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BW, THIS is not enough... (an open letter from your unofficial playerbase)


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Overreact much?


A "disaster?" Even without rated warzones, 1.2 added a lot to a game that is still only 6 months out of the gate. The hyperbole in your post is unbelievable. I read all these same posts, about all these same issues, on the SWG forums for years and, just as in this case, they all turned out to be greatly exaggerated.


Every single MMO in the world has these exact kinds of posts you're making on their forums. Every one of them. Every MMO is the worst MMO ever made and is going out of business tomorrow, except for that one over there... but you go the forum of that one over there, and read the same crap.


Get over it. These demands and tantrums and threats and doomsaying threads are childish. Don't like it, don't play it. Bioware will not miss you.





Extremely well said!

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... That being said. THIS is not enough. It is not enough to remove rated WZ's and say NOTHING about them for more than a month ...


M8, have you checked the weekly Q&A, have you checked the Developer Podcast? Nope, you have not. You just QQ about there is no communication with players. Bioware tells players many things that they are doing and that they are going to do in the future... you are just not listening. Just check this video and you will find all the answers you are looking for.



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Ego. Clearly.


I was thinking more likely low self-esteem. OP needs to pretend he has the backing of the entire playerbase in order to feel that his point is valid.



Way to go with the personal attacks there guys...


When I read the OP's post and these responses I wonder who really has personal issues...

Edited by Monave
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We really don't need a brand new thread for this. He could have simply added his opinion to one of the existing threads. I wonder why he did not make use of an existing thread. Perhaps because he wanted a topic platform of speaking for others?


Besides, not everyone agrees that Bioware's level of communication is deserving of such a harsh post by the OP.


Aside from that, sorry but he self confirmed what people were objecting to, so no it is not just semantics in this case.


Probably cause most of those threads are filled with the same kind of trolling and insulting that this one is. "If you don't like it, quit" isn't a valid response for valid concerns. Maybe the OP didn't address things properly, but the people who seem to think that the game has no problems just because THEIR way of playing isn't affected by it are just as irrational as the people claiming the game will be dead in a month.


I want this game to fix its problems because I enjoy playing it. Most of the people complaining are in the same boat, they want BW to succeed, but as someone else stated, a lot of us were used to WoW's level of community interaction and are a little shocked by how inactive developers are on the forums.

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We really don't need a brand new thread for this. He could have simply added his opinion to one of the existing threads. I wonder why he did not make use of an existing thread. Perhaps because he wanted a topic platform of speaking for others?


Aside from that, sorry but he self confirmed what people were objecting to, so no it is not just semantics in this case.


I agree with you for the most part. If however you follow the build up to the thread derail, you can see that almost from the begining the thread was off the rails discussing the form instead of the message. He made a gaff. But, I can understand how frustrated he is. Perhaps he didn't see the other threads. Didn't use search. Or just in frustration vented. We can never know his true motivation. We don't read minds.


The point is that this thread along with ALL the other threads this past week alone on the "lack of communication" by BW in these forums raises an important trend. That is the take away not whether he "speaks for the player base", the "pvp community" etc. Many seem to be ready at the jump to pounce on forum gaffs and emotional posts and not actually READ what is being said. Not everyone is a statesman that can clearly, concisely and calmly speak their minds.

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Also, the longer they delay the transfers the bigger the gear gap is gonna be for both PVE and PVP players that are on underpopulated servers and want to remain in the game and the guys that are on populated/active servers that are still able to continue gearing.



I never thought about this but will be a real problem especially for the raiding crowd.


Coming next in TOR: The Gear Nazis!

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Yeah. He's not representing me very well either.


I call for a vote of No Confidence in he who speaks for us!


I second that motion.


My OWN personal opinion, I was happy with 1.2


Given certain things were not as I expected, such as the legacy system perks. I expected that after getting to a desired legacy level that such perks would be unlocked for me to use. However of course, I have to throw down some creds to fully unlock it. A little disappointing, but need some money sinks in there I guess.

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OP has a valid point.


Post 1.2, communication lines have dried up. As I've stated before, they kinda spun themselves into a bad PR vortex with 1.2, and now BW is "damned if they do, damned if they don't" give time estimates on new features, so they just aren't talking at all.


However, the blowback from simply clamming up during a multi-front crisis is probably worse than divulging a little too much info.


On that note - apparently the silence is being broken with some upcoming blog posts according to Joveth Gonzalez, and Stephen Reid alluded to some 1.3 features on his twitter feed today as well.

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To those of you bashing the OP.


Facts are facts.


Fact is entire servers are dying, not just losing 20%... they are losing 90%, if not more on some servers.


Fact is games are successful based on the satisfaction of the majority of their customers as well as showing profit increases. In this case the majority thinks thus far this game is a failure and are leaving, which ultimately means less income, durr!.


Face is that BW needs to address the serious issues revolving around their player base, not that they are compelled to by any means but sometimes you have to nontraditional actions in order to correct chaotic events.

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The point is that this thread along with ALL the other threads this past week alone on the "lack of communication" by BW in these forums raises an important trend. That is the take away not whether he "speaks for the player base", the "pvp community" etc. Many seem to be ready at the jump to pounce on forum gaffs and emotional posts and not actually READ what is being said. Not everyone is a statesman that can clearly, concisely and calmly speak their minds.


Point taken.


The thing is though that not everyone agrees they are under-communicating. So the premise of the topic is immediately open to debate, and the title was deliberately provocative IMO. People are not just going to roll over and be silent when people like the OP open up such a clearly inflamatory thread on a redundant topic.


Of course everyone would like more communication, but that does not excuse the approach, the tone, or the method used by the OP. Pesonally, I think it was his intention to be provocative. Reasons for his choice cannot be known, but it was pretty clearly provocative.


All that aside, the topic of Bioware communications has been pretty well beaten into the ground for months now. Some people are, and likely always will be, unhappy with their communciations (pretty common in MMO forums really). Others, while they would enjoy more information, are more realistic about it and understand. And of course there is also the issue that quite often people say there is no communications, when in fact there is.

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Oh look! The OP makes a valid point with colorful language, and instead of discussing his points on their merits, the mob decides instead to attack the character of his message.


Par for the course.

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Point taken.


The thing is though that not everyone agrees they are under-communicating. So the premise of the topic is immediately open to debate, and the title was deliberately provocative IMO. People are not just going to roll over and be silent when people like the OP open up such a clearly inflamatory thread on a redundant topic.


Of course everyone would like more communication, but that does not excuse the approach, the tone, or the method used by the OP. Pesonally, I think it was his intention to be provocative. Reasons for his choice cannot be known, but it was pretty clearly provocative.


All that aside, the topic of Bioware communications has been pretty well beaten into the ground for months now. Some people are, and likely always will be, unhappy with their communciations (pretty common in MMO forums really). Others, while they would enjoy more information, are more realistic about it and understand. And of course there is also the issue that quite often people say there is no communications, when in fact there is.


So if his post is "deliberately provocative" and "redundant," why aren't people reporting it and moving on? Why the insistence on making this an argument filled with personal attacks and foaming idiocy?

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Oh look! The OP makes a valid point with colorful language, and instead of discussing his points on their merits, the mob decides instead to attack the character of his message.


Par for the course.


Yeah, because the things he brings up have never been discussed.... :rolleyes:


"I'm a special snowflake! I wants my own thread too!"

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All that aside, the topic of Bioware communications has been pretty well beaten into the ground for months now. Some people are, and likely always will be, unhappy with their communciations (pretty common in MMO forums really). Others, while they would enjoy more information, are more realistic about it and understand. And of course there is also the issue that quite often people say there is no communications, when in fact there is.


Just because a topic is beaten to death doesn't mean it shouldn't be talked about any more if it hasn't been properly addressed.

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OP has a valid point.


Post 1.2, communication lines have dried up.


I recall the same complaint being said after 1.1 released, and people were demanding (under penalty of unsubbing) information about 1.2 NAO. ;)


They will communicate more information when they are ready to do so. This was true during development, it as true after launch, and it will likely be true for the life of the game. Some people will never be happy about it.

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I understand the inclination to avoid the massive amounts of negative feedback you received with 1.2. I understand that you are not inclined to give details in fear of reprising that PR disaster.


That being said. THIS is not enough. It is not enough to remove rated WZ's and say NOTHING about them for more than a month. It is not enough to kill your ONLY world pvp and then just pretend it never existed. Remember when you told us you were "reimagining" Illum? How's that going? It is not enough to tell us "we will tell you something soon". It is not enough to respond to the population issues on 99% of your servers by simply saying "soon".


I am not sure I understand who is the person making these decisions. Things are collapsing, your roll out of 1.2 was a disaster... it is not enough to merely be seen to not be lying to your population by virtue of utter silence.


You need to give your community something. At some point execution becomes more important than adhering to ritual silence in fear of being wrong.


I play on HoG... from what I understand one of your more "populated" pvp servers. At primetime we are lucky to top 30 people on repub fleet. You're game is dying... because THIS is no longer enough.


Do something. Say something other than "soon". It probably won't come fast enough at this point anyway, but at least you will have tried rather than fading away to nothing by virtue of fear induced paralyzing silence.


Patience is all well and good... but you need to deliver SOMETHING. The current state of this game is an insult to those you expect to pay for it. Do something.


1.2 was what made me make a 3 month subscription. I liked it.


I disagree with your assertions.


I find them a tad sensationalist.

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Just because a topic is beaten to death doesn't mean it shouldn't be talked about any more if it hasn't been properly addressed.



It has been addressed. Bioware has stated it is there policy not to openly discuss features that are in the works. They also said that they do not give firm dates for such features because they do not want back lash when they don't make the dead line. Regardless if you like it or now, that is their answer.

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Really?! Who is claiming to speak for others? Surely it can't be the OP, because he is clearly an actual member of the playerbase, just as I am, just as you presumably are. Being a member of the "playerbase" would allow him to post that he is actually a member of the "playerbase"...don't you agree?!


Oh, please! He posted the "open letter" as "from your unofficial playerbase." In doing so, he is strongly suggesting he is speaking for all of us, not just that he is one person stating an opinion that others may agree with. So, no, I don't agree, and, no, I don't appreciate him trying to give his opinion the weight of the entire community.

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Hi folks,


One of our community managers, Joveth Gonzalez, has posted this response to a similar question in another thread:


Hey folks,


I just wanted to clear up some things and let you know that we are listening and that more information regarding Game Update 1.3 will be coming soon. We’re in internal testing on the major features right now, and we’re getting closer every day to deploying Game Update 1.3 to the Public Test Server – but we can’t guarantee there won’t still be hurdles. We’re also working on several new developer blogs about Game Update 1.3 that we know you want to hear more about (including one about character transfer details). We know that you’re looking for specific details, but we want to avoid releasing any information that is incomplete. Rest assured that we are absolutely listening and are working to bring you the information you want.


We appreciate your discussions here on the forums and we’ll try our best to step in wherever we can (and we’re always here reading, gathering your concerns, and passing them on internally), but there will be times when we really can’t say anything. As a result, you’re going to be hearing a lot of “soon” and “we’re working on it” because that’s as specific as we can get right now. When we can get more specific, we will. If we’re quiet, it doesn’t mean we’re not listening and it certainly doesn’t mean we’re not working to bring you more information – our goal is to always bring you accurate information as soon as we can.


Thanks for your patience as our developers continue to work diligently on maintaining the quality of Game Update 1.3 and releasing it to you soon.


Because there is a similar discussion going on in another thread, we are going to close this one and ask you to post your thoughts in the thread linked below:


Hello Anyone Home Hellooooo *Knocks on BioWares Door*



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