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BW, THIS is not enough... (an open letter from your unofficial playerbase)


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Seriously guy. Is this your first mmo?


Even if it were, what would it matter?


The current state of PvP is atrocious! An update on their plans is NEEDED for the PvP community. Hope does amazing things for attitudes!

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He represents a small portion of the playerbase.


He doesn't represent me.


Did he say he did? No. He said "letter from your playerbase", of which he is a member. He didn't say "I represent the ENTIRE playerbase". You don't need to agree with his opinion or thoughts...kinda cool huh?!


And how do you know it's small?! Assume much?

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Those who speak with the voices of others are usually called 'possessed'. So do we have to call in a exorcist?

Many of us have issues with this game. Some, because certain features are not included in the game and will not be included in the foreseeable future. There is little helping those players. They can get over it an quit until some date in the future when their expectations may be met.

Others have issues with bugs and the overall performance of the game. Well, as far as I can tell this is a legitimate complaint. I guess BW know only too well how Ilum fizzled and ranked WZs didn't work out. Once again, open PvP as planned with Ilum will not be back within the next patches. Ranked WZs will be within a matter of weeks. If you are here for Ilum-style PvP then SWTOR will not deliver soon. You can leave or get along without it. As for ranked WZs: BW stated repeatedly and with great clarity that this feature is very high on their priority list and will hit the PTS within a matter of days. Raging and whining threads will NOT speed up the process. If you honestly feel that BW have strained you patience for too long then quit......or get over it.

Very much the same applies to server transfers. Even though 'early summer' is (deliberately) vague it gives us a window of implementation of at worst five to six weeks. Once again it is up to each and every player to decide if this is too long a wait. Unsubscribe and come back later....or get over it.

So although a temper tantrum and raging flame in the forum might be a great way to vent personal frustration it is next to pointless in regards to fixing the issue you complain about and it is very annoying to those forum users who'd like to use the forum as a legitimate source of information for a game they like. To be fair another "I like the game as it is and everything is just fine"-thread to balance the hate/love-ledger is equally pointless.

So tune down the treble a notch or two, take a chill pill, walk the dog or f.....ind a duck and come back with some constructive criticism and we just might end up in a fruitful discussion and actual conversation.

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Those who speak with the voices of others are usually called 'possessed'. So do we have to call in a exorcist?


Really?! Who is claiming to speak for others? Surely it can't be the OP, because he is clearly an actual member of the playerbase, just as I am, just as you presumably are. Being a member of the "playerbase" would allow him to post that he is actually a member of the "playerbase"...don't you agree?!

Edited by TUXs
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I'm not sure why, but I am very bothered by you claiming this to be the opinion of the entire player base, and by extension, myself. I'm all for having a complaint, but don't present your opinion as the opinion of those around simply because you really agree with your opinion.


Now that I've gotten that out of the way, 1.2 was not a disaster. It was a large content patch, and that's bound to come with bugs. Yes, I am also upset about the lack of Ranked PvP, but frankly, with everything else that came from that patch, is it really the end of the world if one thing is postponed? As far as I'm concerned, the only big mistake they made was the number of servers they built, and that only came about because half the forums were ablaze every day during beta because people were soooo afraid of queues and over crowding.


It's been five months, pretend you're patient.

Edited by deneric
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Did he say he did? No. He said "letter from your playerbase", of which he is a member. He didn't say "I represent the ENTIRE playerbase". You don't need to agree with his opinion or thoughts...


Did he say, "from a member of your playerbase"? No, he said "your playerbase", which translates as "the group" or "the whole" or "the entirety"... or if you're one of the doom-sayers, it translates as "crickets whistling". In either case, his wording implies he DOES think he represents everyone's, or at least the vast majority's, opinions.

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Did he say, "from a member of your playerbase"? No, he said "your playerbase", which translates as "the group" or "the whole" or "the entirety"... or if you're one of the doom-sayers, it translates as "crickets whistling". In either case, his wording implies he DOES think he represents everyone's, or at least the vast majority's, opinions.


I disagree. You're reading it how you want so you can claim to be all offended. I read it as his opinion, and one I happen to share.

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I'm not sure why, but I am very bothered by you claiming this to be the opinion of the entire player base, and by extension, myself.

He didn't make that claim. I'm very bothered you made that assumption. :cool:

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All of the apologists getting up in arms about whether I represent them or not is, frankly, hilarious. I even put the word "unofficial" in there to make it clear that I was not claiming to be ALL of the playerbase. That being said.... I am *of* the playerbase and I can virtually guarantee that 95% of the pvpers who have been waiting patiently for a *single* word for 4 months on Illum... or a month and a half on ranked wz's are perfectly fine having me represent them.
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All of the apologists getting up in arms about whether I represent them or not is, frankly, hilarious. I even put the word "unofficial" in there to make it clear that I was not claiming to be ALL of the playerbase. That being said.... I am *of* the playerbase and I can virtually guarantee that 95% of the pvpers who have been waiting patiently for a *single* word for 4 months on Illum... or a month and a half on ranked wz's are perfectly fine having me represent them.


So basically you claim to represent all who share your opinion? :p

This is a classy dodge....but might I inquire why you felt compelled to include your little phrase in parenthesis in the first place if not to add weight to your opinion. Oh right....you just don't like threads with short topics ;)

Edited by ThrillInstructor
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Why do you have to pretend that you represent the "player base"? Why not just state your opinion (preferably in one of the existing threads)? I am sure some agree with you, but you certainly don't represent *my* opinion.



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I am *of* the playerbase and I can virtually guarantee that 95% of the pvpers who have been waiting patiently for a *single* word for 4 months on Illum... or a month and a half on ranked wz's are perfectly fine having me represent them.




Please present the signed petition proving you speak for 95% of PvPers. That would substantiate your "virtual guarantee". Then I will accept that you speak for 95% of PvPers. ;)


Otherwise, it's just your opinion that you speak for 95% of PvPers.

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Yes, you sure hit the nail on the head here! BW is purposely not telling us information that they know would make us happy and continue to sub! They know all the xact answers to the questions we are asking and are giving is vague answers because its fun for them!


Why didnt I think of this??!!?


Ok, but no really, maybe if people would just be happy with the fact that they have addressed the problem, said they are working on a fix, and given us a relative time frame to enact the changes, this community would be better.


FFS, either pay your sub, play the game and wait for the changes, or **** because nobody wants all of you whining brats in here clogging up our forums.



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...and I can virtually guarantee that 95% of the pvpers who...


Then you might've had better luck claiming your letter to be from the "unofficial pvp player-base". Saying, "I, the cheesecake, do not want you to eat me" when I'm only one little strawberry slice in a variety-pack isn't likely to make the chocolate or vanilla swirls very happy, especially if they have no problem being eaten. At least if I say, "we the strawberry slices of the cheese-cake...", then I'm likely to get a little more backing to my argument and a little less detrimental counter-complaint within the same tray.


I'm clearly not the only one responding who unhappily interpreted your statement as a sweeping definition of all of us, and whether you find that amusing or not, any dev who looks at this and finds more people disagreeing with you than agreeing is a LOT less likely to take this thread seriously. You know, assuming the topic hadn't already been discussed into the ground.

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Really?! Who is claiming to speak for others? Surely it can't be the OP, because he is clearly an actual member of the playerbase, just as I am, just as you presumably are. Being a member of the "playerbase" would allow him to post that he is actually a member of the "playerbase"...don't you agree?!


Actually.... the OP says he is speaking for others, he even provides a virtual guarantee.


All of the apologists getting up in arms about whether I represent them or not is, frankly, hilarious. I even put the word "unofficial" in there to make it clear that I was not claiming to be ALL of the playerbase. That being said.... I am *of* the playerbase and I can virtually guarantee that 95% of the pvpers who have been waiting patiently for a *single* word for 4 months on Illum... or a month and a half on ranked wz's are perfectly fine having me represent them.
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All of the apologists getting up in arms about whether I represent them or not is, frankly, hilarious. I even put the word "unofficial" in there to make it clear that I was not claiming to be ALL of the playerbase. That being said.... I am *of* the playerbase and I can virtually guarantee that 95% of the pvpers who have been waiting patiently for a *single* word for 4 months on Illum... or a month and a half on ranked wz's are perfectly fine having me represent them.


Yeah, made up numbers and statistics are also quite hilarious. And I must say: I'm impressed, It’s rare to see a player so full of himself. Anyway, next time, for the title, try to use something that sounds like: An open letter from me….You know if you really want to make thing clear.

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Doesn't really matter who he represents , the point is BioWare doesn't have to tell us anything at all really , it's an mmo and mmo's change and evolve overt time. Yes they did take down Ilum as it wasn't working as they wanted and also ranked wz's were on the PTS and were supposed to be in 1.2 , but the system didn't work. They said Ilum would be back and that they would bring ranked wz's in later.


It's funny over the years playing mmo's ive noticed a lot and it seems worse now that I play an mmo on the pc , a lot of people demanding this that and the other from dev's , well isn't it more likely to be fun and a suprise when they do bring back Ilum and ranked wz's. I'm sure they will give some notice , but they don't want to give an exact date because of the ranked wz been taken out of 1.2 so late. They have learnt that the community weren't happy about it not been in , and to be fair a lot of us did gain a free month , so give them chance and have patience padwan.





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I've enjoyed this game thoroughly, but that doesn't mean the OP doesn't have some valid points. PvPers especially are really hurting right now due to how long queues are during non-peak hours, especially on lower pop servers. As it is, I'm pretty much stuck just leveling new characters whenever I hit 50 on one because there's absolutely nothing else for me to do during my ~1.5 hours I get to play each morning. The hope of server merges, or at LEAST cross-server PVP, is the only thing keeping me going right now.


Any word about the state of PvP would go a long way for keeping me playing, but if I can't actively PvP within the next month or so, I may just let my sub expire until they make it happen (let's not hear the "just quit already" replies, BW is keeping me from being able to play the part of the game I enjoy most, I don't think it's asking too much for even the loosest time frame of that happening).

Edited by LeggoMyMuoio
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Hold on People.


The OP clearly made a gaff. Let it go.


Aren't you bickering over semantics?


Why not discuss the message and not the messanger.


The main salient take away from the OP is this:


Lack of communication.


If one is used to the style of communication of say Blizzard's Bashiok, then one may be disappointed with how BW doesn't use the forums more readily as a medium of communication instead of "third party" forms like interviews on game blogs etc.


I for one just wish BW would be more communicative on these forums as Blizzard is on their forums. Directly engage their playerbase more often on these forums and in the threads where questions and concerns arise. Hold discussions and not just, in my opinion, PR spin.

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No game company in the WORLD posts the kinda updates you are demanding from BW.


Standard policy for nearly all games is to not talk about anything until its officially going to be included as part of a patch. The reason for this is simple.


If you promise something, then can't deliver, everyone is MORE upset.


See 1.2 Ranked Warzones as proof. They announced it, then had to cut it, everyone (including yourself), throws a hissy fit. They are trying to avoid that mistake again.


He's really not demanding much, he really just wants the devs to give us some insight into their development plans. A roadmap for 2012/early 2013 would be something that could help. Yes not all the things in their plan might make it in, but give us an idea where this ship is headed, since a lot of us (not a minority anymore) think it's sinking fast.

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Kind of funny the way so many guys are 'in outrage' at the construction of the post but almost none attempting to nay say its content.


The harsh and very sad reality is that unless they actually give a definitive date for at least server transfer and mechanism for it before 20th June they are gonna lose a massive amount of subs from the 6m + 1m free crowd on the semi ghost town servers as these guys are just not going to renew.


Also, the longer they delay the transfers the bigger the gear gap is gonna be for both PVE and PVP players that are on underpopulated servers and want to remain in the game and the guys that are on populated/active servers that are still able to continue gearing.


Please note.. I am stating my own opinion and am not speaking for or on behalf of anyone else but I will happily take all bets from any that think I am wrong.

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The main salient take away from the OP is this:


Lack of communication.


If one is used to the style of communication of say Blizzard's Bashiok, then one may be disappointed with how BW doesn't use the forums more readily as a medium of communication instead of "third party" forms like interviews on game blogs etc.


I for one just wish BW would be more communicative on these forums as Blizzard is on their forums. Directly engage their playerbase more often on these forums and in the threads where questions and concerns arise. Hold discussions and not just, in my opinion, PR spin.


We really don't need a brand new thread for this. He could have simply added his opinion to one of the existing threads. I wonder why he did not make use of an existing thread. Perhaps because he wanted a topic platform of speaking for others?


Besides, not everyone agrees that Bioware's level of communication is deserving of such a harsh post by the OP.


Aside from that, sorry but he self confirmed what people were objecting to, so no it is not just semantics in this case.

Edited by Andryah
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