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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will Bioware do anything about hacking?


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Disturbance doesn't have a 1sec cast time its about 1.5sec, even with 10% alacirty it'll drop to around 1.34ish.


Though Tele specs get a 30% chance that it will hit again for less dmg on the second, if that's the case you should see that occuring ie full hit with a followup smaller disturbance hit.


Now there was a funky bug with Disturbance and some other skills that had a wind up, in that if you spammed fire and it hit just as the skill was at the end of its wind up the next one would spool up much quicker, it still happens to some degree and is noticable especially if you change targets.


But you won't or shouldn't be seeing mass disturbances being thrown at you under around 1.2 secs, I sincerly doubt anyone can actually get their alacrity up that high to be able to do so.

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There is an exploit of the IA/Smuggler cover mechanic that has this effect. If you learn to time the cover button just at the right time as you're getting knocked back you'll leap into cover instead of getting knocked back . I've seen you tube videos of this being done. It's pretty stupid.


here is a link to a video:

queue up to the 35 second mark to see the specific exploit I'm talking about.


Has nothing to do with an exploit or the knockback. It's the cover system being unpredictable and stupid. I've done something similar, one time without meaning to and been unable to do it again, on Civil War near the middle node. Those walls that are to your right when you drop out of spawn that you can climb up to from the exterior sloped wall? I rolled through the air into cover on top of the corner of it starting from just below the curved platform of the middle node.


Kind of a bad explanation, but you know what I'm talking about if you just leave spawn, walk to where the ground becomes metal and look right. I rolled up to the part of the wall you can easily access by climbing the outer sloped wall. Same exact thing as that video

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I'm not sure what you're really saying.


Disturbance is 1 second cast time base.


your GCD in this game is based off your cast time, If he has any sort of alacrity at all, It's going to lower that below 1 second cast time, and he's going to just nuke ya down.


It's not a cheat, Its how the game actually works.


No, the GCD is not based off your cast time... Where the hell did you get that idea?

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This thread prompted a bit of curiosity, because I've heard conflicted info compared to what you all think is standard procedure for those caught tampering with memory addresses (speed hacking, being the most common). I've found a number of websites that describe the experiences of those caught tampering with memory addresses via third party tools.


Before I discuss my results, I want you all to re-familiarize yourself with recent SWTOR News Releases regarding players using exploits and cheats:

04.26.2012 Action being taken against exploits and cheats




I can say that it wasn't until 1.24 or 5 what ever the last mini patch was this week that things died down for about 2 days on our server. The only item in the patch note was "improved client stability". For the next 48 hours we were actually able to capture some objectives and score some points in hutt but 2 days later its back to the same 1min 30sec games where its just us being killed out of the spawns. If they were to actually ban the pub team we wouldn't have any pvp on our server since they are the only pubs that que :mad: ... this is the only reason I dont report. Our weeklys take 3 days and we will probably never finish our weeklys but we can kill the only source or comms we have at the moment.

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At this point, it is about damage control. What can Bioware do to help us regain confidence in SWTOR? I have honestly gotten to the point that I have seen so many legitimate hacks, that I am putting more effort into looking for hacks than I am playing objectives. I had a round of hutt-ball and a partial recruit gear'd baby 50 scored 3 goals in the first 2 minutes of the game. He and his 13,500 health just ran right through fire and it didn't phase him. We could attack him, and do damage after he scored, but he sat invisible and his team would get the ball and then throw it to him. He would come out of invis, catch the ball and just run w/ it. Slow's didn't effect him, he used force speed twice in under 30 seconds, and walked at regular speed through fire and his health didn't move. I understand how force-bubble works or how a healer can put back the health that the fire subtracts, but that means that the health bar will be moving. This guy's didn't move at all. He walked in w/ 90% and out with 90%. I have a lvl 50 shadow w/ full war-hero gear, and if I sprint through the fire with full health (19,700), I will be at half or a quarter before I exit the other side.


I called them out in game and another of his teamates replied by saying that they were healing him. Well, that might have held stock if the healer too, wasn't a squishy baby 50 in recruit gear also and couldn't heal anyone faster than we could burst them down, much less the fire pit.


After I called them out, they only scored one more goal, and the whole rest of the game, I didn't see that player go near fire pits. If they were legit and were doing nothing wrong, then why change a proven strategy? Why care if you are reported? I told them that it looked fishy and I would just let bioware investigate and see. If I found a tactic that worked in Huttball and it wasn't illegal or a cheat, I would do it every time.


Bioware needs to do something to prove to us that they can police they're game. I am not getting paid to police they're game. In fact, I am paying them to police they're game and getting nothing for it but anger and frustration. They need to openly admit there is a problem. Fix they problem. Then, prove to us that there are measures in place to prevent the problem from returning to the level it is now.


Keep the suggestions coming.

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First off, some of these things aren't even hacks.




There is simply too much data stored client side. It's not like WoW where the clients get the maps, models, UI, and text but nearly everything else is server side...oh no no no. In SWTOR, there is a grip of data...a whole avalanche...a massive treasure trove of data that is stored client side (on the player's computer). Meaning that this game is ripe for hacking and there is NOTHING NOTHING NADDA, ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH that Bioware can do about it.


Couple that with that there is no way to report hacking (including videos, data, names, places, times, etc.) without BW coming down on the person reporting them with proof...and you end up with a game that is hacked.



Welcome to Half Life. Get used to it. IT WILL NOT CHANGE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.

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First off, some of these things aren't even hacks.




There is simply too much data stored client side. It's not like WoW where the clients get the maps, models, UI, and text but nearly everything else is server side...oh no no no. In SWTOR, there is a grip of data...a whole avalanche...a massive treasure trove of data that is stored client side (on the player's computer). Meaning that this game is ripe for hacking and there is NOTHING NOTHING NADDA, ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH that Bioware can do about it.


Couple that with that there is no way to report hacking (including videos, data, names, places, times, etc.) without BW coming down on the person reporting them with proof...and you end up with a game that is hacked.



Welcome to Half Life. Get used to it. IT WILL NOT CHANGE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.


I wish people who lack technical knowledge would stop pretending to be experts. Every hack can be patched, after the fact. Do you honestly think (even presuming that the source of hacks is clientside data) that bioware is incapable of moving that data to the server instead? Whether or not it decreases game performance or increases server resources or requires significant development that they may not want to expend the cash for is a whole different matter. It's always a game of catchup. But it's absolutely possible.


Second, as usual with hacking, there is a distinct lack of evidence. There is no authority on hacks, there is no compiled list, there is no video evidence. 99% of suspected hacks turn out to be *gasp* users not fully understanding all the game mechanics. And the other 0.9% turn out to be lag or extremely rare bugs. If the hackers were really as blatant as everyone claims, there WOULD BE MORE EVIDENCE.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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I wish people who lack technical knowledge would stop pretending to be experts. Every hack can be patched, after the fact. Do you honestly think (even presuming that the source of hacks is clientside data) that bioware is incapable of moving that data to the server instead? Whether or not it decreases game performance or increases server resources or requires significant development that they may not want to expend the cash for is a whole different matter. It's always a game of catchup. But it's absolutely possible.


Second, as usual with hacking, there is a distinct lack of evidence. There is no authority on hacks, there is no compiled list, there is no video evidence. 99% of suspected hacks turn out to be *gasp* users not fully understanding all the game mechanics. And the other 0.9% turn out to be lag or extremely rare bugs. If the hackers were really as blatant as everyone claims, there WOULD BE MORE EVIDENCE.


Oh I agree. But since they've laid-off a truckload of Devs, and are AS WE SPEAK doing their best to save their game. It's likely that there will be no money set aside for data transfers to the server-side; especially if the net effect is negative game performance. So, for the foreseeable future, hackers will run amok. All packet sniffers are GO!


Now, as for your take on people reporting hacking. I totally agree. Look at the first post on this page. The person is reporting a Sintank as a hacker when it's just the way the class works.


As for reporting hacks...I've posted this to no end. You, as a player, CANNOT post the following without getting a 1-3 day ban, or at least a nasty-gram:


  • Post a video of someone hacking
  • Post a screenshot of someone hacking
  • Post your combat log of you taking damage while someone who is hacking has been beating on you
  • Callout a hacker in a thread by any comination of the following, Name, Server, or Time+location+server
  • Email to Bioware CS a video of someone hacking
  • Email to Bioware CSa screenshot of someone hacking
  • Email to Bioware CS your combat log of you taking damage while someone who is hacking has been beating on you
  • Email to Bioware CS calling out a hacker in a thread by any comination of the following, Name, Server, or Time+location+server


So once again. Bioware will NOT ALLOW you to post proof of hacking on their forums, nor links to that proof. BW will not respond to your direct emails on the subject in a positive manner.


Sorry, but in all cases of actual hacking the "Fraps or it doesn't exist argument" results in nothing but a forum post edited by the forum moderators, and a ban/nasty-gram for the person who posted it.


Had you been paying attention December thru February, you would know this.


So....Packet Sniffers are go!

Edited by Ossos
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99.9% of all "HACKS" in SWTOR are L2P issues.


That said they're are some still out there, I just haven't seen um yet is all.


More lying. We all know better. Thank you. It's not half as rampant in my pvp experiences on Fatman since May or so, but it's there. I don't even know why you feel the need to say this to protect yourself or your hacking friends/guildies. You're not going to get permabanned from the game. The development team encourages hacking. Their behavior and actions toward those doing it indicate this to be so.

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Oh I agree. But since they've laid-off a truckload of Devs, and are AS WE SPEAK doing their best to save their game. It's likely that there will be no money set aside for data transfers to the server-side; especially if the net effect is negative game performance. So, for the foreseeable future, hackers will run amok. All packet sniffers are GO!


Now, as for your take on people reporting hacking. I totally agree. Look at the first post on this page. The person is reporting a Sintank as a hacker when it's just the way the class works.


As for reporting hacks...I've posted this to no end. You, as a player, CANNOT post the following without getting a 1-3 day ban, or at least a nasty-gram:


  • Post a video of someone hacking
  • Post a screenshot of someone hacking
  • Post your combat log of you taking damage while someone who is hacking has been beating on you
  • Callout a hacker in a thread by any comination of the following, Name, Server, or Time+location+server
  • Email to Bioware CS a video of someone hacking
  • Email to Bioware CSa screenshot of someone hacking
  • Email to Bioware CS your combat log of you taking damage while someone who is hacking has been beating on you
  • Email to Bioware CS calling out a hacker in a thread by any comination of the following, Name, Server, or Time+location+server


So once again. Bioware will NOT ALLOW you to post proof of hacking on their forums, nor links to that proof. BW will not respond to your direct emails on the subject in a positive manner.


Sorry, but in all cases of actual hacking the "Fraps or it doesn't exist argument" results in nothing but a forum post edited by the forum moderators, and a ban/nasty-gram for the person who posted it.


Had you been paying attention December thru February, you would know this.


So....Packet Sniffers are go!


What's really funny is I was talking to a gm that asked me if I had a video of a player hacking. At the time I didnt even have a recording program, but then went out and got one. Made a video of a speed hacker, sent to gm, and they sent me a message back saying that they understand how frusterating it can be to watch players constantly hack and exploit the game, and they wanna thank me for my vigilance, but they cant act on behalf of my video, regardless of how blatant or obvious it may be"

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  • 1 month later...
What's really funny is I was talking to a gm that asked me if I had a video of a player hacking. At the time I didnt even have a recording program, but then went out and got one. Made a video of a speed hacker, sent to gm, and they sent me a message back saying that they understand how frusterating it can be to watch players constantly hack and exploit the game, and they wanna thank me for my vigilance, but they cant act on behalf of my video, regardless of how blatant or obvious it may be"


and still people think that bw will indeed do anything about this problem? just with an answer like that from a gm we can see how much they care the game, they are simply giving motive to cheat, not punishing the refractors, just wait until free to play, you will see players in recruit killing full war hero players.

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What's really funny is I was talking to a gm that asked me if I had a video of a player hacking. At the time I didnt even have a recording program, but then went out and got one. Made a video of a speed hacker, sent to gm, and they sent me a message back saying that they understand how frusterating it can be to watch players constantly hack and exploit the game, and they wanna thank me for my vigilance, but they cant act on behalf of my video, regardless of how blatant or obvious it may be"


Since you were so 'on-point' with providing CS with the video, can you post a screenshot of the ticket you filed along with the response? Like any other CS response, the ticket should be sitting in your history and should not pose any problem to post here.


Or maybe you could post the video???


Why bother posting all this nonsense?

Edited by -evx-
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Since you were so 'on-point' with providing CS with the video, can you post a screenshot of the ticket you filed along with the response? Like any other CS response, the ticket should be sitting in your history and should not pose any problem to post here.


Or maybe you could post the video???


Why bother posting all this nonsense?


I believe that there is hack on this game, due i too have seen plenty of them, but as i dont have program to record and to be honest i don't believe on bioware competence to deal with this i agree with wath -evx- said, if you cant post the answer from gm, at least if you have the video then please upload him and share with us so we may see with our eyes what happened and see who is the cheater, and server too.

Nothing more to say except that in this days is need solid prof that a player is realy cheating

Edited by Zez-Kai-Ell
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Out of 200 matches I've scene one hacker. To be honest that's hardly a game breaking ratio.


I'd rather they fix the /stuck bug that causes my character to take 10 Armour damage EVEN WHEN HE'S NOT IN COMBAT. Got stuck in Voidstar last week, I ended up loading into the starting area force field rather than right behind hit. Hit /stuck - bam! Dead with a 4k repair bill. ***?

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Out of 200 matches I've scene one hacker. To be honest that's hardly a game breaking ratio.


I'd rather they fix the /stuck bug that causes my character to take 10 Armour damage EVEN WHEN HE'S NOT IN COMBAT. Got stuck in Voidstar last week, I ended up loading into the starting area force field rather than right behind hit. Hit /stuck - bam! Dead with a 4k repair bill. ***?


bugs like you are chasing the enemy and sudden you simply don't move more? you press key to walk and indeed you can see character moving legs but its like he is being held? and no its not a cc, because i didn't have, none, he simply stop advancing staying rooted on same spot but still have the walking animation working, only with /stuck command i can free my self......

There is so many bugs that i simply lost my count...

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