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What planet would you live on?

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Imagine you were transported to the galaxy of Star Wars. Imagine you had no way back to our world. Somehow you'd been given a knowledge of the tech, politics, engineering, science etc of this new galaxy. What would you do with it, where would you go?


What planet so far presented in SWTOR would you live on?


What would you do there?


Would you side with the Republic, the Empire, or stay out of it?


And no your not force sensitive. :p

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For my prime residence I'd love a penthouse suite in one of the Coruscant high rises :). This works out perfectly because, as a Jedi Consular, I am often summoned for diplomatic negotiations within the Senate Plaza nearby.


For my vacation home, I'd love a tiny little cabin tucked behind the forest/mountains of Tython, near a waterfall. This would allow a perfect spot for meditation. I'd also like to bring Qyzenn Fess with me for protection... he has been a most faithful companion and deserves time to relax in the vacation residence. He can hunt for the scorekeeper among the lush forestry nearby.


P.S., you're all invited to the parties I throw at my Coruscant Penthouse Suite ;)

Edited by Shlamorel
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Alderaan or Coruscant - but before I moved to Alderaan I want a giant can of Raid to take care of those armed cockroaches. (I thought Alderaan was peaceful and had no weapons - apparently except armed cockroaches?!)


I hear there are big discounts for new condos on Bug Town in Balmorra - excellent views of the native wildlife and no chance to avoid constant aggro from digging cockroaches. Excellent deal for the collicoid Sith Inquisitors here.

Edited by jgelling
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Alderaan or Coruscant - but before I moved to Alderaan I want a giant can of Raid to take care of those armed cockroaches. (I thought Alderaan was peaceful and had no weapons - apparently except armed cockroaches?!)


I hear there are big discounts for new condos on Bug Town in Balmorra - excellent views of the native wildlife and no chance to avoid constant aggro from digging cockroaches. Excellent deal for the collicoid Sith Inquisitors here.


Hmm that does sound like a good investment in Balmorra... especially for young heros with more limited funds. :p

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Oooo I'd think I'd buy a nice house on Belsavis.....over looking thousands of acres of prisons....:rolleyes:


In all seriousness though, Tython seems pretty stunning if it were real; if not there, maybe somewhere on Tatooine like Anchorhead. I can't imagine getting too bored with all the sorts that pass through Tatooine and there's no stupid Republic or Empire there. At least Hutts pay for podraces.

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Planet? Who would ever want to be stuck on one of those? I'd live on a space ship.


Though if you were to force me? Thyferra, post-cartel. I figure the jungle terrain would supply plenty of natural beauty to explore, and when I tire of that, I could enjoy the local humans, who hardly wear much in the way of clothes. Also, getting in good with the natives could mean free bacta dips if I ever got sick or injured.


Edit: Bah. TOR only? Fine. Ord Mantell. It looks okay, it isn't filled with pretentious preachy prancers or toxic gasses, and it seems like everyone's weapons are set to stun.

Edited by Rhudian
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Planet? Who would ever want to be stuck on one of those? I'd live on a space ship.


Though if you were to force me? Thyferra, post-cartel. I figure the jungle terrain would supply plenty of natural beauty to explore, and when I tire of that, I could enjoy the local humans, who hardly wear much in the way of clothes. Also, getting in good with the natives could mean free bacta dips if I ever got sick or injured.


Edit: Bah. TOR only? Fine. Ord Mantell. It looks okay, it isn't filled with pretentious preachy prancers or toxic gasses, and it seems like everyone's weapons are set to stun.

Exactly, a space ship seems like the best option to me, since you can't visit any planet you'd like.


But, if I had to choose, I'd like to live in the high-class building of Coruscant or Corellia before it was bombed to the Stone Age.

Edited by Morlaak
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Good to see someone revived this pre-launch topic :)


I'd live on Naboo, aside from the Trade Federation invasion the planet was pretty peaceful, and the beauty of it. Oh and it's pretty much Italy. :cool:

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Hoth because of several reasons.


1. Snow


2. Tauntauns


3. Creating an army of tauntauns, where each member(like the Sand People) have bonds with their tauntaun mounts. They must care for the tauntaun when its still an egg, keeping it warm as possible until it hatches and then caring for it like a regular tauntaun, the rider must also name their own tauntaun. If the egg doesn't hatch, and the baby dies the rider is then sent out into the harsh unforgiving frozen planet to die.


4. Creating a secret base.


Did I mention tauntauns?


When the army is complete, we attack any who invade the planet. Though offering services, to those who come in peace. The clan structure would be as follows.


Tauntaun structure


1. The leader of the clan, would be the only one to ride a Giant Tauntaun.


2. The glacier tauntauns would be below the leader, with the riders acting as tutors.


3. The scaly and climbing tauntauns would be for the regular clansmen.



All tauntauns would also be armored. A successor for when the leader of the clan dies, must tame a giant tauntaun within a standard day.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I'd get a ship and explore, but it's always good to have a place to come back to after adventures.


In Game:

Corellia or Tython


In Movies:

Hoth or Tatooine


In EU:

Corellia, Mon Calamari, or Ryloth.

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To answer all of your questions:


What planet so far presented in SWTOR would you live on?


I think Alderaan or Corellia.

Alderaan: nice landscape and I like the whole feudal system (honor, loyalty, etc.), even if I wouldn't be a noble

Corellia: but on the other hand I like cities. And Corellia isn't one of the "whole planet is a city" and you can see the sky from the ground level sometimes.


But for my university time, I'd probably go to coruscant.


What would you do there?


Different possibilites:


Engineering sounds nice, Starships, hyperdrive, Power plants, energy destribution, weapon construction, maybe even droid engineering. Science would also be an option.


So on Corellia, I'd get a job in one of the big companies. Research and Developement, preferebly. I should earn enough for a family. And I've heard the Green Jedi/Corellian Jedi are allowed to marry, so maybe I could find a female Jedi for that.


On Alderaan I would work for one of the Houses, probably House Organa. Go hiking a lot. Maybe, one day I would be adopted into nobility. (And then be challenged to a duel and die ;) )



An alternative way: Archeology. Travelling through the galaxy to uncover artifacts. Discover the thousands of years of history. That would be soo awesome. More then the engineer, but it would probably remain a dream.


Btw could I become a companion character. I would like to replace Tharan Cedrax. I'm not as arrogant, don't have Holiday and I would believe in the Force.


Would you side with the Republic, the Empire, or stay out of it?


Though I might have good opportunities in the Empire, I don't want to be involved in genocide an oppression. Working for the Imperial Reclamation Service would be fascinating, but some crazy Sith Lord would use my research in ways I don't want it to be used.


No, I'm on the republic side. I would even enlist (as an engineer) during the war to defend freedom and justice.


And no your not force sensitive. :p


All of the above with this in mind. But if I was, I would totally become a Jedi. Light Side idealistic Jedi who tries to redeem Sith and teaches the Nekghouls the ways of the light side. (As Jedi I could be cultural explorer, or archeologist, or historian, or scientist, but on another level.)

And if that means I have to avoid attachments, it's still worth it.

Edited by Maaruin
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I'd get myself a ship, and become a hyperspace route explorer.


Failing that, if I had to select a planet from TOR, either Tython or Voss. Probably Voss.


If I could select any planet from the Star Wars EU, well, honestly, I have no idea, lol. Too many to chose from.

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All my 50 toons lives at Ilum which I think is an beautiful planet together with Hoth. But in real life I would live at Tattooine for sure. I really hate the cold and need to live close to the sun.
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