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Everything posted by Beldrew

  1. Learn to read. When someone says "one of the biggest, if not the biggest" it means... one of the biggest and maybe the biggest. And grats on having 30 awesome people. We had 40 2 days ago. Anecdotal evidence always proves points adequately. But stop and think about what you are saying for a momemnt. The two biggest float around 30. The 2 smallest... around 5. if that puts the average at prime time at around 15 or so... I mean you understand how averages work right? You understand that many servers have less than you? ANyway to continue the math ... thats 225 at PRIMETIME. Are you getting this? My server has 5 people right now on the fleet, or 1/6th the primetime number. Using the same fractions... that would put us around 38 non primtetime. So, you tell me: if fatman is floating 500 at primetime and we are floating 200 which server is going to be completely dead come paid transfers? Which server is going to feel the hit of ANY attrition whatsoever. Is 200 even enough for a running viable pvp server? Its certainly less than HoG used to have in the beginning. Not to mention the slowing down thing is the absolute stupidest concept Ive ever heard. Hey we have transferred the lion share to a big server. Now we are transferring the remaining sad people to a much smaller server. But we are going to do it reaaaaaally slowly. Why? So that they can continue to frustrate their most annoyed customers? So that they can stop transfers to party of five and go back to the fatman making party of five even smaller? So inane. Honestly people it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out how poorly planned out this was. Just remember a month from now how adamant you were that everything was going to be fne.
  2. Bioware you should be embarrassed at how incompetently this was done. You may think that an absolute black hole of communication is in your best interest because then you can never be wrong. I am here to tell you... you are wrong. Still no clue when our server is transferring, but when it does it will be to Prophecy of Five. A server with a fraction of the population of fatman. Lest it be unclear, population size is pretty important to pvp servers. I have cancelled my account. EVERYONE I have spoken to on HoG is doing the same. It is clear that you in no way have our best interests in mind... and moreover are refusing to tell us anything other than "soon". Good luck filling up party of five (by the way, why is it again you are filling up a completely empty server when there are others with higher pop still unmoved?). I ask that question parenthetically because I know you are constitutionally incapable of giving a clear straight answer to any question. And again ... soon... we know what we are doing... trust us... these are not answers. These are evasions. You should refund the entirety of my and everyone's subscription costs that get stuck on party of five, because our toons have become completely useless. This game could have been great with decent planning and an iota of common sense. Bye.
  3. Right 20.30 on repub.... so slightly less than my server, as I said. Agreeing with my premise does not cause magic optimism and we are all fresh out of faith here.
  4. BW really needs a VIce President of common sense. Every decision you make is like this. I get you want to be precise about your measures of how many people go where. But as you funnel everyone to the fatman, your first pvp east destination server, those of us on the likely 2nd destination servers are more and more aware of how we are getting the short shaft. Morale falls... the fatman will be a thriving server and the rest of us will be forced to unsub because the few remaining dregs we get dont bring us nearly to the fatman's pop and people continue to fall away leaving us ... at best... as a half dead 2nd sister. 20 pvp east servers remaining. I am on the 2nd highest pvp east server after fatman and we get 30 people on repub fleet if we are lucky at primetime. Regardless of where the rest of us dregs wind up, if its not the fatman, that puts us, at best, at 3-400 on fleet .... aka what the fatman was PRE-TRANSFERSand a mere fraction of what it will be post transfers. the only way this works for the remainders is if we all wind up on fatman... something that seems pretty unlikely.
  5. You guys really need a VIce President of common sense. Every decision you make is like this. I get you want to be precise about your measures of how many people go where. But as you funnel everyone to the fatman, your first pvp east destination server, those of us on the likely 2nd destination servers are more and more aware of how we are getting the short shaft. Morale falls... the fatman will be a thriving server and the rest of us will be forced to unsub because the few remaining dregs we get dont bring us nearly to the fatman's pop and people continue to fall away leaving us ... at best... as a half dead 2nd sister. 20 pvp east servers remaining. I am on the 2nd highest pvp east server after fatman and we get 20 people on repub fleet if we are lucky. Regardless of where the rest of us dregs wind up, if its not the fatman, that puts us, at best, at 200 on fleet .... aka what the fatman was PRE-TRANSFERS. Think for once.
  6. All of the apologists getting up in arms about whether I represent them or not is, frankly, hilarious. I even put the word "unofficial" in there to make it clear that I was not claiming to be ALL of the playerbase. That being said.... I am *of* the playerbase and I can virtually guarantee that 95% of the pvpers who have been waiting patiently for a *single* word for 4 months on Illum... or a month and a half on ranked wz's are perfectly fine having me represent them.
  7. Nope. Started with NWN back in the day. I've seen successes and failures and played both. Tell me... which do YOU think this is so far?
  8. Not every person making demands of a company they pay is being irrational or doomsaying. It's funny, I remember these exact same responses on the forums for WAR. Head over there and ask how their game is doing. BW will at some point start missing some of the money they are losing. YOU may not think so, but then I am guessing you don't have the foggiest idea how to run a viable enterprise. Sometimes people who play mmo's for a decade or so have a pretty good handle on how the career arcs of these games work. I would say remember this conversation in a few months, but I am guessing, cognitive dissonance being what it is, you will convince yourself you were right regardless.
  9. Why exactly are grammar and spelling capitalized in your sig? That is poor grammar my friend.
  10. I didn't throw a hissy fit. I got it. Wasn't ready, couldn't roll it out. Was handled extremely poorly (you should know better than to wait until the last second if there is even a HINT that a delay is coming). But I was patient. Like I said (several times because I assumed the apologists would need to be bashed over the head with it), at some point it isn't enough to just sit their in silence for fear of being wrong. You need to deliver something. Should they not be embarrassed that something that was so close to being in 1.2 but got pulled is still so far from being ready more than a month later that they are too paralyzed by fear of being wrong to say anything about it? My point isn't that they should have done 1.2 differently. My point is it is no longer enough to just be "working on it". If they expect people to pay for a game that was, for instance, advertised as having an open world pvp planet, at some point after 3 months they need to actually deliver it. If I behaved this way with MY clients they would have fired me long ago.
  11. I understand the inclination to avoid the massive amounts of negative feedback you received with 1.2. I understand that you are not inclined to give details in fear of reprising that PR disaster. That being said. THIS is not enough. It is not enough to remove rated WZ's and say NOTHING about them for more than a month. It is not enough to kill your ONLY world pvp and then just pretend it never existed. Remember when you told us you were "reimagining" Illum? How's that going? It is not enough to tell us "we will tell you something soon". It is not enough to respond to the population issues on 99% of your servers by simply saying "soon". I am not sure I understand who is the person making these decisions. Things are collapsing, your roll out of 1.2 was a disaster... it is not enough to merely be seen to not be lying to your population by virtue of utter silence. You need to give your community something. At some point execution becomes more important than adhering to ritual silence in fear of being wrong. I play on HoG... from what I understand one of your more "populated" pvp servers. At primetime we are lucky to top 30 people on repub fleet. You're game is dying... because THIS is no longer enough. Do something. Say something other than "soon". It probably won't come fast enough at this point anyway, but at least you will have tried rather than fading away to nothing by virtue of fear induced paralyzing silence. Patience is all well and good... but you need to deliver SOMETHING. The current state of this game is an insult to those you expect to pay for it. Do something.
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