroics, you really don't need tanks and healers... just players of any kind. Especially at level 15 or whatever when the advanced classes are barely defined by any abilities whatsoever. You just can't suck or do them solo.


I'm actually quite happy that there are so many group objectives early and often. It does in fact encourage you to find and play in a group, which is where you'll have the most fun in an MMO. Kudos to BioWare on this one!


As another poster suggestion, you can play your entire class story solo - just as BioWare intended.

Edited by Lethality
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In beta i solod all heroic quests as vanguard up to level 25 and so far ive done the same during EGA i did them all at the appropriate level, it can be done but its trial and error is all you wont breeze through it without help.


As a side note, no it's not possible to solo them unless you out level them by 5 more levels. Maybe you went back and did it that way.

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There is nothing wrong with having low level group content. In fact, it is very welcome. if you don't want to do them, skip them. There is plenty of solo content inthe game to level on. If you find yourself underleveled, you can do some space combat or PvP to make up the exp. I'm assuming you aren't too interested in the flashpoints either?


Are you doing all the Bonus quests to the ned? I find that those give a tremendous amount of exp. I sometimes find myself wishing that I could skip them, but the completionist in me won't let me.


Its funny how different people can have totally different outlooks in these games. Another thread has people saying they are getting too much exp and outleveling planets before they even get there. And here, the problem is not enough solo content to keep up in level. You just have to find your balance.

Edited by Claymaniac
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I have to say that I think Bioware found the perfect balance between solo and group content. Granted, I'm only level 18 but this is my opinion on what I've encountered thus far. With the staggered pre-order access as well as the way the planets progress quest-wise, coming upon group content and finding people to complete said content feels very organic.


Also, with companions being as effective as I've found them to be so far, you can definitely bend the suggested number of players for group content. I was able to complete the Black Talon flashpoint with only one other person.

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